

*As we do not have maintenance on Dec. 26th, if you are currently dating an NPC your relationship will be maintained for one more week.

[New Events]

  • Winter Fest

    • Event period: 12/19/2018 After Maintenance ~ 12/26/2018 09:00 UTC

    • During this merry season, Grandpa Cron will ride his flying sled to drop fantastic items! In addition, don’t forget to help us build a big, beautiful Snowman altogether!

      • Click <Here> to find out more about this merry event!

  • Loyal Attendance Tab has been refreshed:

    • Event period: 12/20/2018 00:00 UTC ~ 1/23/2019 23:59 UTC


[Events starting 12/26]

  • As there will be no regular maintenance on 12/26, the following events will start from 12/26 09:00 UTC. Please make sure to restart your client after 09:00 UTC to enjoy the new events prepared specially for this festive week!

  • Let it Snow!

    • Event period: 12/27/2018 00:00 UTC ~ 1/16/2019 Before Maintenance

    • Get buried under a mountain of Snowflakes! For every 30 minutes of playtime, receive Snowflakes to exchange for various rewards! (Up to 10 times per day).

  • Special holiday edition Patrigio will open up his winter shop for a limited time!

    • Patrigio will be offering special items wearing a special outfit for this holiday season from his shop during the limited times below:

      • NA: 12/24 21:00 PST ~ 12/25 23:59 PST

      • EU: 12/25 00:00 CET ~ 12/26 01:59 CET

    • The special items for sale include

      • [Event] Rare Cron Box (30 million Silver)

      • Cron Box (1 million Silver)

        • Randomly obtain 1 of the items below:

          • JIN Magic Crystal - Harphia

          • JIN Magic Crystal - Cobelinus

          • JIN Magic Crystal - Viper

          • JIN Magic Crystal - Hystria

          • JIN Magic Crystal - Carmae

          • JIN Magic Crystal - Addis

          • Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)

          • Blessing of Kamasylve (7 Days)

          • Merv's Palette (7 Days)

          • Awakened Dim Tree Spirit Summon Scroll

          • Awakened King of Navarn Steppe Summon Scroll

          • Awakened Gyfin Rhasia Raid Captain Summon Scroll

          • Pure Forest Breath x2

          • Stonetail Fodder x2

          • Breezy Conch Seaweed x2

          • [Event] Cron Golden Bell

          • Sharp Black Crystal Shard

          • Hard Black Crystal Shard

      • Memory Fragment (500,000 Silver)

      • Archer’s Main Weapon, Sub-weapon, or Awakening Weapon (Please check each item for exact prices).

    • Patrigio will open his <Black Market> as usual before and after the special limited times above.

    • Archer's Main Weapon, Sub-weapon, and Awakening Weapon has been added to the list of items sold by Patrigio.

    • The special holiday edition shop will open up in the same locations as before in Velia, Heidel, Calpheon, Altinova, Valencia, Kamasylvia, and Duvencrune.

  • In-game blue-themed holiday decoration and background

    • Event period: 12/26 09:00 UTC ~ 1/2 Before Maintenance

  • Winter-themed BGM will be playing in large cities of Black Desert Online.

    • Event period: 12/19 After Maintenance ~ 1/16 Before Maintenance


[Events starting 1/1]

  • Just for one day, on the first day of New Year’s! New Year’s special quests will be available!

    • Event Period: New Year’s day at 00:00 UTC - 23:59 UTC on Jan. 1, 2019.

    • New Year’s event quests have been added only for New Year’s Day.

      • [Event] Wish Lantern

      • [Event] Make a New Year's Wish

      • [Event] For a Better Tomorrow

      • These quests can be obtained through the Black Spirit after completing the [Boss] The Witch of Horrors quest or the Looking for Adventurers renewed quest.

  • Happy New Year!

    • We’ve prepared a special gift to wish you a happy 2019 with Black Desert Online!

    • Event Period: Jan. 1, 2019 00:00 UTC - Jan. 6, 2019 23:59 UTC

    • Play an hour a day and check your Challenges (Y) tab for 6 days starting on Jan. 1st to receive some amazing rewards!


[Ongoing Events]

  • Archer Level-up Event Part 1:  12/12/2018 After Maintenance ~ 1/2/2019 Before Maintenance

  • Archer Level-up Event Part 2:  12/19/2018 After Maintenance ~ 1/16/2019 Before Maintenance

    • Reach Lv. 56, 57, and 58 during this period to claim the relevant rewards via Challenges tab. (You will be able to claim the rewards right after 12/19 maintenance if you had already reached these levels before the event period.)

  • Collect Archer’s Seal: 12/12/2018 After Maintenance ~ 1/9/2019 Before Maintenance

  • Archer 1+1 Dual EXP Share Event:  12/12/2018 After Maintenance ~ 1/9/2019 Before Maintenance

    • When you receive the EXP through the 1+1 EXP event, you can exceed Lv. 50 even when you have not yet completed the [To Level 50!] Giant Catfishman Qoobe and [To Level 50!] Breaking New Ground quests.

    • Even if you do not want to level up beyond 49.999%, you might go over Lv. 50 regardless due to the EXP from the main character.

