
Patch Notes - June 15, 2022



Greetings Adventurers,

Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on June 15, 2022 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 159 updates and is approximately 1.35 GB.



Balenos Main Questline Renewal

The Balenos main questline, which includes Velia, the hometown of many Adventurers, has undergone a renewal. We've added fully-voiced cutscenes, a graphical makeover for the major NPCs, reorganized the quest pathing, all for the sake of improving our focus on storytelling. We hope this renewal will help our new Adventurers better understand the world of Black Desert, and our veteran Adventurers enjoy a fresh, updated look to the Balenos main questline.
We believe updating existing content to be as important as adding new content, and we will strive to continue with improving the game.

● Renewed the Balenos Main Questline with fully-voiced cutscenes and a storyline that better fleshes out the NPCs and their relationships with each other.
- After the opening tutorial with Illezra in the desert ends, choose [Ancient Stone Chamber] instead of [Mountain of Eternal Winter] when prompted to begin this main questline. 
* Characters who chose to start in the [Mountain of Eternal Winter] must complete the "Everfrost main questline," "Sights of Mediah questline," "Succession/Awakening (Drakania only requires Succession) and skill preset questlines" to begin this questline.
- You can find the requirements of this questline under "[Balenos] Breaker of Chains" in Quests (O) - Main tab. 
- Due to the renewal, certain Knowledge entries have been modified while others have been added for the Balenos territory. 
- The Balenos main questline renewal consists of 3 branching stories.
- Completing the renewed Balenos main questline will increase your Amity with the relevant Quest NPCs.
- The renewed Balenos main questline has several Crossroad quests added which will determine the final outcome of the questline.

* Adventurers who have already started the pre-renewal Balenos main questline cannot begin the renewed main questline.
* Season characters who've completed "[Pet] Bareeds' Junaid" will need to complete "[Balenos] Dark Clouds Over Velia" to be able to select the simplified questline. 
* Lv. 1 characters who were already created before this update will need to forfeit all quests, excluding Family quests, in order to begin with the renewed Balenos main questline.


New Faces

Red Nose, the Imp Boss

After awakening in the Forest of Seclusion and wandering through the Ancient Stone Chamber, you join forces with an Imp expert to chase after the Imp Boss on a mission that will forever engrave your name in this strange new world.         

Giath, King of the Goblins

Chase after the Goblin King with Eileen, the alchemist's daughter, to unravel the mystery of the nightmares plaguing Emma, the granddaughter of Velia's chief.

The Phantom Knight

Encounter this mysterious foe in Cron Castle to discover the connection between Emma's nightmares and the fallen Kingdom of Cron.

Jarette Domongatt, Princess of Serendia

"If you would just hand over the Black Stone that was in Red Nose's possession..."


The sassy princess who would do anything for love... Will she ever open her heart to us?


Eileen, the Famous Alchemist's Daughter

"And remember, when you're in Velia, you shop at Eileen's! If I catch you around Clorince's store…"


Despite having an inferiority complex, Eileen retains a sunny disposition as she joins you in your adventure. 


Emma, the Velia Chief's Granddaughter

"Hello, my name is Emma. I'm Igor Bartali's granddaughter. You must be a guest of his."

Looking for an Adventurer who can cure Emma of her daily nightmares. 

Grusha Norc, Head of the Goblin Infiltration Task Force

"#@!!#?? $@!@@$!...!! $#$!... Ah, a Human. I'm Grusha, the head of the Velia Vigilantes' special task force."


What is to be the fate of Grusha, the man who lives as both Goblin and Human?

● You can also accept the "simplified questline" exclusive to season characters during the renewed Balenos main questline.
* Since there are two Crossroad points during the questline, you can also complete the entire main questline, then proceed with the simplified questline if you so desire.
- The shared conditions to proceed with the simplified main questline is as follows.

Shared Conditions Season character with the shared Family quest "[Pet] Bareeds' Junaid" complete
First Crossroad Point Second Crossroad Point

[Balenos] Dark Clouds Over Velia
(upon first arriving in Velia)

[Balenos] Farewell, Grusha 
(endpoint of the Balenos main questline)
● You can obtain the following Knowledge entries in the renewed Balenos main questline.
Goblin War Horn
The Final Gift of the Aged Chief Giath
The Value of Black Stones
The Great Desert of 10 Years Past
Ancient Writings
Report: The Ancient Stone Chamber
Black Stones and the Black Desert
Things Are Lookin' Up!
Curse Befallen on the Family
Velia Ossuary Robbed, Punishment Well-deserved!
Giath's Eternity
Support: Strings Attached
Death's Well
Spiritually Shackled I
Spiritually Shackled II
The Call of the King
Breaker of Chains
Grusha's Dream
Grusha's Whereabouts
Grusha's Maw
Tachros' Nightmare
● Due to the renewal, the following Knowledge entries have been updated.
Emma Bartali
Imp Cave
Giath's Secret
Sad Imp Kid, Red Nose
Grudging Soul of Cron Cave (Remembering Hanna)
Red Nose

● You can obtain the following titles by completing the renewed Balenos main questline.
* Certain titles are only obtained from completing certain Crossroad quests.
- Breaker of Chains
- Emma Bartali's VIP
- Hey! Red Nose!
- Rooting For
- Mixed Feelings


● Added a tutorial focused on storytelling for new characters.
- This prologue tutorial has your newly created Lv. 1 character traverse the desert sands with Illezra, and can be skipped by your Family if you've completed the entire tutorial at least once.
* Newly created Lv. 1 characters have had their quest list reset for the sake of proceeding with the tutorial.
* The tutorial does not offer gamepad mode at this time and will be added in a later update.



Elvia Realm in Calpheon

Elvia Calpheon invades the live servers today.
There, you will be able to face the even more powerful Saunil, Rhutum, Giants, Hexe Skeletons, and Trolls.
Each of the old and familiar monster zones were given unique and interesting mechanic due to the "Elvia Distortion Phenomenon" and the Rift of Despair at its center.
The mechanics that can increase your efficiency are listed below, so be sure to take note of them.
Elvia Calpheon will drop materials required to obtain the new "Godr-Ayed" weapons and their enhancement materials. It also drops new loot items required to upgrade alchemy stones as well. We hope this will become a new challenge that our Adventurers will eagerly charge in to take on.
● Hadum, the God of Despair, who spread her corruption upon Serendia, has raised the cursed Black Sun bursting with destructive energies over the skies of Calpheon.
- With Calpheon corrupted by the Elvia Realm, its ecology has begun to distort.
- Saunil Camp, Rhutum Outstation, Gehaku Plain, Hexe Sanctuary, and Quint Hill have fallen to the corruption, as Hadum-infested monsters now appear in these zones.
- During combat, the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon can occur in Elvia Calpheon, which will alter the weather and affect which Shadow of Nightmares monster will spawn.
- You can loot materials for exchanging/enhancing the Godr-Ayed weapon and upgrading alchemy stones in Elvia Calpheon.
- You can loot the "Ancient Spirit Light" item from monsters, and upon purifying Rifts of Despair with it will grant you a powerful buff.

The Elvia Distortion Phenomenon

● "Rifts of Despair" have begun to tear open throughout Elvia Calpheon, causing occurrences of the so-called "Elvia Distortion Phenomenon" wherever they appear.
● Defeating monsters near a "Rift of Despair" has a low chance to cause the "Elvia Distortion Phenomenon" to occur.
● The "Elvia Distortion Phenomenon" will spawn a powerful boss monster and change the weather.
- If lightning begins to strike, Gigagord will appear with its minions.
- If icy winds begin to blow, a Cyclops boss monster will appear.
- If a meteor falls from the sky, an Ogre boss monster will appear.
▲ The Elvia Distortion Phenomenon occurs near a Rift of Despair which can be found all over Elvia Calpheon.

