[Updates] Update Details - February 25, 2021
Black Desert 25 Feb 2021
Greetings Adventurers,
Pearl Abyss is proud to present the latest update details for February 24, 2021 (Wed).
Today’s patch contains 85 updates and is approximately 1.94 GB.
Happy adventuring!
J's Letter
A Letter from J, Black Desert Online's Executive Producer
Dear Adventurers,
This is Jae-Hee Kim, the Executive Producer of Black Desert Online.
Starting today, Black Desert Online is now self-published by Pearl Abyss. It’s been five years since our first adventure took off in North America and Europe on March 3rd, 2016. And it’s a unique feeling, looking back on those five years which bring forth so many memories. Memories of worry, apprehension, and excitement all jumbled together as we prepared for our first service, and even memories of my pounding heartbeat as the anticipation grew for the start of service...
At that time, there were many things that fell short of expectation and many things that were quite troublesome. But thanks to support from our loyal Adventurers, we’ve been able to grow into a stable and sustainable game, giving us the chance to gain a great deal of confidence. Directly servicing Black Desert Online for North America and Europe holds special meaning for us. Because no matter how you look at it, being able to proudly introduce a game developed in Asia—South Korea no less—to North America and Europe is no easy feat.
2016’s first meeting with many Adventurers at Gamescom; 2017’s fun and interesting Adventurer Story Contest; 2018’s Costume Contest (it took a while, but we finally released the Corvicanus outfit. and TwitchCon; 2019’s Korea G-Star Arena Tournament... and of course, even the three years of Mysteries of Summer... It feels like there’s been many big and small, happy memories during those frantic five years.
As an MMORPG, we’ve been selected as the best MMO by various media outlets and maintained growing concurrent player numbers that even surpass our records from the early days of service thanks to the support of our North American and European Adventurers. But above all, I believe that the most valuable achievement has been the amazing amount of love Adventurers have shown us during the past five years. Thank you for believing in us. I’ve always really wanted to say this. And that is we believe there’s only one thing we need to do: repay the trust you’ve given us.
With Pearl Abyss servicing Black Desert worldwide, encompassing South Korea, Japan, Russia, Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau, Turkey & MENA, Thailand, and Southeast Asia, we built up a lot of experience and leveled up our operational know-how. Using this experience, we’ll do our best to continue a better and more enjoyable service. Additionally, I believe the reason why Black Desert Online has enjoyed so much love so far is because we’ve poured our hearts into making and improving this game. Everyone that’s part of the Black Desert Studio, which includes me, promises to always upload this belief.
I look forward to spending the next ten, twenty, and many more years to come alongside our Adventurers in Black Desert Online.
And of course, welcome to your next adventures with Pearl Abyss.
Oh, one last thing. It might not be much, but as a token of our appreciation, we’ll be giving fifty Artisan's Memory to all our Adventurers.
* Redeem this coupon to receive Artisan's Memory x50.
* Coupon Redemption and Web Storage Period: February 25, 2021 (Thu) after maintenance - March 11, 2021 (Thu) 23:59 (UTC)
Added the Black Desert font
● Added the new font 'Strong Sword.'
Produced in collaboration with a Korean font-design company, Strong Sword is a font designed to better express and embody the fast-paced action of Black Desert Online. Come take a look!
DejaVu Sans
Strong Sword
▲ The 'Strong Sword' font was designed using the motif of a powerful sword.
DejaVu Sans
Strong Sword
▲ The font is much easier to read thanks to its sleek design!
- Go to General Settings → Quality of Life, then select the new font 'Strong Sword' to apply it to the game.
- The 'Strong Sword' font will be set as the default for new Adventurers.
Improving Black Desert Online Security – OTP & PC Registration Settings
● Added the OTP and PC Registration service to better protect our Adventurers' information.
OTP stands for 'One Time Password.' You can think of it as a 'password that only gets used once.' It is a randomly generated password that can only be used to login once. OTP is designed to reduce the risk of exposing your account to dangers, especially when you're using the same password across multiple accounts. It may be slightly inconvenient when logging in, but it is a great way to keep your account safe!
* What does PC Registration mean?
PC registration allows you to designate the PCs that can login to your Black Desert Online account. So by registering a PC, you will be able to make your account extra safe!
Up to 5 PCs can be registered, and you can designate and change the registered PCs through the Black Desert launcher.
* For more information about OTP settings, please refer to the [Black Desert Online Security Campaign].
New and Improvements
● Added visual and sound effects to Core skills.- However, you will only be able to see your own Defense Icons in Battle Arena, and opponent's Defense Icons will not appear like before.
● Fixed the issue where the knockback effect from leveling up wasn't applying damage correctly.