  • EXP Boost Event:  12/12/2018 After Maintenance ~ 1/9/2019 Before Maintenance

  • Gifting option and button will only be available until 1/9 regular maintenance.

    • Here are the updated specs. for the Gifting function on Pearl Shop that has returned for a limited time again:

      • Gifting of Pearl items will be allowed with friends you have added for at least 5 days.

      • For those who want to use Gifting with Guild members, both the giver and receiver must have been in the guild for at least 5 days.

      • Gifting will be allowed for characters of level 50 and above.

      • Gifting via searching Character Name will not be available.


[Ended Events]

  • O Cron Tree

  • Customize & Win!


[Reward Distribution]

  • Winners of the Customize & Win event for Archer customization will be announced via our official forums on 12/26/2018. Please don’t forget to check the announcement.



  • Added Archer Ascension quests.

    • Archer characters above Lv. 56 can accept the quests through the Black Spirit.

      • [Archer Ascension] Lost Purpose

      • [Archer] Searching for Answers

      • [Archer] Rising Smoke of Darkness

      • [Archer] Light that Pursues Darkness

      • [Archer] Light and Darkness Clashes

      • [Archer] Remnants of a Broken Arrow

      • [Archer] Encountering the Power of Light

      • [Archer] Purpose Regained

      • [Archer] The Watchers of Adùir - Battle

  • Added the new title, 'Darkness Shatterer'.

    • This title can be obtained after completing all Archer Ascension quests.

  • Absolute skills have been added to Archer class.

  • The Renown Score and bonus (AP +20, Damage Reduction) effect has been removed.

    • The AP for all summoned objects has been adjusted as well.

    • Adjusted the DP to account for the removal of the Renown Score bonus.

    • Monster balance readjustment in several monster zones has been made due to DP changes made in classes.

  • The function to extract Caphras Stone from TRI/TET/PEN level Equipment has been newly added.

    • This function can be performed from Blacksmith of each town.

    • At max, 85% of the Caphras Stone used to enhance the equipment can be returned.

    • Enhancement level of the equipment will remain the same even if you extract Caphras Stone from it.

    • 1,000 Silver is consumed per Caphras Stone extraction.

  • Removed the mentioning of Node Wars in the text which appears when you install a Wooden Fence.

  • After making an Alliance, alliance members should be able to declare a war properly when occupying a Node or territory.

  • Whenever something you summoned attacks a target, the target’s HP will now be synchronized.

  • There will no longer be a summoning motion when a Summon Scroll has expired, or when an adventurer who is not the Leader clicks on the Summon Scroll.

  • Fixed the issue where characters would be stopped by obstacles when auto-navigating at Ancado Coast.

    • Auto-navigation for the [Daily] Lanka and Kamasylve quest will now work properly.

  • Guild Missions have been renewed.

    • You can receive individual rewards proportional to the Contribution earned through the Guild Missions.

    • For individual rewards, you can obtain up to 1/2 of the Silver of the Guild funds set for Guild Mission rewards, and the Silver will be divided up to all the guild members if there are multiple guild members involved in the Guild Missions.

    • The amount of Silver calculated and the actual amount of Silver received may not match since decimal points are not counted.

    • Individual rewards are deducted from the Guild Funds.

    • You can receive the individual rewards through the Guild UI’s ‘Collect Wage’ button.

    • You can now receive Guild Missions without making any deposits.

    • You can now complete up to 10 Guild Missions per day.

    • Occupancy missions have all been removed. They will all be General Missions. Multiple guilds can accept the same Guild Missions as long as they are logged into the same server.

    • Since the Occupancy Missions have been replaced by the General Missions, the Guild Mission UI is now categorized by ‘Combat’, ‘Life,’ and ‘Trade’.

    • Guild Missions are refreshed at the same rate as before, but now there will be 16 missions displayed regardless of the type of mission, and the number of missions per category may vary.

    • Guild Missions can be progressed simultaneously across different servers.



  • Characters who began the main quests before the main quest renewals will no longer be able to progress through the new main quests.

  • Fixed the issue where the notification for guild members successfully enhancing Awakening weapons would not be displayed to guild members.

  • Basic main weapons will now be shown in the character selection screen even when main weapons are not equipped.

  • Different music will play depending on the time of day.

    • The band music will not play when the band at Velia is not in view.

  • The AP for all summoned beings has been adjusted.



[Game World]

  • The issue where characters would get stuck in winter-themed ornaments and structures located in Velia has been fixed.

  • Fixed the issue where there was an empty space between the rock at Corridor of Chaos.

  • Fixed the issue where some of the structures of Khalk Canyon looked unnatural.

  • Different music will play depending on the time of the day.



  • Fixed the graphical issue where NPC Philance would appear darkened during the cut scene of Released Caphras's Seal.


  • HP of ships such as Guild Galley, Epheria Sailboat, Epheria Frigate, etc. will now properly refresh whenever it takes a hit while you are on board.



[All Classes]

  • Fixed the issue where the eye makeup would be applied to the lips during customization when running the game with DX9.

  • Added descriptions for skill which explain whether or not you can use the skill during its cooldown.