▲ The weather changing due to the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon

▲ Gigagord, Ogre, and Cyclops        

● When the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon occurs, defeating the following monsters will apply damage and DP reduction debuffs to the Elvia Calpheon boss monsters.
- Saunil Camp: Saunil Siege Captain, Saunil Commander, Saunil Siege Tower
- Rhutum Outstation: Glorious Rhutums, Rhutum Tower, Grand Rhutum Chief
- Primal Giant Post: Giant Fighter, Gehaku
- Hexe Sanctuary: Green Orc Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Witmirth, Hexe Marie
- Quint Hill: Ancient Troll
● Defeat the bosses of the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon to receive the "Corrupting Darkness" buff and "Remnants of Darkness" debuff.
- Corrupting Darkness: Significantly increases damage dealt to Elvia Calpheon monsters (for 5 minutes)
- Remnants of Darkness: Cannot obtain the Corrupting Darkness buff with this debuff (lasts for 30 minutes)
● Added four entries to the "Elvia's Shadow" Ecology Knowledge for Elvia Calpheon.
- Defeat the following Shadows of Nightmares from the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon to obtain Ecology Knowledge entries.
- Kitskala, Calestra, Charpene, Gigagord

Ancient Spirit Light

● Defeating monsters in Elvia Calpheon has a low chance to drop the "Ancient Spirit Light" item, which can be used to purify Rifts of Despair\.
- Using the Ancient Spirit Light near a Rift of Despair will grant the "Blessing of the Ancient Spirits" buff, which greatly increases your damage for 5 minutes.
* Blessing of the Ancient Spirits: Significantly increases damage dealt to Elvia Calpheon monsters during the buff duration
- The Ancient Spirit Light item will last for 6 hours once looted and will disappear once the duration is over.
- Using the Ancient Spirit Light without a Rift of Despair nearby will not grant any buff.
- The Corrupting Darkness buff cannot stack with the Blessing of the Ancient Spirits.
Elvia Calpheon Monster Zones
Saunil Camp
Recommended AP/DP Zone Info
270 AP
330 DP
Defeat Hadum-infested Saunils and the Saunils will charge with siege towers to take down the flags of Calpheon.
Defeat the Saunil Siege Towers and enraged Saunil soldiers will rush in to attack Adventurers and Calpheon's soldiers.
Defeat all of the enraged Saunils to obtain a buff near the flag that greatly increases your damage. 
▲ Defeat enough Saunils and they'll bring out their siege towers.
▲ Destroy the siege towers and enraged Saunils will rush in.
▲ Defeat all the enraged Saunils!
[TIP] Once the Calpheon flag is safe, you can obtain its buff.
(Extra AP Against Monster +10)
Rhutum Outstation
Recommended AP/DP Zone Info
280 AP
360 DP
Defeat all the Glorious Rhutum guarding the Rhutum flag and Rhutum warriors will rush in.
Defeat all the Rhutum warriors and the Rhutum will retreat after burning the supply boxes. Destroy these boxes before they burn down to obtain their loot.
Destroy the three Rhutum watchtowers installed near Rhutum flags to summon the Rhutum Wizard, untouched by Hadum's corruption, who will cast a barrier buff to reduce damage taken from monsters for Adventurers.
Defeat Rhutum for a low chance to summon the Grand Rhutum Chief.
▲ Defeat [Glorious] Rhutum near the flag and more Rhutum will rush in.
▲ Defeat the Rhutum and even stronger Rhutum will rush in.
▲ Defeat all the Rhutum and destroy the supply boxes to obtain additional loot.
[TIP] Defeat the three watchtowers near the flag and a Rhutum Wizard will cast a barrier that will grant a damage reduction buff.
Gehaku Plain
Recommended AP/DP Zone Info
290 AP
370 DP
Defeat Giants and "World-weary Souls" will appear. The more souls gather, the more powerful Giants will rush in.
Once enough souls have gathered, Ravening Giants will rush in to steal the souls, which ultimately ends with the Giant Fighter appearing.
Defeat the Giant Fighter to free the souls who grant an attack/cast speed buff and also has a low chance to summon Gehaku. 
▲ Defeat the Giants and World-weary Souls will appear.
▲ Defeat Giants near the World-weary Souls, harvesting their resentment to summon more powerful Giants.
▲ Defeat the Giants and the Giant Fighter will appear.
▲ Defeat the Giant Fighter to free the souls for their buff and summon Gehaku (low chance).
(Attack Speed +15% during its duration, Casting Speed +15% during its duration)
Hexe Sanctuary
Recommended AP/DP Zone Info
300 AP
390 DP
A new form of death spreads throughout Hexe Sanctuary corrupted by Hadum's influence.
Fueled by Hadum's aura, "Hexe Marie" keeps a watchful gaze on all intruders to her sanctuary.
Howling Dead Green Orc Skeleton Warriors command nearby undead to attack Adventurers.
Struggling with Hadum's corruption, Soul Harvester Skeleton Witmirth appears, craving intact souls.
- Defeat the Hexe undead and "Soul of the Dead" will appear where they fall. Soul Harvester Skeleton Witmirth will collect these souls.
- You cannot attack Skeleton Witmirth if it hasn't harvested enough souls.
- Once Soul Harvester Skeleton Witmirth has harvested enough "Souls of the Dead," it will crave the soul of Adventurers and attack.
Souls harvested by the Soul Harvester Skeleton Witmirth will summon forth even more undead.
- Defeat Unstable Soul Green Orc Skeleton Warriors and their souls will explode to deal much damage to undead nearby.
Once enough deathly energy has gathered, Hexe Marie will appear herself to mercilessly attack Adventurers.
- "Hexe Marie" will demand "Skeleton Soldiers" nearby to sacrifice themselves for her.
- The souls of these "Skeleton Soldiers" will explode to show their devotion.
- These explosions will deal powerful damage to Adventurers and undead alike.
▲ Defeat the undead near [Soul Harvester] Skeleton Witmirth, who will harvest their souls.
* Unable to attack/take damage
▲ Once Skeleton Witmirth has harvested enough souls, it will attack the Adventurer. Defeat Skeleton Witmirth and the undead will rush in.
▲ Continue the fight and Hexe Marie will appear to attack the Adventurer with more undead.
[TIP] [Soulless] red-blinking undead will explode if they get too close to an Adventurer.
The ensuing explosion deals much damage to both Adventurers and undead nearby.
Quint Hill
Recommended AP/DP Zone Info
310 AP
400 DP
Once an Ancient Troll's HP goes below a certain point, it will unleash its HP to charge its Stamina. Petrified Trolls nearby hit by this burst will awaken. Awakened Ancient Trolls will also gain a powerful DP buff for a short time immediately after their resurrection.
Sealed Troll Shamans remain dormant but if destroyed, will petrify all Trolls nearby, applying a DP Reduction debuff as well.
* Once risen, Ancient Trolls will not return to a petrified state, but a paralyzed one.
▲ Defeat 3 Trolls near an Ancient Troll to disturb its slumber.
▲ Defeat the risen Ancient Troll to break the seal of petrified Trolls, who will rush in.
The Ancient Troll will resurrect from its slumber in a moment to attack the Adventurer once more.
▲ Sealed Troll Shamans do not attack Adventurers, and petrify those around it when it falls.
[TIP] Use the Troll Shaman's petrification effect to easily take down a large number of Trolls at once.
● Added new materials which drop from all monster zones in Elvia Calpheon.
- Scorching Sun Shard: material used to craft Scorching Sun Crystal (for exchanging Godr-Ayed weapons) and Scorching Sun Gemstone (for enhancing Godr-Ayed weapons).
- Crystalized Despair: material used to craft "Blessed Soul Fragment" for upgrading alchemy stones.
- Corrupted Breath: material processed via Simple Alchemy with "Frenzy Draught" to make "Frenzy Draught of Corruption."
● Added the "[Elvia] Darkness Upon the Saunil Battlefield" quest which rewards you with a large amount of "Scorching Sun Shards."
- You can accept the quest from Trina Knights Scout Henley, the Saunil Camp node manager, with a Lv. 60 or higher character on an Elvia server.
- Complete the quest to receive Scorching Sun Shard x20 as a reward.
- This quest can be completed once per Family.
● Added new 15 daily quest and 2 weekly quest to Calpheon Elvia.
- These quests can be found by setting Quest type to combat - Quests (O). 
- These quests can only be accepted in Elvia server with a character higher than Lv. 60.
Quest-Related NPC Quest Name Details / Rewards
Saunil Camp
- Trina Knights Scout Henley 
[Elvia Daily] Preemptive Strike Defeat Saunil Fighter x150
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1
[Elvia Daily] Saunils Armed to the Teeth   Defeat Saunil Armored Warrior x100 
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1
[Elvia Daily] Anomalies at Saunil Camp  Defeat Saunil x1350
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x5 
Rhutum Sentry Post
- Elinke Visamin 
[Elvia Daily] Raving Rhutums  Defeat Rhutum Soldier x500
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Shining Rhutum Flag Defeat Rhutum Fighter x300
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Magic-wielding Rhutum?  Defeat Rhutum x1650
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x5
Gehaku Plain
- Naku Davi 
[Elvia Daily] Flickering Flame Defeat Giant Brawler x150
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Stranger Noises Defeat Giant Combatant x400
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Giant Brutality  Defeat Giant x1600
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x5 
Hexe Sanctuary
- Becker 
[Elvia Daily] Trail Gone Deathly Cold  Defeat Skeleton x150
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Nightly Howls  Defeat Skeleton Wolf x200
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Darkened Sanctuary  Defeat Skeleton x1600
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x5 
Anti-Troll Fortification
- Andre Vidal 
[Elvia Daily] Stoned Trolls  "Tainted by the Ancient Seal" Defeat Ancient Troll Warrior x5
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Hideous Odor  Defeat the Risen Troll Warrior x40 - Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x1 
[Elvia Daily] Darkened Sanctuary  Defeat Troll x200
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x5 
- Brolina's Guard
[Elvia Weekly] Gigagord  Defeat Shadow of Nightmares Gigagord x1
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x10 
[Elvia Weekly] Minions of Nightmares Defeat Shadow of Nightmares monsters x20
- Contribution EXP 300, Powder of Nightmare x10 
● Added new titles that can be obtained by defeating monsters in Calpheon Elvia.
New Title Monster Zone
- All-Nighter- Sunstroke- Hero of Trina   Saunil Camp 
- Face Only a Mother Could Love- Got Up on the Wrong Side of Bed- Dances with Rhutums Rhutum Outstation 
- Heavily Armed- Denser than Stone- Who's the Giant Now?  Gehaku Plain 
- Spineless- Hexe-buster- Worked to the Bone  Hexe Sanctuary 
- I Can See Your Belly- Tap-Dancing with Quint- King of the Town Hill  Quint Hill 
● Added the following Powder of Nightmare exchanges to Nucamira, a dispatched priest in Keplan.- Powder of Nightmare x1 → Corrupted Breath x2- Powder of Nightmare x5 → Scorching Sun Shard x1
● Added Elvia Calpheon monster zones to Marni's Realm.
- You must be on an Elvia server to enter the Marni's Realm - Elvia Calpheon monster zones.
* Please refer to the Adventurer's Guide - [Elvia Calpheon] for details.


