
Patch Notes - July 21, 2021

Greetings Adventurers,

Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on July 21, 2021 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 110 updates and is approximately 1.12 GB.



Atoraxxion - Vahmalkea

● Atoraxxion - Vahmalkea, the Last Stronghold built to fend off the dark invaders, has been discovered.
- Added the Black Spirit main quest "[5-person Co-op] The Last Stronghold, Atoraxxion" to begin your expedition to Vahmalkea. The requirements for this quest are as follows:
- Lv. 57 or higher
- Completed the questline "Invitation from I"
- Completed either the awakening or succession questline
- You can continue to enter Atoraxxion after obtaining the Knowledge about "Talibre's Tear" and "Talibre's Door" which can be obtained during the Atoraxxion main questline by going to the Ancient Stone Chamber and making more of the item "Talibre's Tear."
- Created a new Knowledge category for Knowledge pertaining to Atoraxxion Vahmalkea.
- The quest "[Atoraxxion] Vaha's Time Capsule," which is the last quest in the main questline "[5-person Co-op] The Last Stronghold, Atoraxxion," can only be completed once per family.
* If you wish to return to the Ancient Stone Chamber while in Atoraxxion, you can go to the first Sol Magia located at the entrance of Vaha's Sky and interact with it by selecting "[Teleport] To the Ancient Stone Chamber."
The Atoraxxion main questline requires five Adventurers to proceed as it is very difficult for a single Adventurer to complete on their own. Additionally, we have added voice-overs to all the major lines for the first time in Black Desert history to help our Adventurers get truly immersed in this content. We wish you good luck on your adventure with the adorable member of the Secret Guards, Yaz!
● Atoraxxion Vahmalkea is mostly made of normal fields. Adventurers will be able to see other Adventurers that are in the same server. However, the final boss "Apex Lucretia" in Vahmalkea is in an instanced area, so Adventurers will have to focus their efforts to defeat it with their party.
- In the normal field of Vahmalkea, you will see elite Ancient Weapons (marked with the star icon on the minimap). They are called: Cetus, Monoceros, Lacerta, Creomar, and Putrakium. Each of them have a particular weakness that will allow you to defeat them quickly. Additionally, the bosses Krahtenn and Ahtenn that appear can be defeated using special tactics.
- The final boss "Apex Lucretia" is extremely powerful. It is crucial that you work together with your party to defeat it. You will not be able resurrect while combat is ongoing. When all party members die, the fight will reset and the party will be able to try again.
- Death penalties are applied when characters die in the normal fields. However, death penalties will not apply to deaths against the final boss "Apex Lucretia."
The ultimate goal in Atoraxxion Vahmalkea is to enter and defeat the final boss. You will need to fight the regular ancient weapons to get items that act as keys to the next area. Progress through each of these areas to eventually reach "Vaha's Cradle" when the final boss awaits our Adventurers. Also, you can log into an Elvia Realm Server to fight against even more difficult ancient weapons and the final boss "Apex Lucretia." Therefore, we recommend getting used to the normal version first before going into the harder Elvia Realm version. P.S. - Here's a small tip for our Adventurers entering Vahmalkea with their party: You can press SHIFT+` to ping a location for your party in Vahmalkea!
● Atoraxxion Vahmalkea is divided into multiple areas by the "Darkened Dawn" (a type of wall) to fend off the dark invaders more effectively.
- Each of these areas are blocked off from each other through an ancient piece of tech called "Sol Magia." To take control of the "Sol Magia," you will need special items that act as keys.
Area Required Keys How to Make
Vaha's Sky - -
Vaha's Storm - -
Vaha's Heart Vaha's Dried Fang Vaha's Cold Thorn x10
[Simple Alchemy]
Vaha's Head Vaha's Burning Fang Vaha's Dried Fang,
Searing Heart Piece
[Combine Items]
Vaha's Garden Vaha's Twisted Fang Vaha's Burning Fang,
Frozen Shell of Reason
[Combine Items]
Vaha's Cradle Lucretia Dagger Vaha's Twisted Fang,
Vaha's Whispering Bell
[Combine Items]
- For the party to challenge the final boss "Apex Lucretia" in "Vaha's Cradle," all the five party members must be in possession of the item "Lucretia Dagger."
* All the loot obtained from Atoraxxion (except the item "Lucretia's Dagger" and the loot dropped by the final boss "Apex Lucretia") will be removed once you leave "Vaha's Paradise," which can be entered after defeating "Apex Lucretia."
- The party leader must have the required key items to take control of the "Sol Magia" (except for the item "Lucretia Dagger").

- The method of obtaining the required materials are as follows:
Area Materials How to Obtain
Vaha's Sky Vaha's Cold Thorn Defeat Ancient Weapons
Vaha's Storm Vaha's Cold Thorn Defeat Ancient Weapons
Vaha's Heart Searing Heart Piece Defeat Krahtenn
Vaha's Head Frozen Shell of Reason Defeat Ahtenn
Vaha's Whispering Bell
* Krahtenn appears at a set chance while Adventurers defeat regular ancient weapons in Vaha's Heart.
* The drop rate for each of the materials required are affected by item drop rate buffs.

● "Vaha's Cold Thorn" is a currency in Atoraxxion Vahmalkea that is obtained from defeating Ancient Weapons. It can be exchanged for various items at the Atoraxxion Exchange. Atoraxxion Exchanges are located in Vaha's Sky and Vaha's Heart.
Required Vaha's Cold Thorn Items Effects
Vaha's Cold Thorn x5 [Party] Vahmalkea: Emerging Star x1 HP Recovery Greatly Increased for 20 sec
Vaha's Cold Thorn x5 [Party] Vahmalkea: Rainbow Bridge x1 Movement Speed +30% for 20 sec
Vaha's Cold Thorn x5 [Party] Vahmalkea: Captured Sunset x1 Monster Status Effects Resistance +100% for 20 sec
Vaha's Cold Thorn x2 Vahmalkea Matchlock x1 Needed to defeat Putorium
* The three types of party elixirs that can be gained in exchange for "Vaha's Cold Thorn x5" can only be used in Vahmalkea. However, they cannot be used in Vaha's Cradle where "Apex Lucretia" is located.

