Patch Notes - March 23, 2022
Greetings Adventurers,
Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on March 23, 2022 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 70 updates and is approximately 1.07 GB.
New and Improvements

● "Battle Arena Skill Instructor" Tachros has come to the Battle Arena.
- You can learn skills and change skill add-ons by going to "Battle Arena Skill Instructor" Tachros.
- "Battle Arena Skill Instructor" Tachros can be found immediately upon entering the Battle Arena.
* You can enter or leave the Battle Arena from anywhere by going to Menu (ESC) -> War (F7) -> Battle Arena. Leaving will take you to the previous location from where you entered.
● Changed trial characters to be unable to activate Forced PvP mode (ALT+C).
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't see the appearances of other Adventurers located in monster zones sometimes.
● Chaos: Red Moon (I to III), Absolute - Made the following change to the description on the DP increase effect to match the actual effect:
- Previous: All DP +20 for 10 sec when using the skill
- Changed to: All DP +20 for 20 sec when using skill
● Yippee! - Changed to be available for Quick Slot.

● Added a questline from which you can learn about Farming and can obtain one Fence that does not require Contribution points.
- Added "Know Anything About Farming?" that can be accepted from the NPC "Valentine's Apprentice" Liana with a Lv. 20 or higher character.
- You can obtain "Finto's Strong Fence" as the reward upon completing all the consecutive quests in the questline.
* Finto's Strong Fence has the same effect as a regular "Strong Fence," which means you can install up to 10. (Installable number of grids: 10)
● Added a new quest that allows you to exchange "Martina Finto's Strong Fence" for "Klau's Old Moon Fence."
- Added "New Fence, Worn Fence" that you can accept from "Old Moon Guild Manager" Klau in Velia with a Farming Master 1 or higher character (once per Family).
Hand over three "Mysterious Seeds," needed for research on seeds, two Gold Bar 100G, and one "Martina Finto's Strong Fence," to get one Klau's Old Moon Fence as a reward.
* "Klau's Old Moon Fence" has the same effect as an "Old Moon Fence," which means you can install up to 10. (Installable number of grids: 10)
● Increased the number of the following "Wild" monsters for Hunting by about 20%.
- Calpheon: Giant Boar, Giant Elk, Giant Wolf
- Valencia: Giant Fox, Giant Lioness, Giant Lion
- Drieghan: Drieghan Male Goat, Drieghan Female Goat, Llama, Yak
- Kamasylvia: Gazelle, Feather Wolf, Ferrica, Ferrina
- Narcion: Grass Rhino, Verdure Buck, Verdure Doe, Shadow Wolf, Shadow Lion
● Changed the vegetable ingredient used for the following dish and improved it to be consumed in equal proportions to the other vegetables.
- Steamed Prawn dishes: Paprika → Cabbage
● Improved the following items to be used to craft [Event] Immortal: items via Simple Alchemy with [Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality.
- Armor Draught
- Perfume of Charm
● Added information to the item descriptions of the following items that they can be used to awaken Mythical Horses.
- Flower of Oblivion, Royal Fern Root, Mythical Powder, Old Moon Censer, and Old Moon Censer Mold
● Changed "Horse EXP Increase" to "Mount EXP Increase" to the description text displayed on the following item descriptions and buff icons.
- Elixir of Training, Celerity Draught, and Stonetail Wind's Meal
● Added the text, "You can find information regarding the combat types of each class by going to Combat Type on the bottom of the Basic tab under My Information (P)" to six of the artifacts categorized into melee, ranged, and magic.
● Added information on the usage of Flower of Oblivion on the notification text displayed when doing Imperial Horse Delivery.
● Removed the duplicate text on the item description for Mount Brand Spell Stone.
● Changed Marsh's Artifact - Extra Damage to Monsters to Marsh's Artifact - Extra AP Against Monsters to match the item effect.
● Increased the lower limit prices of the following items. These items were sold by NPC Vendors at a price below the lower limit price being sold on the Central Market (including commission).
* Due to this change, orders and placed orders on the Central Market were cancelled for the following items, which were sent to your Warehouse.
- Bear Hide Carpet
- Stuffed Fox Head
- Stuffed Weasel
- Jack-O'-Lantern Ornament
- Halberd of the Swamp Ornament
- Scrapper's Gloves Ornament
- Stuffed Elk Head
● Changed so that you can no longer sell Cron Stones at Shops.