● Prime: Bloody Calamity - Fixed the issue where the skill's last hit wouldn't apply the Down Attack effect.

● Flow: Magical Evasion - Fixed the issue where the skill's sound effects weren't playing correctly when used while the skill was on cooldown.

● Asura - Fixed the skill's description to better reflect its actual effects.

● Twisted Collision - Fixed the issue where the skill wouldn't combo quickly immediately after Prime: Hidden Claw if it was on cooldown.

● Meteor Dive - Fixed the issue where the skill's sound effects would sometimes not play correctly.
● Fixed the issue where the 'Rage Absorption' buff effect wasn't being applied correctly when used during certain skills.

● Prime: Bitter Reign - Increased the HP Recovery per hit of the skill as follows:
Prime: Bitter Reign | Before | After |
Prime: Bitter Reign III | 20 | 25 |
Prime: Bitter Reign IV | 25 | 30 |
Prime: Icy Thorns | Before | After |
Prime: Icy Thorns III | 20 | 25 |
Prime: Icy Thorns IV | 25 | 30 |
● Prime: Vengeful Star - Changed the skill's PvE damage amount as follows:
Prime: Vengeful Star | Before | After |
Prime: Vengeful Star | 1230% x 4 1230% x 4 1230% x 5 |
1353% x 4 1353% x 4 1353% x 5 |
● Prime: Bitter Reign - Fixed the skill description to display the skill's correct commands.
● Royal Fencing: Fleche I~III - Fixed the issue where holding down the skill's commands while on cooldown would cause the skill to repeat its 1st hit motion.
● Break Orbit - Fixed the issue where using the skill after switching to main weapon stance from Accel state would activate the non-Accel version of the skill.
● Fixed the issue where Sting's scythe form would sometimes be displayed in the dye window.
● Break Orbit - Fixed the issue where Thornwood Guards would remain even after switching from main weapon to awakening stance after using the skill.
● Frozen Ring I~IV - Fixed the issue where comboing into Break Orbit after using the skill would still pull in targets.
● Fixed the issue where certain Accel skills could still be activated even after being locked.
● Added Critical Hit Damage +2% to the item descriptions for Blackstar main weapons.
● Added Critical Hit Damage +2% effect and the description to the following main weapons for all classes:
- Kzarka Main Weapons
- Offin Tett's Radiant Main Weapons
- Suppressed Kzarka Main Weapons
- Arsha's Main Weapons
● Fixed the issue where only the highest tier of effects was being applied for the Blackstar defense gear set effects.
● Fixed the issue where the Rocaba 2 part set effect and the 4 part set effect were not applying the effects written in the item description. Before: 2 part set effect said All Evasion +5 but applied All Evasion +20, 4 part set effect said All Evasion +2 but applied All Evasion +8.
● Fixed the issue where the Akum defense gear 2 part effect was not applying the effect written in the item description. Before: 2 part set effect said All Evasion +5 but applied All Evasion +20.
● Added the missing item description of Max MP/WP/SP +15 for Chimera's Pupil Gem.
● Fixed the issue where the items Devourer Helmet, Cliff's Shoes, Topaz Earrings of Regeneration, and Manos Topaz Earring were being applied as Pearl outfit set parts.
● Fixed the issue where the special effects for the following items were not being applied.
- Elsh Florang
- Azwell Florang
- Kalis Florang
- Ultimate Elsh Florang
- Ultimate Elsh Battle Axe
- All Ultimate Azwell Main Weapons
- All Ultimate Kalis Main Weapons
* Bartali's Adventure Log
- Volume 8 Chapter 5: Added details important for completing the chapter to the text.
- Volume 10 Chapter 5: Changed 'Show TRI: Asula's Crimson Eye Necklace to Ekta' to 'Equip a TRI (III) or higher Asula's Accessory'.
* Dorin Morgrim's Secret Journal
- Volume 1 Chapter 2: Added the condition to complete the chapter's objective 'Hand over Ultimate Weapon or Armor Reform Stone x1.
* Book of Margahan
- Volume 2: Changed the number of monsters required to be killed below. Also changed the volume to keep track of monsters killed regardless of having completed a previous chapter or not.
Before | After |
Defeat 2,500 monsters at Sausan Garrison | Defeat 1.000 monsters at Sausan Garrison |
Defeat 2,500 monsters at Crescent Shrine | Defeat 1,500 monsters at Crescent Shrine |
Defeat 3,000 monsters at Sherekhan Necropolis | Defeat 2,000 monsters at Sherekhan Necropolis |
Defeat 3,000 monsters at Manshaum Forest | Defeat 2,000 monsters at Manshaum Forest |
Defeat 3,000 monsters at Star's End | Defeat 1,500 monsters at Star's End |
- Volume 2 Chapter 1: Changed the condition to complete the chapter's objective from 'Catch 3 Sea Eels within the time frame' to 'Catch 2 Sea Eels within the time frame
* Caphras' Memory
Prime: Icy Thorns | Before | After |
Caphras' Memory Volume 2 Chapter 5 | Defeat 3,000 monsters | Defeat 1,000 monsters |
Caphras' Memory Volume 4 Chapter 4 | Defeat 3,000 monsters | Defeat 1,500 monsters |
Caphras' Memory Volume 4 Chapter 6 | Complete '[Altar of Blood The 3rd Illusion' | Complete the [Altar of Blood prerequisite quests |
- Added conditions to complete Deve's Encyclopedia Volume 1 Chapters 1~4, Volume 2 Chapter 4, Volume 3 Chapter 4.
- During the event period, you can get increased rewards for defeating the bosses of each stage.
Altar of Blood Stage | Original Rewards | Rewards During Event Period |
Defeat Stage 2 Boss | Caphras Stone x1 | Caphras Stone x1-2 |
Defeat Stage 3 Boss | Caphras Stone x1 | Caphras Stone x1-2 |
Defeat Stage 4 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-2 | Caphras Stone x2-3 |
Defeat Stage 5 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-2 | Caphras Stone x2 |