● Vaha's Spear has been activated in Vaha's Sky and Vaha's Query of Atoraxxion Vahmalkea as dark invaders were detected.
Vaha's Spear is a trap device that can be found in the earlier areas of Vahmalkea. Adventurers will need to keep their eyes peeled for these devices while venturing through Atoraxxion Vahmalkea.
● The normal fields in Atoraxxion are different from other monster zones in that you will not get loot from the regular ancient weapons. The only monster that drops loot is the final boss. Additionally, after defeating the final boss "Apex Lucretia," you will be able to obtain "special loot" in Vaha's Paradise twice a week.
- The "special loot" can be obtained by completing the following quests with the "Vaha's Time Capsule" that protects Vaha's Paradise.
Quests Objectives Rewards
[Weekly] Vestige of Immortality Bestowed by Vaha

Hand over
[Elvia] Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 &

Lucretia's Imperfect Ruby x1

Vahmalkea: Desert Chest
[Weekly] Vestige of an Era Bestowed by Vaha

Hand over
[Elvia] Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 &

Lucretia's Chipped Ruby x1

Vahmalkea: Hystriah Chest
[Weekly] Vestige of a Moment Bestowed by Vaha

Hand over
Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 &

Lucretia's Chipped Ruby x1

Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest
- You cannot repeat the quest with a character that has already completed one of the above three quests.
- The item "Key of the Sunless Dawn" required to complete the above quests is obtained from defeating the final boss of Vahmalkea, "Apex Lucretia."
- The items "Lucretia's Imperfect Ruby" and "Lucretia's Chipped Ruby" required to complete the above quests are obtained by completing the quest below.
- You will need 20,000 Agris Fever Points to accept the quest. The 20,000 Agris Fever Points will be consumed immediately when the quest is accepted. You cannot get the points back by forfeiting the quest.
NPC Names Quests Objectives
Vaha's Garden - Sol Magia [Weekly] Lucretia's Ruby Completed immediately upon accepting the quest
- The above quest is a weekly quest that can be accepted again 7 days after it has been completed. You will receive Lucretia's Imperfect Ruby x1 and Lucretia's Chipped Ruby x1 as the quest rewards.
- The above quest is completed through the Sol Magia found in Vaha's Garden (the area before Vaha's Cradle, where the final boss "Lucretia" appears). You will not be able to complete this quest once you enter Vaha's Cradle. If you did not complete this quest before entering, you will need to return to Vaha's Garden again.

● Here is the list of items that can be obtained by opening the Vahmalkea Chests.
Vahmalkea: Desert Chest
Obtaining Basis Items Amount
Definitely Obtained [Elvia] Vaha's Rare Box x1
Maha's Fragment x10
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x30
Yona's Fragment x5-10
Part for Explorer's Compass x1
Scroll Written in Ancient Language x1
Pure Vanadium Crystal x1-2
Pure Titanium Crystal x1-2
Trace of Ascension x5-10
Ancient Spirit Dust x15-20
Obtained at a Set Chance Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Golden Tears of the Desert x1
Black Spirit's Claw Piece x1
Vahmalkea: Hystriah Chest
Obtaining Basis Items Amount
Definitely Obtained Vaha's Rare Box x1
Maha's Fragment x8
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x10
Yona's Fragment x3-8
Part for Explorer's Compass x1
Scroll Written in Ancient Language x1
Pure Vanadium Crystal x1-2
Pure Titanium Crystal x1-2
Trace of Ascension x3-8
Ancient Spirit Dust x10-15
Obtained at a Set Chance Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Golden Tears of the Desert x1
Black Spirit's Claw Piece x1
Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest
Obtaining Basis Items Amount
Definitely Obtained Vaha's Rare Box x1
Maha's Fragment x3
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x5
Yona's Fragment x2-5
Part for Explorer's Compass x1
Scroll Written in Ancient Language x1
Pure Vanadium Crystal x1
Pure Titanium Crystal x1
Trace of Ascension x2-5
Ancient Spirit Dust x5-10
Obtained at a Set Chance Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Golden Tears of the Desert x1
Black Spirit's Claw Piece x1
[Elvia] Vaha's Rare Box
Obtaining Basis Items Enhancement Level
Definitely Obtain 1 from the List Tungrad Necklace Can get up to TRI (III)
Laytenn's Power Stone
Tungrad Earring
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Basilisk's Belt
Vaha's Rare Box
Obtaining Basis Items Enhancement Level
Definitely Obtain 1 from the List Tungrad Necklace Can get up to PRI (I)
Laytenn's Power Stone
Tungrad Earring
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Basilisk's Belt
- The items "Maha's Fragment" and "Dehkima: Token of the Oath" can be exchanged for the following items through the Old Moon Managers in each city and town.
Maha's Fragment Exchange
Maha's Fragment  x1 for Gold Bar 100G x1
Grave Keeper
Amount Exchange List
x1 Memory Fragment x2
x1 Caphras Stone x1
x2 Mass of Pure Magic x1
x2 Enchanted Scroll (+20) x1
x5 Enchanted Scroll (+30) x1
x10 Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Power x1
x10 Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine x1
x10 Black Magic Crystal Box x1
x15 Enchanted Scroll (+40) x1
x100 Crystal of Elkarr x1
x1,000 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons (Once per family)
* The new item "Vaha's Dawn" can be obtained by processing an earring accessory, "Golden Tears of the Desert," and "Melody of the Stars" together. "Melody of the Stars" can be obtained by heating an enhanced blue accessory.
● A Sol Magia with damaged records was discovered in Atoraxxion Vahmalkea - Vaha's Sky. The archaeologist Lafi Bedmountain believes it can be repaired with the Knowledge scattered across Vahmalkea.
- Added The following quests to Atoraxxion Vahmalkea that can be completed once per family.
Quests Starting NPC Requirements Quest Objectives Quest Rewards
[Atoraxxion] Recover the Knowledge of Vahmalkea I Vaha's Sky
Sol Magia
N/A Learn 50 Knowledge related to Vahmalkea

Enchanted Scroll (+70)


Vaha's Dawn x1
Contribution EXP 1,000
Title "Unspeakable Secrets"

[Atoraxxion] Recover the Knowledge of Vahmalkea II Vaha's Sky
Sol Magia
[Atoraxxion] Recover the Knowledge of Vahmalkea I Learn 130 Knowledge related to Vahmalkea

Enchanted Scroll (+130)


Vaha's Dawn x1
Contribution EXP 1,000
Title "Unveiled the Eternal Darkness"