  • Fixed the issue where some of the lines connecting the skill icons in the Skills window (K) was not connected for certain characters.

  • When customizing characters, the ‘View’ feature will no longer activate when a character can make a pose.

  • Fixed the issue where there would be errors when a great amount of EXP was accumulated for the tagged character.

  • EXP will no longer increase when the character is dead.


[By Class]


Fixed the graphical issue where the forehead would appear outside of the [Valkyrie] Arrendo Helmet.


  • Fixed the issue where the camera 1, 2, and 3 would not zoom in when selecting accessory parts with the Witch character in the Dye window.


  • Fixed the graphical issue where the character’s face would appear darkened upon applying a certain hair customization.

  • The following text has been added to certain skill tooltips to show availability of the skills during cooldown.

    • Available during cooldown

    • Unavailable during cooldown

  • Fixed the issue where the Fatal Blow I through Fatal Blow IV skills would not be used properly when WP was below 25.

  • Fixed the issue where the Fox Claw I through Absolute: Fox Claw skills would not be used properly when WP was below 25.

  • Fixed the graphical awkwardness in the back part of the character that appeared when wearing Sicarios outfit of low durability.

  • Fixed the issue where the Fatal Blow I through Fatal Blow IV skills would not be used properly when WP was below 25.

  • Fixed the issue where the Fox Claw I through Absolute: Fox Claw skills would not be used properly when WP was below 25.


  • Fixed the issue where Mystic’s Vambrace would shake abnormally in certain situations.


  • Fixed the issue where the character would only recover MP once after hitting 2 times with the forward attack for the Moondance skill.

  • Fixed the graphical issue where the dyeing of the snowflake patterns on the bottom part of the Noel Outfit would appear unnatural.


  • The following Absolute skills have been added.
    Absolute: Spirit Arrow; Absolute: Piercing Cry; Absolute: Ra'ghon's Spirit; Absolute: Earth Kick; Absolute: Purging Shot; Absolute: Volant Kick; Absolute: Ascending Spirit; Absolute: Vine Cutter; Absolute: Gaping Darkness; Absolute: Shadow Hack; Flow: Verdure Clout I; Absolute: Meteor Dive; Absolute: Covering Fire; Absolute: Storm of Light; Absolute: Wrath of Nature; Absolute: Earth Shatter; Absolute: Bolt of Radiance; Absolute: Arrow Explosion.You can obtain an Absolute skill from the Main Weapon skill window when you reach a certain level.

  • The Black Spirit: Radiant Explosion skill will no longer activate while using a Main Weapon when the skill has been locked.

  • The message which appears when you enter the Corridor of Chaos dungeon for the Archer tutorial quest will appear more quickly.

  • Added a skill guide for the Archer.

  • Damage of the following skills has been increased.

Skill Name

Skill Level



Volant Kick







Gaping Darkness







Spirit Arrow



















Bolt of Radiance










Wrath of Nature










  • Added Archer to the Attack Speed class in the My Information window (I).

  • Fixed the issue where the Archer would stand still in a non-combat stance when going from a non-combat stance while using a Greatbow to a non-combat stance while moving.

  • Added Archer to the list of classes which can open the [Event] Underwear Box.

  • Archer clothes can now be obtained from the [Event] Pavilla Costume Box.

  • The Archer character can now open the Edan’s Travel Wear Box.

  • When selecting the Archer, the buttons for the Main weapon and Awakening weapon clip will not be displayed.

  • Fixed the issue where the EP for all hits would recover for the Spirit Arrow jump attack even when landing only one successful hit.

  • Fixed the issue where an Archer using the Greatbow would occasionally not switch to a non-combat status when switching to a non-combat status while moving left.

  • Fixed the issue where the knockdown effect and down smash effect would not be applied when using Flow: Light's Trail while on a mount.

  • Fixed the issue where the Righteous Fire effect would appear when using Greatbow Training in fighting stances other than standing still.

  • Fixed the issue where the top and cape would appear to overlap when wearing a Valks’ outfit and standing still.

  • Fixed the issue where the camera effect for Light's Path would remain when using the Gaping Darkness or Full Bloom skill after casting the Light's Path skill.

  • Fixed the issue where falling movement came out when jumping while transitioning into non-combat mode in Main Weapon mode.

  • Fixed the default jump attack effect when using crossbows.

  • Fixed the issue where the effect of equipping the [Event] Peach Flower Coronet on an Archer character would not show.

  • Fixed the issue where the falling motion would not appear when using the Glide skill.

  • Fixed the issue where the falling motion would not come out when the Archer went into a fall after performing the skills Meteor Dive or Piercing Cry.

  • Fixed the graphical issue where the Greatbow would disappear when moving after using the skill Exhale.

  • Fixed the issue where the arrow would appear to load abnormally when using the skill Glide to the left-and-right after having completed charging during Luthraghon's Call.

  • Increased the range of the Light's Path skill.

  • Skills descriptions of the following skills have been edited to be more accurate:

    • Flow: Light's Trail
    • Ravenous Talon

    • Piercing Cry

    • Spear of Sylvia

    • Earth Kick

  • Fixed the issue where the amount of EP consumed when using Earth Kick during cooldown would not match with the amount displayed in the skill descriptions.