Godr-Ayed Weapons / Alchemy Stone Upgrade

The "Godr-Ayed Weapons" were added with the introduction of Calpheon Elvia. Godr-Ayed weapons are a different version of the pre-existing Blackstar weapons designed to break down the progression of the TET (IV) to PEN (V) Blackstar journey into smaller steps so that Adventurers can continue to improve.


Godr-Ayed weapons can be obtained by converting TET (IV) Blackstar weapons. However, in order to convert your Blackstar weapon, you must have the "Scorching Sun Crystal," which is dropped as loot in Calpheon Elvia.


Godr-Ayed weapons can be enhanced 5 levels, each level will improve its stats. The "Scorching Sun Gemstone" is required to attempt to enhance the weapon. The gemstone can be made with the "Scorching Sun Shard" that drops as loot in Calpheon Elvia.


As the enhancement levels were divided into 5 levels, each attempt will be easier to accomplish than the PEN (V) Blackstar attempt. However, the amount of Silver required to make it into PEN (V) will be similar to attaining a PEN (V) Blackstar.
* We have increased the maximum price of the PEN (V) Blackstar weapons on the Central Market in order to maintain its value.


We have received so much feedback from our Adventurers after the Dev Commentary we posted on May 26. There was an especially high interest about the Godr-Ayed weapons. So, we would like to use this opportunity to thank everyone that took the time to give us feedback.


As PEN (V) Blackstar Weapons are currently one of the highest-tier items in Black Desert, we do not have any plans to introduce a "guaranteed upgrade" path for them. For Adventurers who've already faced great difficulty in obtaining the PEN (V) Blackstar Weapons, we believe Godr-Ayed is the "bare minimum mechanism" for them.


We will strive to contemplate on the future direction of Black Desert to become the best it can be.

● Added Godr-Ayed main weapons and awakening weapons.
- You can obtain Godr-Ayed weapons by converting a TET (IV) Blackstar weapon.
- Godr-Ayed weapons can be registered and purchased at each of its enhancement levels on the Central Market.
- Godr-Ayed weapons have five enhancement levels. It starts from +0 and go up to PEN (V). (+0 → PRI (I) → DUO (II) → TRI (III) → TET (IV) → PEN (V) )
* Godr-Ayed weapons do not drop an enhancement level when failing PRI (I) → DUO (II) enhancement attempts.
- The materials required to convert and enhance Godr-Ayed weapons drop as loot in Elvia Calpheon.


● Added the means to convert PEN (V) Blackstar weapons and PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapons.
- You can convert PEN (V) Blackstar weapons into PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapons, and vice versa, through Grána's Eldest Spirit Merindora.
- You will need Scorching Sun Crystal x1 and a PEN (V) Blackstar weapon or a PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapon for the conversion.
* You will need to hand over a PEN (V) Blackstar weapon and a Scorching Sun Crystal x1 to convert into a PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapon.
* You will need to hand over a PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapon and a Scorching Sun Crystal x1 to convert into a PEN (V) Blackstar weapon..
* Reformed awakening weapons will retain their reformed status after the conversion.
* Weapons branded with your Family name will retain the branded status after the conversion.


Godr-Ayed Weapon Conversion

● Added the "[Godr-Ayed Weapon] Merindora's Calling" quest where you can convert TET (IV) Blackstar main weapons and awakening weapons into Godr-Ayed weapons.
- You can accept this quest from the Black Spirit (/) by having a TET (IV) Blackstar main weapons and awakening weapons in your Inventory.
- You can then proceed with the quest via Merindora, the Eldest Spirit in the capital city of Grána. You will need to hand over "Scorching Sun Crystal" and a TET (IV) Blackstar weapon to get a sealed Godr-Ayed weapon.
* "Scorching Sun Crystals" can be made by gathering "Scorching Sun Shards" that drop in Elvia Calpheon as loot.
* Item Copy and branding will be removed from the Blackstar weapon used to convert to a Godr-Ayed weapon.
* Additionally, Blackstar weapons copied via Item Copy system cannot be used in the quest to convert into Godr-Ayed weapons.

Godr-Ayed Weapon Enhancement

● Added "Scorching Sun Gemstones" that are used to enhance Godr-Ayed weapons.
- Scorching Sun Gemstones can be made by Heating (L) "Scorching Sun Shards" (which drops as loot in Elvia Calpheon) with "Flawless Magical Black Stones."
- Godr-Ayed weapons lose 10 max durability for each failed enhancement attempt.

Godr-Ayed Weapon Stats

Main Weapons Awakening Weapons


Godr-Ayed Weapon Enhancement Rates and Required Cron Stones

● The stat increases, success rates, and the required Cron Stones for each enhancement level of the Godr-Ayed weapon are listed below.

