
Patch Notes - April 27, 2022 


Greetings Adventurers,

Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on April 27, 2022 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 152 updates and is approximately 959.28 MB.



Improvements to Pet Looting

We're implementing the improvements to how pets loot items as we mentioned during CalpheON - Episode 2. The pre-existing system was where your pets would follow your character's movements while looting along the way. However, this would make it so that the more your character moved, the slower your pets would loot. Many of our Adventurers gave us consistent feedback on this matter, so we looked into many different ways to improve this system through much deliberation and testing. Thus, we ended up modifying your pets to now prioritize looting items over movement. After the update, regardless of how fast your character moves, you will find your pets looting most of the items they may have previously missed, and we've also made your pet's looting ability no longer affect other pet abilities such as finding rare monsters or detecting enemy players.
● Improved the way pets loot items.
- Pets will now prioritize looting items over following your character, especially when you're on the move.
- Pet abilities such as finding rare monsters, detecting rare monsters and resources, etc. will no longer interfere with your pets' looting in any shape or form.
Before After
* Five Tier 4 pets recorded with pet behavior set to Agile.


Improvements for Serendia Elvia Realm

We've added the improvements and changes regarding the spirit weapons in Serendia Elvia Realm as we mentioned during CalpheON - Episode 2. We've increased the spawn rate of spirit weapons for all monster zones and monsters ranging from 2 to 35 times more than before. There are three types of spirit weapons which are all "one-time use items," and each were designed while considering the unique characteristics of each monster zone of the Elvia Realm. After the initial update, while many Adventurers enjoyed utilizing these weapons, there were complaints that the weapon spawns weren't bound to the individual, as well as the difference in loot gained that was largely dependent on how long you retained a spirit weapon in your possession. In response, we made a few adjustments in hopes of preserving the original design while supporting our Adventurers in the process.

First off, spirit weapons will prioritize being bound first to you and your party members. We hope this makes it less stressful when a spirit weapon first spawns, and some Adventurers may be able to use this to their strategic advantage.
We greatly increased their spawn rate so our Adventurers will be able to enjoy a steady pace of obtaining the spirit weapon buff while fighting monsters in the Elvia Realm zones. However, to make sure all Adventurers have a fair chance of obtaining a spirit weapon, we added a 10-minute cooldown. Once you finish using the spirit weapon (for 10 minutes), you won't be able to obtain another one for 10 minutes. Certain Adventurers may find themselves obtaining the spirit weapon buff less frequently than before, but we hope you understand that we made these changes so everyone has an equal fighting chance.

We added the "Extra AP Against Monsters +3" effect to be applied while the Blessing of the Elvia Spirits buff is in effect to increase combat effectiveness during other spirit weapon buffs' cooldown Also, we increased the quantity of Predator's Roots obtainable from daily quests in the Elvia Realm to slightly increase opportunities that allow you to start defeating monsters with your spirit weapon ready in advance.

After the update, we feel that the overall vibe of the Elvia Realm monster zones will change, and we will continue to play and test them ourselves to make sure we maintain the uniqueness of these zones.

● The ancient spirits in Serendia Elvia Realm have begun resisting the energies of Hadum.
- The ancient spirits Valtarra, Okiara, and Narc will now only grant their blessing to Adventurers and members of their party who initially summoned the spirits. (Not applicable to platoons, party members must be in your party before the spirit spawns.)
- Receiving the "Blessing of the Elvia Spirits" will apply the "Reminiscence of the Elvia Spirits" effect simultaneously, which will prevent you from obtaining another "Blessing" buff while under the effects of "Reminiscence."
- Thus, once your blessing of the Elvia ancient spirits ends, you will need to wait for 10 minutes until you can receive a new "Blessing."
- The "Blessing of the Elvia Spirits" and "Reminiscence of the Elvia Spirits" effects' cooldown timers will not continue to tick down while you’re logged out of the game.

Blessings of the Ancient Spirits

● The ancient spirits in Serendia Elvia Realm have begun resisting the energies of Hadum.
- The Elvia ancient spirits will appear to be resisting the energies of Hadum once they have 1 minute left before hiding their presence once more.

● The ancient spirits in Serendia Elvia Realm will now whisper encouraging buffs to Adventurers nearby.
- You can obtain the "Whispers of Elvia Realm Spirits" buff, applied equally to both main and awakening weapons, by interacting with any spawned ancient spirit.
- The "Whispers of Elvia Realm Spirits" buff grants Extra AP Against Monsters +3 for 5 minutes, and it is separate from the "Blessings" and "Reminiscence of the Elvia Spirits" buffs.
- Once you've interacted with an ancient spirit and received their "Whispers" buff, the spirit will hide their presence as before.

We've made changes to the drop rates and combat balance in the Elvia Realm monster zones. We particularly focused on making adjustments so there wouldn't be huge discrepancies in the amount of loot obtained across all the monster zones. We felt that we needed to hash this aspect out first in order for Adventurers to feel that they had a broader variety of choice in these monster zones. And so, we've made a few large changes.

First, we adjusted the optimal AP levels for all Elvia Realm monster zones. To lessen the discrepancy regarding loot between monster zones, Adventurers with AP levels closest to the optimal levels will now see the most efficiency compared to those with AP much higher than the optimal levels. We hope this adjustment will encourage Adventurers to seek out the monster zone best suited to their current AP levels.

With the improved spirit weapons increasing the potential number of monsters you can defeat, we've re-adjusted the loot drops. Whereas before the spawn rate for spirit weapons and profits gained from loot obtained varied depending on each monster zone, we increased the maximum lootable amount of Seed of Void, Valtarra's Flame, Okiara's Tide, and Narc's Lightning items that are used to reform Blackstar gear to balance the potential profits obtainable throughout monster zones in the Serendia Elvia Realm.

We made quite a few impactful changes with spirit weapons, combat balance, drop rates, and pet behavior AI, which we expect will address what was lacking in all Elvia Realm monster zones excluding Orc Camp. We will keep a close eye to see how these balance changes unfold and make further tweaks as we see fit. With these improvements to the Elvia Realm monster zones, we hope to continue developing and make improvements so that all of our Adventurers will enjoy the freedom to choose from a wide variety of monster zones to battle monsters in.

