
Patch Notes - March 17, 2021



Greetings Adventurers,

Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on March 17, 2021 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 89 updates and is approximately 1.32GB.

Happy adventuring!



Sage, the Last Ancient

● Released the new class, Sage.

- Meet Sage, the Last Ancient, now!



- With the addition of a new character, you can now add up to 23 slots with the Character Slot Expansion Coupon.
* Sage cannot be created in the Winter season server.
● You can open enhanced weapon boxes, use Weapon Exchange Coupons, and use Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon with Sage starting after the March 17 maintenance.
● Sage, the Last Ancient, can enter the following ancient regions without restrictions by learning "Eye of Ator" at Lv. 60
- Aakman
- Hystria
- Kratuga
- Sycraia (Abyssal Zone)
[Go to Sage GM Note to learn more]


* During the March 24 (Wed) update, we will be adding a quest that allows Adventurers to exchange their PEN (V) Naru (main weapon, sub-weapon, helmet, armor, gloves, shoes) and Canon Awakening weapons for the corresponding Narchillan gear. Narchillan gear will have high-end stats and effects similar to DUO (II) - TRI (III) enhanced Blackstar gear. Due to this upcoming update, we have restricted the ability to delete PEN (V) Naru gear and Canon awakening weapons so that Adventurers won't experience any difficulties exchanging them for Narchillian gear after the March 24 (Wed) update.

Sage, the Last Ancient, has been released. Since this seems to be the first time we’ve released a new content update to NA/EU before anywhere else, we hope our NA/EU Adventurers can see this as something like a small gift for them.

Oh, before we go any further... we’d like to touch upon the official trailer and developer commentary videos released on March 12th. While we were thrilled and thankful at the amazing reception of both, we felt that we didn’t fully explain what “Succession available at release” meant. Whenever we design a new class, we’ve always focused on the “Main Weapon (original) state” of the class first, and moved on to Awakening and Succession afterward. However, we’ve always received a lot of feedback asking for either Awakening or Succession to be available immediately upon release of a new class—so we considered how to implement this to be as enjoyable as possible while still ensuring it’s also fun to play. Thus, we decided to design new classes with Succession in mind from the very start from Sage onwards. And so, you’ll be able to jump right into Sage’s Succession questline to unlock Succession when you reach Lv. 56 with him.

All that said, there were some concerns about whether or not Sage has Awakening since he is being released with Succession at launch... O-of course not! We are working hard to make sure his Awakening state is truly a form to behold. Unfortunately, due to the changes in the development process for how we designed Sage, we hope you’ll understand that it will take approximately four more weeks until Awakening will be released.



New and Improvements


● Improved all classes to be able to summon the Black Spirit while moving.
- You can summon the Black Spirit while riding on horses, even when using Sprint. However, you cannot summon the Black Spirit while using other skills.
- Your character will switch to idle stance when you summon the Black Spirit.

We've made it a bit more easier to summon the Black Spirit. It was particularly annoying to have to dismount to talk with the Black Spirit during quests. However, after today's update, you will be able to summon the Black Spirit even while mounted on a horse. When you think about it, the Black Spirit isn't so special that we need to get off our horses to talk to it...
● Fixed the issue where male classes' hands would appear unnatural when rising to the surface after diving into water.
● Fixed the issue where using Emergency Escape would sometimes cancel the effect immediately after initially appearing to work as intended.
Many Adventurers reported the issue where Emergency Escape would deactivate in certain situations (much like the now-solved issue with difference in elevation), and it was one that we also wanted to solve asap. However, it was very difficult to fix completely and there were many different patches related to this issue. Still, we continued to work on the issue and our close analysis paid off with a possible solution. When we found the solution, it was applied to the Korean server last week. We would like to thank all of our Adventurers who continued to send in reports. Our team will continue to work to create a better gameplay experience.
● Chain: Heaven's Cleave - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.
The newly added "Chain: Heaven's Cleave" was designed as an alternative to Take Down to combo after Solar Flare. It applies the Floating debuff on your target, which opens up a variety of new ways to combo.

● Upper Shield Strike - Fixed the issue where certain skills would combo unnaturally after this skill.