  • Fixed the issue where EP would not be restored when using the Piercing Cry skill to the front.

  • Fixed the issue where Awakening Weapon skills would only be affected by the Main Weapon’s AP.

  • Fixed the issue where the Archer would show abnormal motions when using Instant Resurrection after dying while having no main weapon equipped.

  • Fixed the issue where the motion would be unnatural when auto-moving.

  • It has been changed so that a falling movement would come out when returning to normal stance after using the skill Zephyr Leap.

  • Fixed the issue where the appearance would not show the effect of equipping the items below on Archer.

    • [Savage] Matchlock
    • [Savage] Enhanced Matchlock

  • Fixed the issue where Rage Absorption was possible even when the Black Spirit's Rage was not at 100%.

  • Fixed the issue where using the Radiant Explosion skill while on a mount would not match what was displayed in the tooltip.

  • Fixed the issue where the AP increase effect would not be applied when using the Greatbow Training skill while on a mount.

  • Removed the wrong description regarding Accuracy in the item tooltip of Basteer Greatbow and Ultimate Basteer Greatbow.

  • Fixed the issue where AP would not increase when equipped with the Kaia Crossbow.

  • Fixed a typo in the Kaia Crossbow exchange button.

  • Fixed a typo in the Katan Greatbow tooltip.

  • The Katan Greatbow can now be sold to the NPC’s.

  • Fixed the issue where the Critical Hit Rate would be applied even during cooldown when using the Winged Strike skill frontwards while using a Crossbow.

  • Fixed the issue where the cooldown for the Radiant Explosion would not be applied when using the Black Spirit: Radiant Explosion skill while using a Crossbow.

  • The falling motion will be displayed when you move while using skills.

  • Fixed the issue where the forehead of the character would appear outside the Karki Hat when making the Standby expression or surprised expression.


  • Improved the [Combat] Trina Matchlock and [Savage] Matchlock.

    • When equipped with the [Combat] Trina Matchlock or [Savage] Matchlock, you can now shoot even when you do not have the [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet or [Savage] Matchlock Ammo equipped as a Sub-weapon.

    • When equipped with the [Combat] Trina Matchlock or [Savage] Matchlock, the [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet or [Savage] Matchlock Ammo will no longer be equipped as a Sub-weapon.

    • The bleeding effect of the [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet has been changed to be an effect when using [Combat] Trina Matchlock.

      • For adventurers who had [Combat] Trina Matchlock and [Savage] Matchlock equipped in before the maintenance on 12/19, these have been removed and resent to mailbox (B). Please claim your [Combat] Trina Matchlock and [Savage] Matchlock again to enjoy these improved version of the matchlocks.

  • When gathering Oyster, the quantity you can obtain has been changed to the following:

    • 1 or 2 → 2 or 3

  • When gathering Coral, the quantity you can obtain has been changed to the following:

    • 1 → 1 or 2

  • Fixed the issue where the furniture would occasionally not appear in the Residence.

  • Crossbow, Greatbow, and Ra'ghon that can be registered to Marketplace can now be used as Growth items for Fairy.

  • The item obtained from opening [Event] Premium Outfit Box can now be registered at Marketplace to be sold at tax free.

  • The Clear Memory Piece item can be used regardless of the level limitations when going through the [To Level 50!] Breaking New Ground quest.

  • Improved the Black Spirit message for the A Memorial Service for the Fallen quest.

  • The Recently Successful Cooking window and Alchemy window will now centered when they open up.

  • Added the text below on the item descriptions for the Character Name Transfer Coupon:

    • The name will not be transferred if one of the characters is deleted before the transfer is complete.

  • Added a description about leveling up in the Character’s Tag Setting window.

  • Fixed the typo in the tooltip for Katan Greatbow.

  • Fixed the issue where the Katan Greatbow would not be sold from NPC’s.

  • Fixed the issue where the AP would not be applied when equipped with the Kaia Crossbow.

  • Fixed the typo for the Kaia Crossbow exchange button.

  • For details on newly added Pearl Shop Update, please click < Here > !


  • AP has increased by about 25% and DP has decreased by about 20% for the following monsters at Cron Castle:

    • Rookie Soldier

    • Senior Soldier

    • Scout

    • Operation Chief

  • Some of the monsters at Cron Castle has been relocated.

  • The White Wolf Boss and King Brown Bear will now teleport near adventurers when they get stuck in certain areas while fighting.

  • Fixed the issue where the monsters below had abnormal HP.

    • Gyfin Rhasia Statue of Earth

    • Gehaku (summoned from Ancient Relic Crystal Summon Scroll)

    • Saunil Siege Captain

    • Magram (summoned from Pila Fe Scroll)

  • Changed some of the geographical features of the Crescent Shrine. You can now move along the path on the right side after entering through the north entrance of the Crescent Shrine.

  • Some of the attacks by Shadow of Gahaz will no longer cause debuff effects.

  • Changed the placement of the below monsters so that they do not distract defeating of other monsters.