● Changed the monster zones in the Serendia Elvia Realm as follows.

Altar Imp Habitat

● Set an optimal AP level for Altar Imp Habitat.
- Adventurers with 240 - 270 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 3500% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 300% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 3500% for rare monsters.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 1000% for [Violent] Dastard Bheg.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra will no longer spawn in the Altar Imp Habitat, since his weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Increased the drop rates and amount of the following items.
- Shard of the Tearful Night's drop rate increased by 6400% for Dastard Bheg.
- Up to 3 Okiara's Tide can now drop from Dastard Bheg.
- Up to 2 Seed of Void can now drop from Dastard Bheg.
- Black Magic Crystal - Valor's drop rate increased by 2% for rare monsters.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Black Magic Crystal - Intimidation and Valor's drop rates for normal monsters reduced by 30% and 38%, respectively.
- Black Magic Crystal - Intimidation's drop rate reduced by 50% for normal monsters.
- Black Magic Crystal - Intimidation/Valor's drop rate reduced by 60% for Dastard Bheg.
- Altar Imp Habitat monsters' DP increased by 111%.
● Improved monster placement to directly improve efficiency when defeating monsters in a party by spawning monsters closer to the flag, centered on [Violent Soul] Altar Imp Trainers and [Violent Soul] Altar Imp Fighters.
- With monsters now spawning near the flag, the area in which the Imp flag will absorb [Violent] Altar Imp souls has been reduced.
- With the change to monster placement, Altar Imp monsters will now chase after Adventurers for a shorter distance.
● Applied the following changes to improve on situations where other members in your party will loot fewer items due to missing out on the spirit weapon buff.
- Reduced the extra damage of Okiara's spirit weapon from 450% to 200%.
- Reduced the extra damage of Narc's spirit weapon from 650% to 250%.
- Reduced the extra damage of Valtarra's spirit weapon from 350% to 150%.
● Improved the amount of loot obtained from [Violent] Imps due to the spirit weapon's damage adjustment as follows.
- Okiara's Tide's drop rate increased by 150%.
- Seed of Void's drop rate increased by 130%.
● Made improvements to [Boss] Dastard Bheg as follows.
- Once the appearance alert has displayed, Dastard Bheg will now spawn 50% faster than before.
- Once he appears, a pack of [Unstable Soul] Altar Imps will spawn.
- Once defeated, another pack of [Unstable Soul] Altar Imps will spawn.


Biraghi Den

● Set an optimal AP level for Biraghi Den.
- Adventurers with 240 - 270 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 2000% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra's spawn rate increased by 400% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 200% for Biraghi.
- The ancient spirit Okiara will no longer spawn in the Biraghi Den, since her weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Increased the drop rates and amount of the following items.
- Narc's Lightning's drop rate increased by 3500% for Biraghi.
- Shard of the Drained Night's drop rate changed to 100% for Biraghi.
- Seed of Void's drop rate increased by 350% for Biraghi.
- Black Magic Crystal - Descent's drop rate increased by 500% for Biraghi.
- Trace of Battle's drop rate increased by 330% for Biraghi.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Narc's Lightning's drop rate reduced by 20% for normal monsters.
- Shard of the Drained Night's drop rate reduced by 53% for normal monsters.
- Moon's Split Nail's drop rate reduced by 23% for normal monsters.
- Black Magic Crystal - Descent's drop rate reduced by 22% for normal monsters.
- Biraghi's spawn rate reduced by 30% for normal monsters.
● Improved the reset conditions for Biraghi bounty levels when an Adventurer leaves Biraghi Den as follows.
- Increased the area where the bounty levels apply in Biraghi Den.
- Bounty levels will remain intact for approx. 5 minutes even when moved to a different area outside of Biraghi Den once the bounty has been set.

Castle Ruins

● Set an optimal AP level for Castle Ruins.
- Adventurers with 250 - 280 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra's spawn rate increased by 3000% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 300% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra's spawn rate increased by 3000% for Al Rhundi.
- The ancient spirit Narc will no longer spawn in the Castle Ruins, since his weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Increased the drop rates and amount of the following items.
- Shard of the Furious Night's drop rate increased by 3500% for Al Rhundi.
- Heart of the Arid Forest's drop rate increased by 2300% for Al Rhundi.
- Valtarra's Flame's drop rate increased by 3500% for Al Rhundi.
- 2 to 5 Valtarra's Flame can now drop from Al Rhundi.
- Seed of Void's drop rate increased by 106% for Al Rhundi.
- 2 to 3 Seed of Void can now drop from Al Rhundi.
- Black Magic Crystal - Adamantine's drop rate increased by 500% for Al Rhundi.
- Cold Tears of the Black Sun's drop rate increased by 350% for Al Rhundi.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Shard of the Furious Night's drop rate reduced by 22% for normal monsters.
- Heart of the Arid Forest's drop rate reduced by 70% for normal monsters.
- Black Magic Crystal - Adamantine's drop rate reduced by 30% for normal monsters.
- Al Rhundi's Secret Orders's drop rate reduced by 80% for normal monsters.
- Al Rhundi's Secret Orders monsters no longer drop Al Rhundi's Secret Orders.
- Castle Ruins monsters' DP increased by 116%.
● Applied the following changes to improve on situations where other members in your party will loot fewer items due to missing out on the spirit weapon buff.
- Reduced the extra damage of Valtarra's spirit weapon from 450% to 200%.
- Reduced the extra damage of Okiara's spirit weapon from 650% to 250%.
- Reduced the extra damage of Narc's spirit weapon from 350% to 150%.
● Improved the amount of loot obtained from normal monsters due to the spirit weapon's damage adjustment as follows.
- Valtarra's Flame's drop rate increased by 190%.
- Shard of the Furious Night's drop rate increased by 150%.
- Valtarra's spirit weapon's drop rate increased by 120%.
- Okiara's spirit weapon's drop rate increased by 150%.
- Al Rhundi's Secret Orders's drop rate increased by 120%.
- 2 to 3 junk loot can now drop.
● Improved monster placement to directly improve efficiency when defeating monsters in a party.