● Flow: Soul Reaper - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Sorceress's new awakening skill was designed to combo immediately after a powerful skill, allowing her to get extra hits in the process. "Flow: Soul Reaper" is designed to combo directly after Grim Reaper's Judgment, so she can continue dealing damage a bit longer while in Awakening.

● Lightning Blast - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

 Ranger has powerful skills such as Nature's Tremble. However, these skills have rather long cooldowns, and Ranger lacks Flow skills to combo into other skills. This made it difficult for Ranger to remain in Awakening. So we've added "Wind Blade." This skill will combo quickly when used after Wind Step or Nature's Tremble. This can greatly increase your damage output and allows you to continue comboing in Awakening.



● Flow: Seismic Blast - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Berserker's main weakness in Awakening was the lack of skills with short and concise movements, so we focused on improving this point when designing "Flow: Seismic Blast." It is designed to be used in between multiple Awakening skills, so that Berserker, much like Sorceress, can now continue his barrage of attacks in Awakening.

● Fixed the issue where comboing would be impossible while landing from a high place while using Predatory Hunt I - Absolute: Predatory Hunt skills



● Celestial Slam - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

"Celestial Slam" was added for Tamer so that she could continue attacking in Awakening and deal sufficient damage. In addition, using this new skill can be used after Moonlight Strike to quickly apply the Stiffness debuff, giving her an option other than Soarkng Kick that can be used to start a combo

● Divina Inpulsa - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Valkyrie had Castigatio and Sacrum Ferit that could deal continuous damage. So, the new skill "Divinia Inpulsa" was made to fills in the gap between big attacks and fast attacks. This skill can also be used even faster after Thrust-type skills.
● Sanctitas de Enslar - Fixed the issue where the skill's 1st hit wasn't applying damage correctly for Awakening.

● Eradicate - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

We focused on the choices Musa Awakening Adventurers can make after Crust Crusher. The newly added "Eradicate" is another skill he can choose to use after Crust Crusher. He may still use Flow: Foul Play for more damage or use Eradicate to respond to enemy attacks. He can activate Eradicate while using Fiery Angel as well. Eradicate is useful in fending off attacks by hitting enemies with a debuff and getting a defensive effect.

● Flow: Frostflower - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Moonrise is the most commonly used skill after Sticky Snowflake for Maehwa Awakening. So, the newly added Flow: Frostflower was designed to be an additional a quick transition skill like Moonrise. Awakening Maehwa tended to focus heavily on using New Year's Eve while defeating monsters, but now, she can use a larger variety of skills.



● Lightning Blast - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Previously, Witch was forced to switch to her main weapon skills to deal ranged damage in Awakening. So, we added "Lightning Blast" to give Witch a ranged skill other than Detonative Flow for her to continue dealing damage from afar in Awakening.

● Magma Bomb - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Wizard's Hellfire skill charges him forward with Forward Guard to crash into enemies and deal damage. Therefore, we added "Magma Bomb" so that he can deal damage even if he doesn't hit targets with Hellfire by using it with Magma Bomb in a quick combo that deals a great amount of damage to enemies in melee range.

● Moon Storm - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

We added “Moon Storm” to inflict powerful damage across a wide area like the skill Lethal Spin Spree. You can use this skill as a main when in Awakening to deal great damage in a combo.

● Flashing Light - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

We added “Flashing Light” so that Ninja can inflict additional damage on opponents. The skill Serpent Ascension is powerful, but other skills could not make up for it when it failed. So, Flashing Light makes was added to inflict huge damage in a large area.

● Dark Nebula - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

We added “Dark Nebula”, which has a long Forward Guard effect, so that Awakening Dark Knight can use a steady defensive skill effect. She can move forwards or backwards with this skill and switch faster from Spirit’s Legacy and evade backwards so that she can continue to attack from range.



● Autumn Blaze - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Striker struggled to deal damage when Skull Crusher and Flow: Skull Hammer are unavailable. Instead, he would be forced to use main weapon skills to deal damage. The addition of the skill “Autumn Blaze” will help him less reliant on those two skills.



● Gushing Waters - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Mystic’s overall damage drops when Wave Orb isn’t available. This was made even more apparent by the fact that she deals steady damage using combos rather than one big attack. We added “Gushing Waters” so that Mystic can steadily inflict damage while recovering Martial Spirit Shards, even when Wave Orb isn’t available.