- Vahmalkea Knowledge includes the Knowledge under the following categories:
Knowledge Categories
Character: People of Atoraxxion - Vaha's Records - Childhood
Character: People of Atoraxxion - Vaha's Records - Adolescence
Ecology: Atoraxxion - Vahmalkea
Adventure Journal: Journal of Atoraxxion - Vahmalkea Expedition Journal I
Adventure Journal: Journal of Atoraxxion -Vahmalkea Adventure Log II
Adventure Journal: Vaha's Thread
Academics: Engineering of the Ancients
Academics: Architecture of the Ancients
● Added titles that can be obtained from Atoraxxion Vahmalkea.
- The following titles can be obtained by progressing through Atoraxxion Vahmalkea.
Titles How to Obtain
Chomp! Craft Vaha's Dried Fang
Ow! Craft [Elvia] Vaha's Dried Fang
Groovy For A Ruby Complete the quest [Weekly] Lucretia's Ruby
Dream Inside the Box Open a Vahmalkea: Desert Chest
Ba-dump Open a Vahmalkea: Hystriah Chest
- The following titles can be obtained by defeating Atoraxxion Vahmalkea monsters in normal servers.
Titles How to Obtain
Shun Shine Defeat Cetus 1 time
Hit It! Defeat Monoceros 1 time
Most Followed Defeat Lacerta 1 time
No Mute Button Defeat Putorium 1 time
RIP Defeat Creomar 1 time
The First Queen Defeat Putrakium 1 time
Need to Recharge Defeat Krahtenn 1 time
First-Rate Weapon Designer Defeat Ahtenn 1 time
Restored Vaha's Dawn Defeat Apex Urukios & Apex Lucretia 1 time
The Last One Defeat Apex Urukios & Apex Lucretia 5 times
- The following titles can be obtained by defeating Atoraxxion Vahmalkea monsters in Elvia Realm servers.
Titles How to Obtain
Float Like a Butterfly Defeat Cetus 1 time
Hit It Harder! Defeat Monoceros 1 time
Thrives On Attention Defeat Lacerta 1 time
Devoured the Sky Defeat Putorium 1 time
Br-zzap Defeat Creomar 1 time
Lion of the Sky Defeat Putrakium 1 time
Rage Inducer Defeat Krahtenn 1 time
Grave Keeper Defeat Ahtenn 1 time
Conquered Vaha's Heart Defeat Apex Urukios & Apex Lucretia 1 time
Tyrant of Vahmalkea Defeat Apex Urukios & Apex Lucretia 5 times
● Added a season character exclusive Atoraxxion.
- You will enter the Season Atoraxxion if you enter Atoraxxion while on a Season Server.
- Season Atoraxxion can be attempted by Adventurers with DUO (II) Tuvala gear or higher.
● Added a new weekly Atoraxxion quest for season characters.
Quest Starting NPC Objectives Completion NPC Rewards
[Co-op][Weekly] Vestige of the Rifts Bestowed by Vaha Fughar Conquer Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea
Check Vaha's Time Capsule
Vaha's Time Capsule Vahmalkea: Rift Chest
* The above quest can only be accepted and completed by season characters that are Lv. 57 or higher.
- You can obtain the following items by opening the "Vahmalkea: Rift Chest."
Vahmalkea: Rift Chest
Obtained Basis Items Amount
Definitely Obtained Rift's Echo x1
Time-filled Black Stone x200
 Tuvala Ore x30
Refined Magical Black Stone x30
Advice of Valks (+30) x1
Advice of Valks (+20) x2
[Season] Rift's Thorn x5
Obtained at a set chance PRI - TRI Tuvala Accessory x1
Frozen Tides Black Stone x1
● During the event period (July 21, 2021 (Wed) after maintenance - August 4, 2021 (Wed) before maintenance), accepting the quest "[Weekly] Trace of a Moment Left by Vaha" from the "Vaha's Time Capsule" on a normal server Atoraxxion will consumed 10,000 Agris Fever Points instead of 20,000 points.
● Added three new Challenges that can be completed in Atoraxxion Vahmalkea.
- The rewards for these Challenges can be collected once per family.
- You can collect the Challenge rewards by logging with a character that has the Knowledge that is learned after defeating Apex Urukios in Atoraxxion Vahmalkea.
- The following Challenges can be completed on the season and normal servers:
Challenges Objective Rewards
[Season] On the Lucretia Dagger! Defeat Apex Urukios in Atoraxxion Vahmalkea
to learn the Knowledge "On the Lucretia Dagger"
Vahmalkea: Rift Chest x1
On the Lucretia Dagger! Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest x1
* These Challenges can be completed by defeating Apex Urukios and learning the Knowledge "On the Lucretia Dagger" either on the season server and the normal server.
* The Challenge "[Season] On the Lucretia Dagger!" can only be completed by a season character, therefore, it must be completed within the Season Server duration.
* You can complete both of the Challenges by learning the Knowledge from either the normal or season server.

- The following Challenge can only be completed on the Elvia Realm servers:
Challenge Objective Reward
Infested Urukios! Defeat Apex Urukios in [Elvia] Atoraxxion Vahmalkea to learn the Knowledge "Infested Urukios." Vahmalkea: Desert Chest x1

During last year's Calpheon Ball, we introduced Atoraxxion to our Adventurers for the first time. Now, we have finally brough this update to you! Black Desert provides a variety of party content like Savage Rift, Gyfin Rhasia Temple, Altar of Blood, Olun's Valley, and party monster zones for co-op play. Still, many of our Adventurers wanted more party content that was even more fun. Therefore, we decided last winter to create a brand new co-op dungeon. Something that is quite different from all the other content we have released until now. We have contemplated for a long time on how to bring the awesome fun of Black Desert action to co-op play in a natural manner. We are deeply moved by this momentous occasion, where at the end of our long deliberation, we are now able to present to you the results of our struggle. Thank you, Adventurers, for waiting and trusting us. We simply hope you will enjoy it. We will return with our next biome, this one underwater themed: ""Sycrakea.""


FYI - ""Atoraxxion"" actually means ""Ator's Paradise"" in the ancient language.






New and Improvements


● Fixed the issue where the invincibility status could be maintained in Spectator Mode when entering the mode after using the Lantern items.
● Fixed the issue with certain classes where pressing Tab then Shift while moving forward in combat stance would cause the character to activate a skill instead of using sprint.
- The above issue was resolved for the following classes:
Sorceress, Dark Knight, Striker, Mystic, Lahn, Archer, Shai, Guardian, Hashashin


● Evasive Explosion Shot III, Absolute: Evasive Explosion Shot - Changed the description about defenses to match their actual effects.
Before After
Invincible upon using skill
(Effect nullified during cooldown)
Invincible upon using skill
(Effect nullified during cooldown)
Invincible during second motion after using combo


● Killer Training I-XXI - Changed the numbers for the Melee Evasion Rate effect on the skills to match their actual effect.
- However, the evasion rate is still the same as before.
Before After
Melee Evasion Rate +1% Melee Evasion Rate +0.25%
The "Melee Evasion Rate" effect from the Kunoichi and Ninja's passive skill were confirmed to be showing the wrong numbers. As we know how important these numbers are for classes, we will strive to do our best to prevent other issues like this from occurring in the future by improving our internal work process.