Swamp Fogan Habitat

● Set an optimal AP level for Swamp Fogan Habitat.
- Adventurers with 260 - 280 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 2000% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 280% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 500% for Traval.
- The ancient spirit Okiara's spawn rate increased by 1000% for Fogan Warriors.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra will no longer spawn in the Swamp Fogan Habitat, since his weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Increased the drop rates and amount of the following items.
- Seed of Void's drop rate increased by 700% for Titium.
- Up to 2 Seed of Void can now drop from Titium.
- Okiara's Tide's drop rate increased by 3500% for Titium.
- Up to 3 Okiara's Tide can now drop from Titium.
- Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness and Assault's drop rates reduced by 50% for [Violent] Fogan Warriors.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Tears of the Arid River's drop rate reduced by 40% for normal monsters.
- Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness and Assault's drop rates reduced by 30% for normal monsters.
- Black Stone (Weapon/Armor)'s drop rates reduced by 50% for normal monsters.
- Titium's spawn rate reduced by 50% for normal monsters.
- Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness's drop rate reduced by 33% for Titium.
- Normal monsters and [Violent] Swamp Fogan Warrior's HP increased by 150%.
- Normal monsters, [Violent] Swamp Fogan Warriors, Traval, and Titium's DP increased by 122%.
- [Raid Party] Naga's DP increased by 122%.
● Increased the distance Naga Raid Party monsters will chase after Adventurers in the Swamp Fogan Habitat.

Swamp Naga Habitat

● Set an optimal AP level for Swamp Naga Habitat.
- Adventurers with 260 - 280 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 1500% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra's spawn rate increased by 220% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 1500% for Naga Commanders.
- The ancient spirit Okiara will no longer spawn in the Swamp Naga Habitat, since her weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Increased the drop rates and amount of the following items.
- Black Magic Crystal - Ascension's drop rate increased by 170% for normal monsters.
- Seed of Void's drop rate increased by 102% for Naga Commanders.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Swamp Naga monsters' DP increased by 22%.
- Normal monster's HP increased by 130%.
- Swamp Naga Commanders' HP increased by 150%.
● Applied the following changes to the Naga Commander and their summoned minions.
- The Naga Commander will now summon minions when at 90% HP instead of at certain intervals.
- The Naga Commander's summoned minions will now remain spawned even after the commander's untimely demise and fight until defeated.
- The Naga Commander will now summon 9 minions at a time.
- The Naga Commander's patrol distance has been reduced when out of combat.
- The Naga Commander will now chase Adventurers for shorter distances during combat.
● Improved the placement of the Swamp Naga Commander to be closer to poisonous swamp plants.
- The Swamp Naga Commander will now chase Adventurers for shorter distances accordingly.
- More Swamp Naga Commanders have been dispatched to the Swamp Naga Habitat.
● Reduced the Swamp Naga Commander's attack range. The commander will now attack in closer melee range.
● Reduced the population of Swamp Hermit Crabs, Red Thorn Tentacles, and Triangle Head Lizards in the Swamp Naga Habitat.
● Increased the distance Fogan Raid Party monsters will chase after Adventurers in the Swamp Naga Habitat.

Orc Camp

● Set an optimal AP level for Orc Camp.
- Adventurers with 280 - 320 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra's spawn rate increased by 600% for normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Narc will no longer spawn in the Orc Camp, since his weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Black Stone (Weapon/Armor)'s drop rate reduced by 50% for monsters.
- Valtarra's Flame's drop rate reduced by 30% for normal monsters.
- Black Magic Crystal - Armor's drop rate reduced by 30% for Orc Chief Org.
- Orc Chief Org's spawn rate reduced by 50%.
- Orc Camp monsters' DP increased by 10%.

Bloody Monastery

● Set an optimal AP level for Bloody Monastery.
- Adventurers with 280 - 320 AP are best suited for this monster zone.
● Increased the spawn rate for spirit weapons.
- The ancient spirit Narc will now spawn 10 times more frequently than before from normal monsters.
- The ancient spirit Valtarra's spawn rate increased by 20% for normal and Crimson Bell-summoned monsters.
- The ancient spirit Narc's spawn rate increased by 500% for [Violent] Cultist Warriors.
- The ancient spirit Okiara will no longer spawn in the Bloody Monastery, since her weapon's full potential wasn't recognized in the zone.
● Increased the drop rates and amount of the following items.
- Black Magic Crystal - Precision's drop rate increased by 10% for normal and Crimson Bell-summoned monsters.
● Applied the following changes due to the improved reform item drops and increased spirit weapon spawns leading to a greater number of monsters defeated.
- Narc's Lightning's drop rate reduced by 30% for normal and Crimson Bell-summoned monsters.
- Shard of the Drained Night's drop rate reduced by 25% for normal and Crimson Bell-summoned monsters.
- Moon's Split Nail's drop rate reduced by 50% for normal and Crimson Bell-summoned monsters.
- Black Stone (Weapon/Armor)'s reduced by 30% for normal and Crimson Bell-summoned monsters.
- Crimson Bell-summoned monsters no longer drop Crimson Bells.
- Seed of Void's drop rate reduced by 30% for [Violent] Cultist Warriors.
- Crimson Bell-summoned monsters' DP increased by 150%.
● Changed so that the "Consumed by Madness" Cultists wouldn't spawn when the Adventurer has already died when the Crimson Bell rings.
- When an Adventurer revives, the "Consumed by Madness" Cultists spawn again.
● Changed the "Awakened Boss" Muskan of Madness to spawn at a low chance during combat.
- Due to this change, "Secret Rituals" will no longer be held within the Bloody Monastery.
- The loot obtainable from the Muskan of Madness was changed to be obtained by individuals.
- The level of difficulty for the Muskan of Madness was alleviated.
- The presentation of the "Awakened Boss" Muskan of Madness spawning was changed.