    • Shadow of Gahaz

    • Desert Naga Chief Gatekeeper

    • Desert Fogan Chief Gatekeeper




  • Players can view the new main quest cutscenes and talk to certain NPC’s when creating a new character, even if the player has already played the previous main quests with another character in the Family.

  • Even if you previously acquired Knowledge, all the quest steps of the current quest will have to be completed.

  • Inventory expansion items which were obtained through main quest rewards can now be obtained by completing the “Black Spirit’s Gift” quest.

  • You can obtain inventory expansion item rewards by summoning the Black Spirit, when you go through the previous main quests or through the renewed main quests.

  • The inventory expansion item which was included in the renewed main quests has been removed.

  • The amount of the inventory expansion items you can obtain per character is the same as before.

  • Value Pack (Day 1) which is the completion reward of the quest [Special Gift] Travelling Light I will now be allowed for use after the following quest [Special Gift] Travelling Light II is already accepted.

    • Value Pack (7 Days) has been sent out to the mailbox of relevant players who have used Value Pack (Day 1) item and could not complete [Special Gift] Travelling Light II to receive the completion reward.

    • The Value Pack (Day 1) needed to be used to complete  [Special Gift] Travelling Light II will now have twinkling effect.

  • Upon completion of new main quest The Seasoned Veteran, the quest [Inventory Expansion] Adventure Essential Checklist will now be available through the Black Spirit.

  • Calpheon main quest The Right Way can now be accepted after having completed The Merchants of the Roundtable as a prerequisite quest.

  • Agerian Defense Gear has been added as an Optional Reward for the following quests.

    • Memorial Service for the Fallen People

    • Returning

    • Gateway to Heidel

    • Reinforcing the Quarry

  • Footprint of the Wind effect with a duration of 3 minutes has been added as a quest completion bonus for the following quests:

    • Another Way Through

    • A Disaster Foretold

  • 2 new events that require Ham Sandwich to complete has been added to Calpheon main quest chain.

    • A Snack Before the Journey I

    • A Snack Before the Journey II

  • Fixed the destination location of the quest Clearing the Area.

  • Fixed the issue where Navigation for the quest Infiltrating Cron Castle was leading in a devious route.

  • Fixed the issue where Navigation for the quest Infiltrating Cron Castle was being cut short in the middle.

  • Fixed the issue where quests from the main quest lines other than the quest line you selected would appear after finishing certain quests.

  • A description about Tent has been added as completion target for the quest The Lost Records of Cron.

  • Fixed the issue where Knowledge would not be obtained even after completing the quest Al Rhundi, the Mortal.

    • Any adventurer who can’t obtain this Knowledge can instead obtain the Knowledge from the conversation with Hervano Tito.

  • Fixed the issue where Black Spirit’s guide did not come out for using the following items:

    • Al Rhundi Summon Scroll

    • Saunil Siege Captain Summon Scroll

  • The following conversation button icons have been changed to Knowledge-giving button icons.

    • [Knowledge] Tell me more about Red Nose

    • [Knowledge] Who is the Goblin Chief?

    • [Knowledge] What do you know about Bheg?

    • [Knowledge] Who is the Fogan Chief?

    • [Knowledge] Do we have more information about Al Rhundi?

    • [Knowledge] Al Rhundi, Engulfed in Madness

    • [Knowledge] Red Nose

    • [Knowledge] Giath

    • [Knowledge] Dastard Bheg

    • [Knowledge] Titium, the Fogan Chief

    • [Knowledge] Al Rhundi, the Head of the Rebels

    • [Knowledge] Al Rhundi, Engulfed in Madness

  • Removed the crafting directions for the [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet item.

    • Changed the knowledge for [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet to the ‘Forgotten Bullet’.

    • The Deadliest Metal quest can no longer be done.

    • The [Savage] Matchlock Ammo can no longer be purchased from the Savage Rift shop.

  • Fixed the error of Chuck Laurie appearing in the quest summary for the An Epicurean Alligator quest (it should appear as Leo Laurie instead).

  • For Guild quests, Occupancy Missions have been removed and combined with General Missions.

  • Fixed the destination location of the Clearing the Area quest.

  • Added a description to the quest summary and dialog of the Annoying Jellyfish quest to explain that you must use the Practice Matchlock to defeat the monsters.

  • The Inventory expansion item which was obtainable as a Main Quest reward can now be obtained by completing the Black Spirit’s Gift quest.

    • When going through the previous main quest chains or through the renewed main quest chains, you can receive the Inventory expansion reward by summoning the Black Spirit.

    • The Inventory expansion item which was included in the renewed main quests has been removed.

    • The number of Inventory expansion items obtainable by each character will remain the same as before.

  • New Year’s event quests have been added.

    • [Event] Wish Lantern

    • [Event] Make a New Year's Wish

    • [Event] For a Better Tomorrow
      *These quests can be obtained through the Black Spirit after completing the [Boss] The Witch of Horrors quest or the Looking for Adventurers renewed quest.



  • Even if you previously acquired Knowledge, all the quest steps of the current quest will have to be completed.

  • Removed the crafting directions for the [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet item.

  • Changed the knowledge for [Combat] Trina Lead Bullet to the ‘Forgotten Bullet’.