Defeat Stage 6 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-2 | Caphras Stone x2-3 |
Defeat Stage 7 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-2 | Caphras Stone x2-3 |
Defeat Stage 8 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-2 | Caphras Stone x2-3 |
Defeat Stage 9 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-2 | Caphras Stone x2-3 |
Defeat Stage 10 Boss | Caphras Stone x1-3 | Caphras Stone x3 |
Altar of Blood Stage | Obtainable Items |
Defeat the Stage 1 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Savage |
Defeat the Stage 2 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Detest |
Defeat the Stage 3 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Elusion |
Defeat the Stage 4 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Desire |
Defeat the Stage 5 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Distrust |
Defeat the Stage 6 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Despair |
Defeat the Stage 7 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Oblivion |
Defeat the Stage 8 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Betrayal |
Defeat the Stage 9 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Fear |
Defeat the Stage 10 Boss | [Event] Shard of Illusion - Regret |
* You will be able to accept this quest through the Black Spirit (/) - Quest - Event Quest.
Quest NPC | Quest Name | Quest Objective(s) | Quest Reward(s) |
Black Spirit (,) |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Savage |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Savage |
[Event] High-Quality Draught Box x3 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Detest |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Detest |
Advice of Valks (+30) x1 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Elusion |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Elusion |
Caphras Stone x10 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Desire |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Desire |
[Event] Illusion Fragment of the Altar - Covet x1 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Distrust |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Distrust |
Premium Elixir Box x5 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Despair |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Despair |
Caphras Stone x30 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Oblivion |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Oblivion |
Advice of Valks (+50) x1 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Betrayal |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Betrayal |
Caphras Stone x50 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Fear |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Fear |
Caphras Stone x60 |
[Event] Black Spirit's Illusion - Regret |
Show the Black Spirit [Event] Shard of Illusion - Regret |
Gold Bar 1,000G x1
[Event] Magical Elixir x5 |
● The Old Moon Grand Prix is currently preparing a new season.
- This week only the Velia Coastal Cave race track will be available.
- In the new season, a ranking system will be introduced and all other race tracks will be available.
● Changed some of Stormbringer Karanda's skills.
- Reduced her max attack range from 35 meters to 30 meters when she is preparing to take flight
● Fixed the issue where monsters weren't attacking correctly in Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Abyssal Zone).
● Fixed the issue where you could sometimes get stuck to Freshwater Crocodiles at Lake Kaia.
● Fixed the issue where some Cox Pirates would get stuck or bunch up in certain parts of Padix Island.
● Fixed the Kratuga Ancient Ruins' alarm so once a detected adventurer leaves the hunting grounds, the alarm will end after 10 seconds of searching for new adventurers.
● Fixed the issue in the Pit of the Undying so you can now accept the third quest of the series regardless of whether you have defeated Yulho, who had a chance to appear after the second duel quest.
Quest, Knowledge
● Hans of Velia is offering to restore some Naval Fame to Adventurers who bring him some supplies hidden at the Coastal Cave.
- You can recover a set amount of Naval Fame by helping Hans with the quest ‘[Repeat] Hidden Item’.
● Added 3 'Rovinia's Supplies' daily quests to earn additional Sailing EXP.
- You can accept these quests from Rovinia in Velia, from which you can only choose 1 of the 3 quests to complete for the day.
- To accept these quests, you must have completed 'Jarette's Support' from the Suggested (O) – 'Oquilla's Eye' questline.
- These quests require you to deliver the supplies within the time limit.
- Delivering the supplies within the time limit will award you with some Sailing EXP and Crow Coins.
- The amount of Sailing EXP awarded differs based on the quest.
- These quests reset every day at midnight.
● Added extra quests that can occur while sailing.
- Shilly is waiting for emergency supplies to be delivered to Pirate Island.
- Deliver the supplies to the Pirate Island within the time limit and you will be awarded with a large amount of Sailing EXP and Crow Coins.
- Adventurers who accessed the game at least once before the game data transfer maintenance on Feb. 24 will keep their Edited/Saved UI that they previously configured.
- However, Adventurers who installed a new client or changed their PC during this process can use [Download] in the Set → Settings Archive to apply their previously used UI settings. (you may see a message that says “Save Failed” upon your first login. Don’t be alarmed as you can use your Settings Archive to use your original UI settings.