Improvement on Daily Quests in the Elvia Realm of Serendia

● Increased the quantity of Predator's Roots obtainable from daily quests in the Elvia Realm of Serendia.
- Predator's Roots 2 → 5 / Predator's Roots 6 → 15
Zone Quest NPC Quest Objective Reward
Orc Camp Orc Hunter Brodie [Elvia Daily] A Chilling Presence at the Orc Camp Defeat Small Red Orc x100 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Voices from the Fog Defeat Red Orc Berserker x500 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Red Orcs Defeat the Red Orcs x1000 Predator's Roots x15
Bloody Monastery Annalynn [Elvia Daily] Missing Thread of Hope Defeat Cultist x400 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Green-tinged Monastery Defeat Cultist Warrior x400 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Strange Cultists Defeat the Cultists x1500 Predator's Roots x15
Swamp Fogan Habitat Dernyl [Elvia Daily] Vigilant Fogan Defeat Swamp Fogan Guard x300 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Big Fogan Defeat Big Swamp Fogan x250 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Farm Owner's Problem Defeat the Swamp Fogans x1000 Predator's Roots x15
Swamp Naga Habitat Zegna [Elvia Daily] A Familiar Swamp Defeat Naga Apprentice Spearman x250 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Swamp Naga Ecology Defeat Swamp Naga Axemen x250 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Swamp Nagas Defeat the Swamp Nagas x1500 Predator's Roots x15
Castle Ruins Ruben [Elvia Daily] Tense Silence Defeat Mobility Unit x400 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] The Eerie Calm in the Castle Ruins Defeat Charger x400 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Al Rhundi Soldiers Defeat the Al Rhundi Rebels x2000 Predator's Roots x15
Biraghi Den Etunar [Elvia Daily] A Mountain in the Dark Defeat the Bandit Raid Captain x250 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Hidden Deep in the Mountains Defeat the Bandit Defense Captain x500 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Kidnapped by Bandits?! Defeat the Bandits x2000 Predator's Roots x15
Altar Imp Habitat Zara Lynch [Elvia Daily] The Hidden Truth Defeat Altar Imp Fighter x200 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Strange Phenomenon Defeat Altar Imp Warrior x150 Predator's Roots x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Altar Imps Defeat the Altar Imps x1000 Predator's Roots x15



New and Improvements


● Improved your character's movements to appear more natural when transitioning from walking/running (Caps/Scroll Lock) to auto-run.


In the process of rebooting Tamer, we focused on enhancing her representation and unique combat style by increasing the utilization of Heilang. After the reboot, many Adventurers have been enjoying combat with the improved utilization of Heilang. However, Adventurers playing other classes as well as Adventurers playing Tamer have given us feedback on how only the skill Roaring is used while mounted on a horse. We thought a lot about this situation and came to the conclusion that it does require some improvement and change. First of all, the overall cooldown was reduced for the skill Prime: Roaring, but it was changed to not be activated during cooldown. Instead, the skill effects of Prime: Roaring were adjusted to be applied in other skills as well since it is an important skill on the ground as well. Also, adjustments were made to work as a substitute when Roaring cannot be activated such as skill combos or improvements on utilization so that you can deal damage enough. Due to this adjustment, you'll no longer be able to use only Roaring while mounted like you could before. This might be slightly disappointing for many Adventurers playing Tamer, but we thought it was a necessary improvement, considering future updates including Pet AI improvements and the development of Tier 5 pets, etc. and in the long run. We ask for our Tamer Adventurers to be understanding of this. We will continue to check and make improvements even after the update.
● Roaring - Made the following changes:
- The cooldown was changed as follows:
* Roaring (I to VI), Absolute: Roaring - 25/24.5/24/23/22/20/20 sec → 14/13/12/11/10/9/9 sec
* Prime: Roaring (I to IV) - 16/14/12/10 sec → 10/9/8/7 sec
- The skill was changed to no longer be activated during cooldown.
● Bolt Wave - Made the following changes:
- Changed to now consume MP instead of Stamina.
- Removed the "Recover MP per hit per target" effect.
- Changed to now recover Stamina during the skill.
● Jolt Wave - Made the following changes:
- Changed to now recover Stamina during the skill.
- The amount of MP consumed was increased.
● Prime: Jolt Wave - Made the following changes:
- Changed Critical Hit Rate to no longer be applied on cooldown.
- Improved to perform extra attacks more quickly and smoothly.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into Legendary Beast's Power after performing extra attacks.
- Changed to no longer be able to combo into Bolt Wave after performing extra attacks.
- Fixed the issue where Knockdown was applied in PvE upon performing extra attacks.
● Succession: Fearful Trembling - Increased the number of hits from 3 hits to 5 hits.
● Void Lightning, Air Lightning - Made the following changes:
- Absolute: Void Lightning, Prime: Void Lightning - Added the effect where you draw nearby enemies' attention.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into Evasion and Legendary Beast's Power.
- Improved to be able to combo into Stretch Kick, Fearful Trembling, and enhanced skills even during Void Lightning's cooldown.
● Prime: Surging Tide - Improved to combo into the following skills more quickly:
- Lightning of Earth, Flash, Trample, Scratch, Whiplash, Upward Claw, Throat-Burn, and Prime: Roaring
● Prime: Allround Spinner - Unified all extra attacks to match the widest attack range.
● Trample - Made the following changes:
- Added the "Recover MP per hit per target" effect.
- (I to III), Absolute - Changed the "Recover HP on hits" to "Recover HP per hit per target" to match its actual effect.
● Whiplash - Removed the "Push target on hits" effect applied only in PvE.
● Heilang: Howling - Made the following changes:
- Improved to combo more smoothly into Leaves Dropping, Flow: Gust, Legendary Beast's Power, Cloud Stomping, and Legendary Beast Dance: Echo.
- Improved to be able to be activated during cooldown.
● Allround Spinner - Changed the cooldown from 15/14/13/12 to 10/9/8/7.
● Legendary Beast Dance - Made the following changes:
- Improved to start performing the Vermillion Bird attack and continue the skill to Black Turtle attack when holding RMB.
- Changed the "Recover HP per hit" and "Recover MP per hit" effects from 6/6/7/8 to 16/16/16/16 per hit.
- Damage in PVE was changed from 543%/668%/811%/1345% to 597%/735%/892%/1480%. Therefore, the damage reduction rate in PvP was changed to 54.5%.
- Changed the Critical Hit Rate to 40%/50%/60%/70%.
- Added Down Attack.
● Legendary Beast Dance: Echo - Made the following changes:
- Changed the "All DP Increase" effect applied in Resonance: White Tiger to be applied in Resonance: Black Turtle and increased to "All DP +20."
- Added the "Target's All DP reduced on hits" effect when activated in Resonance: White Tiger.
● Cloud Stomping - Made the following changes:
- Changed the Critical Hit Rate from 40% to 100%.
- Changed the cooldown from 9 sec to 7 sec.
● Flow: Full Moon - Changed the cooldown from 7 sec to 5 sec.
● Void Lightning - Fixed the issue where you couldn't combo with certain skills during cooldown.
● Heilang: Howling - Fixed the issue where the sound effects wouldn't play when using the skill during cooldown.