Enhancement Levels

Stat Increases

Success Rates

Cron Stones per Attempt

+0 → PRI (I) "Main"
AP +1
Accuracy +1
Extra AP Against Monsters +2

AP +1
Accuracy +1
Extra AP Against Monsters +1
9.90% with a +100
Enhancement Chance
PRI (I) → DUO (II) "Main"
AP +2

AP +2
7.00% with a +130
Enhancement Chance
DUO (II) → TRI (III) "Main"
AP +1
Accuracy +2
Extra AP Against Monsters +3

AP +1
Accuracy +2
Extra AP Against Monsters +1
6.00%  with a +150
Enhancement Chance
TRI (III) → TET (IV) "Main"
AP +2
Accuracy +3
Extra AP Against Monsters +4

AP +2
Accuracy +3
Extra Damage to All Species +1
Extra AP Against Monsters +3
4.50%  with a +170
Enhancement Chance
TET (IV) → PEN (V) "Main"
AP +3
Accuracy +6
Extra Damage to All Species +1
Extra AP Against Monsters +7

AP +3
Accuracy +6
Extra Damage to All Species +1
Extra AP Against Monsters +5
3.15%  with a +200
Enhancement Chance


Alchemy Stone Upgrade

● Added the "Blessed Soul Fragment" item, which is used to upgrade Alchemy Stones.
- This item can be used to upgrade the following Alchemy Stones:
* Yellow grade and higher Destruction and Protection Alchemy Stones that are Sharp or better.
* Vell's Heart
* Khan's Heart: Destruction and Khan's Heart: Protection
* Perilla's Star

Item Name Description
Blessed Soul Fragment

Effects added by upgrading:
DP +2 (Damage Reduction+2),
Monster Damage Reduction Rate +1%,
All Resistance +2%
How to Obtain: Process (L) the following materials - Heat
- Forest Fury x10
- Magical Shard x50
- Black Stone (Armor) x100
- Crystallized Despair x200
* Crystallized Despair can be obtained in all Monster Zones from Elvia Realm (Can be Registered to Central Market)

- You can Polish/Grow upgraded alchemy stones. However, the upgrade and the Blessed Soul Fragment will disappear if you fail the growth attempt on an upgraded alchemy stone.
- You can obtain Crystallized Despair x1 by extracting it from upgraded alchemy stone.


Monster Zone Info UI Rework

Monster Zone Info UI will be updated as mentioned during Calpheon Episode 2. We have improved the Monster Zone UI to easily check each Monster Zone Item Drop, Daily Quests, Knowledge, and other info in-game. The recently added Monster Zones can be checked with the hashtags and we are also preparing for an Adventurer's Board link function to check useful Monster Zone Info that was written by Adventurers or Monster Zone guides. We hope that Monster Zone Info UI is useful and improves our Adventurers' experience.

● Revised the Drop Item Info UI into the Monster Zone Info UI to check various info regarding Monster Zones. 

- You can find Monster Zone Info UI in Menu (ESC) - Adventure (F5) - Menu (ESC) - Monster Zone Info.
- You can check Recurring Quests and Region Quests, Ecology Knowledge, and Title Info including item drop info that can be obtained in Monster Zones.
- Enable Navigation to auto-navigate to the quest acceptance location by clicking on the quest in the Recurring Quests section.
- Open the Knowledge UI by clicking on the Knowledge entry in the Ecology Knowledge section.
- Open the Title UI by clicking on a Title in the Title section.
- Search for the Monster Zone by searching the Monster Zone name or item drop name.
- Sort Monster Zones by selecting one of the characteristic filters (Region Quests, Party Zones, Elvia Realm, Marni's Realm) or the territory filter that it belongs to.
- The hashtags contain extra info regarding the distinct characteristics of the Monster Zone.
* Hover your mouse over the Monster Zone tag to find out more.

● Added a function to check Monster Zone Info right away by clicking on Monster Zone UI within the worldmap.




New and Improvements


● Fixed the issue where skills that couldn't be learned were displayed.
● Changed the defensive effect from Invincible to Super Armor that is applied when Cannon and Ballista are summoned.


● Counter Slash - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Improved to combo faster into other skills,
- Improved to combo into attack 2 by pressing LMB during the following skills.
* Seismic Strike, Shield Assault, Shield Tide
- Improved to combo into attack 2 during the following skill hits.
* Frenzied Spear


● Dusk Slash - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Improved to combo during the following skills into attack 2 by pressing LMB.
* Seismic Strike, Shield Assault, Shield Tide
- Improved to combo into Counter Slash attack 2 during the following skill hits.
* Frenzied Spear


● Roaring Arrow - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Increased Critical Hit Rate.
* Critical Hit Rate: 50% → 100%
- Improved to combo into Penetrating Wind by pressing SHIFT + RMB when using the skill.
- Improved to combo into Extreme: Charging Wind by pressing SPACE when using the skill.

● Fury Arrow - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Increased skill damage.
- Attack Damage: 520% x2 → 624% x2
- Changed to no longer recover Stamina.
- Improved to combo into Penetrating Wind by pressing SHIFT + RMB when using the skill.

● Penetrating Wind - Fixed the issue of the skill not activating when pressing SHIFT + RMB after Tearing Arrow.


● Shadow Hellfire - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Skill motion was adjusted to attack 1, and skill damage was adjusted accordingly (PvP damage remains the same).
* Attack damage 856% x3, extra attack damage 1132% x5 → Attack damage 1452% x7
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 60% → 67.6%
- Improved to combo more smoothly into another enhanced skill after using the skill.

● Shadow Wave - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows.
* Attack damage 1219% x3, max 3 hits → Attack damage 1219% x4
- Changed its appearance to be more spherical.
- Removed Air Attack and added Down Attack.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into another enhanced skill after using the skill.
- Changed skill effect.

● Dark Split - Added information on forward attacks to the description.
- Floating on forward attack hits.
● Dark Split - Fixed the issue where only attack 1 was applied when performed moving forward from a non-combat stance.
● Violation - Fixed the issue where the Skill Add-on effects weren't being applied for downward slash attacks during cooldown.
● Violation - Fixed the issue where the Critical Hit Rate +50% wasn't being applied for PvE.


"● Feral Rage - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:"
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage per spin 1: 647% x 7  771% x 7
* Last attack damage 647% x 2 → 771% x 2

"● Axe of Destruction - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:"
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage: 768% x 1, max 9 hits → 768% x 5, max 2 hits
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 53.5% → 60%
- Changed so that Knockdown is applied to all attack areas.
- Removed Movement Speed -30% for 10 sec on hits
- Added Melee AP +16 for 10 sec when using the skill.
- Changed skill's cooldown.
* Cooldown: 45 sec → 20 sec

● Frenzied Winds - Improved the enhanced skill as follows.
- Added Air Attack.
- Improved to combo after the following skills by pressing LMB.
* Feral Stampede, Wailing Beast, Axe of Destruction
- Improved to activate the last attack motion faster.

● Frenzied Tyrant - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Improved so that the skill's attack motion can be activated even faster.
- Added "Recover HP +30 per hit" on hits.


● Horror Slam - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Added Down Smash.
- Removed all Accuracy Rate -9% for 10 sec on hits. 
● Lightning Burn - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Increased backward travel distance.
- Removed Attack Speed -20% for 10 sec on hits.
- Improved to combo during the following skills by pressing LMB.
* Horror Slam, Legendary Beast's Claw

● Prime: Trample - Fixed the issue of comboing into Jolt Wave instead of Bolt Wave by pressing SHIFT + LMB when using the skill.
● Core: Legendary Beast Dance - Fixed the description to match the actual effect.
● Cloud Stomping - Added "All Evasion Rate +6% for 10 sec" to the description.