  • Changed the category for the Forgotten Bullet knowledge from Special Arms to the Adventure Journal or Southwestern Calpheon.

  • The knowledge for Forgotten Bullet can be obtained by talking to Dalian after completing the State-of-the-Art Firearm quest.

  • The Deadliest Metal quest can no longer be done.

  • The [Savage] Matchlock Ammo can no longer be purchased from the Savage Rift shop.


  • Removed the Renown Score from My Information and equipment window.

  • Fixed the issue where the Archer class icon would not be displayed in the Clan list.

  • The EXP display will now be displayed to the Character Tag icon during the “Archer 1+1 Dual EXP Share Event” event.

  • Optimization work has been performed for the following UI icons:

    • Texture quality.

    • Pearl Shop banners.

    • Item and Skill Icons

  • Adjusted the size of the quest descriptions window which appears when you bring the mouse cursor over the quest widget to suit the font size.

  • Fixed the issue where the action icons of pets from the Pet Information window would not fit the spaces when there were more than 5 actions.

  • Fixed the issue where the top and bottom spaces for tooltips for certain Conversations would not be even.

  • The Guild descriptions will now close when you close the Guild window (G).

  • Fixed the alignment of the window title for the Guild rankings to appear more natural.

  • Fixed the issue where the ‘Total’ text would overlap with the pearl icon at the bottom of the Cart screen in the Pearl Shop (F3).

  • Readjusted the placement of the title text for the Processing window.

  • Fixed the issue where the horse information would overlap when registering a horse at the Horse Market.

  • Fixed the issue where the ‘Use Cron Stone’ button text would bleed out of the Enhancement window.

  • Fixed the issue where the descriptions for the Worker List window (from the My Gardens list) would bleed out of the window.

  • Improved the icon for selecting a random appearance when exchanging pets.

  • The Repeat Drawing Water check button will have a larger activation area (larger clicking area) when Water Scooping.

  • Improved the alignment for the Guild Name, Capacity, and Distribution information displayed for the Guild Alliance Contract.

  • Skills with cooldowns will now display information which shows that you can use the skill again during its cooldown.

  • Fixed the issue where the UI would appear abnormally when being attacked by a guard for having negative Karma while having a conversation with Stable NPC.

  • Fixed the issue where the Trade Item information would not disappear.

  • Fixed the issue where the Receive and Cancel buttons would overlap for the Transportation window.

  • Improved the alignment of the text in the UI for Arena of Arsha.

  • Fixed the alignment for the text in the window when initially setting up the Family name to be centered.

  • Fixed the text for the unlearned knowledge descriptions so that the text would not bleed into the background.

  • Fixed the issue where the titles for the Challenges would overlap in the Challenge notification window every time you login for the first time.

  • Fixed the issue where the Black Spirit quest icon on the bottom right for the returning users would be abnormal.

  • The button options which appear in conversations with NPC’s will now change in length depending on the length of the text.

  • Readjusted the remaining time information and Collect Wage button in the Guild quest window.

  • Certain text which would remain when switching between screens during certain motions and situations will no longer remain.

  • The red indicator which appears when your HP is low will continue to appear even when switching screens.

  • When you bring the mouse cursor over the Time Limit or Deposit amount in the Guild Mission UI, relevant descriptions will now be displayed.

  • The Collect Wage window will now close when you close the Guild window.

  • The Awakening combo tutorial for all characters has been improved.

  • Fixed the issue where some of the text in the Quest UI would bleed out of the window.

  • The Rosar Crossbow will no longer appear in the list which shows the items that can be obtained from the Abandoned Iron Mine.

  • Fixed the typo in the message which appears when the Dark Knight levels up Health.

  • Fixed the issue where the Ingredient for Durability Repair window’s location would be different depending on the resolution.

  • Fixed the issue where some of the descriptions would bleed out of the text in the Red Battlefield, Savage Rift, and Militia screens.

  • When you adjust the Durability of outfits at the Pearl Shop, the Durability will now reset when you look at other products after you made Durability adjustments.

  • Fixed the issue where the check button placement was awkward for the NPC sound settings in the Sound Settings within the game settings window.

  • The characters will now change into combat stances when selecting Awakening weapons from the Dye window.

  • Fixed the issue where the Awakening weapons would not be displayed for some of the characters in the Dye window.

  • Fixed the issue where the location of the effect for the stats area when equipping new equipment was awkward.

  • Fixed the issue where the horse EXP gauge was awkward in the Wagon Information window.

  • All classes will now be able to complete the tutorial’s basic combat training by pressing either the Tab key or mouse left button to switch combat stance.

  • During the tutorial which teaches how to combo Awakening skills for the Archer, text was added which explains that you must be using a Greatbow when using the Full Bloom skill.

  • Added the text below on the item descriptions for the Character Name Transfer Coupon and for when you delete a character:

    • The name will not be transferred if one of the characters is deleted before the transfer is complete.

  • The Deposit Guild Funds window will now close when the Guild Contract opens up.

  • When changing the Guild Contract, the amount of changed Silver will properly be displayed on the Collect Daily Wage window.