● Binding Chains - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Previously, Lahn had to use Primrose Sprint or Phantom Dance to evade backwards. The newly added “Binding Chains” allows her to inflict damage while moving to the opponent’s back to attack. She can also inflict major damage on the second hit, allowing her to inflict enough damage even when her main skills are not available.



● Mountain Breeze - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

We added an Archer skill with an Invincible effect. “Mountain Breeze” allows Archer to spot opportunities as well as fight in the invincible state against powerful attacks. Invincibility is applied immediately upon use and he will be able to put some distance between himself and the opponent while evading attacks.

● We're Gonna Win! - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

The Shai’s Talent skills applies a buff to all allies within range. However, keeping allies buffed when they move quickly was a challenge for her at time. With the addition of the skill “We’re Gonna Win!” we hope to help mitigate this problem. The skill allows her to alter her music according to the situation so that she can buff allies from far away or debuff enemies from a safe distance.

● Flow: To Ashes - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

For Guardian, we kept to her “big hit” concept and added the new skill “Flow: To Ashes” to enable her to continue attacking with considerable force. This skill can be used after Cleansing Flame to continue a combo. She can also activate Flow: To Ashes immediately after using Frost Slide, so that she may attack straight after changing locations.

● Silent Breach - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

We added “Silent Breach” so that Awakening Hashashin can immediately charge forward to attack the enemy and continue the combo, like with the skill Sand Slicer. He can use Silent Breach at any given moment after certain skills to float enemies and continue a combo.



● Brutal Ring - Added a new awakening skill that can be learned at Lv. 59 or higher.

Nova can use the "Brutal Ring" skill to attack immediately after pulling enemies in with Star’s Ring. Nova can combo this skill after using Frozen Ring or Slicing Ring, which will serve to inflict more damage if the previous two skills weren’t enough.

● Star's Ring - Fixed the issue where the skill would still activate even after locking Accel: Star's Ring.



● Updated icons for Tier 3 Polar Bear, Kamasylvia Brown Bear, Ferret, Marmot, and Haetae.


● [NA] Adjusted Black Desert Online's time for Daylight Saving Time.
● All of O'draxxia is aghast at the Ahib's report that Hadum's Black Sun, which has already taken over Elvia's skies, is now widening its reach and has infested the Dark Rift. The following has been observed from the infested Dark Rifts:
- The Dark Rifts will appear twice as fast than before.
- You can obtain Specter's Energy from the Dark Rifts. But the Dark Rifts won't go without a fight. In two weeks' time, the Black Sun's energy infesting the Dark Rifts will fade completely. The Ahib are watching this fight with intrigue, growing even more convinced that darkness needs to be vanquished with darkness.
● Changed mass processing so you will produce the maximum amount possible even if you don't have all the materials needed to succeed in mass processing a certain amount.




● Updated the method of using the Family Inventory
- Now when you click the Family Inventory tab, the Inventory window will switch over to the Family Inventory Item slots.
- Click the Move button to move items to and from the Family Inventory.
● Improved the world map to now remember the last information filter button you had selected.
● Added a gamepad key guide to appear below the Terms of Use window when Use Gamepad UI is toggled on.
● Added a "Close" key guide to display when having opened a letter-type item from your inventory.


