
Patch Notes - December 22, 2021



Greetings Adventurers,

Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on December 22, 2021 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 718 updates and is approximately 876.63 MB.



2021 Winter Season

● 2021 Winter Season has begun.
- You can create a new character for the 2021 Winter Season.

Season Servers

● Black Desert's Season Servers help new adventurers to settle in quickly and help them rapidly level up.
- The season servers will be Season-1 (Novice Only), Season-2, Season-3, Season-4, Season (Arsha)
* The conditions for connecting to the Season-1 (Novice Only) have changed as follows:
New Adventurers with the total of their characters levels below 150 Adventurers logging in within 30 days (720 hours) of creating their family
Returning Adventurers with the total of their characters levels below 150
Adventurers who have not logged in within the past 30 days (720 hours)

* These are the new conditions to connect to the Season1 (Novice Only) server as of Dec 22, 2021 (Wed) maintenance. However, the levels of characters that are being deleted are not counted towards the total.
- Only season characters may enter the Season Servers.
- Season characters cannot use the Combat/Skill EXP exchange coupons or the Secret Scroll of Pure Equilibrium.
- Season characters can use mounts, pets, and fairies from the normal server. However, they cannot ride Dream horses.
- You can get increased EXP, Season Leveling Aid Boxes when reaching certain levels, Secret Books of the Misty Breeze that grants extra Skill Points, and other benefits in the Season Servers.
- Season characters cannot equip normal gear, but they can equip the special "Naru" and "Tuvala" season gear. "Naru" gear can be obtained by completing the main questline (from the very beginning to Mediah) from Lv. 1 – Lv. 55. Gear that season characters can equip are marked by the icon as shown below.


Season character exclusive gear, Tuvala

● Season characters that have Naru PEN (V) gear can exchange them for Tuvala PRI (I) gear in their Inventory (I).
- Tuvala gear is a high-performing gear that will help you progress through the game.
- Tuvala gear can only be obtained in the Season Servers and can be enhanced using Time-filled Black Stones, Tuvala Ores, Refined Magical Black Stones, and Frozen Tides Black Stone. Tuvala gear can be enhanced up to PEN (V).
* Season-exclusive items that are obtained during the season will be removed at the end of the season.
* Season characters cannot accept the quests for Narchillan gear and cannot equip them.


Season-exclusive items that help you to progress.

● The following items can be obtained in the season servers during the season period by defeating monsters and various other content.
- The following items can only be obtained in the season servers. They can help you progress in the world of Black Desert and be used to enhance your Tuvala gear and accessories.
- You can see where to obtain the items and other details in the item descriptions.
Time-filled Black Stone Time-filled Black Stones are used to enhance Tuvala gear via Black Spirit (,).
They can also be exchanged via [Crow Merchants Guild Chief Manager] Fughar for various other enhancement materials.
Tuvala Ore Tuvala Ores can be exchanged via the blacksmiths in each of the towns/cities for Tuvala gear and accessories.
They can also be used to recover max durability of Tuvala gear that have failed their enhancement attempts.
Refined Magical Black Stone Refined Magical Black Stones can be used to guarantee a successful enhancement attempt for Tuvala gear from PRI (I) up to TRI (III).
They can also be exchanged via [Crow Merchants Guild Chief Manager] Fughar for various other enhancement materials.
Frozen Tides Black Stone Frozen Tides Black Stones can be used to guarantee a successful enhancement attempt for TET (IV) Tuvala gear to PEN (V).
Rift's Crystal Rift's Crystals can be exchanged via [Crow Merchants Guild Chief Manager] Fughar for various items.
Aurora Snowflake Aurora Snowflakes can be exchanged via NPC Pulvio in Velia for various useful items.
Rift's Fragment, Rift's Echo Obtain Rift's Fragment x5 and combine them in your Inventory to make a Rift's Echo.
Rift's Echo are used to summon powerful boss monsters.
The boss monsters drop various enhancement materials and other items useful for progression when defeated.
* We recommend you summon the boss monsters via Rift's Echo while in a party with other Adventurers as the boss mosters are very powerful.
● Added the option to exchange Time-filled Black Stone and Rift's Crystal via Fughar.
- You can check all the items you can exchange via Fughar by interacting with him and having the required items in your Inventory.
● Added the option to exchange Tuvala Ore via blacksmiths in towns/cities for non-enhanced Tuvala gear and accessories.
- You can check all the items you can exchange via blacksmiths by interacting with them and having the required items in your Inventory.

Season-exclusive special rewards, Season Pass

● Added the Season Pass where special rewards can be obtained when a season character completes certain objectives.
- The Black Desert Season Pass can be viewed by clicking on the banner left of the minimap and the Inventory (I) window.
- Rewards that can help your character progress will be given each time an objective is completed.
- You can also purchase the Black Spirit Pass in the Pearl Shop (F3) to get even more rewards.
- If you selected the simplified questline, you can complete the objectives on the pass by talking to the Black Spirit (,) after completing each of Fughar's Memorandum.

● Add the Winter Season-exclusive items "[Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate I/II." 15 of these items can each be obtained through the Season Pass and the Black Spirit Pass. They can be used to complete daily quests from Fughar.

- The rewards obtainable by completing the daily quest with the items "[Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate I/II" are the same and are listed below.
Items Rewards

[Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate I

Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x1

Advice of Valks (+20) x1

[Season] Great Pioneer's Chest x1

[Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate II

● Added the item "[Season] Aurora Snowflake." This item can be obtained from each of the 'Leveling Aid Boxes' that are given as rewards for the Season Pass. The item "[Season] Aurora Snowflake" can be used to exchange for a variety of items via the NPC Pulvio in Velia.



2021 Winter Season New Content

● Added the season character exclusive Atoraxxion: Sycrakea.
- You will enter season Atoraxxion when entering Atoraxxion from a season server.
- Season Atoraxxion is recommended for Adventurers with TRI (III) or higher Tuvala gear.
- Added the season character weekly Atoraxxion quest.

Quest Starting NPC Objectives Completion NPC  Rewards
[Co-op] [Weekly] Vestige of the Rifts Bestowed by Syca Fughar Conquer Atoraxxion: Sycrakea, then examine Syca's Time Capsule Syca's Time Capsule Atoraxxion: Rift Chest

* The quest mentioned above can only be accepted and completed by season characters that are Lv. 57 or higher.
- Open the item "Atoraxxion: Rift Chest" to get the following items:

Obtainable Items

▼ Fixed Rewards:
Rift's Echo x1
Time-filled Black Stone x200
Tuvala Ore x30
Refined Magical Black Stone x30
Advice of Valks (+30) x1
Advice of Valks (+20) x2

▼ Rewards obtained at a set probability:
PRI (I) - TRI (III) Tuvala accessory x1
Frozen Tides Black Stone x1

- You must have the following requirements to enter Atoraxxion: Sycrakea.

* Lv. 57 or higher
* Black Spirit (,) > Main Questline "[Invitation from I]" completed
* Completed either Awakening or Succession
* Completed the quest "[Atoraxxion] Talibre's Tear" in the questline "[5-person Co-op] The Last Stronghold, Atoraxxion" which allows you to interact with the Sol Magia in the Ancient Stone Chamber.
* Afterwards, you can defeat the final boss in Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea/Sycrakea and get the weekly rewards without doing the main questline again.
● Added a Challenge that can only be completed in Atoraxxion: Sycrakea.
- The Challenge for Atoraxxion: Sycrakea can be completed once per family.
- You can complete the Challenge and collect the rewards by logging with a character that has obtained the knowledge by defeating Maleficent Centilutos in Atoraxxion: Sycrakea.
Challenge Objective Reward
[Season] On the Corrupt Yolun Dagger! Defeat the Maleficent Centilutos and obtain the knowledge
"On the Corrupt Yolun Dagger"
Atoraxxion: Rift Chest x1

* This Challenge can be completed by learning the Knowledge "On the Corrupt Yolun Dagger", which is learned by defeating Maleficent Centilutos on the normal or season server.
* The Challenge "[Season] On the Corrupt Yolun Dagger!" can only be completed by season characters during the season period.
* Adventurers that have already defeated Maleficent Centilutos and learned the Knowledge "On the Corrupt Yolun Dagger" can complete the Challenge by logging in with their season characters.
* You can find more details about Atoraxxion: Sycrakea by going to "[Updates] Patch Notes - October 6, 2021 > Atoraxxion: Sycrakea."


● Added a season character exclusive quest, where at Lv. 60, they can earn about 30% Combat EXP.
- The quest "[Season] To Greater Heights!" can be completed once per family.

Quests Starting NPC Objectives
[Season] To Greater Heights! Black Spirit Defeat 5,000 monsters
[Season] Fughar's Faded Memories Black Spirit Hand over Fughar's Precious Necklace to Fughar


■ Season-exclusive Quests and Content!

■ For more details about the 2021 Winter Season, check out the "[GM Note] 2021 Winter Season."






Class Reboots

● Skills of classes will be reset during the Dec 22, 2021 (Wed) maintenance as we announced on the "Upcoming Character Skills Reset" notice.
- Due to the skill reset, GM Silver will appear near the Supply Manager NPC, Robb, at the Battle Arena so that you can use the skill instructor function without restriction on location.
- Interact with GM Silver to conveniently use Learn Skill, Skill Add-on, and Preset functions.


[GM] Silver Appearance Period
Dec 22, 2021 (Wed) after maintenance – Jan 5, 2021 (Wed) before maintenance

[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (3 Days) x1

Coupon Code: NFEJ-W5UA-SDH3-DBKS

* Coupon expiration date and web storage period: Until January 5, 2022 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC).
* You cannot register the coupon once it expires. Please take note that the items stored in your Web Storage and Mail (B) will also disappear once they expire.
* The coupon can be registered once per Family.
* Please take note that you will not be able to use the coupon for 1 hour when you enter the wrong coupon code 10 times in a row.
* You can register the coupon via My Menu (ESC) -> Adventurer Support (F11) -> Use Coupon. The rewards obtained will be sent via Mail (B).
* You can also register the coupon via Use Coupon on our official website.


All Classes

● Added Unyielding Might, a passive skill you can learn once you reach Lv. 62.


● Added the "Class Damage Ratios" to the Adventurer's Guide categories so that you can check the damage rate applied for each class when each class attacks its enemies.
* Increased the amount of damage applied by 34.09% when Shais attack Ninjas.
- We are planning to make constant updates when a new class is released so that you can now check the damage rate via the Adventurer's Guide.


● Changed to apply an upper limit or a lower limit for the increase and decrease in Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed that can be applied all at once to your character (With the assumption that your character's default speed is at 100%.)
- Changed to get up to a total of an extra 150% for Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed that increase with buffs, enhancement levels, and skill add-ons.
* Therefore, the maximum stats for your character's Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed are 250%.
- Changed to apply a total of up to 50% for the stats for Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed that decrease due to debuffs.
* Therefore, the minimum stats for your character's Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed are 50%.
* Therefore, only up to 50% will be applied for decrease in Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed even if you can get more than 50%.

For example, when the "Movement Speed -80%" effect is applied when your character's Movement Speed is at 160%, only "Movement Speed -50%" will be applied and your character's Movement Speed will be at 110%. (The extra 30% that exceeds the 50% will not be applied.)


Another example would be when your character's Movement Speed is at 100% and "Movement Speed -80%" is applied, only 50% will be applied, which means your character's Movement Speed will be at 50%. (The extra 30% that exceeds the 50% will not be applied.)


Previously, even if your character's Movement Speed was at 250%, it could drop to 50%, the lowest stats that would be applied for speed, when the Movement Speed decrease effect was applied. However, with the added upper limit and lower limit applications, it was changed so that the increase and decrease effects (especially decrease) wouldn't be applied after a certain point.


● Changed to apply up to Resistance +80% in PvP and changed Ignore Resistance to ignore starting from the +80% Resistance applied in PvP.

Before Reboot
- Apply up to Resistance +60% in PvP
-  Ignore enemies' Max Resistance (Max +100%) instead of Max Resistance in PvP (60%)
- Apply up to +80% Resistance in PvP
- Ignore Max Resistance in PvP (Max +80%)


● Made changes to the grab skills for all classes as follows:

Before Reboot
-  Super Armor while using skill for certain classes only - Super Armor on Grapple for all classes
- Decreased lateral attack range
* Attack range in front is the same as before

● Changed for all classes to have "No Guard Gauge recovery" and display a guard break motion in s-block or Guard skills.
- Changed to not apply Forward Guard when moving backward while your Guard Gauge is at 0.
- Changed to not apply Forward Guard during the guard break motion.


● Changed the rules for the AP applied to summons.
- Removed all summons' AP and changed to now apply the summoner's AP and extra AP to them instead. Therefore, the damage of the summons' attack skills was adjusted.
- Changed to apply the exact Critical Hit Rate of the summoner's to the summons.


● Reduced the CC points of Knockback skills from 1.0 point to 0.7 point.


● Improved attack decision effects to match differences in elevation when performing the following skills.

Classes Skills
Ranger Fire an arrow after Evasive Explosion Shot
Descending Current, Ultimate: Descending Current
Dark Knight Black Spirit: Obsidian Ashes
Sage Spatial Collapse

● Alleviated the issue where the falling motion would be displayed in certain topography while using a movement skill.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Warrior as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot


- - Added All AP +20 for 30 sec

Jump Slash

- - Increased movement distance
- Can be learned after learning Prime: Spinning Slash
* However, damage and defense effects are the same as Spinning Slash

Upper Shield Strike

- Floating on hits - Floating on hits (PvE only)


- Quick Slot available - Quick Slot unavailable
- Able to withstand more damage than before
- Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0

Charging Thrust

- Automatically activates Kick on hits - Automatically activates Kick only when holding F
- Forward Guard while moving

War Cry (I to III)

- Cooldown: 3 sec
- All DP Reduction +7/13/20 for 10 sec on hits
- Attack range equals area "in front of your character"
- 60 sec cooldown
- All DP +7/13/20 for 20 sec to self and allies
- Attack range equals circular area "around your character"
- Draws the attention of surrounding foes.

Counter (II to III), Absolute: Counter

- Down Attack on Energy Counter Damage
- "Hold SPACE + LMB" to activate Spin Counter
- Down Attack on Spin Counter hits
- "Hold SPACE" to activate Spin Counter
- Hold ↓ to activate the defense motion longer before attack

Frenzied Dash, Absolute: Frenzied Dash

- Knockback on 1st and 2nd hits
- Knockdown on last hit
- Floating on hits
- LMB while moving to perform upward strike attacks
- Added SHIFT+Q command keys
- Improved the sensation of the skill's hit
- Unified motions with the Absolute level of the skill

Frenzied Dash

- Cooldown: 20 sec
- Hit damage 730% +50 x 1, Max 3 hits
- 17 sec cooldown
- Upward strike attack damage 730% x 6

Absolute: Frenzied Dash

- Hit damage 1314% x 2, Max 3 hits
- Required WP 90
- Upward strike attack damage 1314% x 6
- Required Stamina 300
- Increased activation speed
- Increased rotation speed while moving
- Increased Movement Speed and movement distance before attack

Fitness Training
- Melee DP + 8
- Ranged DP +9
- Magic DP +9
- Max HP +210
- All DP +20
- Max HP +300


- - Added new visual effect

Take Down (I to Absolute)

- Cooldown: 8 sec - 15 sec cooldown

Ground Slash, Prime: Ground Slash

- Skill Add-on unavailable - 2nd Skill Add-on

Scars of Dusk, Absolute: Scars of Dusk, Prime: Scars of Dusk (I to III)
- - Increased attack range
- Increased activation speed

Prime: Scars of Dusk (I to III)

- Hit damage 938/1046/1154 x 4, Max 2 hits
- Last Hit damage 1220/1359/1450% x 5
- Attack damage 1220/1359/1450% x 4, max 2 hits
- Last attack damage 1220/1359/1450% x 7
* PvP damage and number of hits remains the same
- Changed skill description

Prime: Ground Smash (I to IV)

- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- Reduces the number of hits by 2 in PvP in the IV level of the skill
- Bound on hits
- Number of hits not reduced in PvP in the IV level of the skill
- Increased attack range

Prime: Shield Strike
- Stun on last hit
- Forward Guard
* Effect nullified on cooldown
- Knockdown on last attack hits
- Forward Guard before last attack
* Effect nullified on cooldown

Prime: Heavy Strike (I to III)

- Hit damage 945/1122/1407% x 4, Max 3 hits
 Last Hit damage 945/1122/1407% x 4, Max 2 hits
- Attack damage 945/1122/1407% x 6, max 2 hits
- Last attack damage 945/1122/1407% x 8
- Damage reduced on cooldown

Prime: Counter

- Air Attack on Counter, Energy Counter hits
- Down Attack on Energy Counter hits
- Hold SPACE + LMB to activate Spin Counter
- Air Attack on Counter and Energy Counter hits
- Down Attack on Spin Counter hits
- Hold SPACE to activate Spin Counter
- Increased number of hits by one for Spin Counter and Energy Counter
- Improved attack range of Energy Counter
- Hold  ↓ to activate the defense motion before attack longer

Prime: Solar Flare

- Hit damage 953% x4 - Attack damage 1430% x4
- All Evasion Rate -6% for 10 sec on hits

Prime: Evasion

- Cooldown: 5 sec - 3.5 sec cooldown

Prime: Take Down

- Cooldown: 13 sec - 15 sec cooldown

Prime: Earth Tremor

- Cooldown: 15 sec - 12 sec cooldown
- Changed attack motion, increased attack range

Prime: Ground Slash

- -  Increased range of energy attack damage

Prime: Pulverize

- - Critical Hit Rate +50%

● Added Succession: War Cry and changed the effects applied in Succession when using the skill as follows:

  Before Reboot
War Cry

Succession : War Cry
Skill Description All DP +20 to nearby allies for 20 sec All DP +20 to nearby allies for 20 sec, All AP +10 to self for 20 sec

● Added certain skills as basic effects/combo movements for different skills.
- Removed the following skills as their basic effects/combo movements were added to different skills:

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Sideways WP Cut Sideways Cut I
Ultimate: Spinning Slash Spinning Slash
Instant Grapple Take Down
Ultimate: Chopping Kick Chopping Kick
Guard - Pressure (I to II) Guard
Ultimate: Shield Charge, Double Shield Charge Shield Charge
Whirlwind Slash Spinning Slash
Successive Charging Slash (I to II) Charging Slash
Precise Thrust Deep Thrust
Jump Thrust
Double Jump Thrust
Exploding Jump Thrust
Ultimate: Deep Thrust
Whirlwind Strike Heavy Strike
Quick Heavy Strike
Charging Heavy Strike
Ultimate: Heavy Strike
Quick Charging Thrust Charging Thrust
Double Dash
Charging WP Slash (Removed Skill)
Charged Shield Strike

● Charging Slash - Added Successive Charging Slash I and II to the skill's basic effects and combo movements and therefore, adjusted the damage as follows:

Before Reboot
Hit damage 102% x 1 / Hit damage 137% x 1 Combo attack damage 222% / 264% / 448% / 1342% x 1, max 2 hits

● Deep Thrust - Adjusted the extra damage to account for the effects of Ultimate: Deep Thrust.