● Storm Slash - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed the Critical Hit Rate 50% effect for extra attacks to all attacks.
- Improved to combo during the following skill into extra attacks by pressing LMB.
* Pouncing Dragon

● Gale Slash - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Slightly increased the skill's attacking speed.
- Increased whirlwind speed.
- Improved to combo during the following skills into extra attacks by pressing LMB.
* Pouncing Dragon, Quick Shot


● Decapitating Cyclone - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Increased whirlwind speed.
- Improved so that whirlwind attacks activate in the direction the camera is facing
- Improved to combo during the following skills into attack 2 and whirlwind attacks by pressing LMB.
* Chaos: Crimson Gust, Blooming Stride, Blooming Step

● Decapitating Dragon - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
"- Adjusted skill damage as follows: (PvP damage was not adjusted.)"
* Attack 1 damage: 789% x4 → 1089% x4
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 48% → 55.2%
- Improved to combo during the following skills into attack 2 by pressing LMB.
* Chaos: Crimson Gust, Blooming Stride, Blooming Step


● Divine Judgment of Light - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted attack 1 damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 835% x7 → 1130% x 7 
- Added Attack Speed -20% for 10 sec.
- Removed Movement Speed -10% for 5 sec.
- Improved to combo during the following skills by pressing LMB.
* Celestial Smite, Ultimate: Celestial Spear
● Shining Judgment of Light - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed skill motion.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 1034% x2, max 3 hits  → 1034% x1, max 7 hits
* Attack 2 damage: 1034% x3 → 1034% x6 
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 45% → 60%
- Added Down Smash on attack 1 hits.
- Removed "Recover 20 SP" per hit.
- Changed resources being used when using the skill.
* SP 150 → Stamina 100 
* Due to the skill now consuming Stamina, the skill will no longer restore Stamina when used.
- Improved to now combo into the skill during Righteous Charge or Shining Dash by pressing SPACE.

● Black Spirit: Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae - Fixed the issue where you would combo into the non-Black Spirit's Rage version of the skill.
● Revelation Sanctus - Fixed the issue where you could learn the skill.


● Ninjutsu: Ankle Splitter - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted attack 1 damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 694% x3 → 1040% x3
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 56.1% → 65.9%
- Increased extra attack area.
- Changed the Critical Hit Rate 100% effect to apply for extra attacks to all attacks.

● Shackle Target - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Improved so pressing LMB will combo into the following skills:
* Ninjutsu: Sinew Cut, Assassin's Trail, Ninjutsu: Heart Snatch

● Shackle Target - Fixed the issue where Target Chase's buff didn't apply after comboing into certain skills. 
● Shackle Target - Improved to combo more smoothly when moving backward.
● Kunai Block - Fixed the issue where your character would freeze when struck with not enough Stamina for the skill.


● Shuriken: Moon Dive - Improved the Shuriken: Moon Dive enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed skill motion.

- Removed stealth after using skill.
- Changed cooldown.
* Cooldown: 30 sec → 20 sec

● Ninjutsu: Decapitation - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
"- Adjusted skill damage as follows: (PvP damage was not adjusted.)"
* Attack damage: 577% x3 → 1533% x4
* Extra attack damage: 1731% x6 → 1533% x5
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 36.9% → 44.6%

● Shuriken: Moon Dive - Applied the following changes.
- Changed so that stealth is removed after using skill and Floating is applied on hits for PvE only.
- Changed skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage 611% x 7, extra attack damage 220% x 3 → Attack damage: 1212% x 11
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 7.7% → 65%
- Changed Critical Hit Rate from 30% to 50%.
- Changed "All Evasion Rate +9% for 10 sec when using the skill" to "All AP +12 for 10 sec when using the skill."
- Removed effect that taunts nearby enemies and increased attack area.
- Improved to link motions smoothly when using Shuriken: Moon Dive.
- Changed Shuriken: Moon Dive consumable resources from WP 15 to Stamina 200.
* Due to the skill now consuming Stamina, the skill will no longer restore Stamina when used.


● Mana Arrows - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Added Forward Guard when using the skill.
- Removed stun on second hits.
- Changed to absorb MP on attack 1 hits instead of attack 2 hits.
- Adjusted second hits as follows:
* Attack 2 damage: 231% x7 → 808% * 4 hits
- Improved so that your character spins during attack 2.

● Trembling Thunder - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Improved skill motion.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage: 824% x11 → 1153% x11
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 30% → 45%


● Lightning Arrows - Improved enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage: 824% x7 → 1153% x7
- Improved to activate faster when using the skill.
- Fixed the abnormal attack range.
● Residual Lightning - Added pressing RMB to activate Lightning Arrows to the description.


● Obsidian Blaze - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed attack range the same as Prime: Wheel of Fortune.
- Adjusted the skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage: 415% x 8 → 937% x 8
- Fixed the issue of the character appearing abnormal when rotating the camera.

● Unveiled Fate - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed attack range to be the same as Prime: Wheel of Fortune.
- Improved the combo speed between the motions of attacks 1 and 2.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage 733% x4 → 375% x4
* Attack 2 damage 730% x8 → 937% x8
* Increased Attack Speed when using skill.
* Increase Attack Speed for 10 sec: +5% → +10%
- Added the Critical Hit Rate +100% effect.
- Fixed the issue of the character appearing abnormal when the camera is rotating.
● Nocturne - Fixed the issue where your character could be struck by debuffs while vanishing after comboing into Flow: Dark Execution.

● Cluster of Despair - Added Down Attack to the description.


● Iron Fist Fury - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Increased move distance.
- Improved to combo into Thrashing Wolf by pressing LMB.
- Improved to combo more smoothly with other skills.

● Thrashing Wolf - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage 707% x3 → 954% x3
* Extra attack damage 707% x4, max 4 hits → 954% x4, max 4 hits
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 36.1% → 40%


● White Heron - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed cooldown.
* Cooldown: 22 sec → 13 sec
- Slightly increased Forward Guard duration when using the skill.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 872% x2 → 921% x4
* Attack 2 damage: 872% x5 → 921% x3
* Attack 3 damage: 872% x3 → 921% x3
- Fixed Down Smash to match the actual effect.

● Cymbidium Trail - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed cooldown.
* Cooldown: 22 sec → 13 sec
- Slightly increased Super Armor duration when using the skill.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 614% x2 → 680% x4
* Attack 2 damage: 614% x5 → 680% x3
* Attack 3 damage 614% x3 → 680% x3
* PvP Damage Reduction Rate: 50% → 25%

● Sacred Dance of Souls - Improved to combo during Eyes of Blood and Phoenix Chase by pressing LMB.


● Ultimate: Verdure Clout - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed skill motion.
- Changed Forward Guard during attack 1 to Forward Guard when using the skill.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 622% x3 → 1324% x4
* Attack 2 damage: 1103% x6 → 1324% x6
- Removed Ranged AP +10 for 10 sec when using the skill.
- Removed Floating effect on attack 1 hits.
- Removed Air Smash effect on attack 2 hits
- Removed Air Attack effect and added Down Attack effect.

● Radiant Ensnare - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed skill motion.
- Removed the Stiffness debuff on attack 1 hits.
- Added Movement/Attack/Casting Speed -20% for 10 sec on attack 1 hits.


In today’s update, we have adjusted Shai’s Monster DP Reduction. Generally, Shai is extremely efficient at defeating monsters with high DP due to dealing a large number of attacks that apply DP Reduction, which is also a distinct feature of the Florang. We wanted to keep this feature, however, while preparing updates for high-end monster zones like the Crypt of Resting Thoughts, Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Underground), Calpheon Elvia Realm and others, we felt it’d be difficult to maintain proper game balance with the status quo, as Monster DP Reduction showing an excessively high efficiency in the high-end monster zones played a big part in this decision. Still, after today's update, your Shai with a decent gear score will still be able tackle these top-tier monster zones efficiently.

In today’s update, “Monster DP -10%” was changed to “All DP -35” for Shai’s Hop-Three, Kwik-Two, and Twirl-Three. Additionally, Misty Haze’s cooldown has been adjusted from 30 sec to 3 min. (We adjusted the cooldown time and kept DP reduction to retain Misty Haze’s importance in party zones and other specific situations.)

Thus, we changed Florin's Leaf to be restored by various skills so that you could use Outta My Way! to maintain the AP increase buff as long as possible. We’ve added “Evasion Rate -9%” to One-Two-Three and “All Accuracy Rate +6%” to Try This! due to the DP Reduction adjustment. Regarding Misty Haze, we added Super Armor to be applied from the beginning motion as the cooldown change has made it more important when deciding on how and when to use the skill. However, after the Global Lab update, many of our Shai Adventurers sent us feedback in regard to how the Misty Haze cooldown change removed the class's unique trait of being highly valued in a party. While the Shai won't be able to apply the same amount of DP Reduction as before, we will strive to retain her class identity in playing an important role in party monster zones.