● Changed the Recently Successful Cooking and Recently Successful Alchemy lists, which can be viewed when using the cooking/alchemy tools in your residence, to not show multiples of recipes that use the same materials.
● Improved the UI to display the durability of the tool while cooking/performing alchemy.
● Added the function to designate certain monsters as targets on the minimap.
- you cannot set rare monsters as targets.
- you can use this function through the Knowledge (H) window.
● Changed the Kakao Cash icons to Acoin icons.
● Removed the game data transfer banner from notices.
● Added a new loading screen to celebrate Pearl Abyss's direct service.
● Changed the CI and BI that are displayed when launching the game.
● Changed the NA/EU watermark.
● Expanded the ESC menu shortcuts. You can now register more menu shortcuts to browse through with your left/right buttons or mouse scroll.
- Use the Edit Menu function at the upper left-hand corner of the ESC Menu to register new shortcuts.
● In-game mail with expiration dates will now display the date on the lower portion of the mail separately.
● Improved in-game mail list to display when the mail will expire.
● Fixed the issue where the item icon in the Item Count UI were covering parts of the UI.
● Fixed the issue where the item count for other items or junk loot was displayed incorrectly after the UI displayed a completed Marni's Stone.
● Changed the security program to Easy Anti-Cheat.
● Added Korean and Japanese voice-overs for NPC voices.
- Go to Settings → Language → NPC Voice (Language) to select different languages.
● Fixed the issue where using resurrection/revive skills that change your physical location during Node/Conquest Wars would sometimes make you reconnect to the game.
● Optimized the chat server.
Pearl Shop
● We have good news for adventurers that received pearl shop coupons from the 2021 February Pearl's Blessings. If your coupons expired due to the fact that the Pearl Shop was closed, we will be sending you the same coupons again. For details, please check the upcoming patch notes.
Changes and fixes
● Fixed the graphical issue with the helmet when Lahns would equip the Desert Camouflage outfit.
● Fixed the issue where using the Escape function in the Menu at the entrance of Hystria would sometimes move you inside Hystria.
● Fixed the issue where your character could get stuck in certain parts of the Scarlet Sand Chamber.
● Fixed structures that seemed unnatural at Terrmian Beach.
● Fixed some of the text displayed in the Old Moon Grand Prix.
- Changed [Players who leave during a race or while waiting will not be able to enter the racetrack for 3,600 minutes] to [Players who leave during a race cannot return to the racetrack for 3,600 seconds.]
● Fixed the issue where the Red Battlefield description on rewards listed the incorrect number of Red Seals awarded to the losing team.
We hope you enjoy your time in Black Desert,
thank you.