● Changed right-clicking while stopping after sprinting in non-combat stance to switch her to combat stance.
● Rage Absorption, Rage Transfer, Emergency Escape - Fixed the issue where her weapon was in an abnormal location in the demo video.
● Fixed the issue where the effect Evasion Rate reduction on the Talent gear "Sol" was being applied lower than intended.
● Fixed the issue where her underwear appeared abnormal when wearing certain outfits and standing on a slope.
● Fixed the issue where her knees would go through the outfit when there was a knee-bending motion in idle/combat stance.
- The above issue was resolved for the following outfits:
Descendant of Sherekhan Outfit
Florin Herb Gatherer Clothes
Skippity Hoppity
Marine Romance
Da-Dum Da-Dum Diving Suit
Splat Fisher's Clothes
Desert Camouflage
Treant Camouflage
Whimsical Alchemist
Venecil Dress
Pavilla Costume
Curious Gatherer
Twinkle Star
Marigold Sunset
Drieghanese Winter Clothes
Kanna's Naga Disguise
Crayodel Soldier Outfit
New Year Hanbok Outfit
Glorious Shudad
Shudad Black
Kibelius Divinus
Stolen Heartstrings
Jolly Winter Dream
Rosa De Sharon Outfit
Spring Blossom Outfit
Cantabile Outfit
Tantu Outfit
Terrminé Outfit
Heidel Masquerade
Tick-Tock Great Detective
The issue where the Shai's knee would go through her outfits was an unfortunate issue for us. It was an issue that was very difficult to solve structurally. However, we believed this needed to be fixed, so after the Calpheon Ball last year, we kept looking for different solutions. We concluded that it would be much better if we manually went through the motion, frame by frame. And now, we are able to show you the fruit of our labor. We would have liked to resolve this issue sooner, however, this issue required time to solve. We hope this will be a small but meaningful update for our Adventurers that enjoy their Shai. We will get to the regular outfits that are not on this list as soon as we can.


● Fixed the issue where he could activate another attack skill when transitioning into non-combat stance after sprinting.


● Mareca Swing - Changed to add the first hit damage of Splashin' Around to improve the impact of the skill.
● Riding Waves - Changed to activate Wave Breaker by pressing ↑ + LMB while using the skill sideways.
● Riding Waves - Changed to activate Whirling Slash by pressing ↑ + RMB if Storm Surge is not learned or on cooldown while using the skill sideways.
● Wipe Out - Changed to activate Flow: Squall faster by pressing F after using the skill.
● Wipe Out I to Absolute - Changed the attack range of the last hit to be the same as the last hit of Prime: Wipe Out.
● Overflow - Increased the attack range for all levels of the skill.
● Overflow - Changed to not activate by pressing Shift + Q.
- Regardless of what skill was used before, Wipe Out will be activated when the above command is pressed.
● Storming Gale - Changed to not activate by pressing ↑ + F or↓ + F.
- Regardless of what skill was used before, Storming Gale will only be activated when F is pressed alone.
● Sea Prowler - Changed to not activate by pressing↑ + RMB or ↓ + RMB.
- Regardless of what skill was used before, Sea Prowler will only be activated when only RMB is pressed.
● Improved to start sprinting in non-combat stance when Shift + ↑ is pressed while she is putting away her weapons after Tab was pressed.
● Wave Lash - Changed to be able to combo into other skills smoothly after the 2nd hit.



● Increased the drop rate of the item "Dragon Scale Fossil" in the following three monster zones: Tshira Ruins, Blood Wolf Settlement, and Sherekhan Necropolis (Day, Night).
● Changed the appearance rate of Old Drieghanese Crate (in the Drieghan region monster zones: Sherekhan Necropolis, Blood Wolf Settlement, Tshira Ruins) to always appear when Garmoth does her fire attack.
- Additionally, increased the amount of ""Dragon Scale Fossil"" dropped by Old Drieghanese Crate from only [x1] to [x5 - x10.]
 We have adjusted the amount of "Dragon Scale Fossil" dropped in Drieghan. Not only can you get more scales from each of the monster zones, but also from the random event where Garmoth attacks. Additionally, we have been keeping a close watch over each of the servers after we increased the drop rate of Caphras Stones for each of the monster zones. We will continue to keep close watch moving forward. So, there could be changes made to how Caphras Stones are obtained, Gathering, Blackstar defense gear, and the various rewards.



● The priests that cleanse gear of their darkness were dispatched to each of the blacksmiths in their towns and cities. So now, NPCs that deal with gear can cleanse gear.
- The NPCs that have gained this new ability and their towns/cities are as follows:
Regions NPC Names
Velia Tranan Underfoe
Heidel Techthon
Calpheon Grandus
Altinova Mevo Muranan
Valencia Elfa
Grána Dikzipo
Duvencrune Hughol
O'draxxia Limitte
● Added a new Shai outfit that can be crafted in a Lv. 1 Costume Mill.
- [Shai] Descendant of Sherekhan Outfit
- The item "Design: Descendant of Sherekhan Outfit - Shai" is required to craft a "[Shai] Descendant of Sherekhan Outfit."
* The item "Design: Descendant of Sherekhan Outfit - Shai" can be obtained as a reward by completing the following questline from "Tammy" in Duvencrune.
Questline Quests
- The Duvencrune Chief's Smile
- Like Flying Above the Clouds
- Relaxed Body, Relaxed Mind
- Durgeff's Hot Springs Schedule
- When Dawn Sleeps
- Beloved By All
* These quests can be completed once per family. They can be accepted and completed by any class character that is Lv. 40 or higher.
* After completing this questline, you can purchase more of the design from the Amity Shop of "Siemo" in Duvencrune.
* Added the new title "Tammy's Friend" that can be obtained by completing the questline and crafting the outfit.