Before Reboot
150% x 3 extra damage if activated as Ultimate skill Bleeding damage every 3 sec for 18 sec on hits

● Shield Assault, Shield Tide - Changed the preceding skill of these enhanced skills you can learn once you reach Lv. 57 from Ultimate: Shield Charge to Shield Charge II.
● Heavy Strike - Improved the skill so it activates naturally even when LMB is slightly delayed for the LMB + RMB command.
● Prime: Spinning Slash - Changed to now attack in the direction of the camera angle when activating Jump Slash.
● Kick, Chopping Kick, Deep Thrust, Jump Attack, and Upper Shield Strike - Improved the hit quality of these skills.
● War Cry (I to III) - Changed to combo more naturally into certain skills.
● Prime: Counter - Changed the motion for comboing into Energy Counter and Spin Counter to be more natural.
● Spinning Slash (I to Absolute), and Jump Slash - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.
● Piercing Spear – Improved to combo more smoothly with other skills.
● Prime: Heavy Strike - Improved to combo more smoothly into certain skills.
● Jump Slash, Prime: Scars of Dusk - Improved to combo into the last attack when comboing with Prime: Shield Strike after attacks 2 and 3.
● Prime: Shield Strike - Changed the attack 3 motion to continue even after Chopping Kick and Prime: Ground Slash.
● Ground Smash - Changed the motion that flows into an idle stance to be more natural.
● War Cry - Changed the visual effect to be displayed in a spot where it looks more natural.
● War Cry - Improved to combo more quickly into other skills.
● War Cry - Changed the motion that flows into an idle stance to be more natural.
● Frenzied Dash, Absolute: Frenzied Dash - Changed the camera effect to be more natural.
● Scars of Dusk - Changed the camera rotation before the attack to rotate to the direction the character is facing.
● Charging Thrust – Improved the camera rotation to be smoother.
● Shield Strike - Fixed the issue where the skill was activated prior to another skill that had RMB in their skill commands.
● Prime: Ground Slash (III to IV) - Fixed the issue where it wouldn't combo smoothly into certain skills when using it while not on cooldown.
● Prime: Shield Strike - Fixed the issue where comboing into attack 3 after using certain skills would activate different motions depending on whether or not it is on cooldown.
● Solar Flare, Charging Thrust, Frenzied Dash, Forward Slash, Shield Charge, Prime: Earth Tremor - Fixed the issue where your character's movements would appear abnormal when using the skills while airborne.


● All attacks made in Awakening were changed to occur after other attack skills have been activated.
- However, you can still cancel the motions for Greatsword Defense and Awakening: Goyen's Greatsword while using them.
● Improved the motion to be more natural when comboing into other skills while pressing ← or → + LMB. Activation will be delayed for certain skills.
● Made the following changes to the skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Burning Moxie

- Recover WP +200
- All DP +20 for 10 sec
- Recover WP +500
- Movement Speed +10% for 10 sec

 Solar Flare I~IV

- Hit damage 680/776/867/953% x 4
- 15 Burn Damage every 3 sec for 9 sec on hits
- Attack damage 748/931/1170/1430% x 5
- All Evasion Rate -6% for 10 sec on hits
- Increased movement distance
- Increased attack range

 Flow: Overwhelm

- Hit damage 835% x 3 - Attack damage 1174% x 4
- Increased attack range


- - Adjusted attack range
- Increased number of hits by 2

Greatsword Defense

- Quick Slot available - Quick Slot unavailable
- Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0. 

Flow: Hilt Strike

- Quick Slot available
- Stun on hits
- All DP+20 for 10 sec on hits

- Quick Slot unavailable
- Stiffness on hits
- All Accuracy Rate +6% for 5 sec on hits

- Improved attack range

Flow: Reckless Blow

- Cooldown: 15 sec - 10 sec cooldown
- Can activate Pulverize after using the skill
- Increased charging speed
- Greatly increased attack range after charging
- Slightly increased normal attack range
- Increased number of hits by 1 for normal attacks
- Can be activated after using Head Chase once

Flow: Armor Break

- Hit damage 1019% x 5
- Number of hits decreased on cooldown
- Attack damage 1347% x 5
- Number of hits not decreased on cooldown
- Adjusted attack range

Flow: Ankle Break

- Hit damage 813% x 5 - Attack damage 1147% x 5
- Critical Hit Rate  +100% for 1 sec
- Adjusted attack range to hit a wider area in front

Flow: Slashing the Dead

- Grave Digging Smash Attack Hit damage x 5 - Grave Digging smash attack damage x 6
- Increased attack range
- Improved to be activated with other skills more quickly
- Increased Super Armor to be applied by around 0.3 more sec

Grave Digging

- Smash Attack Hit damage 1389% x 5
- Rules for hits and damage differ for each level of Black Spirit skills
- Smash attack damage 1389% x 6
- Rules for attacks and damage are the same for each level of Black Spirit skills
- Increased Super Armor to be applied by 0.3 more sec for Black Spirit skills.
- Increased attack range

Frenzied Strikes

- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- 1st Hit damage 791/904/1018% x 4
- 2nd Hit damage 791/904/1018% x 4
- Last Hit damage 791/904/1018% x 5
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Attack 1 damage 870/1084/1221% x 6
- Attack 2 damage 870/1084/1221% x 6
- Last attack damage 870/1084/1221% x 6
- Increased attack range of last attack
- Can be canceled with Head Chase

Chain: Heaven's Cleave

- 2nd Hit damage 1356% x 3 - Attack 2 damage 1356% x 5
- Improved hit quality and motion
- Adjusted attack range of the upward strike


- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +25%(PvE only)
- Increased attack range
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)

Flow: Tempest

- 12 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvE only)
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- 9 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Increased attack range

Flow: Knee Kick

- Applies Balance Strike Damage x 4
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- Attack damage 1524% x 4
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)

Balance Strike

- Hit damage 1250% x 5 (PvE only) - Attack damage 1250% x 3 (PvE only)
- Unified movement distance to level III of the skill

Flow: Hilt Strike

- Hit damage 1300% x 2 (PvE only) - Attack damage 1300% x 3 (PvE only)

● Solar Flare (I to IV) - Improved to combo more quickly into Balance Strike.
● Chain: Heaven's Cleave - Changed to no longer be activated by pressing ↑.
● Greatsword Defense - Improved to be able to combo with other skills during the Guard motion.
● Flow: Overwhelm - Improved to be able to activate Greatsword Defense instantly.
● Flow: Knee Kick - Changed to no longer activate by pressing ↓.
● Flow: Slashing the Dead - Fixed the issue where the distance traveled would be reduced when hitting a target while moving.
● Flow: Reckless Blow - Improved to activate Greatsword Defense(Q) on hits.
● Chain: Heaven's Cleave - Changed the command to "RMB during another skill."
● Balance Strike - Improved to activate Flow: Hilt Strike quickly on hits.
● Grave Digging - Improved to combo with other skills more smoothly on Smash Attack hits.
● Black Spirit: Slashing the Dead - Fixed the issue where Greatsword Defense would activate during the jumping motion.
● Greatsword Defense, Flow: Knee Kick, Flow: Armor Break - Fixed the issue where you would abnormally consume resources when holding the F or SPACE respectively for the skills.
● Flow: Reckless Blow - Fixed the issue where a charging skill would be activated in certain situations even after a skill other than Head Chase after charging.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Ranger as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

● Improved to apply Back Attack damage when hitting an enemy from the back.

● Adjusted the character's shoulder height in idle stance.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Call of the Earth - Removed the spirit enhancement buff from the skill and combined it with the basic Succession skill. An extra spirit attack effect will now be applied to certain Succession skills without having to use Call of the Earth.

● Evasive Landing Shot - Made the following changes:
- Changed the skill's motion.
- Increased damage and number of hits.
- Added Down Attack and Down Smash.

Skill Before Reboot

Evasive Landing Shot

● Flow: Bypassing Wind - Made the following changes:
- Changed the skill description.
- Changed the camera effect.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into Tearing Arrow.
- Improved your character to rotate in the direction of the camera when moving laterally.

Skill Before Reboot

Flow: Bypassing Wind

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Will of the Wind

- (I, III) Ranged DP - 4/8 for 5 sec
- (IV, Absolute) Ranged DP -8/12 for 10 sec
- I, III: Ranged DP -4/8 for 10 sec
- IV, Absolute: Ranged DP -15/15 for 10 sec

 Will of Descending Wind

- Attacks designated spot - Attack applied to targeted spot
* Attack delayed for the duration of the arrow's flight

 Blasting Gust (I to III), Absolute, Prime (I to III)

- Damage equally applied to targets when hitting more than 2 targets - Damage Reduction +5% when hitting more than 2 targets in PvP
* Only 70% damage applied when hitting more than 7 targets

 Blasting Gust (I to Absolute)

- Required MP 52 (Absolute) - Can activate Moving Shot after learning Ultimate: Evasive Shot
* Directional Key + LMB
* Due to this, required Stamina equals 150 (Absolute)

Prime: Ultimate: Blasting Gust

- Hit damage 754% x 3, Max 6 hits
- Damage -59.9% in PvP
- Knockdown on the last hit
- Attack damage 830% x 3, max 6 hits
- Damage -63.6% in PvP
- Knockdown on last attack hits (PvE only)
- Down Attack
- Spirit attack damage applied on hits

 Spirit's Shackles

- Cooldown:10 sec - 15 sec cooldown

Tearing Arrow (I to III), Absolute, Prime (I to IV)

- Air Attack
- Damage equally applied to targets when hitting more than 2 targets
- Down Attack
- Damage -5% when hitting more than 2 targets in PvP
* Only 70% damage applied when hitting more than 7 targets
- Increases activation speed of preceding motion before firing

Prime: Tearing Arrow (I to IV)

- Hit damage 1032/1332/1452/1602% x 2 after charging, Max 5 hits
- Cooldown: 6/6/5/5 sec
- Stamina -100 while charging
- Attack damage 860/1110/1210/1335% x 2 after charging, max 5 hits
- 8/8/7/7 sec cooldown
- Stamina -200 (Super Armor)  while charging
- Super Armor while charging

Prime: Regeneration

- Hit damage 1250% x 7
- Damage -39.1% in PvP
- Cooldown: 17 sec
- Attack damage 1450% x 10
- Damage -47.5% in PvP
- 12 sec cooldown

Prime: Nature's Tremble

- Hit damage 1337% x 8
- Damage -41.2% in PvP
- Cooldown: 14 sec
- All DP -15 for 10 sec
- Attack damage 1511% x 8
- Damage -52.1% in PvP
- 12 sec cooldown
- All DP -20 for 10 sec
- Increased attack range

Descending Current

- Knockdown on hits (PvE only) - Bound on hits (PvE only)
* Nullified when used on cooldown

Prime: Descending Current

- Knockdown on hits (PvE only)
- Cooldown: 7/6/5 sec
- Accuracy -10% (I)
- Accuracy -5% (II)
- Bound on hits
- 12/11/10 sec cooldown

Prime: Penetrating Wind

- Cooldown: 6 sec
- Knockdown on hits (PvE only)
- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- 7 sec cooldown
- Stun on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP

Evasive Landing Shot

- - Skill motion changed
- Damage and number of attacks increased
- Down Attack
- Down Smash

Charging Wind

- 4th Charged Hit damage 314/388/776% x 2 (III to Absolute)
- 5th Charged Hit damage 811/1585% x 2 (IV to Absolute)
- 4 times charged attack damage 314/388/776% x 3 (III to Absolute)
- 5 times charged attack  damage 811/1585% x 3 (IV to Absolute)
- Super Armor while charging (I to Absolute)
* Cooldown added accordingly, 6 sec at Absolute level
- Attack range gradually increased when charging (II to Absolute)
- Forward Guard added (Ultimate, Extreme, Absolute: Extreme, Prime: Extreme)
* Effect nullified on cooldown

Prime: Charging Wind

- Knockback on hits (PvE only)

- Knockdown on charged hits (PvE only)
- Knockback on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Knockdown on charged attack hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown

Prime: Razor Wind

- Critical Hit Rate +20%(PvE only)
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +20%
* Nullified when used on cooldown

Call of the Earth

- Cooldown: 90/80/80/70/60 sec (VI to X)
- Cannot be used with kamasylven sword
- VI to X: 70/60/50/40/20 sec cooldown
- Can be used with your kamasylven sword


- Required Stamina 100/100/100/100 (I to Absolute) - I to III: required Stamina 20/30/40/50

Evasive Explosion Shot

- Cooldown:  15/13/11/9/12 sec (I to III, Absolute, Prime) - I to III, Absolute, Prime: 13/11/10/9/7 sec cooldown

Wind Explosion Shot

- Ranged DP -12 for 10 sec on hits - Movement Speed -25% for 10 sec on hits
- Super Armor applied until landing
- Combos into Evasive Shot while airborne when comboing with Ultimate: Evasive Shot

Spirit Healing, Dagger of Protection (I to Absolute)
- MP recovery effect - Removed MP recovery effect

Spirit Healing

- Max Stamina +300
- Recover MP +22
- Bow Skill can recover MP +68 per hit
- Max Stamina +300
- All AP +6

Riding the Wind
- Required Stamina 200
- Can be used midair
- Required Stamina 150
- Can be used on the  ground
* Separated to Twisting Wind

● Added certain skills as basic effects for different skills.
- Removed the following skills as their effects were added to different skills:

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Charging Wind Flow: Wings of Freedom
Flow: Bypassing Wind Flow: Breath of Air I, II, Flow: Crossing Wind I, II
Penetrating Wind Flow: Sharp Feather (I to III), Flow: Kiss of the Wind
Blasting Gust Flow: Pinpointing Gust I, II
Evasive Explosion Shot Flow: Wings of Wind I, Flow: Wall Breaker (I to II)

● Ultimate: Blasting Gust, Descending Current - Improved to apply skill add-on.
● Riding the Wind - Changed to apply no collision when moving using the skill.
● Squall Shot - Changed the firing motion to match the visual effect.
● Flow: Riding the Wind - Improved to activate Riding the Wind when pressing ← or → + SHIFT.
● Riding the Wind - Improved to be activated in charging stance when comboing with Prime: Tearing Arrow.
● Crossing Wind - Added "No collision while moving" to the skill description.
● Ultimate: Evasive Shot - Changed to be activated first when pressing Directional Key + LMB during other skills.
● Ultimate: Charging Wind, Extreme: Charging Wind - Added so that you can combo into Evasive Landing Shot.
● Prime: Blasting Gust - Improved to continue the skill more quickly when using forward.
- Therefore, changed Prime: Blasting Gust to no longer be able to combo during Spin Kick.
● Improved to flow more naturally into movement, skill add-on, and combo into skills on Quick Slot more naturally.
● Riding the Wind - Improved your character to rotate in the direction of the camera angle.
● Evasive Explosion Shot – Fixed the issue where invincibility would be applied when using the skill a second time while on cooldown.
● Evasive Explosion Shot - Improved to maintain Invincibility even when changing directions.
● Prime: Nature's Tremble - Fixed the issue where the "All DP decrease" effect would differ from the actual effect.
● Blasting Gust, Prime: Blasting Gust - Fixed the issue where you couldn't recover MP in certain situations.
● Blasting Gust, Prime: Blasting Gust - Fixed the issue where the amount of MP you recover would be abnormal when moving after learning Ultimate: Evasive Shot.
● Prime: Ultimate: Blasting Gust - Fixed the issue where the spirit's attack would be applied every attack.



● Added the skills, Spirit's Haven, Guardian Wind, and Winds of the Prairie.