  • The EXP for the Applied Skills list for pets taken out have been changed like the following:

    • +3% -> +5%

  • Fixed the issue where characters would be unable to do anything when they entered into instanced dungeons while the Black Spirit was being summoned.

  • Fixed the issue where the text would bleed out of the UI when you register a horse on the Horse Market and Breeding Market at the Stable.

  • Fixed the issue where the Recover Max Dur. UI would be placed awkwardly when opened from a Blacksmith NPC.

  • Fixed the issue where the text for the Buy and Sell buttons would bleed out of the box for the Residence Purchase Condition box.

  • Fixed the issue where some of the text would bleed out from the My Gardens list.

  • Fixed the issue where the text for the below UI would bleed out of the window.

    • Quick Hotkey

    • Social Action

    • Create Clan

    • Guild Auction House

    • Awakening

  • Added a description and image to the Character's Tag Setting UI for the 1+1 EXP event.

  • Fixed the issue where the text for the Lord menu would overlap.

  • Added the Archer to the Clan Member list.

  • Added Central Market related descriptions when you put your mouse cursor over items.

  • Fixed the issue where the Awakening tutorial’s UI placement would not be normal.

  • Fixed the issue where the UI for the Lv. 56 Awakening quest (which teaches how to combo skills) would remain even after you forfeited the quest.

  • Added a tutorial for using the Value Pack when going through the [Special Gift] Travelling Light II quest.

  • Fixed the issue where the wage amount would not match the amount listed in the contract in the Guild’s Collect Daily Wage screen.


  • Fixed where multiple Loyal attendance tabs appeared on Attendance Rewards window.

  • Fixed the issue where the camera effect was exaggerated during non-combat status, Awakening combat status, and Main Weapon combat status..


[Known Issues]