● Changed the exchange of "Dragon Scale Fossil" for Advice of Valks to be available outside of Calpheon.
- The item "Dragon Scale Fossil" can be exchanged for the following items:
Required Items Exchanged Items
Dragon Scale Fossil x30 Advice of Valks (+20) x1
Dragon Scale Fossil x350 Advice of Valks (+40) x1
- Added this exchange function to the following NPCs:
Regions NPC Names
Velia Tachros
Heidel Cruhorn Wyrmsbane
Altinova Abdul Jaum
Valencia Rabam
Grána Hazel Azealia
Duvencrune Akasak
O'draxxia Samala Elsha
Sand Grain Bazaar Amir
● Reset the number of Total Likes for all Chat Groups.
- Temporary titles (90 Days) have been awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons.
- Temporary titles (90 Days) have also been awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons in any of the 23 Hall of Adventurers Chat Groups.
- All titles awarded for chat group rankings on April 21 (Wed) were deleted during July 21 (Wed) maintenance.
Chat Group Gold Silver Bronze
Lunar Halo Inn Protector of Newbies Luminary of Newbies Herald of Newbies
Dancing Marlin Tavern Oh Captain, My Captain Reliable First Mate Hardworking Steerer
Battle Arena Fist of Legend Born to Fight Backstreet Fighter
Hystria Ruins Relentless Slayer Perceptive Hunter Clever Tracker
Florin Neighborhood Meeting Touch of Midas Crafty Diligent Life Skiller
Garnier Troupe Virtuoso Genius Composer Rhapsodist
Heidel's Street City Celebrity Famed Storyteller Street Herald
Hall of Adventurers Pathfinder Role Model Mentor
We have prepared these special titles to show our appreciation for our Adventurers. Thanks to your efforts, Black Desert feels much more bountiful and cozy. We hope everyone will continue to show their warm-welcoming hearts with caring words, encouragement, and helpful advice.



● Changed the resurrection location when using Escape or Resurrect at the closest Safe Zone near Tyrant's Hill to be closer.
● Improved World Boss fights to keep your contribution to the fight and be able to get your loot if you are attempting to reconnect to the game due to network issues and the like.
- However, if the World Boss dies while you are logged off, you cannot get the loot.
● Added a glittering effect to the body of Afuaru, the graverobber.
 During our rotation in the monster zones, we know the excitement that comes when a random Afuaru appears! So, we gave him a special visual effect to make it easier to spot him. We hope this helps our Adventurers to spot him easier as to not out on his loot!
● Increased the drop rate of Caphras Stones and Ancient Spirit Dust from the golems in Olun's Valley.



● Fixed the issue where big ships were able to move on land.
● Fixed the issue where buffing nearby allies with a horse or donkey equipped with Krogdalo gear caused the allies to stop fishing, processing, annex construction, and other actions.


Quest, Knowledge

● The Slippery Scallywags have finally shown themselves on the deserted island near Oquilla's Eye. They are the new members of the Slippery Scallywags that have been waiting impatiently for the return of the old guard. But this new bunch don't actually know what their Cap'n looks like as they've only got a pawly-drawn drawing of her to go by.
- Added two new quests that can be accepted on this island.
Quests Starting NPC Preview
Pirates Take the Low Road. Queek! Slippery Scallywags Recruit Here I am, without a fish in either paw! Queek!
I wonder if it's too late to try and catch some fish now. Queek!
Remember the Name, Queek! Miruo This is quite the serious pickle, indeed. Queek.
Go and teach them the name of the Slippery Scallywags. Queek!
- The Slippery Scallywags have appeared with the following new Knowledge, Queek!
Category Knowledge Hints
The Great Expedition V Solution to Low Supplies Talk with the scallywag that is being questioned.
Rundown Slippery Scallywag Outpost Talk with the scallywag that is destroying the outpost.
Roasted Starfish Interact with the Roasted Starfish in the Slippery Scallywag den.
Ugly Cap'n Interact with the pawly-drawn portrait in the Slippery Scallywag den.
String Tied with Conches and Clams Talk with the scallywag that is standing in front of the tent.
Empty Fishing Trap Talk with the scallywag that is fishing.
Flag Full of Ambition Talk with the scallywag that is behind the flag.
Warning Conch Shell Talk with the scallywag that is land sick.
Slippery Scallywags Raft Talk with the scallywag that is looking at the raft if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Empty Box of Emergency Rations Talk with the scallywag that is staring at the crate.
Matao's Grunt Talk to the scallywag that is standing on the stairs if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
My Favorite is Seaweed Talk with the scallywag that is rummaging through a net if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Cap'n's Favorite Talk with the scallywag in charge of the recruits if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Plundered Treasure Talk with the scallywag standing in front of a box if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Empty Tent Talk with the scallywag that is standing in front of a tent next to the portrait if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Use for Rafts Talk with the scallywag that is looking at the raft if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
How I Met Me Cap'n Talk with the scallywag that is standing angrily in front of the raft if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Learned How to Fish Talk with the scallywag that is shaking a fishing rod in a secluded place if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Slippery Scallywags Food Supply Talk with the scallywag that is holding a harpoon if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
The Fastest Mermaid Talk with the scallywag that claims that a mermaid is their captain if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
Slippery Scallywags Memories Interact with the portrait if you have a long lost connection with the scallywags.
● Added a new title "Sussin' the Slippery Scallywags" that can be obtained by learning all the Knowledge under the category "The Great Expedition V."

● Herman Feresio of Kalis Parliament is looking for Adventurers that can investigate the Mutant Ogres and Trolls However, he states that this task will only be trusted to Adventurers that are ""skilled"" with alchemy.
- The questline can be accepted by a Lv. 49 or higher character, that has completed the Calpheon main quest "Looking for Adventurers," has 500 Amity with Herman Feresio, and Alchemy Skilled Lv.1 or higher. This questline is only available once per family.
- Completing this questline from Herman Feresio will give you the Knowledge "Mutant Ogre" and "Mutant Troll."
- Go to Quest (O) > Quest Type > and activate "Life" to accept this quest.

● Added a new Knowledge that can be learned from a skull covered in a faded shroud in the basement of Velia Ossuary.
Category Knowledge Hints
Velia Adventure Journal A Skull Covered in a Faded Shroud Interact with a skull covered in a faded shroud in the basement of Velia Ossuary.
● Removed the requirement to complete the quest "Apocalyptic Prophecy" from Fughar to exchange PEN (V) Naru gear to PRI (I) Tuvala.
- Made it easier to start exchanging PEN (V) Naru gear to PRI (I) Tuvala gear for season characters.
● Improved the dialogue to learn the Knowledge "Great Ocean Dark Iron" to feel more natural.
● Changed the quest "The Delphe Knights in Chaos" in the Calpheon main questline to be able to proceed with the quest by making it possible to talk to Christopher Varkaant with the Knowledge of Reyas.
● Fixed the issue where the NPC name of the Trina Beacon Towers node manager appears abnormal.