Skill Description Preview

Spirit's Haven

Guardian Wind

Winds of the Prairie

● Removed the following skill and added its base effect to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: Piercing Wind Breezy Blade
Waltz of Wind
Flow: Rushing Wind
Flow: Heavenly Knot Vine Knot

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot


- Shift + Q - Quick Slot available

Wind Step

- Cooldown: 3 sec - 2 sec cooldown
- Movement distance increased when using it forward

Waltz of Wind

- Cooldown: 7 sec
- III: Hit damage 1110% x 6
- III: Hit damage -37% in PvP
- 5 sec cooldown
- III: attack damage 1060% x 6
- Attack damage  -34.1% in PvP
- Increased attack range
- Can be used via Quick Slot with your longbow and in non-combat states

Breezy Blade

- Hit damage 1120/1335/1510% x 4
- III: Hit damage -44.8% in PvP
- Movement distance decreased on cooldown
- Attack damage 896/1068/1208% x 4
- III: attack damage -41.2% in PvP
- Increased attack range

Flow: Rushing Wind

- Hit damage 1425% x 6
- Hit damage -31.9% in PvP
- 6 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1185% x 6
- Attack damage -18.1% in PvP
- 4 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range

 Nature's Tremble (I to III)

- Hit damage 1244/1376/1426% x 8
- III: Hit damage -46.7% in PvP
- Cooldown: 19/17/15 sec
- All DP -15 for 10 sec on hits
- Attack damage 1008/1144/1212% x 8
- III: attack damage -37.3% in PvP
- 16/14/12 sec coooldown
- All DP -20 for 10 sec on hits
- Increased attack range


- Hit damage 1447% x 10
- Hit damage -61.6% in PvP
- Attack damage 1157% x 10
- Damage -51.7% in PvP
- Activation speed increased
- Increased attack range


- Hit damage 1581% x 6, Max 2 hits
- Cannot be activated through Quick Slot in non-combat stance
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- Attack damage 1106% x 6, max 2 hits
- Can be used via Quick Slot in a non-combat stance

Elven Rage (I to IV)

- Hit damage 817/978/1127/1384% x 6
- Recover MP +15 per hit
- Attack damage 980/1124/1269/1522% x1, max 6 hits
- Recover 50 HP per hit
- Activation speed increased

Flow: Disillusion

- - All hits applied regardless of the distance

 Wailing Wind

- IV: Hit damage 1464% x 6
- IV: Hit damage - 44.5% in PvP
- IV: attack damage 1244% x 6
- IV: attack damage -34.6% in PvP
- All hits applied regardless of the distance

Flow: Tempest

- Hit damage 1324% x 13
- Hit damage -47.3% in PvP
- Attack damage 1060% x 13
- Damage - 24.5% in PvP

Wind Blade

- 2nd Hit damage 1426% x 7
- 2nd Hit damage -45% in PvP
- Attack 2 damage 1150% x 7
- Damage -31.8% in PvP
- Attack range increased for attack 2

● Wind Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills when used forward.
● Wind Step - Changed to combo with the following skills more smoothly.
- Nature's Tremble, Elven Rage, Wailing Wind, Flow: Tempest
● Elven Rage - Improved to activate more quickly after using certain skills.
● Flow: Tempest - Fixed the issue where debuffs would stack in PvE.
● Flow: Tempest - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.
● Regeneration - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.
● Wind Step - Improved to be activated when pressing ↑+ RMB or ↓+ RMB after Breezy Blade.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Sorceress as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Removed the following skills and added their base effects to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
High Kick Shadow Kick
Guilty Conscience Midnight Stinger II
Eruption of Guilt Midnight Stinger (Absolute, Prime)
Sharp Nails (I to Absolute) Dark Split
Shield of Darkness (I to III) Dark Trade (I to III)
Scattering Shadow (Removed)
Shadow Riot
Low Kick
Sinister Shadow (I to III)

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Imminent Doom
- Cooldown 24 sec - 18 sec cooldown

Black Wave (I to Absolute)
- - Increased attack range
- All attack ranges unified

Dream of Doom
- LMB to fire after casting - LMB or RMB to fire after casting

Changed from Dark Armor to Dark Maneuver
- All DP +6
- All Evasion Rate +4%
- All Evasion Rate +10%
- Max Stamina increase +150

Dark Trade
- - All DP +9/15/20 for 300 sec
* Combined effects of Shield of Darkness

Absolute: Bloody Calamity
- Cooldown 30 sec - 20 sec cooldown

Claws of Darkness
- ↓ + LMB - ↑ + LMB
- Dark Flame activated without using the skill

Night Crow
- - Invincible applied when used while airborne
* Not applied when used consecutively in a spot where the elevation is too high

Mark of the Shadow (I to Absolute)
- - Increased attack range

Abyssal Blow
- - Forward Guard at the start of the skill

Dark Backstep
- - Forward Guard during skill

Signs of Agony (I to Absolute)
- - Activation speed increased
- Projectile movement speed unified for each level
- Projectile movement speed increased

Shadow Kick
- Required level 15 or higher
- Cooldown 5 sec
- Required level 1 or higher
- 4 sec cooldown
- Accuracy Rate +3%
- Magic Accuracy Rate +6% for 10 sec

Absolute: Shadow Kick
- Cooldown 5 sec - 2 sec cooldown
- Accuracy Rate +6%
- Magic Accuracy Rate +6% for 10 sec

Black Wave (I to Absolute)
- - Floating on attack 1 hits

Prime: Black Wave (I to III)
- Lv. III Hit damage 1250% x 5, Max 4 Hits
- Damage -52.7/52.7/60.6% in PvP
- Pushes target on hits
(PvE only)
- III: attack damage 1375% x7, max 3 hits
- Damage -62.9/63/63% in PvP
- Floating on attack 1 hits (PvE only)
- Down Smash on last attack hits
- Air Attack
- Increase attack range

Claws of Darkness (I to Absolute), Prime: Claws of Darkness (I to III)
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only) - Removed "Push the target on hits (PvE only)"

Darkness Released
  - Changed to a circular area

Ultimate: Dark Flame
- Knockdown on the last hit - Knockdown on last attack hits (PvE only)

Shadow Eruption (I to Absolute) Prime: Shadow Eruption (I to IV)
- - Super Armor

Ultimate: Shadow Eruption
- Cooldown 20 sec - 12 sec cooldown

Shard Explosion
- - Added attack damage 4600% x 1 when consuming 4 Shards

Prime: Bloody Calamity
- Cooldown 20 sec
- Hit damage 1013% x 6
- Hit damage 1013% x 3 when used instantly, Max 2 hits
- Last Hit damage 1013% x 5
- Damage -62.2% in PvP
- 16 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1418% x 6
- Attack damage 1418% x 3 when used instantly, max 2 hits
- Last attack damage 1418% x 5
- Therefore, damage for Black Spirit skill adjusted
- Damage -73% in PvP

Prime: Dark Flame
- Hit damage 1204% x 3
- Extra Hit damage 1204% x 3
- Damage -74.8% in PvP
- Attack damage 1591% x 3
- Extra attack damage 1591% x 4
- Damage -78.1% in PvP
- Increased attack range

Prime: Violation
- Critical Hit Rate +25%(PvE only)
- Spin Hit damage 1065% x 6
- Extra hit damage 1224% x 6
- Spin Hit damage - 70.2% in PvP
- Extra Hit damage -58.9% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +25%
- Spin attack damage 1225% x 6
- Extra attack damage 1346% x 6
- Spin attack damage -74.1% in PvP
- Extra attack damage -62.6% in PvP
- Decreased push distance for targets in PvE

Prime: Shadow Eruption
- IV Hit damage 1233% x 4 - IV: attack damage 1356% x 4
- Super Armor

Succession: Imminent Doom
- Cooldown 18 sec - 14 sec cooldown

Prime: Turn-back Slash
- Hit damage 947% x 2
- Last Hit damage 1334% x 3
- Attack damage 947% x 3
- Last attack damage 1334% x 4

Prime: Claws of Darkness
- Hit damage
622/710/721/754% x 3, Max 3 hits
- Damage -47.4/47.5/47.4/47.5% in PvP
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- Attack damage
715/852/937/1055% x 3, max 3 hits
- Damage -55/55/60/60% in PvP
- Floating on attack 1 hits (PvE only)
- Forward Guard during skill
* Nullified on cooldown
- Air Attack

Succession: Ultimate: Dark Flame
- Cooldown 15 sec
- Knockdown on extra hit
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Damage -74.8% in PvP
- 12 sec cooldown
- Knockdown on last attack hits (PvE only)
- Adjusted to attack the same area
- Damage -78.1% in PvP

● Darkness Released - Improved to activate more quickly when used forward.
● Midnight Stinger - Improved to combo more smoothly into Dark Flame.
● Shadow Eruption - Improved to combo more smoothly with other skills.
● Prime: Black Wave (I to III) - Improved to apply the hit effect more quickly.
● Prime: Bloody Calamity - Improved to combo with the following skills.
- Prime: Violation, Prime: Turn-back Slash, Prime: Midnight Stinger, Succession: Ultimate: Dark Flame
● Prime: Midnight Stinger - Changed to now activate Shadow Kick before Shadow Eruption after the skill.
● Prime: Black Wave - Fixed the issue where activating the last hit immediately would increase the number of targets hit.


● Flow: Crow Rush - Changed to Wings of the Crow.

  Before Reboot
Flow: Crow Rush

Wings of the Crow



- Critical Hit Rate +40% for 10 sec when using skill
- Increased distance traveled compared to Flow: Rushing Crow

● Changed the Soul Harvest skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Soul Harvest

● Removed the following skill and added its base effect to a certain skill.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: Revived Nightmare Cartian's Nightmare

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Flow: Revived Nightmare
- SPACE during Cartian's Nightmare
- Consume 15 Fragments of Darkness
* Applied to Cartian's Nightmare
- Fragment of Darkness not consumed

Cartian's Nightmare
- Damage -12.4/11.7/10.9/10% in PvP - Damage -20% in PvP
- ←/→ + RMB to move laterally during the skill
* In this case, activate the next level by consuming 10 Fragments of Darkness

Flow: Night Crow
- Cooldown 2 sec - 1 sec cooldown

Soul Harvest
- SPACE during a certain skill
- Hit damage 1008% x 2
- Extra Hit damage : 1302% x 5
- Cooldown 3 sec
- Required Stamina 100
- Available on cooldown
- Knockback on extra hits
- Air Attack or Down Attack on extra hit
- Critical Hit Rate +24% for 10 sec
- Attack damage : 1331% x 4
- Extra attack damage : 1420% x 5
- 5 sec cooldown
- Required MP 50
- Cannot be used on cooldown
- Floating on extra attack hits
- Air Attack/Down Attack always applied
- Casting Speed +5% for 15 sec
- Creates 2 Fragments of Darkness on hits
- Combos attack without having to hold SHIFT + Q 

Grim Reaper's Judgment
- Number of hits reduced by one in PvP
- Shard Usage, Grim Reaper Extra Charged Hit damage 1950% x 6
- Damage -37.4% in PvP
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Shard Usage, Grim Reaper extra charged attack damage 1950% x 7
- Damage -43.7% in PvP
- Shards of Darkness effect refreshed while charging

Shadow Leap
- "All AP Increase" extra effect of Fragment of Darkness - Removed "All AP Increase" effect of Fragment of Darkness

Turn-back Slash
- III: Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP  - Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Changed visual effect

Cartian's Protection
- Hit damage 437% x 1
- Quick Slot available
- Attack damage 1337% x 3
- Quick Slot unavailable
- Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0. 

Flow: Vile Plan
- Stiffness on hits (PvE only)
- Floating on extra hits (PvE only)
- Hit damage 382% x 6
- Forward Guard
- Stiffness on hits
- Floating on extra attack hits
- Attack damage 1340% x 6
* Damage -35% in PvP

- - Increased movement speed during skill

- Spin hit damage 856/973/1199% x 8 (Changed)
- Chop hit damage 856/973/1199% x 4 (Changed)
- Spin hit damage -59.5/59.4/63.1% in PvP
- Chop hit damage -41.1/41.1/46.5% in PvP
- No damage reduction on cooldown
- Spin attack damage 856/973/1199% x 8
- Chop attack damage 856/973/1199% x 5
- Spin attack damage -52% in PvP
- Chop attack damage -52% in PvP
- Damage reduction on cooldown
- Increased attack range for smash attacks
- Changed visual effect
- ↓ + RMB to activate backward during skill
* Therefore, damage in PvP was adjusted

Flow: Cry of Darkness
- Cooldown 3 sec
- Damage -40.2% in PvP
- 4 sec cooldown
- Damage -49.9% in PvP

Dead Hunt

- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP - Number of hits not decreased in PvP

● Turn-back Slash - Improved to activate from attack 2 when comboing with Dead Hunt.
● Soul Harvest - Improved to combo into Soul Reaper.
● Night Crow - Improved to combo into the last hit of Soul Harvest after using with your scythe.
● Dream of Doom - Improve to not cancel and activate the skill when comboing into Night Crow.
● Violation - Improved the camera rotation effect of down slash attacks when used on cooldown.
● Soul Harvest - Fixed the issue where the stats in PvP damage reduction would not be displayed.
● Violation - Fixed the issue where the down slash attacks would be applied before the hit motion.
● Flow: Cry of Darkness - Fixed the issue where Down Smash, applied on Blade of Darkness' hits, would be applied to all attacks.



● Improved the appearance (customization) of Berserker as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.


Main Weapon, Succession

● Added Succession: Weakling Hunt.
- Additional effects are applied if it is used during Lava Piercer.
- Gains all DP increase effect during skill.
- Air attack is applied on hit.

Skill Description

Succession: Weakling Hunt

● Made following changes to Flow: Windstorm.

Skill Before Reboot

Flow: Windstorm

● Changed the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Tackling Rock
- Knockback on charged hit
- Forward Guard while charging or start of the skill
- Movement Speed -30% for 5 sec
- Cooldown applied if it activates while sprinting, Lava Piercer
- Knockback on hits (PvE only)
- Forward Guard during skill
- Movement Speed -30% for 5 sec
* Not applied during cooldown
- Cooldown, Forward Guard applied when it activates while Sprinting, Lava Piercer
- Removed charging animation (Adjusted damage)
- Forward Guard when skill is continued
- Changed to match actual skill description

Beastly Wind Slash, Extreme: Beastly Wind Slash
- Accuracy Rate -3/-3/-2/-2% (Excluding Extreme)
- Decrease damage by 28% in PvP
- Absolute: Damage -31.2% in PvP
- Accuracy Rate +0% (Excludes extreme skills)
- Adjusted damage (Excludes Extreme skills)
- Damage -50% in PvP
- Absolute version's damage -50% in PvP

Ultimate: Beastly Wind Slash
- Beastly Wind Slash can be used consecutively - Beastly Wind Slash can no longer be used continuously
- Removed skill

Storming Beast
- - Hits the same number of targets even when Knee Kick activates

Seizing Fear
- Critical Hit Rate +10%
- All Accuracy Rate +7%
- All DP +20
- All Accuracy Rate +5%

Fierce Strike
- Recover 5 WP if used when there is insufficient WP - Recover 50 WP if used when there is insufficient WP
- Can move immediately after attack 2 or last attack

Claw Scar
- Different levels of skill (I-V)
- Inflict 15 bleeding damage every 3 seconds for 27 seconds
- Single skill
- Removed "15 bleeding damage per 3 sec for 27 sec"
- Added effect that reduces all DP by 20 for 10 sec

- Melee Accuracy Rate +15% for 10 sec after 2nd hit or strong Headbutt
- Activates after charging for strong headbutt
- Removed extra attack, Melee Accuracy Rate +15% for 10 sec on hits
- Can activate without charging for strong headbutt

Frenzied Destroyer, Prime: Frenzied Destroyer
- When more than 2 targets are hit, the damage dealt will decrease by 5% per hit. When 10 or more targets are hit, only 50% of damage will be dealt.  - When more than 2 targets are hit, the damage dealt will decrease by 5% per hit. When 7 or more targets are hit, only 70% of damage will be dealt. 

Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer
- Cannot activate by itself - Can activate by itself
- Changed to match actual skill description

Wrath of Beast, Ire of Beast
- - Increased attack range

Smack Down
- Cooldown 12 sec - 15 sec cooldown
- Directional attack can be performed by pressing LMB + directional key

Feral Stampede
- Charging available
- Critical Hit Rate +40% (PvE only)
- Cooldown 11 seconds
- Remove charging
- Critical Hit Rate +40%
- 8 second cooldown
- Easier to combo with Flow: Windstorm, Shake Off, Headbutt

Beast Roar
- Knockdown on the last hit - Knockdown on last attack hits (PvE only)

Fearsome Tyrant
- - Easier to transition to other skills

Falling Rock
- Quick Slot available
- Stun on hits
- Able to add skill add-ons
- Cannot equip to Quick Slot
- Bound on hits
- Cannot add skill add-ons
- Changed Predatory Hunt to flow skill
- Cannot activate during other skill
- Adjusted skill damage
- Adjusted attack range
- Super Armor
- Easier to combo with Evasion, Shake Off, and Flow: Windstorm

Rock Smash
- 20 sec cooldown - 25 sec cooldown

- - Change camera skill animation
- Easier to combo to other skills

- 40 sec cooldown - 35 sec cooldown

- - Increased distance traveled

 Prime: Beast Form

- - Stronger effect during Bestial Rage

Prime: Beastly Wind Slash
- Applied Final Strike effect
- Reduces all DP by 15 for 10 sec when final strike is active
- Number of hits decreases by 1 in PvP
- Reduced number of hits on cooldown
- Floating on smash attack (PvE only)
- Air smash
- Beastly Maneuver when used in feral state
- Reduces movement speed by 30% on smash attack
- Increases movement speed by 20% for 10 seconds on smash attack
- Reduces first Hit damage in PvP: 55.6/55.6/55.7/27.6%
- Reduces chop Hit damage in PvP: 44.4/44.4/44.4/44.3%
- Adjusted damage, removed Final Strike effect
- Reduces all DP by 20 for 10 seconds on hits
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Number of hits not decreased during cooldown
- Floating on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Beastly Maneuver not activated (activates when using Succession: Weakling Hunt)
- Reduces Movement Speed by 30% for 10 seconds on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Increase Movement Speed by 20% for 10 seconds after using skill
* Nullified when used on cooldown (Edited)
- Damage -65/65/65/75% in PvP

Prime: Beastly Wind Slash III, IV

- Hit damage 944/1105% x 6
- Smash attack Hit damage 944/1105% x5
- Attack damage 1012/1300% x 6
- Smash attack damage 1012/1300% x5

Prime: Fierce Strike

- All DP -15 for 10 sec on hits
- Floating on additional hits
- Reduces 1st hit damage in PvP 27.6/27.6/27.6/27.5%
- Reduces additional Hit damage by 24.1% in PvP
- Removed "All DP -15 for 10 sec on hits"
- Floating on extra attack hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- First attack damage -27.6/27.6/27.6/37.4% in PvP
- Extra attack damage  -24.1/24.1/24.1/34.4% in PvP
- Changed attack range to inflict damage around the character

Prime: Tackling Rock

- Charging available
- Knockback on charged hit
- Reduces movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds on hit
- Counter attack
- Removed charging, extra attacks on collision
- Knockback on hits (PvE only)
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Reduces Movement Speed by 30% for 5 seconds on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Air Attack
- Cooldown and Forward Guard applied if it activates during Sprint, Lava Piercer
- Forward Guard when skill is continued, does not consume Stamina
- Reduces damage by 40% in PvP

Prime: Predatory Hunt

- Cooldown: 20 sec - 13 sec cooldown
- Changed skill's animation
- Increases distance traveled when skill is continued
- Removed the Final Strike effect due to changes made to it, adjusted damage
- Transform when using skill
- Damage -35% in PvP

Prime: Fearsome Tyrant

- Final Strike animation
- Bestial Rage effect applied after skill ends
- Reduces the number of hits by 5 in PvP
- Super Armor applied at start of the skill
- Hit damage 826/1033/1342% x 14
- Hit damage while mounted 826/1033/1342 x 6
- Changed the Final Strike animation to basic effect (includes Black Spirit skill)
- 'Bestial Rage' effect not applied after the skill ends
- Number of hits not reduced in PvP
- Super Armor during all motions
- Attack damage 925/1157/1503% x14
- Attack damage while mounted 925/1157/1503% x14
- Changed the damage reduction rate in PvP
- Movement Speed Reduction effect applied to all targets
- Stun on attack 1 hits
- Stun on last attack hits

Prime: Lava Piercer

- - Can activate Lava Piercer while on cooldown by pressing SHIFT + SPACE
- Beastly Maneuver in Feral mode while in Beast Form or during Bestial Rage

Prime: Ancient Wave

- Charging available
- Hit damage 1262% x 7,
- After charging Hit damage 1956% x 7
- Removed charging, adjusted damage based on that
- Attack damage 1562% x7
- Unify attack range to the skill with the widest area
- Beastly Maneuver while in Beast Form or during Bestial Rage

Prime: Devastation

- Hit damage 1489% x 6 - Attack damage 1489% x10
- Change damage reduction rate in PvP

Prime: Raging Thunder

- All DP -15 for 10 sec on last hit
- Skill level III Hit damage 1065% x 1, maximum 61 hits
- Skill level III final Hit damage 1065% x 2
- Remove "All DP -15 for 10 sec on last hit"
- III: attack damage 1195% x 1, maximum 61 hits
- III: last attack damage 1195% x 2
- Character does not collide

● Removed the following skills and added their base effect to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: Boulder Crash Tackling Rock 
Flow: Beastly Maneuver III
Flow: Beastly Instincts
Ultimate: Storming Beast Storming Beast  
Flow: Tearer Headbutt 
Flow: Stone Bash Fierce Strike I
Flow: Predator's Avarice
Flow: Unseen Force
Flow: Beastly Maneuver III Frenzied Destroyer
Flow: Beastly Maneuver II Shake Off
Ultimate: Evasion Evasion
Flow: Final Strike Fierce Strike 
Ultimate: Headbutt (Removed Skill)

● Corpse Storm - Made the following changes:

Skill Before Reboot

Corpse Storm

- Changed from a grab skill to a skill that combos from a grab such as Smack Down and Rock Smash
- Changed so you cannot fire via Quick Slot.
- Changed the cooldown from 23 sec to 20 sec to match the Absolute version.
- Adjusted skill's damage and Accuracy Rate.
- Damage reduction adjusted in PvP.


● Changed the Weakling Hunt skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Weakling Hunt

- Changed so you can only fire skill using SHIFT + F key.
- Added cooldown
- Adjusted damage of skill.
- Damage -30% in PvP.
- Increased the attack range.
Changed so Knockback debuff effect is applied for all levels.
- Added Air Smash effect.
- Changed so pressing SHIFT + F during Fierce Strike attack 3, Flow: Windstorm, lateral Raging Thunder, and Lava Piercer will now activate Weakling Hunt before Storming Beast .
- Improved to combo more smoothly into Evasion, Shake Off, Predatory Hunt, and Flow: Windstorm.

● Changed Prime: Final Strike to Prime: Unstoppable Beast.

  Before Reboot
Prime: Final Strike

Prime: Unstoppable Beast

Major Changes

Passive Skill
Extra effect to other skills

Active Skill
Grants buffs upon skill use

Skill Description

- Changed to instantly grant the "Bestial Rage" effect when using skills that place you in Beast Form.
- While Bestial Rage is active, certain skills will activate Beastly Maneuver.
- While Bestial Rage is maintained, recover 100 HP every 2 sec for 20 sec.
- Each time you enter Bestial Rage, gain Critical Hit Rate +30% for 10 sec.
- Increased Bestial Rage duration from 10 sec to 20 sec.

● Predatory Hunt - Changed to no longer be activated when pressing ↑ + SPACE after a Sprinting attack.
● Fierce Strike - Improved to turn your character according to the direction your camera is facing when used in Beast Form.
● Prime: Ancient Wave - Improved to combo more smoothly into Succession: Weakling Hunt after skill use in Beast Form.
● Beastly Wind Slash - Changed to no longer have collision detection when used in Beast Form.
● Beastly Wind Slash - Changed to no longer Push enemies when used in Beast Form.
● Beastly Wind Slash - Changed to combo more smoothly into Flow: Windstorm and Fierce Strike.
● Flow: Windstorm - Changed to combo more smoothly into Fierce Strike.
● Evasion - Changed to turn your character more smoothly to the direction your camera is facing.
● Prime: Beast Form - Changed the description to match the actual effect.
● Prime: Beastly Wind Slash - Changed the description to match the actual effect.
● Prime: Fierce Strike - Changed to combo more smoothly into Prime: Devastation, Prime: Ancient Wave, and other movements.
● Prime: Tackling Rock - Changed the description to match the actual movements.
● Prime: Predatory Hunt - Improved to turn your character according to the direction your camera is facing during the last hit.
● Prime: Lava Piercer - Changed to match the actual effect.
● Evasion - Fixed the issue where the Invincibility effect wouldn't apply for PvE in certain situations.
● Fierce Strike - Fixed the issue where Raging Thunder wouldn't activate during skill use in Beast Form.
● Beastly Maneuver - Fixed the issue where comboing into Fierce Strike from certain skills while in Beast Form wouldn't activate the skill.
● Improved so that you can ride mounts in Beast Form.
- However, Beast Form will be deactivated when riding your mount.
● Falling Rock - Improved to continue motions more naturally.
● Prime: Fierce Strike, Succession: Weakling Hunt - Made the following changes to these skills used in beast mode.
- Cooldown will now be applied when using the aforementioned skills in beast mode.
* Due to this change, some effects will not be applied when using the pertaining skills on cooldown.
* All effects including defensive effects and debuffs will be applied when using the skills mentioned above in beast mode when not on cooldown.
* Activating beast mode with Unstoppable Beast will also apply all the effects when the skills mentioned above are not on cooldown.


● Flow: Scatter Shot - Added the skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Flow: Scatter Shot

● Core: Seismic Blast - Added the skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Core: Seismic Blast

● Titan Blow - Added the skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Titan Blow

- Changed the attack method from attacking targets near the character to firing a long-ranged projectile.
- Increased the skill's activation speed.
- Removed the "Push on hits" effect.
- Removed charging motion and effects. Damage has been adjusted accordingly.
- Removed the "Frontal Guard while charging" effect due to charging being removed.
- Removed the HP Recovery effect during skill use.
- Added the Down Smash effect.
- IV: Changed the cooldown from 20 sec to 7 sec.
- Changed from 3rd to 2nd Skill Add-on.
- Replaced Counter Attack with Down Attack.
- Changed to now combo from attack 2 of Flow: Seismic Blast, Flame Buster, Flow: Ancient Power, Flow: Slugfest, Shake Off, Titan Step, and Crouch Shot.
- Changed "Normal Hit damage -49.2% and Charging Hit damage -47.5% in PvP" to "Damage -40% in PvP."

● Removed the following skill and added its base effect to a certain skill.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: Jump Sequence Giant Leap (can be activated twice in a row)
● Changed the following skills.
Skill Before Reboot

Titan Step
- Shift + F to activate
- Crouch Shot unavailable if activated with Knee Kick
- All DP -15 for 10 sec on hit
- Cannot be activated with SHIFT + F
- Crouch Shot available if activated with Knee Kick
- Removed "All DP -15 for 10 sec on hit"

Flame Buster
- Charged hit available - Charged attack unavailable, Charge (RMB) to activate Flow: Ancient Power
- Changed activation method
* RMB to cast, LMB to fire
* Use LMB to fire immediately while casting
* Hold RMB to use Flow: Ancient Power
- Cooldown applied after 1st shot
* Fires normal Flame Buster when cooldown expires after firing continuously

Flow: Ancient Power
- Unavailable while on cooldown
- 13 sec cooldown
- Available on cooldown
- 6 sec cooldown
* Damage adjusted accordingly
- Costs Stamina when charging
- Does not apply Knockdown/Air Smash/Down Smash even if in Titan Syndrome state when used on cooldown
- Hold RMB during Titan Syndrome to activate Flow: Ancient Power instantly

- Hit damage 1099/1229/1359/1489% x8
- IV: 15 sec cooldown
- IV: Reduce 2 hits in PvP
- Attack damage 1099/1229/1359/1489% x 4, max 3 hits
- IV: 10 sec cooldown
- IV: no reduction in targets hit in PvP
- Same number of targets hit for all skill levels

Flow: Ancient Wave

- Titan Blow charged hit damage x7
- Skill Add-on unavailable
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- Attack damage 1956% x 7
- Damage -45% in PvP
- Skill Add-on available
- Unified attack range to widest version
* Damage adjusted accordingly in PvP

Giant Leap

- Skill levels I to III available - Single skill level

Flow: Seismic Blast

- Single skill level
- III: All DP -15 for 10 sec
- Damage -35% in PvP
- Changed name to Seismic Blast
- Skill levels I to III available
- III: All DP -20 for 10 sec
- Damage -65% in PvP

Core: Giant Leap

  - Removed skill, replaced with Core: Seismic Blast

Flow: Split Shot
- 23 sec cooldown
- Unavailable while on cooldown
- Knockdown on hit
- Applies Flame Buster damage x3
- 8 sec cooldown
- Available while on cooldown
- Knockdown on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Applies Flame Buster's damage x 4
- Flow skill to Seismic Blast
* Changed preceding skill
- Reduced by 1 hit in PvP

Flow: Slugfest

- Critical Hit Rate +30%(in PvP)
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- 1st Hit damage -69.5% in PvP
- Last Hit damage -57.5% in PvP
- Invincible during 1st and 2nd hits (PvE only)
- Recover 5 WP per hit
- Skill Add-on unavailable
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Damage -42% in PvP
- Removed Invincible effect
- Recover 15 WP per hit
- Skill Add-on available
- Damage adjusted accordingly

● Flow: Slugfest - Improved to combo more smoothly after Flow: Split Shot, Ground Lifting, and Flow: General Disarray.
● Devastation - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills and movements.
● Titan Blow, Flow: Slugfest, Devastation - Changed to combo more quickly into Ground Lifting.
● Lava Piercer - Changed to activate first over Flow: General Disarray if used during the beginning motions of Sprint.
● Black Spirit: Slugfest, Black Spirit: Titan Blow - Changed the descriptions to reflect the skill changes.
● Giant Leap - Fixed the issue where the Stiffness would also be applied in PvP while maintaining the skill backward.



● Improved the appearance (customization) of Tamer as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Changed Heilang as follows.
- Adjusted Heilang's damage, and improved descriptions of skills that summon Heilang to now display his number of attacks and damage amount.
- Changed all of Heilang's movements to match those of Prime: Heilang skills regardless of skill level.
- Changed the Heilang effect to no longer apply debuffs if skills that apply the effect are used on cooldown.
- Changed Heilang's basic attacks to no longer apply debuffs while in normal state.
- Removed Heilang's Critical Hit Rate buff. Heilang will now be affected by Tamer's Critical Hit Rate buff.
● Changed the following skills available while riding Heilang.
- Removed all relevant effects and command prompts in descriptions of skills previously available while riding Heilang, and changed their skill names accordingly as well.
- Improved skills available while riding Heilang to be displayed differently.

New Skills while Riding Heilang Improved Skills while Riding Heilang
Heilang: Whiplash
Heilang: Throat-Burn
Heilang: Fearful Trembling
Heilang: Legendary Beast's Power
Heilang: Leaf Slash
Heilang: Void Lightning
Heilang: Scratch
Heilang: Lightning of Earth
Heilang: Surging Tide
Heilang: Roaring
Heilang: Trample

● Changed Command skills as follows.
- Command: Wait and Command: Sit has been changed to Command: Guard and Command: Help, respectively.

Command: Attack
Heilang's basic attacks now apply debuffs.
When Heilang effect is activated, Heilang moves to the targeted foe and attacks them.
Attacks with a wider variety of basic attacks compared to normal state.

Command: Guard

Heilang always positions himself next to Tamer.
Heilang's basic attacks now apply debuffs.

Command: Follow

If Heilang is idle, Tamer can now mount him in this state.
Heilang's basic attacks do not apply debuffs.

Command: Help

Heilang now ignores all Tamer skills with the Heilang effect and attacks on his own.
Heilang's basic attacks now apply debuffs.
Heilang now uses attacks formerly used only for Command skills with the Heilang effect as basic attacks.

● Heilang: Throat-Burn - Improved the skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Heilang: Throat-Burn

● Removed the following skills, and added them as basic effects of other skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Ultimate: Bolt Wave Bolt Wave
Ultimate: Jolt Wave Jolt Wave III, Absolute
Flow: Scatter Stance Bolt Wave
Flow: Spray Scratch,
Flow: Hidden Claw
Flow: Tree Bound Flurry of Kicks
Flow: Geyser Surging Tide
Flow: Flashing Step Flash
Flow: Water Slice Upward Claw
Streaming Flow Flowing Water
(Knockback applied in PvP as well)

● Changed the following skills.