● Fixed the issue where skills that couldn't be learned would be displayed when leveling up.


● Prime: Earth Arrow (II to III) - Removed the description on commands that didn't match the actual command.
- Hold LMB or RMB to perform extra attacks


● Prime: Lightning Storm: High Voltage, Prime: Lightning Storm: Combo - Fixed the issue where a 10 second cooldown would be applied instead of a 9 sec cooldown.


● Full Bloom - Fixed the issue where the skill add-on wouldn't be applied upon learning Flow: Grand Bloom.


We've added two new Prime skills for Drakania with today's update. Designed for either solo or combo use, these skills will bring about a slight change to Drakania's overall PvE and PvP skillset.
For PvE, the addition of these Prime skills bring about a more completed feel to Drakania's Succession, along with boosting its functionality. "Prime: Sundering Claw" is particularly useful during the down time when powerful ion-consuming skills such as Blazing Strike or Brimbolt Strike are on cooldown, while "Prime: Ascent" can deal great area of effect damage when comboed after skills with limited movement/control such as Markthanan's Scale or Flourish.
For PvP, the addition of these Prime skills bring about a noticeable change. The added skills each have Forward Guard and Super Armor, respectively, which not only grant safer means of dealing damage, but also reduce the focus on dealing damage with Brimbolt Strike alone. We've also changed Brimbolt Raze's “All Accuracy increase” buff to now activate on Skewer hits. We originally designed Drakania to be capable of maintaining a higher level of accuracy, but we felt her accuracy buffs were a bit too good so we felt this was a necessary balance change. While some of you may miss retaining such accuracy increase buffs as before, we hope you understand that we added these Prime skills to better balance the class. We will continue to keep an eye on Drakania for PvP even after the patch and make adjustments where needed.
● Added two Succession skills, Prime: Ascent and Prime: Sundering Claw.
- Prime: Ascent
Skill Skill Motion

- Prime: Sundering Claw

Skill Skill Motion

● Brimbolt Strike (I to Absolute) - Changed the damage reduction rate in PvP from 40% to 43%.
● Prime: Brimbolt Strike (I to IV) - Changed the damage reduction rate in PvP from 47% to 53%.
● Prime: Brimbolt Raze - Moved the "All Accuracy Rate increase" effect to Prime: Skewer, and changed to apply the effect on hits.
● Skewer (I to Absolute) - Improved to move while performing attacks when used after Refraction.
● Skewer - Fixed the issue where the skill would be activated first when using Blazing Strike after Refraction.
● Skewer (I to Absolute) - Fixed the issue where there would be a delay in comboing into the next skill with certain motions.
● Fixed the issue where your weapon would appear abnormal during the motion where your character climbs up a wall.
● Eviscerating Wings - Fixed the issue where Skewer would be activated when comboing into Blazing Strike.
● Fixed the issue where the appearance of your shard would appear abnormal while mounted.



● Added the obtainable titles "Drawn to Dark Energies" and "Kelcas Champion".
● Changed sailors on board to not die when big ships are destroyed when the Naval Fame is not a pirate on the Arsha server.



You can now keep multiple Talibre's Tears (an item required to enter Atoraxxion, a co-op dungeon) conveniently in your storage and inventory since they were changed to now be stacked instead of taking up individual slots in your inventory.
● Improved Talibre's Tear to now be stackable in one slot of your inventory.
- The Talibre's Tears in your possession will be retrieved and sent to your storage in Heidel.
● Added info on how to check the crafting methods to the item descriptions of Delotia and Delotia Essence.
- You can check out information on crafting via "SHIFT + LMB" on the items in your possession.
● Added Vell's Fine Powder Box, from which you can obtain Vell's Fine Powder, to now be sold by "Crow Coin Exchange" Ravinia in Lema Island.

● The compensation mailed to you for the Apr 20, 2022 maintenance schedule change will now expire on May 4, 2022 (23:59 UTC).

Item Purchasable Quantity Price

Vell's Fine Powder Box - x1
Up to five a day per Family Crow Coin x10

Vell's Fine Powder Box - x20
One per week per Family Crow Coin x180
● Added ways to exchange Leila's Petal for Mystical Spirit Powder.
- You can exchange Leila's Petal x1 for Mystical Spirit Powder x5.
- You can make the exchange via Fairy Queen Theiah at the Kamasylve Temple.
- Text on the pertaining exchanges was added to the item description of Leila's Petal.

● Added a way to obtain [Manor] Cherry Tree.
- You can exchange it for Mysterious Seed x5 via the Seed Vendor Ahr in Calpheon.

● Added the item, Quick Flare.
- Quick Flare is an item that you can use more quickly and swiftly than the regular Flare that lights up and shows enemies within the range.
- You can craft Quick Flare at a Lv. 3 Siege Weapon Workshop just like Flare.
- You need Black Stone (Weapon) x20, Powder of Flame x50, Melted Copper Shard x30, and Coal x5 to craft Quick Flare.
* Quick Flare cannot be registered on the Central Market.