Background, NPC, Effects, Cutscene

● The Blue Maned Lion's Manor has taken up land between Heidel and the Eastern Border. The manor is currently still under construction, so the manor cannot be rented out at this time.
- As the Blue Maned Lion's Manor has taken up the land, the surrounding area is now designated as a safe zone.
- All fences and crops that are in the vicinity of the Blue Maned Lion's Manor were sent to Heidel Storage.
- All the forts built around the area were moved to somewhere nearby.
 As of today's update, the Domongatt family took up a plot of land between Heidel and the Eastern Border for their manor. The "Blue Maned Lion's Manor" is planned to be constructed on this land and will be revealed through an update coming soon. We hope our Adventurers will be excited for this content! Thank you.
● Improved the sound effects from moving targets to sound more natural.
● Improved the shadows of the crops growing in the fences.
● Improved the NPC Finder to be able to find Dalishain, the wandering alchemist.
● Added a camera angle change to the quest accepting dialogue for "The Straggling Straggler."
● Added a camera effect to the quest accepting dialogue for "Never-ending Troubles."
● Changed the location of "Giath's Journal" that needs to be found for the quest "Abandoned Fate." Therefore, the navigated location was changed.


Conquest War, Node War

● Improved the guild skill "Command to Gather" (that was previously only available to the Guild Masters) so that guild Advisors can use it as well.
● Changed "Command to Gather" so that, if it was used before the start of Node/Conquest War, it cannot be moved after the war begins.
● Made the following changes for the requirements to use the skill "Command to Gather":
Before After
The skill can be used when all the Guild Advisors and Guild Master are online on the server where the Node/Conquest War is held. The skill can be used when the Guild Advisor and Guild Master are on the server where the Node/Conquest War is held.
 Many of our Adventurers asked for the skill “Command to Gather” to be changed so that guild officials other than the Guild Master can use. Actually, we planned to have this changed when we first released the Guild Advisor position. However, due to structural issues in development, it was not as simple as we anticipated and, thus, took longer. We apologize for the delay. However, we are currently considering how to expand on the guild officials and continue to improve on this point.
● Changed the World Map (M) to display the AP and defense restrictions for Level 1 Node Wars and compare it to your highest stats.
- Added the detail that the stats shown in the restrictions UI are equal to total stats (which is shown in the View My Stats UI).
- For the AP related stats, the numbers will show main weapon AP and awakening weapon AP separately.
- For the defense related stats, the numbers will show Evasion, Evasion Rate, Damage Reduction separately.
- Each of the stats that are under the restriction for the Level 1 Node War will be shown in red on the UI. Stats above the restriction will be shown in green.
 We have changed how the stat restrictions work in Level 1 Node Wars. It will no longer be limited to the simple AP/DP figures. It is now based off the total stats. The total stats can be seen on the new View My Stats window and Equipment window. We did consider the use of gear with bonus AP, food, elixirs, and various buffs, however, a method of dealing with this issue was overlooked. Therefore, we would like to apologize for showing only the simple AP/DP numbers and creating confusion in the community. We will continue to improve on our internal process to not overlook issues like these in the future. Furthermore, we are considering putting restrictions on Accuracy, Damage Reduction Rate, and Resistance to level 1 nodes to make it even more befitting of the original vision to make level 1 nodes a good staring place for guilds preparing to get into Node Wars.
● Changed the restriction numbers for each of the offensive and defensive stats for the different levels of Lv. 1 Node War.
Detailed Numbers for Final Restrictions
Node Level AP Restriction Evasion Restriction Evasion Rate Restriction Damage Reduction Restriction
Lv. 1 Easy 261 755 15% 181
Lv. 1 Medium 300 787 15% 215
Lv. 1 Hard 318 805 15% 225
 We have lowered the stat restrictions for AP and defense stats so that Adventurers that are earlier on in their progression can join in the Node War fun. You will be able to see the details in the World Map (M) when you click on the level 1 nodes. As for the fortresses and annexes used in level 1 Node War, their DP and durability will remain the same as their previous stats were not that high. Additionally, we will be putting restrictions on Accuracy and Resistance in future patches. As for HP, as it is not a static stat, as it can be increased by the use of buffs, we are considering putting a max restrictions on it as well.
● Fixed the issue where the added DP from Node/Conquest War character skills Yianaros's Light, Pilgrim's Steps, and Knight's Defense were not calculated into the level 1 Node War restrictions.