● Applied the following changes and fixes to the Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Underground):
- The number of [Fragment of Despair] Gyfin Rhasia Decimators was increased by 50%.
- The probability to obtain loot from the [Fragment of Despair] Gyfin Rhasia Decimators was decreased by 20%.
- The Combat EXP and Skill EXP rewarded from [Fragment of Despair] Gyfin Rhasia Decimators were decreased by 30%.
- The issue where monsters wouldn't spawn from the Towers of Transfusion when defeating [Despair] Gyfin Rhasia Decimators was fixed.
- The second [Fragment of Despair] was changed to not be created even when two or more [Despair] Gyfin Rhasia Decimators are defeated at a single Tower of Transfusion in a short period of time.
- Certain Towers of Transfusion were relocated or removed.
- Fixed the issue where the [Ruinous] Butchers of Gyfin Rhasia wouldn't move in certain locations or would get stuck in certain objects.
● Improved the motion after Leap (SPACE) to be more natural while mounted on Tier 1 to 8 horses, Dream Horses, and Mythical Horses.
● Fixed the issue where your horse's Charge, Fore Chop, and Hind Kick skills couldn't be used in swamps such as the Catfishman Camp and habitats of Swamp Nagas and Swamp Fogans, and Tshira Ruins, etc. or shallow waters.
Quest, Knowledge
● Changed Knowledge entries, "The Day of Crimson Winds, Galieva's Memory I and II" to be acquirable even when you have the Nouverikant Helmet and Nouverikant Armor in your possession.
- You can talk to the NPC, Lonely Galieva at Tyrant's Hill to acquire the the Knowledge even you have crafted the Nouverikant Helmet and Nouverikant Armor without it.
Conquest War, Node War
● Fixed the issue where you could use remote installation on Forts for Node Wars to place them in locations where you shouldn't have been able to install them.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't be navigated to Forts, Command Posts, nor Field HQs in certain situations when remotely installing annexes.
Background, NPC, Effects, Cutscene
● Completely sealed the castle gates so that you can't go up the Cron Castle Spire. The remnants were also cleaned up.

● Added a function that allows you to discard multiple items in your inventory all at once.
- After selecting the trash icon from your inventory, you can select multiple items you want to discard. After selecting the items you want to discard, you can discard them all at once by pressing the "Discard" button.
- Press RMB on the selected items to cancel.
- For duplicate items that are stacked, you can enter the number you want to discard.
- Due to the change, the "Restore" button function was changed to a "Recover" function that is displayed while the trash icon is selected.
- You can discard all selected items at once in certain instances such as when using the Dye UI, Pearl Shop UI, etc.B1397
- You can still use the previous function that allows you to drag items into the trash and discard them.
● Added a feature that automatically aligns items on the Central Market Warehouse.
- You can not only use the Auto Arrange function but also sort by Item Grade, Enhancement Level, Weight (LT), Capacity (VT), and Gear Slot in Descending and Ascending orders.
● Applied the following to Privacy Mode:
- Golden Bell messages will no longer be shown on-screen while using Privacy Mode.
- You will no longer receive Arena of Arsha invitations while using Privacy Mode.
- Your online status on guild chat on the Black Desert + App will no longer be displayed in Privacy Mode.
● Changed so that the text that is displayed when the person has either rejected your party, platoon, Yar!, and Arena of Arsha invites or in case of failed invites to read more clearly.