● Opened the page for the new class Sage in Overview and the event page.
● Changed the OTP function to require Adventurers to use their OTP when logging in to the official website and Black Desert+.
● Improved the main screen design of the official website.
● Added information about the new class Sage on the official website.
● Changed the standard font color in the Update History to a light grey.
● Updated the color of the "Black Desert" logo on the Black Desert official website.
● Updated the FAB on the main screen of Black Desert's official website.
● Fixed the profile to now be set to private by default.
● Pack owners will no longer see the Buy Pack button in their Pack Purchase History page.
● Changed the Beauty Album and Photo Gallery default display settings from 7 days to 100 days.
● Changed the Cookie Agreement banner design.
● Changed the official website and Choose Server menus on the top left of the launcher to rollout more naturally.
● Updated the text displayed after pressing the Purchase button for packages if member's region and age do not meet requirements.
● Fixed the issue of long community forum titles overlapping with the date.
● Fixed the issue with the Guilds page appearing abnormal when using the search function on mobile.
● Updated the Twitch Drops button design in the Web Storage.
● Updated the Notice design on the Payment page
● Updated the price displays on the Package page.
● Changed the Steam Guard pop-up to display if a user not currently using Steam Guard logs in the launcher.
● Improved the pop-up for blocked accounts to now display the reason for being blocked, along with the date when the account will be unblocked.
● Added a payment confirmation email to be sent when making a purchase on the official website.
● Added the ability to search for yourself in the Adventure page.
● Fixed the issue where parts of the game client overlapped with in-game content.
● Fixed the issue with the Guild/Adventurer pages displaying abnormally when using the search function.
● Improved some of the font styles in the PC registration window of the launcher.
● Changed the comments in the Beauty Album/Photo Gallery to only display Family Names.
● Fixed the My Activity page to display the profile picture of the poster in Topics/Replies.
● Fixed the issue where clicking a user on the Adventurer page wouldn't move you to the user's Guild information.
● Changed the game data transfer to now complete even if the email indicating a complete transfer fails to send.
● Improved the coupon-use logic.


Changes and Fixes

● Fixed the issue where saved pet commands came up differently from previously saved commands.

● Fixed the issue where Puturum from Rift's Echo would continue to follow you.
● Fixed the issue where the tooltip appeared at an awkward location during Go to Target.
● Fixed the issue where the following outfit would look abnormal in certain situations.
- [Wizard] Corvicanus Outfit
● Fixed the issue where structures would appear unnatural in certain areas of the following region:
- Kisleev Crag
● Fixed the issue of occasional errors when clicking on a Family Name in the Chat Window.
● Fixed the issue of "within 24 hours" showing up as "within 0 days" in mail.
● Fixed the issue of the Marketplace Sell window to appear abnormal after using the Old Moon Trade Pass.
● Fixed the issue of the window to enter Silver displaying when using the Transport function.
● Fixed the issue of the Caphras Extraction window appearing unnatural after equipping an item enhanced with Caphras Stones.
● Fixed the issue where the Black Spirit continued to repeat its animations of failing an enhancement when failing to enhance with Caphras Stones due to lack of durability.
● Fixed the issue where the Boss Alert wouldn't display even when a World Boss had appeared.
● Fixed the issue of being able to select the Family Inventory tab when using a Storage Maid while the Family Inventory window was still open.
● Fixed the issue of monster icons appearing reddish-orange on the minimap.
● Fixed the issue where the client would crash when you got hit by a Troll Catapult monster.

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Pearl Shop Update: Gather More!
Patch Notes - 25th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Get Pearls Back
Pearl Shop Update: 45% Off!
Patch Notes - 10th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: +300 LT Back for Limited Time!
Patch Notes - 4th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Ultimate Adventurer's Pack
Life Skill Mastery Patch notes
Patch Notes - 28th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Weapon Exchange
Pearl Shop Update: New Season Sale
Patch Notes - 21st August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Surprise
Patch Notes - 14th August 2019
Patch Notes - 7th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 31st 2019
Patch Notes - 31st July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 24th 2019
Patch Notes - 24th July 2019
Patch Notes - 17th July 2019
Pearl Shop - 17th July 2019
Patch Notes - 10th July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 10th 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Inventory Expansion
Patch Notes - July 3rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - June 26th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 26th 2019
Patch Notes - 19th June 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 19th 2019
Patch Notes - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 5th 2019
Patch Notes - June 5th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 29th 2019
Patch Notes - 29h May 2019
Patch Notes - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 15th 2019
Patch Notes - 15th May 2019
Patch Notes - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 24th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 24th 2019
Patch Notes - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 3rd April 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - 27th March 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 27th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 20th 2019
Patch Notes - 20th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 3)
Patch Notes - 13th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 2)
Patch Notes - 6th March 2019
Patch Notes - 27th February 2019
Pearl Shop Update - February 20th 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 20th February 2019
Central Market
Defeat the Bosses from the Dark Rift!
Pearl Shop Update - February 6th 2019
Patch Notes - January 30th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 30th 2019
Patch Notes - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop - January 16th 2019
Patch Notes - 16th January 2019
Patch Notes - 9th January 2019
2nd January 2019
19th December 2018