● Improved the item descriptions of 255 items so that you can see how to obtain them and their usages more clearly than before.
- The item descriptions of elixirs, artifacts, lightstones, and material type items were improved and you can check out the detailed list below:

Before After
● Improved the icon for the Character Weight & Inventory Exchange Coupon.
● Added items for Corsair and Sage to the Yianaros Headpiece Box and Trilby Hat Box.
● Added Drakania items to the Canape Classic Box and Pavilla Costume Box.
● The compensation mailed to you for the Apr 20, 2022 maintenance schedule change will now expire on May 4, 2022 23:59 (UTC).



● Moved some of the Kamasylvia Horn Deer that inhabit near the Old Wisdom Tree to a location away from frequently taken roads so that they no longer are in the way of wagons passing by.
● Optimized the Murrowak's Labyrinth in the Mountain of Eternal Winter.
● Fixed the issue where you weren't able to obtain the buff remaining on the spot for a certain period of time after defeating Ancient Stone Statues under certain circumstances in the Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Underground)



Quest, Knowledge

Weekly quests from which you can obtain materials required to craft Odore's Spirit Essence and Ornette's Sprit Essence were added.
You can now additionally obtain one of the items listed in the chart below just by investing around an hour of your time per week.
We hope for Adventurers who are attempting to crafting Odore's Spirit Essences and Ornette's Spirit Essences can now aim towards achieving a more visible goal and Adventurers who haven't been able to make attempts and have just started the adventure to think of it as a steppingstone in the adventure.
● Added six weekly quests from which you can obtain materials required for crafting Odore's Spirit Essence and Ornette's Spirit Essence.
- These are weekly quests that will reset every Thursday after midnight.
- You can select and complete only one of the following six weekly quests per week from Node Management NPCs located in each region.
* You can accept the following weekly quests with the "Combat" filter on for Quest Type from the Quests (O) window.
Quests Start NPC Objective Reward
[Weekly] Blood Wolf's Oath Myra
(Night Crow Post)
Defeat Kagtums

Blood Wolf's Oath x5
300 Contribution EXP
[Weekly] Tranquil Tinniolum Navir
(Acher Western Camp)
Defeat Forest Ronaros

Tranquil Tinniolum x5
300 Contribution EXP
[Weekly] Dragon's Fang Camira
(Sherekhan Necropolis)
Purify the Sherekhan Necropolis

Dragon's Fang x5
300 Contribution EXP
[Weekly] Narc's Solace Viverza
(Manshaum Forest)
Break the faith of the Manshaums

Narc's Solace x5
300 Contribution EXP
[Weekly] Katzvariak's Venom Leon
(Tshira Ruins)
Clean up the Tshira Ruins

Katzvariak's Venom x5
300 Contribution EXP
[Weekly] Valtarra's Memory Enro
(Navarn Steppe)
Clean up Navarn Steppe x3,000
Obtain Soft Ferri Feather x500

Valtarra's Memory x5
300 Contribution EXP
Following the previous Contribution EXP boosts for a total of 344 quests in Balenos and Serendia, the Contribution EXP obtained were also boosted for a total of 818 quests in Calpheon and Mediah. Likewise, not only will we continue our improvements on new contents but also on existing content as well.
● Increased the Contribution EXP for 476 quests in Calpheon.
- Check out the list of quests that had Contribution EXP boosts from the following chart:
● Increased the Contribution EXP of 342 quests in Mediah.
- Check out the list of quests that had Contribution EXP boosts from the following chart:

● Changed the Blackstar sub-weapon quest so that you can re-obtain the Weakened Eye of Desolation quest item from Allan Serbin in Tarif if you lose it.


Conquest War, Node War

● Improved the Node/Conquest War Supply Depot vendors and the NPC Vendors Duncan, Dulgun, and Olympia to now sell [Guild] Instant HP Potion (Extra Large) and [Guild] Instant MP Potion (Extra Large).
- The items [Guild] Instant HP Potion (Extra Large) and [Guild] Instant MP Potion (Extra Large) can be purchased with 2,000 Silver from guild funds and can be sold for 600 guild Silver.
- The items [Guild] Instant HP Potion (Extra Large) and [Guild] Instant MP Potion (Extra Large) can only be used during Node/Conquest Wars.


Background, NPC, Effects, Cutscene

● Fixed the issue where your character's motion would look awkward during the cutscene for "[Everfrost] Save the Kiln!"



● Added a text describing that you can't extract crystals nor lightstones equipped on copied gear to the Transfusion UI and Infusion UI.
● Changed to not display a dotted line on the Quests widget upon completing guild missions.



● Improved your fairies' skills "Miraculous Cheer" and "Inexhaustible Well" to also be able to be used in the following circumstances:
- Talking to NPCs, managing gardens, installing Node/Conquest War Forts and annexes, spectating Seeker's Hawk, and placing furniture in your residence
※ The skill, "Inexhaustible Well" has the effect of treating desert illnesses and can still only be used in desert regions.
● Changed and added loading screen images.
● Changed the Red Battlefield, Atoraxxion, Grand Prix race tracks, and Erethea's Limbo to no longer allow for the usage of the Transport function.



● Improved the resolution on the Central Market of the Black Desert official website on certain smart phone devices such as Galaxy Fold.
● Changed the layout of the section of the Black Desert official website from which you select your region and the way of displaying certain regions Black Desert is serviced in.
● Removed the "Move to the main page" button on the in-game error page of the official website.
● Improved the class icons on the Adventurer Profile page to be displayed properly.
● Fixed the issue where the titles of the main announcements on the upper part of the official website would appear abnormal.
● Improved the Adventurer's Guide search results page to be more easily navigated by mouse.
● Improved the notice search speed.
● Fixed the issue where the GM icon on the Adventurer's Guide would not be displayed during certain situations in-game.
● Changed "Black Desert Online" to "Black Desert" on My Page of the official Black Desert website.
● Improved the login page of the official website to display the loading UI when attempting to log in.
● Changed the login page to displayed the Pearl Abyss ID logo.
● Changed to not convert accounts that have not logged into the official website for 12 months into inactive accounts.
- Therefore, email notifications will not be sent out.