Skill Before Reboot

Riding Heilang
- Dismount if lower than 10% MP - Does not dismount if lower than 10% MP
- Movement Speed increases when sprinting
- Changing directions with basic movements is more fluid

Evasive Attack
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only) - Removed "Push the target on hits (PvE only)"
- Adjusted damage

Void Lightning
- - Added extra attack to closing attack
- Applies Casting Speed -20% for Absolute skill hits
- Not holding Q will cause skill to end faster

Air Lightning
- - Increased distance traveled when used backward
-Now applies extra attack damage
- Now applies Super Armor and Heilang effect
- Now applies Attack/Casting Speed Reduction effect

- Distance traveled varies by skill level
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- Unified distance traveled with the Absolute version
- Increased distance traveled
- Removed "Push the target on hits (PvE only)"
- I to IV: Removed "Max MP extra damage"
- Removed Air Attack when comboed into after jumping

Flash: Pole Thrust
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only) - Changed skill's visual effects
- Changed number of hits for I to III to match the Absolute version
* Damage adjusted accordingly
- Unified attack range with the widest version

Flash: Stance Shift
- Recover +3 MP per targets hit - Recover 40 MP per hit regardless of number of targets hit
* Recovered amount adjusted accordingly
- Changed skill's visual effects
- I to II: Changed attacks  to match the Absolute version
* Damage adjusted accordingly

Sharpening Claws
- Able to learn I to IV - Changed to one learnable skill
- Changed to be the Flow version of Flash: Stance Shift
* Removed the bleeding damage effect
* Removed the extra MP recovery effect
* Applies AP reduction to Flash: Stance Shift hits
* Added increased AP to self on Flash: Stance Shift hits

Bestial Instincts
- All Accuracy Rate +6% - All Accuracy Rate +5%,
- Max Stamina +150

Heilang: Throat-Burn
- Quick Slot unavailable
- Knockback on hits
- 5 sec cooldown
- Recover HP on hit
- Quick Slot available
- Floating on attack 1 hits (PvE only)
- 7 sec cooldown
- Recover HP per hit regardless of number of targets hit
* HP recovered increased accordingly
- Changed skill movements
- Adjusted skill damage
- Frontal Guard during use
- Air Attack on attack 1 hits
- Down Attack on attack 2 hits

Surging Tide
- Reduced attack range when used on cooldown
- Reduced number of hits when used on cooldown
- Movement Speed -20% for the Absolute version even when used on cooldown
- No attack range reduction when used on cooldown
- No reduced number of hits when used on cooldown
- No Movement Speed -20% for the Absolute version when used on cooldown
- Unified attack range with the widest version

- Movement Speed -30% for the Absolute version
- Floating on extra hits (PvE only)
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Air Attack on extra hits
- Movement Speed -30% for the Absolute version
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Floating on extra attack hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Air Attack on extra attack hits
- Recovers HP per hit regardless of the number of targets hit
* Therefore, the amount of HP recovered by the skill was changed
- Increased activation speed
- Removed last attack
- Adjusted damage amount
- Reduced damage amount when used on cooldown

Tree Climb
- - Hold F for extra attack
- Invincibility not applied for returning motion if extra attack not activated
* Recover Stamina as soon as Invincibility ends

Soaring Kick
- 10 sec cooldown - 15 sec cooldown

Prime: Void Lightning
- Hit damage 650/866/1101% x 13
- Extra Hit damage 650/866/1101% x 13
- Damage -23.8% in PvP
- All DP +20 for 10 sec
- Attack Speed -20% for 10 sec
- Floating on extra hits
- Air Attack on extra hits
- Attack damage 840/1002/1230% x 13
- Extra attack damage 840/1002/1230% x 4
- Damage -35% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +100% for extra attacks
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- All DP +20 for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Attack/Casting Speed -20% for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Not holding Q will cause skill to end faster
- Extra hit activates when skill ends
- Increased attack range

Prime: Surging Tide
- Attack range and hits reduced when used on cooldown
- All Evasion Rate -6% for 10 sec
- Movement Speed -20% for 10 sec
- Attack range and attacks are not reduced when used on cooldown
- All Evasion Rate -6% for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Movement Speed -20% for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Unified the attack range to the widest version
- Slightly reduced attack range

Prime: Throat-Burn
- Can use on cooldown
- 5 sec cooldown
- Stun on hits
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Unavailable while on cooldown
- 7 sec cooldown
- Floating on attack 1 hits (PvE only)
- Changed skill movements
- Adjusted skill damage
- Frontal Guard during skill use
- Recover HP on hits regardless of number of targets hit
* Recovered amount adjusted accordingly
- Air Attack on attack 1 hits
- Down Attack/Down Smash on attack 2 hits

Prime: Lightning of Earth
- 1st and 2nd Hit damage -51.5% in PvP
- 3rd Hit damage -23.8% in PvP
- Recover 10/12/15 HP per 1st/2nd/3rd hit
- All DP -20 for 10 sec
- Unable to recover Stamina during skill use
- No damage reduction when used on cooldown
- Damage -40% in PvP
- Recover 50 HP per hit
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- All DP -20 for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Recover Stamina during skill use
- Reduced damage when used on cooldown
- Activates last attack only during skill use
- Adjusted skill damage
- Unified attack range to widest version

Black Spirit: Prime: Upward Claw
- All Accuracy Rate +9% for 10 sec
- IV: Hit damage 1079% x 3, Extra Hit damage 1187% x 6
- IV: Damage -40% in PvP
- All Accuracy Rate +9% for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- IV: attack damage 1209% x 3, extra attack damage 1330% x 6
- IV: damage -45% in PvP
- Increased attack 1 range
- Unified extra attack  range to widest version

Prime: Roaring
- 1st Hit damage -34.1/-28.1/-22.1/-16.1% in PvP
- Extra Hit damage -40.1/-40.1/-40.1/-40.9% in PvP
- Movement Speed -30% for 10 sec
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Cooldown 20 sec
- Same damage when used during cooldown
- Recover 10 HP per hit
- Floating on extra hits
- Air Attack on extra hits
- Damage -35/-35/-35/-45% in PvP
- Movement Speed -30% for 10 sec
* Nullified when used on cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- 16/14/12/10 sec cooldown
- Damaged reduced when used on cooldown
- Recover 20 HP per hit
- Can be activated with SHIFT + C after Succession skills
- Increased activation speed
- Removed last motion
- Adjusted damage
- Unified attack range to the IV version
- Down Attack

Prime: Jolt Wave
- Frontal Guard while charging - Forward Guard during skill use

● Tree Climb - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills and movements.
● Evasion - Improved to combo more smoothly into Tree Climb.
● Lateral Evasion - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills and movements.
● Prime: Roaring - Improved to combo more smoothly from the following skills.
- Jolt Wave, Prime: Jolt Wave, Prime: Lightning of Earth, Prime: Upward Claw, Flash, Flash: Stance Shift
● Void Lightning - Fixed the description to match the movements and actual effects.
● Evasion - Changed the description on defensive effects to match the actual effects.
● Surging Tide - Fixed the issue where the visual effects differed from the skill's actual area of effect when used on cooldown.
● Void Lightning - Fixed the issue where the Super Armor effect wasn't applying during the start of the skill.
● Prime: Void Lightning - Fixed the description to match the movements and actual effects.
● Prime: Void Lightning - Fixed the issue where the Super Armor effect wasn't applying during the start of the skill.
● Scratch - Fixed the issue where the skill would not be activated during Jump with ←/→ + SPACE.
● Scratch - Fixed the issue where the Stun effect was being applied repeatedly for certain hits.


● Ultimate: Echo Pierce - Changed to Legendary Beast Dance's Flow version, Legendary Beast Dance: Echo.

  Before Reboot
Ultimate: Echo Pierce

Legendary Beast Dance: Echo


- Use each directional Legendary Beast Dance skill to enter a state of communion with the legendary beasts.
* Communing with a legendary beast will add extra effects.
- Changed into a skill that can be activated separately with a different command prompt.

● Removed the following skill and added its base effect to a certain skill.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: Cloud Ride Cloud Stomping

● Changed the following skills.

Skill Before Reboot

Cloud Stomping
- Required MP: 60
- Accuracy Rate +50%
- Damage -35.5% in PvP on normal hit
- Damage -40.9% in PvP on extra hit
- Costs 250 Stamina
- Accuracy +20%
- All Accuracy Rate +15% for 3 sec
- Damage adjusted
- Activation speed increased
- Increased attack 1 range
- Continuous attacks activates base attack
- Increased distance traveled
- Damage -62% in PvP

Beast Rampage (I to IV)
- Floating on extra hits
- Damage -9.1% in PvP
- IV: Hit damage 1192% x 3, max 3 hits 
- IV: Extra Hit damage 1192 % x 3
- Down Smash on extra attacks
- Damage -20.9%/-20.9%/-20.9%/-26.8% in PvP
- Changed extra attack motion
- Changed to now combo into Flow: Intimidation after extra attack
- Increased attack range
- IV: attack damage 1322% x 3, max 3 hits 
- IV: extra attack damage 1322 % x 6 

Flow: Intimidation
- - Increased attack range

Rain Curtain
- Does not activate if Guard Gauge is 0

- Air Attack on extra hit
- Air Smash on extra hit
- Reduce 3 hits in PvP
- 1st Hit damage -22.1/-22.1/-22% in PvP
- Extra Hit damage -48.1/-48.1/-48% in PvP
- Down Attack on chop attack hits
- Air Attack on upward strike attack hits
- No reduction in number of targets hit in PvP
- Damage -60% in PvP

Flow: Ascension
- Garuda Extra Hit damage x 6
- Reduce 2 hits in PvP
- Down Attack on chop hits
- Attack damage 1302% x 6
- No reduction in number of targets hit in PvP
- Damage -60% in PvP
- Removed chop attacks, Down Attack applied at all times

Moonlight Strike
- Reduce 2 hits in PvP
- Damage -11.2/-11.2/-26% in PvP
- No reduction in number of targets hit in PvP
- Damage -30/-30/-50% in PvP
- Increased distance traveled
- Unified number of hits for I and II levels with III

Flow: Full Moon
- Costs 300 Stamina
- Spins target on hits (PvE only)
- Reduce 4 hits in PvP
- Damage -46.9% in PvP
- Costs 80 MP
- Removed "Spins target on hits (PvE only)"
- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- No reduction in number of targets hit in PvP
- Damage -60% in PvP
- Down Smash
- Changed skill motion
- Increased attack range

Allround Spinner
- III/IV: Hit damage 903/1246% x 7
- III/IV: Extra Hit damage 903/1246% x 4
- Damage -61/-61/-61/-64.8% in PvP
- III/IV: attack damage 1085/1085% x 7
- III/IV: extra attack damage 1446/1446% x 4
- Damage -67.6/-67.6/-67.6/-69.6% in PvP
- Increased attack range for extra attacks 

Flow: Soaring Strike
- Applies Allround Spinner damage x 6
- 18 sec cooldown
- Quick slot unavailable
- Reduce 2 hits in PvP
- Attack damage 1521% x 8
- 10 sec cooldown
- Quick slot available
- No reduction in number of targets hit in PvP
- Increased attack range
- Damage -58% in PvP

Legendary Beast Dance: Vermillion Bird
- 80 Burning Damage every 3 sec for 9 sec on hit
- Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Damage -35/-35/-35/-48.6% in PvP
- Applies the following effects regardless of direction (for IV level)
* Movement Speed -30% for 5 sec on hits
* Recover 8 HP & 8 MP per hit
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
* Damage reduction adjusted accordingly in PvP
- Damage -50% in PvP

Legendary Beast Dance: Black Turtle
- All DP +10 for 10 sec on skill use
- Movement Speed -30% for 5 sec on hits
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Damage -35/-35/-35/-48.6% in PvP

Legendary Beast Dance: Azure Dragon
- Recover 8 HP & 8 MP per hit
- Movement Speed -30% for 5 sec on hit
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Damage -35/-35/-35/-48.6% in PvP

Legendary Beast Dance: White Tiger
- All DP +10 for 10 sec on skill use
- Movement Speed -30% for 5 sec on hit
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Damage -35/-35/-35/-48.6% in PvP

Echo Pierce
- III: Reduce 3 hits in PvP
- Forward Hit damage -19.4% in PvP
- Backward Hit damage -38% in PvP
- III: No reduction in number of targets hit in PvP
- Damage -70% in PvP
- Applies Ultimate: Echo Pierce's attack range
* Unified activation speed to version prior to learning Ultimate: Echo Pierce
* Damage adjusted accordingly

Heilang: Howling
- 45 sec cooldown
- Applies PvP damage to Summon Heilang
- 10 sec cooldown
- Damage -40% in PvP
- Changed skill motions and visual effects
- Added direct damage inflicted by Tamer
● Flow: Full Moon - Improved to be available for any direction of Legendary Beast Dance.
● Flow: Full Moon - Changed to now combo into Celestial Bo Staff Training's attack 3 and Beast Rampage's extra attack.
● Flow: Intimidation - Changed the description by adding more details.
● Garuda - Changed the description to better reflect the skill's motions.
● Legendary Beast Dance: Vermillion Bird - Changed to be activated by pressing RMB during Legendary Beast Dance: Azure Dragon and Legendary Beast Dance: White Tiger.



Musa, Maehwa

Main Weapon, Succession

● Stub Arrow - Made the following changes:
- Changed to not be available for Quick Slot.
- Changed to not be available on cooldown.
- Added a feature where Stub Arrow now conjures an arrow and fires a shot the first time it's used.
- You can fire as many stub arrows as you possess by using the skill again.
* Therefore, the cooldown was changed to be applied after firing the last stub arrow.
- Changed so that you can use Chase by pressing ↑/↓ + RMB after using Stub Arrow.
- Changed to not be activated when holding LMB.
- Changed "Damage +23% in PvP" to "Damage -30% in PvP."
- Absolute: Stub Arrow - Changed "Damage -20% in PvP" to "Damage -30% in PvP."

Skill Before Reboot

Stub Arrow

● Stub Arrow: Double Shot - Made the following changes:
- Changed to a passive skill.
- Increased the number of stub arrows created when using Stub Arrow by one upon learning the skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Stub Arrow: Double Shot

● Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot, Charged Stub Arrow: Evasion - Made the following changes:
- Charged Stub Arrow: Evasion - Removed and combined into Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot.
- Can only be activated when in possession of stub arrows created using Stub Arrow.
- Changed the cooldown from 6 sec to 12 sec for Musa and to 8 sec for Maehwa.
- Changed to fire charged stub arrows when activated during Charged Stub Arrow.

Skill Before Reboot

Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot

● Charged Stub Arrow - Made the following changes:
- Changed the attack style from firing projectiles to piercing through enemies. Therefore, the damage was changed.
- Changed so you cannot discontinue charging.
- Changed to combo into another skill when all hits are applied.
- Changed so that you can only move during Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot
- Charge Stub Arrow, Charge Stub Arrow: Enhanced - Changed "Damage +50% in PvP" to "Damage -30% in PvP."
- Absolute: Charged Stub Arrow - Changed "Damage -10% in PvP" to "Damage -30% in PvP."

Skill Before Reboot

Charged Stub Arrow

● Arrow Grapple - Made the following changes:
- Changed the motions.
- Adjusted the damage.
- Changed to be activated even when a hit misses with Stub Arrow or Charged Stub Arrow.
- Added the "Stun on hits" effect.
- Added to combo with Upper Kick, Blunt Kick, Sweep Kick, and Roundhouse Kick.
- Changed "Damage -60% in PvP" to "Damage -10% in PvP."

Skill Before Reboot

Arow Grapple

● Stub Arrow: Triple Shot - Removed the skill.
● Chase - Removed the falling motion at the start of the skill.
● Retaliation - Changed to not automatically be activated even on blocks while in Retaliation.



● Improved the appearance (customization) of Musa as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.


Main Weapon, Succession

● Prime: Serene Mind - Made the following changes:
- The extra effects that were added to the following skills with the Serene Mind buff were added into each skill as base effects.
* The extra effects that were added to Succession: Rising Storm: Blaze, Prime: Gale, Prime: Blooming with the Serene Mind buff were added into the skills as basic effects.
- Removed Prime: Cyclone Slash from and added Prime: Crust Crusher to the skills that get the buff from Serene Mind.
- Only the buffs that can be activated by consuming the Serene Mind buff will remain when Succession: Rising Storm: Blaze, Prime: Gale, Prime: Blooming, Prime: Crust Crusher are on cooldown.

Skill Before Reboot

Prime: Serene Mind

● Removed and added certain skills as base effects for different skills

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Ultimate: Rising Storm Rising Storm
Ultimate: Chase Chase
Whirlwind Cut: Grinder Whirlwind Cut

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Prime: Eye of the Storm

- - Movement Speed +20% for 30 sec
- Melee Accuracy Rate +15% for 30 sec


- Hit Damage 126/156/198% x 2
- Extra Hit Damage 126/156/198% x 3
- Attack damage 126/156/198% x 4
- Skill activated with the same motion
- Increased distance traveled

Carver: Typhoon
- 13 sec cooldown
- Hit Damage 240% x 5
- 6% of Max WP extra damage
- 8 sec cooldown
- Extra attack damage x 3 of Cyclone Slash when performing Carver
- Preceding Skill: Cyclone Slash I

Prime: Carver

- All DP -15 for 10 sec on hits
- Hit Damage 958% x 2
- Extra Hit Damage 958% x 3
- All DP -20 on hits for 10 sec
- Attack damage 958% x 4
- Increased distance traveled

Ultimate: Gale

- 10% of Max WP extra damage on last hit - All AP +10 for 10 sec
- Increased attack range

Prime: Gale

- Super Armor while attacking with 3rd hit
- Down Attack on 3rd hit
- Critical Hit Rate +30/40/50% (PvE only)
- Floating on 1st hit
- All Evasion Rate -12% for 10 sec on 3rd hit
- Pushes targets on hits (PvE only)
- Super Armor
- Down Attack
- Critical Hit Rate +30/40/50%
- Floating on attack 1 (PvE only)
- All Evasion Rate -12% for 10 sec on hits
- Can be comboed into attack 3 during Chase
- Increased distance traveled on attack 3
- Increased attack range
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits

Prime: Retaliation

- Cooldown: 15 sec  - 10 sec cooldown
- Attack range of attack 1 and damage unified with Retaliation: Decapitation

Retaliation Stance

- - Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0. 

Steel Gale

- Cooldown: 20 sec - 15 sec cooldown
- Can be comboed into Rising Storm: Blaze

Prime: Cyclone Slash

- Critical Hit Rate +30/40/50% (PvP only)
- Extra Hit Critical Hit Rate +30/40/50% (PvEP only)
- Extra Hit Critical Hit Rate +10/10/10% (PvP only)
- Not available on cooldown
- Available for Quick Slot
- Serene Mind buff applied
- Critical Hit Rate +30/40/50%
- Available on cooldown
- Not available for Quick Slot
- Serene Mind buff not applied
 * Serene Mind buff applied on hits
- Increased attack range for extra attacks

Prime: Blooming

- Hit Damage 754% x3
- Extra Hit Damage 1255% x3
- 1st Hit Damage -38.9% in PvP
- Extra Hit Damage -67.3% in PvP
- Attack damage 1255% x4
- Extra attack damage 1255% x12
- Damage -63.1% in PvP

Prime: Rising Storm

- 11/11/10/9 sec cooldown - 10/9/8/7 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits

Succession : Rising Storm : Blaze

- - All hits applied regardless of distance
- Increased attack range

Prime: Crust Crusher

- Serene Mind effect applied on hits
- Unavailable during cooldown
- Movement Speed -15% for 10 sec

- Serene Mind buff not applied on hits
- Available on cooldown

* Serene Mind effect

Prime: Divider

- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Air Attack on extra hits
- Recover HP of 5% Max WP
- Stiffness on 2nd hit
- Pushes targets on hits (PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Air Attack
- Recover 50 HP on hits
- Floating on attack 1 hits
- All DP -20 on hits for 10 sec
- Extra attack performed only by pressing E

Prime: Blooming

- Starting motion
- Stun on hits
- No starting motion
* Therefore, Invincible at the start of the skill nullified
-  Stun on extra attack hits
- All hits applied regardless of distance
* Therefore, damage in PvP was adjusted
- Improved to activate more quickly

Prime: Blind Slash

- -  Unified to the largest hit/extra hit range

Blind Thrust

- Extra motion when pressing SPACE/RMB - Removed extra motion when pressing SPACE/RMB
● Arrow Grapple - Added the skill to be comboed after Prime: Backstep Slash, Prime: Divider on last attack, Prime: Fiery Angel attacks.
● Prime: Carver - Improved to combo into Gale.
● Divider, Prime: Divider - Changed to not be activated when pressing↓.
● Prime: Carver, Prime: Gale - Changed so that you can combo with Prime: Cyclone Slash after attack 3.
● Prime: Rising Storm - Improved to combo more smoothly with Prime: Divider attack 2, Prime: Gale attack 3, Prime: Backstep Slash, and Prime: Retaliation.
● Prime: Retaliation - Improved to combo with Prime: Divider attack 2 and Prime: Backstep Slash.
● Prime: Fiery Angel - Improved to change directions more easily.
● Chase - Changed the skill description to match its actual effects.
● Whirlwind Cut - Changed the skill description to match its actual motions.
● Arrow Grapple - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.