Some of you may feel disappointed with the recent changes. We wished to maintain as much as we could, but we came to this conclusion that adjustment was needed for the sake of new and future high-end monster zones planned for released. However, the main point of this adjustment is not to reduce Shai’s abilities but to adjust her extremely high efficiency within certain monster zones. We will keep checking and make further adjustments as necessary.

● Misty Haze - Changed the skill as follows:
- Changed cooldown from 30 sec to 3 min.
- Changed skill duration from 20 sec to 30 sec.
● Hop-Three, Kwik-Two, Twirl-Three - Changed the skills as follows:
- Changed "All DP -10%" to "All DP -35" for PvE.
- This DP Reduction effect still stacks with other classes' DP Reduction effects as before.
● Twirl-Three
- Improved to recover Florin's Leaf after every skill motion.
● One-Two-Three
- Improved to recover Florin's Leaf after every skill motion.
- Added all evasion rate -9% on hits.
- Fixed the issue of cooldown being reset when doing a combo after using Go!.
● Go!
- Improved to recover Florin's Leaf after every skill motion.
● Try This!
- Improved to combo smoothly after the following skills.
* Twirl, Hop-Three, Kwik-Two
- All Accuracy Rate +6% for 10 sec when using skill.
● We're Gonna Win!
- Changed effect duration from 5 min to 10 min.
● Misty Haze, Do it Better!, Delusive Light
- Improved to apply Super Armor effect from the beginning of the skill.
● Sun, Moon, Stars, Shout to the Sky, Time to Shine!, Summer Rain, Do it Better!, Misty Haze, or Delusive Light - Improved to obtain loot even when the monster is killed by a party or platoon member that is within the skill effect area.


● Pulverization - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Improved to activate Fierce Disdain first when pressing ←,→ RMB when using the skill.
● Merciless Smash - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack damage: 758% x9 → 985% x9  

● Searing Fang - Applied the following changes.
- Slightly increased the combo speed from attack 2 into Scornful Slash, Frigid Wind, Neck Impaler, or Scalding Thorn.
- Fixed the issue where attack 2 wouldn't combo into Glorious Advance's attack 2.

● Scornful Slash - Changed to combo from attack 1 after Searing Fang's attack 2.


● Dominion Slash - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed attack 1 motion.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 952%  → 1377%
* Attack 2 damage: 1296% → 1503%
* PvP damage reduction rate: 54% → 64%

● Aal's Mirage - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Improved to now activate by pressing LMB during Hourglass of Death on blocks.


● Quoratum's Closing - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Removed the Stiffness debuff.
- Changed Forward Guard while moving backward to moving forward when using the skill.
- Improved to move smoothly while moving backward.

● Frozen Chain - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted skill damage as follows: 
* Attack 1 damage: 876% x1, max 3 hits → 1095% x1, max 3 hits
* Attack 2 damage: 876% x2, max 3 hits → 1095% x2, max 3 hits
* PvP damage reduction rate: 37% → 40%
- Added the Down Smash effect for attack 2 hits.

● Quoratum's Earth - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
"- Adjusted skill damage as follows: (PvP damage was not adjusted.)"
* Attack damage: 1211% x6 →1211% x8
* PvP damage reduction rate: 40% → 55%

● Enter the Darkness - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 910% x4 → 1228% x4
* Attack 2 damage: 910% x5 → 1228% x5
* PvP damage reduction rate: 40% → 55.5%


● Piercing Thorn - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Improved attack motions to display more smoothly.
- Improved to combo faster into Rift Chain when using the skill.

● Void Blast - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed so that Forward Guard lasts until the skill is over.
- Increased HP recovered on hits.
* HP recovered per hit: 50 → 60

● Void Eruption - Improved the enhanced skill as follows:
- Changed Critical Hit Rate 25% → 100%.
- Adjusted skill damage as follows:
* Attack 1 damage: 1372% x2, attack 2 damage: 1372% x6 → Attack damage: 1372% x6
* PvP damage reduction rate: 45% → 50%
● Bolt - Changed the following defensive buffs when overcharged.
- Super Armor → Invincible when beginning the skill, then Super Armor while performing the skill.
- Does not apply if overcharged during cooldown.
● Impaling Flash - Fixed to move behind the opponent after last attacks while holding ↑ key.

● Spear Bolt - Improved to activate first instead of Flow: Aftershock when used after Shock Relay.
● Rift Chain - Changed so you can combo into Bolt with your kibelius.
● Bolt - Fixed the issue where you could activate the skill without having first learned it.


● Rising Whirlpool - Improved to activate more smoothly after the following skills:
- Riding Waves, Smooth Sailin', Whirling Slash, Flow: Wave Skedaddle

● Mareca: Spiral Soak - Fixed the issue where your character appeared abnormal after using the skill.

● Wave Blast - Improved the motion before the attack to combo more smoothly.
● Pearl Blast - Changed the damage as follows:
- Attack 1 damage: 723% x 3 → 939% x 3
- Extra attack damage: 723% x 6 → 939% x 6


● Added Drakania to now be available as a Trial character.



Arena of Solare Pre-Season 1 has ended. More Adventurers participated and enjoyed than we expected. Thank you for participating and enjoying regardless of some issues.

We will keep analyzing Adventurer’s gameplay results during this Pre-Season and adjust according to them. We can see that Adventurers are giving opinions regarding arena’s design or strategies and balance. We will do our best to keep checking and make better contents. (Pre-Season rules or strategies are subject to change.

Lastly, we will also do our best so Arena of Solare doesn’t feel too difficult and it’s easier for Adventurers who are starting PvP content. Thank you.

[Notice] Reset Arena of Solare Pre-Season Week 1 info as mentioned in Arena of Solare season info.
- Reset Pre-Season Week 1 (Jun 8 - Jun 15) of Arena of Solare Progress Info (result and ranks, unlocked gear, Seal of Solare).
* Does not refresh from Pre-Season Week 2 to Week 4.
● Started Arena of Solare Pre-Season Week 2.
● Applied the following adjustments of Arena of Solare.
- Reduced HP Recovery by 40% due to Flora's Breath, Unknown Sphere and skill being applied within the arena.
- Adjusted buff effects that can be obtained when destroying Wind's Song elemental traces as follows:
* AP +320 (160 when adjusted) for 30 sec, Attack Speed +15% → AP +150 (75 when adjusted) for 20 sec, Attack Speed +25%
- Tripled the max HP of the Wind's Song elemental trace.
- Changed the initial starting location in Areha Palm Forest.
- Adjusted the buff effects when destroying Warmth of Fire elemental traces as follows:
* AP +200 (+100 when adjusted) for 30 sec → AP +150 (+75 when adjusted) for 20 sec.
- Changed Flora's Breath to stay out in the battlefield longer.
- Added light effects for the elemental traces that appear at the spawn location 10 sec before Wind's Song, Fire's Warmth, Water's Chill, and Flora's Breath are spawned.

● Applied the following improvements to Arena of Solare:
- Added a button to check Arena of Solare rankings from Arena of Solare menu.
- Changed the design to easily identify the match button when matching is complete. 
- Fixed the issue of the previous gear fix displaying when the character didn't have the exclusive gear equipped.
- Fixed so that MVP and ACE are displayed in recent results.
- Changed so that BGM displays differently according to different situations after entering the arena.
- Fixed the issue of records damage not being applied when the summoned attacks other Adventurer.
- Fixed the toggle perspective function being abnormal in Observe Mode.
- Fixed the issue showing classes appearance of an Adventurer in Observe Mode to other Adventurers in the Arena.
- Fixed the issue of some items like food, elixirs, Traveler's Maps and other items cooldown being reset when leaving the Arena of Solare.
- Changed so that Adventure Journal cannot be opened within the Arena of Solare.
- Fixed the menu name on the upper part of the Arena of Solare ranking UI.
- Fixed the issue where you could ping hidden guild members on the enemy team within Arena of Solare.
- Fixed the issue of not being able to disable Observe Mode in Arena of Solare.
- Fixed the issue of Black Spirit's Rage 200% cooldown being reset when the round is over.
- Fixed the issue of being able to participate with another class when re-entering during a round when the client was terminated abnormally.
- Fixed the issue of match results not being recorded when you had to re-enter when the client was terminated abnormally during Arena of Solare loading screen.
● Fixed the issue of "My Team" text displaying for both teams.
- Fixed the issue of Wind's Song not refreshing sometimes when starting the following round in Areha Palm Forest.
- Fixed the issue of some classes being able to climb cliffs of designated locations by using moving skills in Olun's Valley.
- Changed so that summon items such as Cannon, Trap cannot be used in Arena of Solare.
- Improved so that notifications are not shown above during the match.