● Changed the following terms in English:
- Wizard Possessed by a Black Spirit to Witch Possessed by a Black Spirit.
- Horse Manager to Stable Keeper.
- Ship Manager to Wharf Managers.
- Powder of Crevice to Powder of Rifts.
- Mackerel Pike to Pike.


Modified or Changed

● Fixed the issue where the Exclaire outfit would overlap with body parts for certain customizations of Drakania.
● Fixed the issue where wearing certain outfits would overlap with body parts for Sorceress.
● [Lahn, Hashashin, Nova] Changed your awakening weapon to not display when you turn on cape visibility with the Oblivion outfit equipped.
● Fixed the issue where the neck would appear abnormal for certain face shapes when wearing the [Wizard] Marnist outfit.
● [Hashashin] Fixed the issue where the Cozy Fleece Hat would overlap with certain helmet appearances.
● Fixed the issue where the appearance of [Corsair] Blackstar Mareca wouldn't be displayed.
● Fixed the issue where the text box displayed when activating the chat window in a non-combat stance wouldn't disappear under certain circumstances.
● Fixed the issue where your character would move to an abnormal location when re-logging in from certain spots at prisons.
● Fixed the issue where the filter for slang applied to the group names on the Friend window wouldn't work properly.
● Fixed the issue where the Vahmalkea Matchlock wouldn't expire when moving from Atoraxxion to another region.
● Added the following items to the list of materials required to craft Alchemy Stones of Protection:
- Snowfield Cedar Plywood and Sturdy Snowfield Cedar Plywood
● Added the following items to the list of materials required to craft Alchemy Stones of Life:
- High-quality Chanterelle, High-quality Red-spotted Amanita, High-quality Mesima, High-quality Dictyophora, High-quality Citron, Special Chanterelle, Special Red-spotted Amanita, Special Mesima, Special Dictyophora, Special Citron
● Fixed the issue where the Family/character name function for chat whispers wasn't displaying properly.
● Fixed the issue where the max durability increased from successful enhancement of items while using Item Copy wouldn't be applied to the copied items.
● Fixed the issue where someone could climb on to an area on top of installed [Conquest] Command Post/Field HQ and not take damage in certain situations.
● Fixed the issue where the music for Conquest Wars wouldn't play in certain situations during Conquest Wars.
● Fixed the issue where clicking the following outfits within posts on the Fashion Album would take you to the wrong directory:
- Desert and Treant Camouflage Helmet and Armor
- Outfits obtainable from Premium, Reboot Premium, Classic, and Succession outfit boxes.
● Fixed the issue where the quest icon for the "Wife Gone Sulky" quest accepted from Tulga of Eilton in the Mountain of Eternal Winter wasn't displaying properly.
● Fixed the issue where "Yar!" on the Season Pass would be displayed on the World Map when it is not in progress.
● Fixed the issue where the background in Kusha would appear abnormal.
● Changed the item descriptions and text displayed for the following items to match the actual items obtained:
- [Event] Lv. 57 Travel Kit, [Event] Lv. 58 Travel Kit, [Event] Lv. 59 Travel Kit, and [Event] Lv. 60 Travel Kit.
● Fixed the issue where certain vegetation would appear abnormal in Toscani Farm.
● Fixed the issue where the names of the NPCs located in Awina's Tail at the Mountain of Eternal Winter wouldn't be displayed properly.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't acquire the 14th Knowledge entry of the Mountain of Eternal Winter Journal - Mountain of Eternal Winter Adventure Log I, "Miravye Waterfall."
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't complete the Challenge, "To a Higher Goal," after completing the pre-revamped "[To Level 50!] Go Beyond Your Own Limits."
● Fixed the issue where the item description for Hunter's Seal had the wrong name for the NPC in Tarif.
● Fixed the issue where deactivating the "Pet Command: Fetch" through an individual command from the Pets list would affect the other pets as well.