  • We are aware of the issue which Cliff's Skill Add-On Guide (30 Days) and Amstrong's Skill Guide (30 Days) showing the wrong sale percentage.
Patch Notes - September 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update September 7, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - September 7, 2022 - Archer
Pearl Shop Update - August 31, 2022
Patch Notes - August 31, 2022
Pearl Shop Update August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 17, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 24, 2022 - Wizard
Patch Notes - August 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 10, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 17, 2022 - Ranger
Pearl Shop Update August 3, 2022
2022 Summer Outfit Catalog
Patch Notes - August 3, 2022
Update Details - July 28, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 27, 2022 - Drakania
Patch Notes - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 27, 2022
Update Details - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 20
Patch Notes - July 20, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 10, 2022 - Musa
Update Details - July 15, 2022
Update Details - July 14, 2022
Patch Notes - July 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 13
[Black Desert+] Update Details - July 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 20, 2022 - Dark Knight
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 13, 2022 - Guardian
Patch Notes - June 29, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 6, 2022 - Striker
Update Details - June 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 22, 2022
Patch Notes - June 22, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 29, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Special Offers - June 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 15, 2022
Patch Notes - June 15, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 22, 2022 - Mystic
June 10 (Fri) Marni Server Update Details
Update Details - June 9, 2022
June 9 (Thu) Marni Server Update Details
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 15, 2022 - Nova
Patch Notes - June 8, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 8, 2022 - Warrior
Pearl Shop Update - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 25, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 25, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 31, 2022 - Sorceress
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2022
Patch Notes - May 18, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 25, 2022 - Sage
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 18, 2022 - Berserker
Patch Notes - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - April 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 27, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 4, 2022 - Hashashin
Pearl Shop Update - April 20, 2022
Patch Notes - April 20, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 13, 2022
Patch Notes - April 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 6, 2022
Patch Notes - April 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 6, 2022 - All Classes
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 13, 2022 - Shai
Patch Notes - March 30, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 30, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - March 30, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Update - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2022
Patch Notes - March 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 2, 2022
Patch Notes - March 2, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 23, 2022
Patch Notes - February 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 16, 2022
Patch Notes - February 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 9, 2022
Update Details - February 09, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 3, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 19, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 19, 2022
Patch Notes - January 12, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 12, 2022
Patch Notes - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - December 29
Patch Notes - December 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 22
Patch Notes - December 22, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 10, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 10, 2021
Update Details - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 27, 2021
Patch Notes - October 27, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021
Patch Notes - October 6, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021
Patch Notes - September 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021
Patch Notes - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 11, 2021
Patch Notes - August 11, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 4, 2021
Patch Notes - August 4, 2021
5 Weeks of Pearl’s Blessings
Patch Notes - July 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 28, 2021
Patch Notes - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 7, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 7, 2021
Patch Notes - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 2, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 02, 2021
Patch Notes - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2021
Patch Notes - May 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 4, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2021
Patch Notes - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - March 31, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 31, 2021
Patch Notes - March 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 24, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - March 17, 2021
Patch Notes - March 17, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2021
Patch Note - March 10, 2021
Update Details - March 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 3, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - February 25, 2021
[Updates] Update Details - February 25, 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Succession Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Tier 3 Pets 2+1
Patch notes - 9th February 2021
Patch notes - 3rd February 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Azure Knight Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits
Patch notes - 27th January 2021
Patch notes - 20th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Classic Outfit Selection Pack
Patch notes - 13th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Selection
Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack
Patch notes - 6th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Limited Pets 10% Off
Patch notes - 30th December 2020
Patch notes - 22nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Season Pass
Patch notes - 16th December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jolly Winter Dream
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Editions
Patch notes - 9th December 2020
Patch notes - 2nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: December Enhancement Pack
Patch notes - 25th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday On Now!
Patch notes - 18th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Early Black Friday
Patch notes - 11th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 30% Off BEST 11
Patch Notes - 4th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Arctic Combat Pack
Patch notes - 28th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jojo and Tick-Tock
Patch notes - 21st October 2020
Pearl Shop Update 21/10/2020
Patch notes - 14th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Spooktober Begins!
Pearl Shop Update: Venture into O'dyllita
Patch notes - 7th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Box 4+2
Pearl Shop Update: Autumn Breeze Pack
Patch notes - 23rd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Succession and Awakening Pack
Patch notes - 16th September 2020
Patch notes - 9th September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: What does the Fox Say
Pearl Shop Update: Black Spirit Pass
Patch Notes - 2nd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Glorious Shudad Ultimate Package
Patch Notes - 26 August 2020
Patch Notes - 19th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper
Patch Notes - 12th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Want One More?
Pearl Shop Update: Enhancement Pack
Patch Notes - 5th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Box
Patch Notes - 29th July 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Memories of Summer
Patch Notes - 15th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Summer Sale!
Patch Notes - 8th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 180 Days Benefits
Patch Notes - 1st July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Pack
Patch Notes - 24th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Weight Limit +300LT
Patch Notes - 17th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Ready for a Fresh Start?
Pearl Shop Update: Increase Your Limit
Patch Notes - 10th June 2020
Patch Notes - 3rd June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Dream Pack
Patch Notes - 27th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Renewed Game Packages
Pearl Shop Update: Mid-Season Sale
Patch Notes - 20th May 2020
Patch Notes - 13th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Extend Your Adventure
Pearl Shop Update: New Arrivals
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Endeavour
Patch Notes - 29th April 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: April's Package
Patch Notes - 15th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Artisan's Blessing
Patch Notes - 8th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Blooming Spring Pack
Pearl Shop Update: April Fools' Surprise
Patch Notes - 25th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Master's Package
Patch Notes - 18th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Golden Collection
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 11th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Celebration
Patch Notes - 3rd March 2020
Patch Notes - 26th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Pre-Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 19th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Time for Succession
Patch Notes - 12th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: The Dragon Is Back!
Pearl Shop Update: Check Out New Items
Patch Notes - 5th February 2020
Patch Notes - 1st April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Hundred Memories
Patch Notes - 22nd January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: New Guardian Package
Patch Notes - 15th January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Get Better Value!
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Item, 20% Sale, and More!
Patch Notes - 8th January 2020
Holiday Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 24th December 2019
Holiday Sale Up to 70% off!
Patch Notes - 17th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: New Christmas Bundle 40% Off
Patch Notes - 11th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: 50% Off!
Patch Notes - 4th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Succession Outfits 30% Off
Patch Notes - 27th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Your Value
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday Sale
Patch Notes - 20th November 2019
Patch Notes - 13th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Transfer Combat & Skill EXP
Pearl Shop Update: Golden Package 30% OFF
Patch Notes - 6th November 2019
Patch Notes - 30th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Make Your Choices!
Patch Notes - 23rd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Items!
Patch Notes - 16th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: UP TO 50% OFF
Patch Notes - 8th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Halloween Items Are Back
Patch Notes - 2nd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Gather More!
Patch Notes - 25th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Get Pearls Back
Pearl Shop Update: 45% Off!
Patch Notes - 10th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: +300 LT Back for Limited Time!
Patch Notes - 4th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Ultimate Adventurer's Pack
Life Skill Mastery Patch notes
Patch Notes - 28th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Weapon Exchange
Pearl Shop Update: New Season Sale
Patch Notes - 21st August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Surprise
Patch Notes - 14th August 2019
Patch Notes - 7th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 31st 2019
Patch Notes - 31st July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 24th 2019
Patch Notes - 24th July 2019
Patch Notes - 17th July 2019
Pearl Shop - 17th July 2019
Patch Notes - 10th July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 10th 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Inventory Expansion
Patch Notes - July 3rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - June 26th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 26th 2019
Patch Notes - 19th June 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 19th 2019
Patch Notes - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 5th 2019
Patch Notes - June 5th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 29th 2019
Patch Notes - 29h May 2019
Patch Notes - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 15th 2019
Patch Notes - 15th May 2019
Patch Notes - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 24th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 24th 2019
Patch Notes - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 3rd April 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - 27th March 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 27th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 20th 2019
Patch Notes - 20th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 3)
Patch Notes - 13th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 2)
Patch Notes - 6th March 2019
Patch Notes - 27th February 2019
Pearl Shop Update - February 20th 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 20th February 2019
Central Market
Defeat the Bosses from the Dark Rift!
Pearl Shop Update - February 6th 2019
Patch Notes - January 30th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 30th 2019
Patch Notes - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop - January 16th 2019
Patch Notes - 16th January 2019
Patch Notes - 9th January 2019
2nd January 2019
19th December 2018