● Added a function where you can search for items you have in your Inventory, Pearl Inventory, Family Inventory, and Central Market Warehouse.
- The rest of the items in the Inventory, Pearl Inventory, Family Inventory, and Central Market Warehouse will go dark to clearly show the item that was searched for.
- When using the Inventory Search function, an X button will appear where you can click to reset the search.
- A description will be displayed for the search reset button.
● Added more detailed information about the current character to the Inventory window (I) and View My Stats window (P).
- First, open the View My Stats window (P), or you can open it by clicking on the button "View My Stats" on the Inventory window (I). Then click on the "Battle Stats" button displayed on the bottom right section of the window to see the detailed stats.
- Damage Reduction and Evasion will be displayed in detail (split into Melee/Ranged/Magic).
Now, you will be able to see all the stats for your character in the Inventory window and View My Stats window. You will also be able to see all the effects that affect them (extra damage, equipped crystals, food, elixirs, and all other buffs) in real-time. * However, the skills Yianaros's Light, Pilgrim's Steps, and Knight's Defense that only apply in Node Wars will not be applied. We have also received additional feedback that Adventurers would like to see even more stats then the ones listed right now after this feature's release on Global Lab. These are currently being developed. When we are done, it will be released on Global Lab.
● Changed the Transfusion UI to switch between the tabs on the right depending on whether or not an item is selected.
- When a gear item is selected, the tab will be changed to the Crystal tab.
- While on the Crystal tab, RMB on the selected gear to remove it.
- When the gear is removed while on the Crystal tab, the tab returns to the Equipment tab.
 This may not seem like a major patch, but we wanted to apply this change to save our Adventurers the trouble of needing to click the tab to Transfuse. We will continue to make these minor but meaningful QoL updates in the future.
● Changed the Recently Used menu to display the Black Spirit's Adventure when you select the Black Spirit's Adventure Dice alert UI on the bottom right of the screen, to make it easier to look for it again.
● Changed to skip a character you cannot access when you go to the next character in the View Equipment/Inventory window.
● Fixed the issue where some of the rewards would not appear on the Completed Quest window when there were a lot of different types of basic rewards.
● Added a function where the quantity of skills are displayed in the mount skill information that appears on the right of the screen at a Stable.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't transport items from the World Map (M) window with your Mount Inventory open.
● Changed the Storage window to display a + button on the last slot in the Storage of each village when you open it on the World Map (M) window. You can see a Storage Expansion guide and purchase a Storage Expansion item by clicking on the button the same way you do when you use the Storage through a Storage Keeper NPC.
- Added a simple description of how to rent a house with Contribution EXP on the message that appears on the pop-up UI when you click on the + button on the last slot of Storage.
● Added an effect where a guide and a description are displayed when you hover your mouse over a crew member who gets ill.
● Added a text bubble alert that appears when a new alert appears on the menu on the bottom right of the screen.
Alerts will be gone after 20 sec if you don't check it, and you will get an alert for the following menus:
Black Spirit's Safe
Dark Rift
Better Equipment
General Knowledge
Story Knowledge
● You will now be able to see the hotkeys when hovering your mouse over the alert menu icons on the bottom right of the screen.
● Changed the content of the tooltip displayed when you hover your mouse over the alert menu icons on the bottom right of the screen to show a normal menu that is not limited to a certain type of situation.
● Added an effect to the Pearl Inventory tab which activates when an item received from quests or the Black Spirit Safe has been added to the Pearl inventory.
● You can now right-click the Caphras Stone in your inventory to open up the Caphras Stone Enhancement UI.
● Changed the Interaction UI to be displayed when you go near the Dream Horse with your season character.
- You can use the View Mount Inventory and Show Gear menus on the Interaction UI
- However, you cannot ride a Dream Horse with your season character.
- A system message that says, "Season characters cannot ride Dream Horses" appears when you try to ride a Dream Horse.
● Added a new display of how much time is left until the quests reset on the questline that appears on the guild mission tab on the Guild (G) window.
● Fixed the issue where the message providing information on the wagon mount appeared beyond the Gamepad UI.
● Readjusted the image proportion of some letter items to look more natural.
● Removed the effect on the Find NPC widget when in the safe zone.



● Improved optimization to start when fences, residence furniture, Node/Conquest War fortresses and annexes, and other installed objects to be optimized when placed.



● Changed so that you do not get logged out for selecting "cancel" when inputting your secondary password in the Black Desert+ app.
● Changed the Free Trial banner floating on the top right side of the screen to be displayed depending on the status of the account on the official website.

● Fixed the issue where you could not search on the search bar in the Community page.
● Changed so that you will be led back to your initial page or the game download page after creating a Pearl Abyss account using your SNS account.
● Fixed an issue where the bottom of the page had a blank space when scrolling down the Overview > Game Features page on your mobile phone.
● Fixed so that the character images in the FEATURES OF BLACK DESERT section do not overlap with the text.
● Fixed an issue where the thumbnails on the right in the FEATURES OF BLACK DESERT section would not appear properly on Internet Explorer 10.
● Black Desert + Link Management icon has been changed in the My Page > Account Security Center section.
● OTP verification method has been changed from clicking a link sent to your email to receiving a 6 digit code that you have to input.
● The verification code input UI has been changed in the following pages:
- E-mail verification page after signing up
- OTP verification page after logging in
- OTP backup code page
● Fixed an issue where you were not able to select a country using your keyboard when signing up.



Modified or Changed

● Fixed the issue where the Mount Inventory would open again when it was closed while using the Guild Storage.
● Fixed the issue where the Kini Hair Ornament for Nova and Corsair appeared different from the other classes.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't use the menu due to the tooltip covering some Nodes on the world map when you adjust the interface scaling on Gamepad Settings to a value bigger than the default.
● Fixed the issue where the ship equipment slots appeared abnormally upon re-entry after equipping gear on big ships.
● Fixed the issue where skill tooltips were displayed even after refreshing the Central Stable on the world map when using the Gamepad UI window.
● Fixed the issue where the EVENT, UPDATE, HOT, NEW tags disappeared more quickly than the time set on the New Menu.
● Fixed the issue where the Nvidia Ansel (Alt + F2) function could be used in the combat zone.

● Fixed the issue where the location of the Set Creator effect, that appears when an event product is clicked, was abnormal.



Happy adventuring!