- Fixed the issue where certain buffs wouldn't get applied if your character had negative karma.



● Applied the following changes to camouflage:
- Improved to immediately change the Adventurer's name to "Unknown Adventurer" when the party/guild member that has equipped camouflage leaves the party/guild.
- Fixed the issue of not being applied even after activating party/guild member's camouflage function.
- Fixed the issue of the family name color being displayed differently when camouflage is equipped.
● Added the crafting method description of [Event] 5 immortal draught.

- [Event] Immortal: Beast's Draught, [Event] Immortal: Giant's Draught, [Event] Immortal: Savage Draught, [Event] Immortal: Perfume of Courage, [Event] Immortal: Khalk's Elixir



● Changed Bloodthirsty [Possessed] that spawn in Crypt of Resting Thoughts and Khalk of Darkness to Rock Gargoyle.
● Changed so Saunil Siege Captain, which appears in Saunil Siege Captain Summon Scroll and Awakened Saunil Siege Captain Summon Scroll, disappears after a certain time has elapsed.


Quest, Knowledge

● Ahibs that face Hadum are getting ready as Black Sun energy is getting stronger in Calpheon Elvia.
- Added [Elvia] What's A-happening with the Ahib?, a recurring quest within Calpheon Elvia from Recommended quest list - Black Spirit (/).
- This quest can be accepted from Glish Underground [Ahib Audrite Priest] NPC Lejenti. Only characters of Lv. 61 or higher that have  completed consec. quest in Serendian Elvia.
* Can be checked by setting Quest type to combat in Quests (O).
- You can accept new weekly quests from NPC Brolina's Guard by completing all consecutive quests.
- The following 6 new Knowledge related to Calpheon Elvia Realm can be obtained by completing this consecutive quest.
* Rifts of Despair and the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon
* [Elvia] Troll Habitat
* [Elvia] Saunil Camp
* [Elvia] Primal Giant Post
* [Elvia] Rhutum Outstation
* [Elvia] Hexe Sanctuary
- This quest can be checked in [Combat] [Lv.61] The Black Sun Cast Upon Calpheon category from "Recommended Quests" tab in Quests (O).
● Added How to Obtain of previous 3 titles that could be obtained by completing main quest before renewal.
- Complete the following quests to obtain each title.
- It can be obtained by talking to an NPC after completing the quest in case you were doing the main quest before the renewal.

Title How to Obtain
Passed Margaret's Test 1. Obtain by completing 'The Perfect Confidence'
2. (Main Quest before renewal) Complete 'Margaret's Test II' before talking to Margaret
Khuruto Subjugator 1.  Obtain by completing '[Boss] The Stomp Heard Round the World'
2. (Main Quest before renewal) Complete  'Clear Justification' before talking to Karcenov.
Troll Defense Contributor 1.  Obtain by completing '[Boss] Black Mane'
2. (Main Quest before renewal) Complete 'Into the Fire' before talking to Andre Vidal.

● Changed the knowledge needed for a Conversation with the following NPCs:
- Fanucci: Port Epheria Stable Keeper
* Adventure Log - Calpheon Journal - Keplan Adventure Journal → Character - People of Calpheon - Citizens of Port Epheria
- Olivino Grolin: Port Epheria Trade Manager
*  Adventure Log - Calpheon Journal - Keplan Adventure Journal → Character - People of Calpheon - Upper Class of Keplan
- Lamiro Iadans: Port Epheria Node Management
*  Adventure Log - Calpheon Journal - Keplan Adventure Journal → Character - People of Calpheon - Shunned Ones of Calpheon
● Changed 4 types of daily quest accept requirement of Eternal Winter from Lv. 61 to Lv 60.
- [Daily] Plucking Beards, [Daily] Dreadwinter Possessed Beings, [Daily] Since They Troubled Me.. , [Daily] Do It If You Dare

● Fixed some NPC conversations.
● Fixed some Adrian Loggia NPC related Knowledge.


Conquest War, Node War

● Changed so that Vype Stoner Cannon and event cannon items cannot be used during Node/Conquest War.


Background, NPC, Effects, Cutscene

● Improved sound effects playing in the following situations:
- When the notification of an Adventurer defeat was played too often during Conquest War and Node War.

- When the notification sound was playing awkwardly in Black Spirit chat during a quest.



● Changed colors of item names in the item description so they can be identified easily.
* These changes were made already in the latest update on Jun 9 (Thu).

Before Change After Change

● Changed the design so the brief explanation in the menu can be identified more easily. 

Before Change After Change

● Changed Adventurer's Board link button design of Progression Pass.
● Improved to display [...] in case the server name from Find Party/Platoon menu is too long.
● Fixed the issue of character selection screen UI not closing by pressing ESC when failed to use Mount skill while having the character selection screen UI opened.
● Fixed the issue of HP bar on monsters, residence, fence and others displaying abnormally in certain situations.
● Removed HOT tag from Old Moon Grand Prix menu.
● Fixed the issue of the game closing when using pet list UI function while using the Gamepad UI.
● Improved to use Liana's Tool Bag in Gamepad UI mode.
* You can choose Gathering to interact with animals, herbs, and trees when using the Tool Bag.
* You can perform the selected Gathering interaction by holding Y. The type of interaction changes when tapping Y.
● Fixed so that Injury can be seen in HP bar that is above the character's head when getting injured.



● Added a text description to the Arena of Solare loading screen image.
● Fixed the issue of only seeing 5 pets when 6 pets are out while using Gamepad UI.
● Fixed the issue of re-applying the removed Quick Slot keybinds when entering the loading screen after setting quick hotkeys.


Pearl Shop

● Fixed the issue of the camera not moving during Drakania Accessory preview in Pearl Shop.



● Changed the format of some dates on the Black Desert official page.
● Changed to bring up the delete account page when logging in while applying to delete your account.
● Improved the text placement of the report button on the post UI of the in-game Adventurer's Board Community page.
● Improved to move to the login page instead of an error message when liking a comment in GM Notes from the official Black Desert page without being logged in.
● Removed the New & Announcement category from Black Desert Official Forum.
● Fixed the issue of a post of a specific format displaying abnormally when checking notices through Adventurer's Board in-game.



● Changed and unified the following terms in English.
- Saunil Fighter to Saunil Brawler.
- Crimson Knight Outfit Box Set to Crimson Knight Outfit Box.
- Shadow Knight Outfit Set to Crimson Shadow Knight Outfit Box.
- Angelic Queen Outfit Set to Angelic Queen Outfit Set (Stockings).
- Angelic Queen Armor to Angelic Queen Armor (Stockings).
- Goblin Giant Sculpture to Giant Goblin Totem.
- Imp Captain to Imp Boss.


Modified or Changed

● [Warrior] Fixed the issue of the beard displaying above the Open Visor when Ossa Cerberi Helmet is equipped.
● [Warrior] Fixed the issue of teeth disappearing when Ossa Cerberi Helmet is equipped.
● Fixed the issue of an abnormal pine in a certain location within Tuir Valley.
● Fixed a typo in my character's HP bar menu.
● Fixed the issue of upper description displaying abnormally in Pearl Shop Purchase History.