● Removed the hit applied with Blade Summon. Changed the Blade Summon to be applied to another skill after learning Projection III.
● Flow: Nemesis Slash - Changed to Inferno Slash.

  Before Reboot

Flow: Nemesis Slash

Inferno Slash


● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Musa's Soul

- - Movement Speed +20% for 30 sec
- Melee Accuracy Rate +15% for 20 sec


- - Invincible for 0.2 more sec in Awakening
- Increased Movement Speed when using forward Chase in Awakening

Flow: Dash Slash
- Hit Damage 1048% x 4
- 1st Hit Damage -35,2% in PvP
- Last Hit Damage - 47.4% in PvP
- Super Armor while attacking
- Extra Hit Critical Hit Rate +100%
- All DP -15 for 10 sec on hits
- 8 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1258% x 4
- Damage -40% in PvP
- Removed Super Armor
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- All DP -20 on hits for 10 sec
- 5 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range
- Knockdown on hits 


- 1-Spin 536% x 5
- 2-Spin 1139% x 3
- 1st Hit Damage -14.6/14.8/14,7/14,7% in PvP
- Last Hit Damage -28.7/28.8/28,7/28,7% in PvP
- Number of hits decreased on cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +10% for 10 sec on 2-Spin attacks
- Stiffness on 2nd hit when learning Core level of the skill
- Attack 1 damage 1069% x 1, max 5 hits
- Attack 2 damage 1069% x 3
* Nullified on cooldown
- Damage -20% in PvP
- Number of hits not decreased on cooldown
- Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec when using skill
* Nullified on cooldown
- Floating on attack 2 hits after learning the Core level
- Blade attack 2 performed after learning Projection III
- Attack 1 applied to the entire area around your character
- Recover 50 WP per hit on attack 2
* Nullified on cooldown
- Can be activated with your blade when Whirlwind Cut is locked

Flow: Foul Play

- Hit Damage 1674% x 8
- Damage -50.3% in PvP
- Attack damage 1523% x 8
- Damage -45,4% in PvP
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits


- Summon Hit Damage 1002/1214/1403% x11
- Summon Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- Hit Damage - 35.2/35.1/35.2% in PvP
- Summon Hit Damage -41.6% in PvP
- Extra attack damage 615/745/862% x 3, max 3 hits
- Stiffness on extra attack hits
- Increased activation speed
- Air Attack
- Attack damage - 35.2/35.1/35.2% in PvP
- Extra attack damage -18.5/18.5/18.6% in PvP

Fiery Angel

- Floating on hits
- Activates hits on character collision
- Floating on hits (PvE only)
- No character collision while moving
- Super Armor during skill

Sword Training
- Melee AP +12
- Melee Evasion Rate +10%
- All AP +12
- All Evasion Rate +10% (revised)
* Removed Maneuver Training

Fiery Crevice

- Hit Damage 1555/1733/1912 x 5
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Bound on hits
- Available on cooldown
- Attack damage 1120/1247/1377% x 7
- Critical Hit Rate +20/35/50%
- Knockdown on hits
- Not available on cooldown
- Increased attack range


- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Hit Damage 481/573/666/1061% x 2
- Last Hit Damage 408/486/564/803% x 8
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Hit Damage -22/22.1/44.3% in PvP
- Last Hit Damage Reduction Rate 8.1/8.2/8.2/26.7% in PvP
- Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec when using skill
-  Floating on 1st hit
- Pushes targets on hits (PvE only)
- Attacks 1, 2, and 3 damage 631/823/1016/1308% x 2
- Last attack damage 631/823/1016/1308% x 8
- Attacks 1, 2, and 3 damage - 30% in PvP
- Last attack damage -30% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +30% for 10 sec when using skill
- Stun on attack 2 hits
- Down Smash on last attack hits
- Increased attack range for certain hits
- Increased continued activation speed

Crust Crusher

- Hit Damage 1105/1209/1311 x6
- IV: Hit Damage 1583% x8
- Knockdown on hits
- Forward Guard until the motion before attack
- IV: Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- Damage -33.9/33.9/33.9/41% in PvP
- 20/19/19/17 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1006/1100/1193/1441% x8
- Knockdown on hits (PvE only)
- Forward Guard during skill
- IV: Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Damage -42.8% in PvP
- 18/16/14/12 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range
- Down Smash
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits


- RMB during Crust Crusher, Fiery Angel
- RMB during Flow: Backflow, Forward Chase
- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- Damage -27% in PvP 
- ↑ + E command keys
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Damage -40% in PvP

One Step Back

- Hit Damage 730% x 4
- Damage -2.7% in PvP
- 9 sec cooldown
- Stiffness on hits (PvE only)
- Hit damage 1033% x 4
- Damage -20% in PvP
- 5 sec cooldown
- Increased activation speed
- No character collision while moving
* Collision on cooldown
- Increased distance traveled backward
- Movement Speed -50% for 10 sec
- Increased attack range after learning Projection III
- Blade effect applied after learning Projection III


- Summon Hit Damage 1002/1214/1403% x 11 - Extra attack damage 615/745/862% x 3, max 3 hits
- Stiffness on extra attack hits
- Increased activation speed
- Air Attack

Flow: Extra Credit

- 12 sec cooldown
- Hit Damage 972% x 2
- Hit Damage -13.6% in PvP
- 10 sec cooldown
- Attack damage and Projection attack damage x 2
- Extra attack damage and Projection extra attack damage x 3, max 3 hits
- Projection damage applied in PvP 

Flow: Backflow

- 12 sec cooldown
- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- Damage -8.2% in PvP
- 7 sec cooldown
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Damage -30% in PvP
- Air Attack
- Blade effect that is activated after learning Projection III added


- 2 sec cooldown
- Required Stamina 150
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Number of hits decreased by 3 in PvP
- Damage -65.2% in PvP
- 4 sec cooldown
- Required Stamina 100
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Damage -70% in PvP
- Damage not decreased on cooldown
- Air Attack applied on cooldown

Counter Assassination

- Stun on counter hits - Extra attacks only activated when holding Q
- Attack Speed and Casting Speed -25% for 10 sec on hits

Below the Belt

- Extra Hit Critical Hit Rate +100% - Critical Hit Rate +50%
 - Increased attack range

Musa's Resolve

- Hit Damage 724% x 3 (PvE only)
- 20 sec cooldown
- Required Stamina 150
- Attack damage 1044% x 4
- 9 sec cooldown
- Required WP 40
- Draws the attention of monsters that are far away

● Projection - Improved so that Flow: Extra Credit can be activated when Projection is on cooldown.
● Flow: Extra Credit, Projection - Improved to combo more naturally into the following skills:
- Chase, Fiery Angel, Twister, Musa Spirit, Skill Enhancement, Fiery Crevice, Counter Assassination, and One Step Back
● Flow: Backflow - Changed so that you can activate the skill whenever you enter the command keys.
● Crust Crusher - Changed to combo into Chase instantly after attack.
● Spinner - Improved to combo more naturally into another skill.
● Crust Crusher - Improved to combo more naturally into the skill after Spinner's attack 1 and One Step Back.
● Crust Crusher - Improved so that the character would rotate in the direction of the camera angle before the attack is applied.
● Flow: Foul Play - Improved so that your character can rotate in the direction of the camera angle before the hit is applied.
● Spinner - Fixed the issue where the last attack activated in a different position would only be applied to the 7th hit.
● Crosscut Changed the skill description to match its actual motions.
● Fiery Angel - Improved to combo into Arrow Grapple by holding ↑ + F after Fiery Angel's attacks.
● Below the Belt - Improved to combo more smoothly with Chase or Fiery Angel.
● Flow: Backflow - Improved to activate more quickly.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Maehwa as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.


Main Weapon, Succession

● Succession: Maehwa's Will - Added the skill. .
- Can be used in Succession after learning Absolute: Maehwa's Will.
- Succession: Maehwa's Will - Resets cooldown when Red Blade is activated.
- Deactivates Red Blade when used while in Red Blade and recovers HP. However, this is not applied when Maehwa's Will is on cooldown.

Skill Description Preview

Succession : Maehwa's Will

● Red Blade - Made the following changes to the effect:
- Separated the description for the skill activated when Red Blade is in effect.
- Made the following changes for Red Blade's effect activation/reset/deactivation.

Effect Before Reboot
Red Blade - The following effects applied when you have 1 or 2 Red Petals created from using Prime: Dragon Bite and Prime: Divider.
* All AP Increase, All Accuracy Rate Increase effects
- Super Armor of Prime: Dragon Bite during Red Blade
- The following effects will be applied instantly during Red Blade.
* All AP increased, All Accuracy Rate increased
- Prime: Divider Super Armor with Red Blade
- Red Blade duration is refreshed when Prime: Decapitation is used
* All AP increased, All Accuracy Rate increased duration is also refreshed
- Separated the skill description of skills used with Red Blade
- Red Blade removed when Succession: Maehwa's Will is used
- Enhancement effect removed from Prime: Dragon Bite, added to Prime: Divider
* Therefore, Red Blade is activated with Prime: Divider. It will no longer activate with Prime: Dragon Bite.

● Prime: Charged Stub Arrow - Made the following changes:
- Changed the cooldown from 6 sec to 4 sec.
- Decreased the time it takes to switch from Stub Arrow to Charged Stub Arrow.
- Removed the following effects:
* "Movement Speed decreased on hits" and "Evasion rate reduced on hits"
- Added the following effects:
* Bleeding damage 80 every 3 sec for 18 sec
- Changed the "Knockback on hits" effect to the "Stun on hits" effect.

Skill Before Reboot

Prime: Charged Stub Arrow

● Maehwa: Ascension to Heaven - Made the following changes:
- Removed all of the attack damage and changed to a skill that changes the effects of Chaos: Red Moon.
- Changed the motions and attack range of Chaos: Red Moon after learning the skill and changed so that the Floating effect is not applied on attack 3 after learning the skill.
* Therefore, decreased the number of attacks by 2 for Chaos: Red Moon in PvP.

Skill Before Reboot

Maehwa: Ascension to Heaven

● Ultimate: Whirlwind Cut - Made the following changes:
- Removed the "Stiffness on hits" effect and changed the last attack of Whirlwind Cut to apply the damage of Chaos: Red Moon.

Skill Before Reboot

Ultimate: Whirlwind Cut

● Whirlwind Cut: Cyclone - Made the following changes:
- Changed to a passive skill where all extra attacks are applied to all attacks of Whirlwind Cut.
- Changed the level the skill can be learned to Lv. 50.
- Adjusted the damage of the skill as follows:
- Damage -80% will be applied in PvP.

Skill Before Reboot

Whirlwind Cut: Cyclone

● Carver: Typhoon - Made the following changes:
- Removed the previous damage and % of Max WP extra damage and changed to apply the damage of Carver.
- Removed the cooldown.
- Removed the Knockdown effect and added the Down Smash effect.
- Increased the attack range.
- Changed to apply Down Attack.

Skill Before Reboot

Carver: Typhoon

● Removed the following skills and added their basic effects to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Ultimate: Chaos: Red Moon Chaos: Red Moon
Ultimate: Chase Chase
Whirlwind Cut: Grinder Whirlwind Cut
Ultimate: Maehwa: Decapitation (Removed skill)

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Prime: Blade of Maehwa

- - Increased Movement Speed +20% for 30 sec
- All AP +20 for 30 sec

Whirlwind Cut

- Absolute version's Hit Damage 565% x 3 - Absolute: attack damage 895% x 3, total 3 attacks
- Damage -30% in PvP
- Increased lateral attack range

Chaos: Red Moon

- I and II version's Damage -28.8/24.9/56% in PvP - Increased attack range for attack 1 and 3
- Last attack applied to the entire area around your character
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits
- I to II: damage -29/25/40% in PvP


- - Increased Movement Speed
- Attacks after instant charge
- Forward Guard during attack 1
* Nullified on cooldown


- 12 sec cooldown
- Stun on hits
- Pushes targets on hits (PvE only)
- Hit Damage 327% x 2
- Number of hits increased in Succession
- 20 sec cooldown
- Removed "Stun on hits"
- Removed "Push targets on hits (PvE only)"
- Attack damage 1520% x 4
- Number of hits not increased in Succession
- Damage -40% in PvP

Retaliation Stance

- - Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0.

Chaos: Crimson Gust

- 20 sec cooldown
- Air Attack
- Floating on hits
- 15 sec cooldown
- Down Attack
- Down Smash


- Knockdown on hits - Knockdown on hits (PvE only)

Sword Training

- Melee AP +12
- Melee Evasion Rate +10%
- All AP +12
- All Evasion Rate +10%
* Removed Maneuver Training

Carver, Prime: Carver

- Forward Guard when used while Red Blade is in effect
* Nullified on cooldown
- Forward Guard during skill
* Nullified on cooldown

Prime: Whirlwind Cut

- Hit Damage 772% x 3, Max 3 hits
- Hit Damage -18.4% in PvP
- Extra Hit Damage 462% x 2, Max 3 hits after learning Whirlwind Cut: Cyclone
* Nullified on cooldown
- Attack damage 901% x 3, Total of 3 attacks
- Attack damage -66.3%  in PvP
- 901% x 2 per hit after learning Whirlwind Cut: Cyclone
- Super Armor for 0,4 more sec for last attack
- All DP -20 for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown

Prime: Blind Thrust

- Hit Damage 608% x 4
- SPACE or RMB for extra hit
- Attack damage 1028% x 4
- Removed extra attack
- Unified attack range of all motions to forward Blind Thrust

Prime: Dragon Bite

- - Less Stamina consumed when continuously stabbing while Tiger Blade is drawn

Prime: Decapitation

- Hit Damage 977% x 3
- 1st Hit Damage -59.2% in PvP
- Extra Hit Damage -57.2/57.2/57.2/57.1% in PvP
- Number of extra hits increased for IV level of the skill
- Damage decreased on cooldown
- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- Attack damage 1388% x 3
- Damage -63% in PvP
- Number of extra attacks increased for all levels of the skill
- Slightly decreased damage on cooldown
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
* Therefore, damage was adjusted in PvP
- Stun not applied while Red Blade is drawn
- Super Armor even when only extra attack is performed during Red Blade
- Movement Speed increased when Tiger Blade is drawn/during Red Blade

Prime: Carver

- Hit Damage 762% x 3
- Extra Hit Damage 765% x 6
-Damage -18.4% in PvP
- Speed Attack
- All DP -15 for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown 
- Attack damage 1002% x 3
- Extra attack damage 1002% x 6
- Damage -42.8% in PvP
- Air Attack
- All DP -20 for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown
- Floating not applied during Red Blade
- Increased attack range
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits

Prime: Divider

- Hit Damage 722% x 3, Max 3 hits
- Extra Hit Damage 963% x 4 
- Recover HP +30 per hit
- Pushes targets on hits (PvE only)
- Attack damage 1159% x 3, max 3 hits
- Extra attack damage 1159% x 3 
- Recover 60 HP per hit
* Nullified on cooldown
- Enhancement during Red Blade
- Increased attack range during Red Blade

Red: Divider (I to III)

- Recover HP on hits - Removed "Recover HP on hits" 

Prime: Red Moon

- 9 sec cooldown
- Damage -64.3% in PvP
- 7 sec cooldown
- Damage -62% in PvP
- Changed attack range during Red Blade
* All hits applied regardless of distance
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits

Prime: Blooming

- Starting motion - No starting motion
* Therefore Invincible at the start of the skill will not be applied
- Improved activation speed

Prime: Charged Stub Arrow

- 6 sec cooldown
- Damage -18.4% in PvP
- Charged Hit Damage 932% x 3
- 4 sec cooldown
- Damage -50% in PvP
- Decreased time for switching from Stub Arrow to Charged Stub Arrow

Prime: Sticky Snowflake

- - Largest attack range of skill applied to all hits

● Arrow Grapple - Added so that you can combo with Backstep Slash and Prime: Stigma.
● Prime: Decapitation - Changed to combo into Prime: Sticky Snowflake when holding LMB.
● Chaos: Red Moon - Improved to activate Chaos: Crimson Gust when holding LMB.
● Chaos: Red Moon - Improved to combo more smoothly into Blooming.
● Prime: Blooming - Improved to combo more naturally into Chase, Backstep Slash, and Prime: Stigma.
● Whirlwind Cut - Changed the skill description to match its actual motions.
● Chase II - Fixed the issue where the Super Armor effect was not applied at the end of the skill motion when used from the back.
● Chaos: Red Moon - Fixed the issue where Air Attack would be applied to the last attack.
● Backstab - Fixed the issue where Air Attack would be applied.
● Arrow Grapple - Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills.