Patch Notes - September 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update September 7, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - September 7, 2022 - Archer
Pearl Shop Update - August 31, 2022
Patch Notes - August 31, 2022
Pearl Shop Update August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 17, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 24, 2022 - Wizard
Patch Notes - August 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 10, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 17, 2022 - Ranger
Pearl Shop Update August 3, 2022
2022 Summer Outfit Catalog
Patch Notes - August 3, 2022
Update Details - July 28, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 27, 2022 - Drakania
Patch Notes - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 27, 2022
Update Details - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 20
Patch Notes - July 20, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 10, 2022 - Musa
Update Details - July 15, 2022
Update Details - July 14, 2022
Patch Notes - July 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 13
[Black Desert+] Update Details - July 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 20, 2022 - Dark Knight
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 13, 2022 - Guardian
Patch Notes - June 29, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 6, 2022 - Striker
Update Details - June 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 22, 2022
Patch Notes - June 22, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 29, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Special Offers - June 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 15, 2022
Patch Notes - June 15, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 22, 2022 - Mystic
June 10 (Fri) Marni Server Update Details
Update Details - June 9, 2022
June 9 (Thu) Marni Server Update Details
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 15, 2022 - Nova
Patch Notes - June 8, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 8, 2022 - Warrior
Pearl Shop Update - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 25, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 25, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 31, 2022 - Sorceress
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2022
Patch Notes - May 18, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 25, 2022 - Sage
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 18, 2022 - Berserker
Patch Notes - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - April 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 27, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 4, 2022 - Hashashin
Pearl Shop Update - April 20, 2022
Patch Notes - April 20, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 13, 2022
Patch Notes - April 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 6, 2022
Patch Notes - April 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 6, 2022 - All Classes
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 13, 2022 - Shai
Patch Notes - March 30, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 30, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - March 30, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Update - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2022
Patch Notes - March 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 2, 2022
Patch Notes - March 2, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 23, 2022
Patch Notes - February 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 16, 2022
Patch Notes - February 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 9, 2022
Update Details - February 09, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 3, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 19, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 19, 2022
Patch Notes - January 12, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 12, 2022
Patch Notes - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - December 29
Patch Notes - December 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 22
Patch Notes - December 22, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 10, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 10, 2021
Update Details - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 27, 2021
Patch Notes - October 27, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021
Patch Notes - October 6, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021
Patch Notes - September 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021
Patch Notes - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 11, 2021
Patch Notes - August 11, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 4, 2021
Patch Notes - August 4, 2021
5 Weeks of Pearl’s Blessings
Patch Notes - July 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 28, 2021
Patch Notes - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 7, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 7, 2021
Patch Notes - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 2, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 02, 2021
Patch Notes - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2021
Patch Notes - May 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 4, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2021
Patch Notes - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - March 31, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 31, 2021
Patch Notes - March 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 24, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - March 17, 2021
Patch Notes - March 17, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2021
Patch Note - March 10, 2021
Update Details - March 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 3, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - February 25, 2021
[Updates] Update Details - February 25, 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Succession Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Tier 3 Pets 2+1
Patch notes - 9th February 2021
Patch notes - 3rd February 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Azure Knight Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits
Patch notes - 27th January 2021
Patch notes - 20th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Classic Outfit Selection Pack
Patch notes - 13th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Selection
Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack
Patch notes - 6th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Limited Pets 10% Off
Patch notes - 30th December 2020
Patch notes - 22nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Season Pass
Patch notes - 16th December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jolly Winter Dream
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Editions
Patch notes - 9th December 2020
Patch notes - 2nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: December Enhancement Pack
Patch notes - 25th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday On Now!
Patch notes - 18th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Early Black Friday
Patch notes - 11th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 30% Off BEST 11
Patch Notes - 4th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Arctic Combat Pack
Patch notes - 28th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jojo and Tick-Tock
Patch notes - 21st October 2020
Pearl Shop Update 21/10/2020
Patch notes - 14th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Spooktober Begins!
Pearl Shop Update: Venture into O'dyllita
Patch notes - 7th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Box 4+2
Pearl Shop Update: Autumn Breeze Pack
Patch notes - 23rd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Succession and Awakening Pack
Patch notes - 16th September 2020
Patch notes - 9th September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: What does the Fox Say
Pearl Shop Update: Black Spirit Pass
Patch Notes - 2nd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Glorious Shudad Ultimate Package
Patch Notes - 26 August 2020
Patch Notes - 19th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper
Patch Notes - 12th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Want One More?
Pearl Shop Update: Enhancement Pack
Patch Notes - 5th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Box
Patch Notes - 29th July 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Memories of Summer
Patch Notes - 15th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Summer Sale!
Patch Notes - 8th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 180 Days Benefits
Patch Notes - 1st July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Pack
Patch Notes - 24th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Weight Limit +300LT
Patch Notes - 17th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Ready for a Fresh Start?
Pearl Shop Update: Increase Your Limit
Patch Notes - 10th June 2020
Patch Notes - 3rd June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Dream Pack
Patch Notes - 27th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Renewed Game Packages
Pearl Shop Update: Mid-Season Sale
Patch Notes - 20th May 2020
Patch Notes - 13th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Extend Your Adventure
Pearl Shop Update: New Arrivals
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Endeavour
Patch Notes - 29th April 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: April's Package
Patch Notes - 15th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Artisan's Blessing
Patch Notes - 8th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Blooming Spring Pack
Pearl Shop Update: April Fools' Surprise
Patch Notes - 25th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Master's Package
Patch Notes - 18th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Golden Collection
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 11th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Celebration
Patch Notes - 3rd March 2020
Patch Notes - 26th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Pre-Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 19th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Time for Succession
Patch Notes - 12th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: The Dragon Is Back!
Pearl Shop Update: Check Out New Items
Patch Notes - 5th February 2020
Patch Notes - 1st April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Hundred Memories
Patch Notes - 22nd January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: New Guardian Package
Patch Notes - 15th January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Get Better Value!
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Item, 20% Sale, and More!
Patch Notes - 8th January 2020
Holiday Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 24th December 2019
Holiday Sale Up to 70% off!
Patch Notes - 17th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: New Christmas Bundle 40% Off
Patch Notes - 11th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: 50% Off!
Patch Notes - 4th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Succession Outfits 30% Off
Patch Notes - 27th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Your Value
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday Sale
Patch Notes - 20th November 2019
Patch Notes - 13th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Transfer Combat & Skill EXP
Pearl Shop Update: Golden Package 30% OFF
Patch Notes - 6th November 2019
Patch Notes - 30th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Make Your Choices!
Patch Notes - 23rd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Items!
Patch Notes - 16th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: UP TO 50% OFF
Patch Notes - 8th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Halloween Items Are Back
Patch Notes - 2nd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Gather More!
Patch Notes - 25th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Get Pearls Back
Pearl Shop Update: 45% Off!
Patch Notes - 10th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: +300 LT Back for Limited Time!
Patch Notes - 4th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Ultimate Adventurer's Pack
Life Skill Mastery Patch notes
Patch Notes - 28th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Weapon Exchange
Pearl Shop Update: New Season Sale
Patch Notes - 21st August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Surprise
Patch Notes - 14th August 2019
Patch Notes - 7th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 31st 2019
Patch Notes - 31st July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 24th 2019
Patch Notes - 24th July 2019
Patch Notes - 17th July 2019
Pearl Shop - 17th July 2019
Patch Notes - 10th July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 10th 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Inventory Expansion
Patch Notes - July 3rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - June 26th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 26th 2019
Patch Notes - 19th June 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 19th 2019
Patch Notes - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 5th 2019
Patch Notes - June 5th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 29th 2019
Patch Notes - 29h May 2019
Patch Notes - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 15th 2019
Patch Notes - 15th May 2019
Patch Notes - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 24th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 24th 2019
Patch Notes - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 3rd April 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - 27th March 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 27th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 20th 2019
Patch Notes - 20th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 3)
Patch Notes - 13th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 2)
Patch Notes - 6th March 2019
Patch Notes - 27th February 2019
Pearl Shop Update - February 20th 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 20th February 2019
Central Market
Defeat the Bosses from the Dark Rift!
Pearl Shop Update - February 6th 2019
Patch Notes - January 30th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 30th 2019
Patch Notes - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop - January 16th 2019
Patch Notes - 16th January 2019
Patch Notes - 9th January 2019
2nd January 2019
19th December 2018