● Changed the design of the End Game UI to the image of the rebooted Musa.
● Improved the text displayed when your ranking is not listed on the "See Old Moon Grand Prix Season Ranks" window.
● Changed the "Crop Information" UI of gardens to be displayed on the left side of the screen.
● Improved the Mount Skill Change Coupon to be displayed on the Purchase UI when changing your mount's skill by going to a Stable Keeper NPC without having the Mount Skill Change Coupon in your possession.
● Removed the season guide banner displayed on the bottom right of the in-game screen.
● Strengthened the security of Setting Archive.
● Changed to only be able to edit the title and body of the posts uploaded on the Photo Gallery.
● Added a "Play Now" button to the video thumbnail on the media part of the main page on the official website.
● Improved the placement of the symbols displayed by the Archer's image on the class introduction on the main page on the official website to alleviate their overlap.
● Changed certain parts of the text introducing Life Skills on the main page of the official website.
● Improved the display of the date and time that appear on system mails that have dates.
● Improved the information on all Pearl Abyss websites to be more easily accessible regardless of the user or device.
● Changed the coupon code to be deleted when succeeding at using a coupon in-game, so that you can enter a coupon code for another coupon right away.
● Added the following text to the information on Web Storage:
- It may take up to 1 hour to apply the information of a newly created character for new families.
● Improved the detailed profile pages to pop up when clicking the profiles of the writer on the list of posts on the Community page.
● Added a description that is displayed when you hover your mouse over the "Request Edit" button on the upper part of the Adventurer's Guide page.
● Added the "Request Edit" button on the bottom of the Adventurer's Guide page.
● Improved the menu on the left of the Adventurer's Guide page to be extended to match the resolutions.
● Fixed the typo on the class introduction text for Sage on the main page of the official website.
● Fixed the issue where the banner on the upper part of the Announcements page would appear abnormal in certain situations.
● Added the quantity to the [Event] Maid for Hire Box that is included in the packages and bundles.
● Adjusted the margin in the images on the Beauty Album view page on the official website.
● Changed the nicknames of members with deleted accounts to be displayed as "Unknown."
● Added the PvE and PvP tags to the Class Forum on the Forums page of the official website.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't access certain posts on the Forums page of the official website.
● Changed to be able to log in to the Black Desert + App via Facebook in Android OS (AOS).
● Improved the placement of the banner and highlight color of the Free Gift Pack.
● Changed the following terms in English:
- Imperial House to Imperial Court.
- for Farming to Crop.
- Tyrie (Short/Long) Outfit/Classic Set to Tyrie Outfit/Classic Set (Short/Long).
- Venslar (Short/Long) Outfit/Classic Set to Venslar Outfit/Classic Set (Short/Long).
Modified or Changed
● Fixed the issue where an abnormal visual effect would be displayed temporarily when unequipping the [Nova] Adamant Armor.
● Fixed the issue where your character's arm would appear abnormal in certain stances when equipping the [Kunoichi] Golden Scale Gloves.
● Fixed the issue where the [Musa] Wilderness Armor and [Musa] Wilderness Gloves would appear abnormal when equipped with parts of other certain outfits.
● Fixed the issue where the ends of the hair of certain classes would appear abnormal when equipping the following helmets:
- [Dark Knight] Lahr Arcien Helmet (R), [Mystic] Lahr Arcien Helmet, [Valkyrie] Lahr Arcien Helmet (R), [Kunoichi] Lahr Arcien Helmet (R), [Mystic] Treant Camouflage Helmet
● Changed to be unable to move to certain abnormal locations near occupied areas in Red Battlefield: Valencia City.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't remove Atoraxxion exclusive items when clearing Vahmalkea while having the expired Vahmalkea matchlock in your possession.
● Fixed the issue where certain visual effects would appear abnormal in Atoraxxion: Vaha's Heart.
● Fixed the issue where the "Gear Durability Reduction Resistance +30%" effect of the lightstone combination, [Blacksmith's Blessing], wouldn't be applied properly.
● Fixed the issue where the "Critical Hit Rate +10%" effect of the lightstone combination, [Deathblow], wouldn't be applied properly.
● Fixed the issue where the commands for a matchlock would appear different for the quests, "[Daily] An Epicurean Gator" and "[Daily] Fly Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee!"
● Fixed the issue where the guild icon and icon for occupying territory would not be aligned properly.
● Fixed the issue where your character's motions would appear abnormal momentarily when ending a dialog with NPCs.