Patch Notes - September 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update September 7, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - September 7, 2022 - Archer
Pearl Shop Update - August 31, 2022
Patch Notes - August 31, 2022
Pearl Shop Update August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 17, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 24, 2022 - Wizard
Patch Notes - August 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 10, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 17, 2022 - Ranger
Pearl Shop Update August 3, 2022
2022 Summer Outfit Catalog
Patch Notes - August 3, 2022
Update Details - July 28, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 27, 2022 - Drakania
Patch Notes - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 27, 2022
Update Details - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 20
Patch Notes - July 20, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 10, 2022 - Musa
Update Details - July 15, 2022
Update Details - July 14, 2022
Patch Notes - July 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 13
[Black Desert+] Update Details - July 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 20, 2022 - Dark Knight
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 13, 2022 - Guardian
Patch Notes - June 29, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 6, 2022 - Striker
Update Details - June 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 22, 2022
Patch Notes - June 22, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 29, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Special Offers - June 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 15, 2022
Patch Notes - June 15, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 22, 2022 - Mystic
June 10 (Fri) Marni Server Update Details
Update Details - June 9, 2022
June 9 (Thu) Marni Server Update Details
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 15, 2022 - Nova
Patch Notes - June 8, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 8, 2022 - Warrior
Pearl Shop Update - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 25, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 25, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 31, 2022 - Sorceress
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2022
Patch Notes - May 18, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 25, 2022 - Sage
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 18, 2022 - Berserker
Patch Notes - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - April 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 27, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 4, 2022 - Hashashin
Pearl Shop Update - April 20, 2022
Patch Notes - April 20, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 13, 2022
Patch Notes - April 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 6, 2022
Patch Notes - April 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 6, 2022 - All Classes
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 13, 2022 - Shai
Patch Notes - March 30, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 30, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - March 30, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Update - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2022
Patch Notes - March 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 2, 2022
Patch Notes - March 2, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 23, 2022
Patch Notes - February 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 16, 2022
Patch Notes - February 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 9, 2022
Update Details - February 09, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 3, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 19, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 19, 2022
Patch Notes - January 12, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 12, 2022
Patch Notes - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - December 29
Patch Notes - December 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 22
Patch Notes - December 22, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 10, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 10, 2021
Update Details - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 27, 2021
Patch Notes - October 27, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021
Patch Notes - October 6, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021
Patch Notes - September 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021
Patch Notes - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 11, 2021
Patch Notes - August 11, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 4, 2021
Patch Notes - August 4, 2021
5 Weeks of Pearl’s Blessings
Patch Notes - July 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 28, 2021
Patch Notes - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 7, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 7, 2021
Patch Notes - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 2, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 02, 2021
Patch Notes - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2021
Patch Notes - May 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 4, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2021
Patch Notes - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - March 31, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 31, 2021
Patch Notes - March 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 24, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - March 17, 2021
Patch Notes - March 17, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2021
Patch Note - March 10, 2021
Update Details - March 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 3, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - February 25, 2021
[Updates] Update Details - February 25, 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Succession Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Tier 3 Pets 2+1
Patch notes - 9th February 2021
Patch notes - 3rd February 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Azure Knight Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits
Patch notes - 27th January 2021
Patch notes - 20th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Classic Outfit Selection Pack
Patch notes - 13th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Selection
Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack
Patch notes - 6th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Limited Pets 10% Off
Patch notes - 30th December 2020
Patch notes - 22nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Season Pass
Patch notes - 16th December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jolly Winter Dream
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Editions
Patch notes - 9th December 2020
Patch notes - 2nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: December Enhancement Pack
Patch notes - 25th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday On Now!
Patch notes - 18th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Early Black Friday
Patch notes - 11th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 30% Off BEST 11
Patch Notes - 4th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Arctic Combat Pack
Patch notes - 28th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jojo and Tick-Tock
Patch notes - 21st October 2020
Pearl Shop Update 21/10/2020
Patch notes - 14th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Spooktober Begins!
Pearl Shop Update: Venture into O'dyllita
Patch notes - 7th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Box 4+2
Pearl Shop Update: Autumn Breeze Pack
Patch notes - 23rd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Succession and Awakening Pack
Patch notes - 16th September 2020
Patch notes - 9th September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: What does the Fox Say
Pearl Shop Update: Black Spirit Pass
Patch Notes - 2nd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Glorious Shudad Ultimate Package
Patch Notes - 26 August 2020
Patch Notes - 19th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper
Patch Notes - 12th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Want One More?
Pearl Shop Update: Enhancement Pack
Patch Notes - 5th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Box
Patch Notes - 29th July 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Memories of Summer
Patch Notes - 15th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Summer Sale!
Patch Notes - 8th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 180 Days Benefits
Patch Notes - 1st July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Pack
Patch Notes - 24th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Weight Limit +300LT
Patch Notes - 17th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Ready for a Fresh Start?
Pearl Shop Update: Increase Your Limit
Patch Notes - 10th June 2020
Patch Notes - 3rd June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Dream Pack
Patch Notes - 27th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Renewed Game Packages
Pearl Shop Update: Mid-Season Sale
Patch Notes - 20th May 2020
Patch Notes - 13th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Extend Your Adventure
Pearl Shop Update: New Arrivals
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Endeavour
Patch Notes - 29th April 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: April's Package
Patch Notes - 15th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Artisan's Blessing
Patch Notes - 8th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Blooming Spring Pack
Pearl Shop Update: April Fools' Surprise
Patch Notes - 25th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Master's Package
Patch Notes - 18th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Golden Collection
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 11th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Celebration
Patch Notes - 3rd March 2020
Patch Notes - 26th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Pre-Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 19th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Time for Succession
Patch Notes - 12th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: The Dragon Is Back!
Pearl Shop Update: Check Out New Items
Patch Notes - 5th February 2020
Patch Notes - 1st April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Hundred Memories
Patch Notes - 22nd January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: New Guardian Package
Patch Notes - 15th January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Get Better Value!
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Item, 20% Sale, and More!
Patch Notes - 8th January 2020
Holiday Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 24th December 2019
Holiday Sale Up to 70% off!
Patch Notes - 17th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: New Christmas Bundle 40% Off
Patch Notes - 11th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: 50% Off!
Patch Notes - 4th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Succession Outfits 30% Off
Patch Notes - 27th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Your Value
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday Sale
Patch Notes - 20th November 2019
Patch Notes - 13th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Transfer Combat & Skill EXP
Pearl Shop Update: Golden Package 30% OFF
Patch Notes - 6th November 2019
Patch Notes - 30th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Make Your Choices!
Patch Notes - 23rd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Items!
Patch Notes - 16th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: UP TO 50% OFF
Patch Notes - 8th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Halloween Items Are Back
Patch Notes - 2nd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Gather More!
Patch Notes - 25th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Get Pearls Back
Pearl Shop Update: 45% Off!
Patch Notes - 10th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: +300 LT Back for Limited Time!
Patch Notes - 4th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Ultimate Adventurer's Pack
Life Skill Mastery Patch notes
Patch Notes - 28th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Weapon Exchange
Pearl Shop Update: New Season Sale
Patch Notes - 21st August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Surprise
Patch Notes - 14th August 2019
Patch Notes - 7th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 31st 2019
Patch Notes - 31st July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 24th 2019
Patch Notes - 24th July 2019
Patch Notes - 17th July 2019
Pearl Shop - 17th July 2019
Patch Notes - 10th July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 10th 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Inventory Expansion
Patch Notes - July 3rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - June 26th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 26th 2019
Patch Notes - 19th June 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 19th 2019
Patch Notes - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 5th 2019
Patch Notes - June 5th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 29th 2019
Patch Notes - 29h May 2019
Patch Notes - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 15th 2019
Patch Notes - 15th May 2019
Patch Notes - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 24th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 24th 2019
Patch Notes - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 3rd April 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - 27th March 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 27th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 20th 2019
Patch Notes - 20th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 3)
Patch Notes - 13th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 2)
Patch Notes - 6th March 2019
Patch Notes - 27th February 2019
Pearl Shop Update - February 20th 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 20th February 2019
Central Market
Defeat the Bosses from the Dark Rift!
Pearl Shop Update - February 6th 2019
Patch Notes - January 30th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 30th 2019
Patch Notes - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop - January 16th 2019
Patch Notes - 16th January 2019
Patch Notes - 9th January 2019
2nd January 2019
19th December 2018