● Ice Fang - Added the skill.

Skill Description Preview

Ice Fang

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

General Apricot
- - Increased Movement Speed +20% for 30 sec
- All AP +20 for 30 sec

- - Increased Movement Speed when used forward in Awakening
- Invincible for 0.2 sec longer in Awakening


- 20 sec cooldown - 9 sec cooldown
- Greatly increased range where you pull in target (PvE only)

Petal Drill

- Hit Damage 1106% x 4
- III: 7 sec cooldown
- All DP -10 for 10 sec
- III: Damage -11.6% in PvP
- Attack damage 1106% x 4
- Extra attack damage 1106% x 6
- III: 5 sec cooldown 5 sec
- All DP -20 for 10 sec
- III: Damage -30% in PvP
- Instantly attack nearby enemies


- IV version's 1st Hit Damage 1086% x 3
- IV version's 2nd Hit Damage 1041% x 4
- IV version's 3rd Hit Damage 1041% x 3
* Stun on 1st hit after learning the Absolute level of the skill
- Recover WP +25 per hit on 1st hit
* Nullified on cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +0/10/20/30% (PvE only)
- Damage -23.4/23.4/23.4/10.4% in PvP
- IV: Removed attack 1 (changed attack 2 and 3 to attack 1 and 2)
- IV: attack 1 damage 1206% x 4
- IV: attack 2 damage 1206% x 4
* Super Armor during skill after learning the Absolute level of the skill
- Recover WP +25 per hit
* Nullified on cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +10/20/30/40%
- Damage -34.8% in PvP
- Increased lateral attack range

Sticky Snowflake

- Hit Damage 870/932/948/1111% x 4
- Damage -20.9/20.9/21/21% in PvP
- Following effects applied to a max of 7 targets on hits
* Movement/attack speed - 20% for 10 sec 
- Critical Hit Rate +25%(PvE only)
* Nullified on cooldown 
- Attack damage 870/932/948/1111% x 7
- Damage -54/54/42.5/42.5% in PvP 
* Damage reduced on cooldown 
- Following effects applied to a max of 10 targets on hits
* Movement/Attack Speed -20% for 10 sec
- Critical Hit Rate +25%
* Nullified on cooldown
- Changed presentation of Black Spirit skill

Frost Pillars

- Critical Hit Rate +20% for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown
- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- III: Damage -33% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +30% for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Damage -42.7% in PvP
- Increased attack range

Full Moon Wall

- Quick Slot Available - Quick Slot unavailable
- Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0.

Flow: Tip of an Iceberg

- Hit Damage 1503% x 5
- 13 sec cooldown
- Damage -24.5% in PvP
- Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown
- Increased distance traveled

Flow: Moonlight Dash

- - Increased attack range

Petal Bloom

- Charged Hit Damage 1105/1467/1762% x 8
- Damage -39.1/39.1/40.6% in PvP
- Charged attack damage 1105/1467/1762% x 10
- Damage -59.3% in PvP
- Guard Gauge decreased on hits
- Increased charging speed
- Increased attack range after charging

Sleet Steps

- Critical Hit Rate +12% for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown
- Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec
* Nullified on cooldown
- Increased distance traveled


- - Increased movement speed when used from the back
* Therefore, increased attack range when used in front

Flow: Frostflower

- AP +10 for 10 sec - All AP +20 for 10 sec
- Combos from attack 2 of Stigma
- Knockdown on extra attack hits

Flow: Cloud Stab

- Hit Damage 960% x 6
- 16 sec cooldown
- Damage -21.5% in PvP
- Can be comboed with Stigma
- Attack damage 1082% x 6
- 9 sec cooldown
- Damage -30% in PvP
- Cannot be comboed with Stigma


- Forward Guard
- Increased Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec
- Removed Forward Guard
* Combined into an effect of Ice Fang
- Removed Increased Attack Speed +10 for 10 sec
* Combined into an effect of Ice Fang

● Removed the following skills and added their basic effects to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: December Extra hit of Petal Drill

● Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot - Improved to be available with your awakening weapon.
● Flow: Tip of an Iceberg - Fixed the issue where the skill would activate unintentionally after Stigma.
- Stigma - Changed to combo into Flow: Tip of an Iceberg by pressing F one more time.
● Moonrise - Fixed the issue where Stigma would unintentionally be activated.
- Moonrise - Changed to combo into Stigma by pressing F one more time.
● Petal Drill - Improved to be able to combo into extra hit of the skill after using Flow: Moonlight Dash.
● Flow: Tip of an Iceberg - Improved to combo more smoothly into Moonrise.
● Frost Pillars - Improved to combo more smoothly after using Flow: Moonlight Dash.
● Flow: Tip of an Iceberg - Improved to be able to combo after using the skills Petal Bloom and Stigma.
● Stigma - Improved to combo into Flow: Moonlight Dash
● Flow: Tip of an Iceberg - Improved to combo more smoothly after using other skills.
● Petal Bloom - Improved your character to turn in the direction of the camera angle until before the attack is applied after charging.
● Black Spirit: Sticky Snowflake - Fixed the issue where the attack range was smaller than Sticky Snowflake.



● Improved the appearance (customization) of Valkyrie as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

 Shield Chase

- II, III 10/17 sec cooldown - II, III: 9/13 sec cooldown


- Quick Slot Available - Quick Slot unavailable
- Endures more damage than before
- Cannot be activated when Guard Gauge is 0

Heaven's Echo

- - Increased aggro range

Divine Power

- Bound on hits
- Prime III/IV: 10/9 sec cooldown
- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- Super Armor
- Prime III/IV: 9/8 sec cooldown

Prime: Divine Power

- 1st Hit Damage -21.3/-21.2/-21.1/-21.3% in PvP
- Extra Hit Damage  -71.7/-71.6/-71.6/-71.7% in PvP
- Attack 1 damage -34.4% in PvP
- Extra attack damage -71.6% in PvP

 Fitness Training

- Melee DP +8
- Ranged DP +9
- Magic DP +9
- Max HP +210
- All DP +20,
- Max HP +300

 Ultimate: Divine Power

- Hit Damage 1012% x 9
- 25 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1518% x 6
- 16 sec cooldown
- Super Armor

 Prime: Judgment of Light

- II to III: 15 sec cooldown - Last attack damage 1588% x 5
- Invincible at the start of the skill
- 9 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range
- Aggros targets nearby after landing.

 Prime: Sanctitas de Enslar

- Last Hit Damage 1588% x 3
- Invincible on airborne moves
- 12 sec cooldown
- Last attack damage 1588% x 5
- Invincible at the start of the skill
- 9 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range
- Aggros targets nearby after landing.

 Prime: Purificatione

- All DP -10 on hit for 10 sec - All DP -20 on hit for 10 sec

 Prime: Shield Throw

- Hit Damage 779/897/1015% x 5 - Attack damage 857/985/1116% x 5
* PvP damage the same as before.

 Prime: Glaring Slash

- Hit Damage 678/799/988/1446% x5
- Damage -31.7/-31.8/-31.8/-43.2% in PvP
- Attack damage 755/890/1099/1486% x7
- Damage -43.2/43.1/43.1/52.7% in PvP

 Prime: Shining Dash

- Forward Guard - Forward Guard while moving
- Super Armor while attacking

● Prime: Judgment of Light - Changed as follows.
- Changed to now activate by pressing SHIFT + C.
- Improved to activate faster when pressing SHIFT + C after certain skills.
- Improved to activate after Succession: Shield Chase, Sword of Judgment attack 3, and Prime: Sanctitas de Enslar.
- Fixed the issue where the Stun effect was stackable.
- Improved to now combo into the following skills.
* Celestial Spear, Prime: Celestial Spear, Prime: Sanctitas de Enslar, Evasion, Shield Chase, Prime: Shield Chase.
● Evasion - Improved to combo into Righteous Charge.
● Prime: Sword of Judgment attack 3, Ultimate: Sword of Judgment - Improved to now activate faster.
● Punishment - Improved to combo into Prime: Shining Dash.
● Evasion - Improved to combo into Prime: Shining Dash.
● Prime: Judgment of Light - Improved to activate more smoothly after Evasion.
● Divine Slam - Fixed the issue where the Down Smash effect was being applied to all hits.
● Shield Chase - Fixed the issue where getting hit during the skill would reduce the distance traveled.
● Skyward Strike - Changed the skill motions.
● Prime: Celestial Spear - Improved to combo more smoothly into Prime: Shield Throw.
● Prime: Sword of Judgment, Ultimate: Sword of Judgment, Prime: Judgment of Light - Reduced the camera effect.
● Prime: Sword of Judgment (3rd hit) - Fixed the issue where the character would freeze on hits.
● Prime: Sword of Judgment (3rd hit) - Improved to combo more smoothly into Prime: Divine Power.
● Prime: Glaring Slash - Fixed the issue where the Skill Add-on effects could stack.



● Added the skill Flow: Divina Vult

Skill Description Preview

Flow: Divina Vult

● Strong Defense - Changed to Vindicta.

  Before Reboot

 Strong Defense





- Added "Movement Speed -30% on hits" effect.
- Added "Attack Speed -20% on hits" effect.
- Changed the skill's command input.

● Flow: Breath of Elion - Removed the skill. Added the following effects to Breath of Elion accordingly.
- Critical Hit Rate +20% for 15 sec to self and nearby allies when used with lancia
- Super Armor for 3 sec to self and nearby allies when used with lancia

Skill Before Reboot

Breath of Elion

● Removed the following skills and added their basic effects to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Flow: Breath of Elion Breath of Elion
* Available with lancia
Flow: Revelation Sanctus Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae 

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot


- All DP -10 on hit for 10 sec - All DP -20 on hits for 10 sec


- - Greatly reduced pushback from taking damage

Noble Spirit

- Control Key E - Quick Slot available


- Quick Slot Available
- Cooldown 10 sec
- Can now use E when used with your lancia
- 15 sec cooldown

Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae

- 30/27/24/17 sec cooldown
- Accuracy Rate +3%
- 3rd Skill Add-on
- 15/13/11/9 sec cooldown
- II to IV: Accuracy +5/6/8%
- 2nd Skill Add-on
- Increased attack range
- Air Attack on last attack hits
- Down Smash on last attack hits

 Sanctitas de Enslar

- Last Hit Damage 938/1126/1324% x 5
- 14/13/12 sec cooldown
- Bound on last hits (PvE only)
- PvP damage -25,1%
- Last attack damage 1125/1351/1588% x 5
* Black Spirit's skill damage remains the same as before.
- 12/11/9 sec cooldown
- Knockdown on last attack hits (PvE only)
- Damage -45% in PvP
- Increased attack range
- Taunt nearby enemies on landing.

Death Line Chase

- 3 sec cooldown - 2 sec cooldown
- Increased Movement Speed
* Distance traveled when used on cooldown same as before


- - Increased attack range of last attack

Sacrum Ferit

- Critical Hit Rate +20% for 10 sec on 1st hit
- II to IV: 8 sec cooldown
- Damage -18.6/18.7/18.7/37.8% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +80% for 5 sec on attack 1
- II to IV: 7/6/5 sec cooldown
* Damage reduced when used on cooldown
- Damage -55% in PvP
- Increased Movement Speed when used laterally
- Down Attack
- Increased attack range

Divina Inpulsa

- 1st Hit Damage 1260% x2
- 2nd Hit Damage 1260% x3
- Last Hit Damage 1260% x4
- Last Hit Damage -35% in PvP
- Attack 1 damage 1386% x2
- Attack 2 damage 1386% x3
- Last attack  damage 1386% x4
- Attack 1 damage -41% in PvP
- Attack 2 damage -55% in PvP
- Increased attack range


- 5 sec cooldown
- Stiffness on hits
- Speed Attack
- 4 sec cooldown
- Stiffness on hits (PvE only)
- Down Attack
- Increased attack range
- Super Armor during skill use
- Increased Movement Speed

Flow: Lucem Fluxum

- Sacrum Ferit damage x 4 applied for all damage
- 7 sec cooldown
- Evasion Rate -9% for 10 sec on hits
- Sacrum Ferit damage x 7 applied for all damage
- 8 sec cooldown
- Increased activation speed
- Increased attack range

Wave of Light

- 25 sec cooldown - 20 sec cooldown


- 1st, 2nd Hit Damage 693/915/1137/1359% x 2
- 3rd Hit Damage 693/915/1137/1359% x 3
- Critical Hit Rate +20% (PvE only)
- Attacks 1 and 2 damage 693/915/1137/1359% x 3
- Attack 3 damage 693/915/1137/1359% x 4
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Increased attack range

Terra Sancta

- 15 sec cooldown
- 2nd Skill Add-on
- 12 sec cooldown
- 3rd Skill Add-on
- Increased attack range

Blitz Stab

- Hit Damage 1038% x8
- 8 sec cooldown
- Damage -56.2% in PvP
- Knockback on hits
- Attack damage 1409% x6
- 7 sec cooldown
- Damage -65% in PvP
- Knockdown on hits
- Increased attack range
- Instant Ultimate: Blitz Stab on hits
- Improved combo speed into Ultimate: Blitz Stab


- - Floating effect when comboed from Death Line Chase
(PvE only)

 Ultimate: Blitz Stab

- Blitz Stab damage x 8 applied to all damage

- 8 sec cooldown
- Knockdown on hits
- Attack damage 1409 x 6
- PvP damage -65%
- 7 sec cooldown
- Knockback on hits (PvE only)
- Increased attack range
- Skill Add-on available
- Down Attack

● Promptness - Improved to combo more smoothly into Sacrum Ferit.
● Sacrum Ferit - Improved to combo more smoothly into Flow: Lucem Fluxum.
● Flow: Lucem Fluxum - Improved to combo more smoothly into Castigatio, Blitz Stab, Purificatione, and Terra Sancta.
● Fixed the issue where the Forward Guard effect wouldn't be applied when moving backwards in certain situations.
● Death Line Chase - Fixed the issue where getting hit during the skill would reduce the distance traveled.
● Death Line Chase (forward) - Fixed the issue where immunity to all debuffs (excluding grapple) wouldn't be applied when moving forward after skill use.
● Sanctitas de Enslar - Fixed the issue where Flow: Divina Vult would activate first when comboing into certain skills.
● Sanctitas de Enslar - Improved to combo more smoothly into Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae.


Kunoichi, Ninja

● Ninjutsu: Block Jump - Made improvements as follows:


- Changed to summon forth a total of three wooden blocks in the shape of an equilateral triangle.
- Removed the Throwing Kick and Wind Slash combo attacks activated when continuing ←/→ and added a function where you move to each of the blocks of wood when pressing the ←/→ directional keys.
- You cannot move behind the enemy again when you move to one of the blocks of wood by pressing the ←/→ directional keys, but you can combo into other normal skills.

Skill Before Reboot

Ninjutsu: Block Jump

● Shadow Slash - Changed the command keys for comboing into Heart Aiming or Smokescreen as shown below.

Activating Smokescreen Activating Heart Aiming
SPACE while using Shadow Slash LMB + RMB during Shadow Slash

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Prime: Malicious Cut
- - Critical Hit Rate +30% for 30 sec

Ghost Step
- Invincibility  -> Super Armor - Invincibility 

Floor Sweeping, Throwing Kick
Unavailable through Quick Slot Available via Quick Slot

Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp
- Shadow Clone for 7 sec  - Removed Shadow Clone for 7 sec
- SPACE to activate Smokescreen

Ninjutsu: Shadow Clone
- SPACE to activate after Shadow Stomp
- Activated through Quick Slot while Shadow Clone buff is applied
- Attack range forward
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvP only)
- Quick Slot available (Ninja, Kunoichi)
- ↓ + RMB (Kunoichi)
- Changed to hit the area around the character
- Critical Hit Rate +100%
- Changed attack motions

Death's Descent

- 10 sec cooldown - 15 sec cooldown

Ninjutsu: Shadow Clone (I to Absolute)
- 18/16/14/13 sec cooldown - 15/13/12/10 sec cooldown

Heart Aiming
- 27 sec cooldown for Absolute level of the skill
- Unavailable during cooldown
- 20 sec cooldown for Absolute level of the skill
- Available during Cooldown 

Kunai Throw, Shuriken Throw
- - Increased attack range when used while airborne
* Stiffness applied to the same area as before for Succession Kunoichi
- Added skill lock function

Ninja Evasion

- Invincible at the start of the skill, no description - Super Armor at the start of the skill, description added
- Increased leap distance

Flash Slash
- Super Armor while attacking - Super Armor during skill

● Floor Sweeping - Improved the speed of the motions when used consecutively.
● Ghost Step - Changed so that you can combo into Smokescreen (I to V) by pressing SPACE.
● Ghost Step - Improved to maintain Sprint just by holding directional keys or SHIFT while Target Chase's buffs are applied.
● Ghost Step - Improved to continue the Sprint motion more naturally when holding directional keys or Shift.
● Floor Sweeping - Improved to continue the motion more naturally when continuing the skill.
● Flow: Sky Stepping - Improved the continuing motions to be more natural when continuing the skill in a non-combat stance.
● Flow: Sky Stepping - Changed to have your character fall naturally when attempting to activate the skill again after its been used twice consecutively.
● Shadow Clone - Changed the skill's attack motions to be more natural and improved to combo more quickly into another skill.
● Shadow Clone - Improved to combo more quickly with Shadow Stomp.
● Death's Descent - Improved the speed of the motion continued on Grapple.
● Ghost Greeting - Improved the attack motions to be quicker.
● Added a description that matches the actual defensive effects applied when using the following skills:
- Ninjutsu: Concealment, Ninjutsu: Oni Shadow, Ninjutsu: Sinew Cut, Ninjutsu: Block Jump, and Ghost Greeting
- "Invincible while vanished"
● Ninjutsu: Block Jump - Changed the visual effects displayed when used while airborne to match the actual effects.
● Changed the description for the defensive effect of certain skills as follows. However, the actual effect applied remains the same.