Patch Notes - September 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update September 7, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - September 7, 2022 - Archer
Pearl Shop Update - August 31, 2022
Patch Notes - August 31, 2022
Pearl Shop Update August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 17, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 24, 2022 - Wizard
Patch Notes - August 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 10, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 17, 2022 - Ranger
Pearl Shop Update August 3, 2022
2022 Summer Outfit Catalog
Patch Notes - August 3, 2022
Update Details - July 28, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 27, 2022 - Drakania
Patch Notes - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 27, 2022
Update Details - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 20
Patch Notes - July 20, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 10, 2022 - Musa
Update Details - July 15, 2022
Update Details - July 14, 2022
Patch Notes - July 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 13
[Black Desert+] Update Details - July 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 20, 2022 - Dark Knight
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 13, 2022 - Guardian
Patch Notes - June 29, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 6, 2022 - Striker
Update Details - June 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 22, 2022
Patch Notes - June 22, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 29, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Special Offers - June 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 15, 2022
Patch Notes - June 15, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 22, 2022 - Mystic
June 10 (Fri) Marni Server Update Details
Update Details - June 9, 2022
June 9 (Thu) Marni Server Update Details
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 15, 2022 - Nova
Patch Notes - June 8, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 8, 2022 - Warrior
Pearl Shop Update - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 25, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 25, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 31, 2022 - Sorceress
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2022
Patch Notes - May 18, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 25, 2022 - Sage
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 18, 2022 - Berserker
Patch Notes - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - April 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 27, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 4, 2022 - Hashashin
Pearl Shop Update - April 20, 2022
Patch Notes - April 20, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 13, 2022
Patch Notes - April 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 6, 2022
Patch Notes - April 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 6, 2022 - All Classes
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 13, 2022 - Shai
Patch Notes - March 30, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 30, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - March 30, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Update - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2022
Patch Notes - March 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 2, 2022
Patch Notes - March 2, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 23, 2022
Patch Notes - February 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 16, 2022
Patch Notes - February 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 9, 2022
Update Details - February 09, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 3, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 19, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 19, 2022
Patch Notes - January 12, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 12, 2022
Patch Notes - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - December 29
Patch Notes - December 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 22
Patch Notes - December 22, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 10, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 10, 2021
Update Details - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 27, 2021
Patch Notes - October 27, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021
Patch Notes - October 6, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021
Patch Notes - September 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021
Patch Notes - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 11, 2021
Patch Notes - August 11, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 4, 2021
Patch Notes - August 4, 2021
5 Weeks of Pearl’s Blessings
Patch Notes - July 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 28, 2021
Patch Notes - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 7, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 7, 2021
Patch Notes - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 2, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 02, 2021
Patch Notes - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2021
Patch Notes - May 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 4, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2021
Patch Notes - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - March 31, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 31, 2021
Patch Notes - March 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 24, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - March 17, 2021
Patch Notes - March 17, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2021
Patch Note - March 10, 2021
Update Details - March 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 3, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - February 25, 2021
[Updates] Update Details - February 25, 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Succession Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Tier 3 Pets 2+1
Patch notes - 9th February 2021
Patch notes - 3rd February 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Azure Knight Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits
Patch notes - 27th January 2021
Patch notes - 20th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Classic Outfit Selection Pack
Patch notes - 13th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Selection
Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack
Patch notes - 6th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Limited Pets 10% Off
Patch notes - 30th December 2020
Patch notes - 22nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Season Pass
Patch notes - 16th December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jolly Winter Dream
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Editions
Patch notes - 9th December 2020
Patch notes - 2nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: December Enhancement Pack
Patch notes - 25th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday On Now!
Patch notes - 18th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Early Black Friday
Patch notes - 11th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 30% Off BEST 11
Patch Notes - 4th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Arctic Combat Pack
Patch notes - 28th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jojo and Tick-Tock
Patch notes - 21st October 2020
Pearl Shop Update 21/10/2020
Patch notes - 14th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Spooktober Begins!
Pearl Shop Update: Venture into O'dyllita
Patch notes - 7th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Box 4+2
Pearl Shop Update: Autumn Breeze Pack
Patch notes - 23rd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Succession and Awakening Pack
Patch notes - 16th September 2020
Patch notes - 9th September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: What does the Fox Say
Pearl Shop Update: Black Spirit Pass
Patch Notes - 2nd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Glorious Shudad Ultimate Package
Patch Notes - 26 August 2020
Patch Notes - 19th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper
Patch Notes - 12th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Want One More?
Pearl Shop Update: Enhancement Pack
Patch Notes - 5th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Box
Patch Notes - 29th July 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Memories of Summer
Patch Notes - 15th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Summer Sale!
Patch Notes - 8th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 180 Days Benefits
Patch Notes - 1st July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Pack
Patch Notes - 24th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Weight Limit +300LT
Patch Notes - 17th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Ready for a Fresh Start?
Pearl Shop Update: Increase Your Limit
Patch Notes - 10th June 2020
Patch Notes - 3rd June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Dream Pack
Patch Notes - 27th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Renewed Game Packages
Pearl Shop Update: Mid-Season Sale
Patch Notes - 20th May 2020
Patch Notes - 13th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Extend Your Adventure
Pearl Shop Update: New Arrivals
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Endeavour
Patch Notes - 29th April 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: April's Package
Patch Notes - 15th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Artisan's Blessing
Patch Notes - 8th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Blooming Spring Pack
Pearl Shop Update: April Fools' Surprise
Patch Notes - 25th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Master's Package
Patch Notes - 18th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Golden Collection
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 11th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Celebration
Patch Notes - 3rd March 2020
Patch Notes - 26th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Pre-Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 19th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Time for Succession
Patch Notes - 12th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: The Dragon Is Back!
Pearl Shop Update: Check Out New Items
Patch Notes - 5th February 2020
Patch Notes - 1st April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Hundred Memories
Patch Notes - 22nd January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: New Guardian Package
Patch Notes - 15th January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Get Better Value!
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Item, 20% Sale, and More!
Patch Notes - 8th January 2020
Holiday Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 24th December 2019
Holiday Sale Up to 70% off!
Patch Notes - 17th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: New Christmas Bundle 40% Off
Patch Notes - 11th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: 50% Off!
Patch Notes - 4th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Succession Outfits 30% Off
Patch Notes - 27th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Your Value
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday Sale
Patch Notes - 20th November 2019
Patch Notes - 13th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Transfer Combat & Skill EXP
Pearl Shop Update: Golden Package 30% OFF
Patch Notes - 6th November 2019
Patch Notes - 30th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Make Your Choices!
Patch Notes - 23rd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Items!
Patch Notes - 16th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: UP TO 50% OFF
Patch Notes - 8th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Halloween Items Are Back
Patch Notes - 2nd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Gather More!
Patch Notes - 25th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Get Pearls Back
Pearl Shop Update: 45% Off!
Patch Notes - 10th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: +300 LT Back for Limited Time!
Patch Notes - 4th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Ultimate Adventurer's Pack
Life Skill Mastery Patch notes
Patch Notes - 28th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Weapon Exchange
Pearl Shop Update: New Season Sale
Patch Notes - 21st August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Surprise
Patch Notes - 14th August 2019
Patch Notes - 7th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 31st 2019
Patch Notes - 31st July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 24th 2019
Patch Notes - 24th July 2019
Patch Notes - 17th July 2019
Pearl Shop - 17th July 2019
Patch Notes - 10th July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 10th 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Inventory Expansion
Patch Notes - July 3rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - June 26th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 26th 2019
Patch Notes - 19th June 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 19th 2019
Patch Notes - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 5th 2019
Patch Notes - June 5th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 29th 2019
Patch Notes - 29h May 2019
Patch Notes - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 15th 2019
Patch Notes - 15th May 2019
Patch Notes - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 24th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 24th 2019
Patch Notes - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 3rd April 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - 27th March 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 27th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 20th 2019
Patch Notes - 20th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 3)
Patch Notes - 13th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 2)
Patch Notes - 6th March 2019
Patch Notes - 27th February 2019
Pearl Shop Update - February 20th 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 20th February 2019
Central Market
Defeat the Bosses from the Dark Rift!
Pearl Shop Update - February 6th 2019
Patch Notes - January 30th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 30th 2019
Patch Notes - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop - January 16th 2019
Patch Notes - 16th January 2019
Patch Notes - 9th January 2019
2nd January 2019
19th December 2018