Before Reboot
Invincible when vanished Invincible while invisible
● Smokescreen - Improved to combo Smokescreen, a skill that activates instantly by pressing SPACE after certain skills.
● Smokescreen - Changed the timing when the hit is applied to match the actual attack motion and improved to combo more quickly into other skills.
● Shadow Stomp - Improved to combo more quickly with Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Kunai Stab, Heart Aiming.
● Ghost Greeting - Fixed the issue where the skill would be activated first instead of Ankle Cutter when pressing SHIFT + LMB while Sprinting.
● Ghost Greeting - Fixed the issue where it wouldn't be activated when pressing LMB while Sprinting in certain situations.
● Heart Aiming - Fixed the issue where the skill would automatically be activated when holding SPACE when going into Ninjutsu: Concealment after using Smokescreen by pressing SPACE after using certain skills.
● Heart Aiming - Changed to activate by pressing SPACE again when going into Concealment with the aforementioned command keys.
● Ninjutsu: Oni Shadow - Changed to apply the stealth effect of Oni Shadow first while using Ninjutsu: Oni Shadow during Ninjutsu Concealment.
- At this point, the previously stackable Ninjutsu: Concealment effect will disappear.
● Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Kunai Stab, Heart Aiming - Fixed the issue where you couldn't recover Stamina during the skills.
● Ghost Greeting - Fixed the issue where Invincible would be applied on cooldown.
● Ninjutsu: Block Jump - Fixed the issue where the AP buff would not be applied when comboing into another motion quickly.
● Ninjutsu: Concealment - Fixed the issue where the stealth effect would not be applied when comboing with ←/→ of Ninjutsu: Block Jump without learning the skill.
● Ninjutsu: Concealment - Fixed the issue where Invincible would not be applied to the starting motion.
● Flow: Sky Stepping - Fixed the issue where the sound effect would sound awkward when using Death's Descent while airborne.
● Flow: Block Jump - Fixed the issue where "Quick Slot available" would appear twice in the description.
● Prime: Ninjutsu Commence - Fixed the issue where the skill would combo more slowly into Shadow Stomp after Succession: Ghost Step while the buff is maintained.
● Removed "Super Armor at the start of the skill" from Ninja Evasion and added "Forward Guard during the skill" to Ankle Cutter.



● Improved the appearance (customization) of Kunoichi as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Added a UI that displays the Kunoichi's skill resources.



● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Tendon Cutter, Absolute: Tendon Cutter
- Quick Slot available - Quick Slot available
- Press ↑ + Q
- Press ↑ during skill to activate frontal slash attack

Ninjutsu: Shadow Explosion I~V, Absolute: Shadow Explosion
- Cooldown 28/27/25/23/19/16 sec - 22/21/20/18/16/12 sec cooldown

Flash Slash
 - - Press directional keys to move once in the designated direction and attack

Kunai Throw
- - Increases attack area when used while airborne
* Stiffness area is the same as before

Kunai Block

- - Cannot activate if Guard Gauge is 0

Killer Training

- All AP +12
- All Evasion Rate +2.5%
- All Accuracy Rate +2.5%
- All AP +12
- All Evasion Rate +10%
[Ninjutsu: Ghost], [Ninjutsu: Soul], [Ninjutsu: Spirit] - Applies effect on hit with certain skills - Applies effect on hits with certain skills
[Release: Spirit + Ghost], [Release: Ghost+Soul], [Release: Soul+Spirit] - Removes buff effect when activated
- Cannot activate when all Ninjutsu buffs have been applied
- Removed "Removes buff effect when activated"
- Can activate when all Ninjutsu buffs have been applied
[Release: Spirit + Ghost] - Activates while using [Prime: Shadow Stomp] - Activates during [Prime: Shadow Clone]
[Release: Ghost + Spirit] - Activates while using [Prime: Shadow Clone] - Activates during [Prime: Shadow Explosion]
[Release: Soul + Spirit] - Activates while using [Prime: Shadow Explosion] - Activates during [Prime: Shadow Stomp]

Prime: Fox Claw
- - Applies [Ninjutsu: Soul] buff effect during skill
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)

Prime: Tendon Cutter
- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvE only) - Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- Applies [Ninjutsu: Soul] buff effect during skill

Prime: Shadow Explosion
- 16 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvE only)
- Cooldown 9 sec
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)

Prime: Shadow Clone
- Press Space after using Shadow Stomp
- Quick Slot available
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (Only applies to the player)
- Frontal attack area
- Cooldown 13 sec
- Reduced number of hits in PvP
- ↓ + RMB
- Quick Slot available
- Critical Hit Rate +100%
- Perform circular attack around the character
- Cooldown 10 sec
- No reduced number of hits in PvP
- Activates Smokescreen when pressing SPACE.
- Press ↑ while performing the skill to activate frontal slash attack
- Changed skill animation

Prime: Flash Slash
- I to III: Hit Damage 1132%/1396%/1701% x4
- IV: Hit Damage 1652% x5
- Stiffness before hitting
- 15 sec cooldown
- I to III: attack damage 1132%/1396%/1701% x3, max 2 hits
- IV: attack damage 1652% x5, max 2 hits
-  Stiffness on attack 1 hits
- 9 sec cooldown
- Use directional key to move to designated direction and attack after attack 1
- Increase the activation rate on hits when attacking in place

Prime: Crescent Slash
- Invincible at the start of the skill - Super Armor until the attack motion
- Added skill description

Prime: Shackles
- Hit Damage 1774% x 5
- 20 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1431% x 7
- 12 sec cooldown

Prime: Wheel of Wrath
- 2 Hit Damage 1214% x 8
- 2 Hits on Ninjutsu Release Damage 1214% x 12
- Cannot activate when Ninjutsu Release hit damage is in cooldown
- Attack 2 damage 1387% x 8
- Ninjutsu Release attack 2 damage 1387% x 15
- Can activate when Ninjutsu Release attack damage is on cooldown
* Damage same as before while on cooldown in PvP
- frontal circular attack 2

Prime: Danse Macabre
- Normal Hit Damage 924% x 4
- Ninjutsu Release Hit Damage 1871% x 6
- Normal attack damage 1288% x 8
- Ninjutsu Release attack damage 1871% x 8
* PvP damage same as before

Absolute: Black Moonlight
- 20 sec cooldown - 12 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)

 Prime: Fatal Blow
- 7 sec cooldown - 4 sec cooldown 

 Prime: Shadow Stomp

- - Reduced number of hits by 2 with Ninjutsu Release in PvP 

● Prime: Shadow Clone - Improved to combo more quickly into other skills.
● Prime: Shadow Clone - Improved to combo more quickly into Shadow Stomp.
● Prime: Shadow Stomp, Prime: Shadow Clone - Improved to combo more quickly into Smokescreen.
● Tendon Cutter, Absolute: Tendon Cutter - Increased to activate faster when pressing W + Q after using certain skills.
● Prime: Tendon Cutter - Increased to activate more quickly when pressing ↑ + Q to combo after using certain skills.
● Prime: Commence - Increased to combo more quickly to some skills.
● Kunai Stab - Increased to combo more quickly to other skills.
● Prime: Wheel of Wrath - Increased to transition more quickly from attack 1 to attack 2.
● Tendon Cutter, Prime: Ankle Cutter, Flash Slash, Danse Macabre, Sah Spree of Sonan, Lunar Dash - Changed the character's movement to be more natural when using the skills in air.
- Ghost Greeting - Changed the character's movement to be more natural after using the skill.
● Changed the skill description to match the actual effects to the following.

Skill Before Reboot
 Skills that have extra hits with Ninjutsu Release Ninjutsu Release Additional Hit Damage  Ninjutsu Release attack damage
Tendon Cutter  Blade Damage  x 9
Slash Damage x 6
Blade attack damage x3, max 3 hits
Slash attack damage x2, max 3 hits

● Succession: Kunai Throw - Added a description about damage reduction in PvP.
● Succession: Ghost Step - Removed the following skill description.
- 'Press LMB during [Ghost Step] to combo into [Ghost Step]'
● Tendon Cutter, Prime: Tendon Cutter - Improved the speed of the skill slightly and changed the skill to maintain its speed on hits
● Prime: Tendon Cutter - Changed the direction of the attack to face where the player is looking when performing the last attack with the skill and changed to activate on attack 1, 2, or 3.
● Flash Slash, Prime: Flash Slash - Improved the speed of the skill's attack motion.
● Kunai Throw - Improved the speed of the motion if the skill is used while airborne.
● Prime: Crescent Slash - Fixed the issue where the cost of Stamina for using a skill was not displayed on the skill description.
● Prime: Fatal Blow - Fixed the issue where Stamina would not be recovered while using the skill.
● Prime: Crescent Slash - Fixed the issue where the character would sometimes stop if the skill was used if there was insufficient Stamina.
● Prime: Shadow Explosion - Fixed the issue where the character's movement appeared abnormally if a double jump was performed while the skill was in cooldown.
● Fixed the issue where Succession: Kunai Throw effect was applied even though Absolute: Kunai Throw was not learned while in Succession.
● Prime: Shadow Explosion - Fixed the issue where some of the skill's attack area was different from the actual effect.
● Fox Claw - Fixed the issue where the skill would not combo with certain skills smoothly when continuing the skill.
● Kunai Throw - Adjusted the attack range to match the actual attack range where Stiffness is applied on hits while airborne with the [Ninjutsu: Ghost] buff in effect.



● Changed Sah Spree of Sonan skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Sah Spree of Sonan (I to IV)

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Crimson Eclipse
- Quick Slot Available
- Press E to use
- Quick Slot available

Death's Descent
- Quick Slot Available - Quick Slot available
- Press E to use in Awakening

Lunar Dash
- Stiffness on hit
- Forward Guard when using skill after learning Core
- Press LMB to attack while using skill
- Super Armor during skill
- Stiffness on hits after learning Core
- Press LMB or RMB to attack during skill
- No collision when pressing ↑ + E 

Lunar Veil
- - Guard maintained when using Ghost Step through command
- Cannot activate when Guard Gauge is 0.

Sah Spree of Sonan (I to IV)
- Floating on 2 hits
- Forward Guard after learning Core
- Required WP 25/30/35/40
- Hit Damage 714/854/994/1134% x 3, Max 4 hits
- Down attack on 1st and 4th hit
- Air Attack on 2nd and 3rd hit
- Forward Guard during skill
- Floating on attack 1 hits
- Required WP 150
- Attacks 1 and 2 damage 714/854/994/1134% x 4
- Last attack damage 714/854/994/1134% x 6
- Down Attack
- Air Attack
- Increased attack range of last attacks
- Attack while moving forward on attack 1 and last attacks
- Critical Hit Rate 50% (PvE only)

Half Moon Slash
- Hit Damage 617/661/705/849% x4
- IV: Damage -24.3% in PvP
- Attack damage 617/761/905/1149% x2, max 2 hits
- IV: Damage -30% in PvP
- Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec

Danse Macabre
- - Increased the attack range of your sah chakram
- Increased distance 

Chain Crash: Sah Chakram

- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only) - Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +25%(applied to player)

Lethal Spin Spree
- IV Hit Damage 969% x 12
- IV Extra Hit Damage 969% x 8
- Damage reduction rate 60.3% in PvP
- Attack damage 1169% x 12
- Extra attack damage 1169% x 8
- PvP damage -56.3%
- Increased attack range

Flow: Chakram Rise
- - Quick Slot available with your shortsword

Lunatic Discus
- Pushes the target on (hits PvE only) - Removed "Pushes the target on hits (PvE only)"

● Improved to combo into other skills after Half Moon Slash.
● Improved to combo more quickly into other skills after Lunar Veil.
● Increased to combo into other skills after attack 1 of Sah Spree of Sonan.
● Improved to combo more quickly into Flow: Indignation after Danse Macabre or Wheel of Wrath.
● Improved to combo more quickly into other skills after Flow: Wrath.
● Improved to combo more quickly into other skills after last attack of Sah Spree of Sonan.
● Improved to combo more quickly into other Awakening skills after motion for switching into Awakening.
●Improved the motion speed of Moon Storm and to combo more quickly into other skills.
● Improved to combo more quickly into another skill in the following situations:
- Lunar Dash
After using Flow: Indignation
- After last hit of Wheel of Wrath
● Flow: Indignation - Increased the speed of motion before attack.
● Half Moon Slash - Changed the description on attack damage to match its actual effects.

Before Reboot
IV Hit Damage 849% x 4  Attack damage 1149% x 2, max 2 hits
● Wheel of Wrath - Changed to activate after the attack is applied when comboing into a certain skill after the last attack .
● Lunar Veil - Fixed the issue where the guard wouldn't deactivate properly by re-entering Q.
● Flash Slash, Prime: Flash Slash - Fixed the issue where the visual effect wouldn't be displayed on hits.
● Lunar Dash - Fixed the issue where your character would stop for a moment when used through Quick Slot when switching from your sah chakram to your shortsword.
● Lunar Dash - Fixed the issue where the extra hit would be activated first when comboing with the following skills:
- Sah Spree of Sonan, Half Moon Slash, Lethal Spin Spree
● Fixed the issue where you wouldn't recover Stamina for a moment when switching to your shortsword from using your sah chakram forward.



● Improved the appearance (customization) of Ninja as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Added Prime: Heart Aiming skill.

Skill Description Preview

Prime: Heart Aiming

● Improved Alert Stance skill.

Skill Description

Alert Stance

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Killer Training

- All AP +12
- All Evasion Rate +2.5%
- All Accuracy Rate +2.5%
-  All AP +12
-All Evasion Rate +10%

Prime: Blade Spin
- Critical Hit Rate +15%(PvE only)
- Quickly cast skill when you press space bar
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvE only)
- Cast skill quickly automatically

Prime: Fox Claw
- 1 Hit Damage 743% x 4
- 2 Hit Damage 743% x 2
- 3 Hit Damage 1652% x 4
- 55.6% reduced damage on 1st and 2nd hit in PvP
- Attack 1 damage 965% x 4
- Attack 2 damage 965% x 2
- Attack 3 damage 1652% x 4
- Attacks 1 and 2 -65.8% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
* Not applied during cooldown

Prime: Black Moonlight
- - Applied the widest attack range of the skill on all attacks
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)

Prime: Red Rain
- 1 Hit Damage 1000% x 1
- 2 Hit Damage 1000% x 7
* 1st and 2nd hit: Damage -31.7% in PvP
- Attack 1 damage 1200% x 1
- Attack 2 damage 1200% x 7
* Attacks 1 and 2 damage -34.8% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +100%(PvE only)

Prime: Rampage
- 1st Hit Damage 628% x8
- 2nd Hit Damage 628% x4
- 3rd Hit Damage 628% x3
- Critical Hit Rate +40%
- Damage -38.9% in PvP
- Attacks 1, 2, and 3 damage 1082% x8/4/3
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Damage -44% in PvP
- Down Attack

Prime: Shuriken Flight
- Air Smash on 2 hits - Removed Air Smash
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)

Prime: Shuriken Malice
- IV Hit Damage 1444% x 3
- Damage -50.1% in PvP
- IV: attack damage 1444% x 5
- Damage -68.9% in PvP

Prime: Evasive Shuriken Malice
- Hit Damage 1444% x 3
- Required Stamina 150
- 50.1% reduced damage in PvP
- Attack damage 1444% x 5
- Required Stamina 100
- Damage -68.9% in PvP

Prime: Beheading the Dead
- IV Hit Damage 1309% x 2
- IV Extra Hit Damage 1309% x 5
- Damage -59.1% in PvP
- IV: attack damage 1409% x 5
- IV: extra attack damage 1409% x 5
- 71.3% reduced damage in PvP

● Prime: Dark Frenzy - Improved to activate Red Rain when holding ↓ + RMB after using the skill.
● Smokescreen - Improved to combo into Prime: Fox Claw quicker.
● Blade Spin (I to Prime) - Fixed the issue where character's motion was slowed upon targeting.
● Shuriken Throw - Fixed the issue where an abnormal amount of Stamina would be consumed when moving laterally or backward during the skill.



● Removed the following skill and added as a base effect of a certain skill:

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Vengeful Barrier Corrupt Sword Dance

● Changed the Corrupt Sword Dance skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Corrupt Sword Dance

● Changed the Vacuum Slash skill.

Skill Before Reboot

Vacuum Slash

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Bloodthirst: Katana Shower IV

- Reduced hit number by 2 in PvP - Removed hit number reduction in PvP

Murderous Intent
- Reduced hit number by 2 in PvP - Removed hit number reduction in PvP
- Increased Super Armor duration after learning Core
- Activated via Quick Slot with your shortsword

Flow: Mach Explosion
- Cooldown for 17 sec
- Blade Damage 824% x 1
- Explosion Damage 1422% x 7
- 16% Reduced Blade Damage in PvP
- PvP explosive hit damage -40.6%
- 12 sec cooldown
- Blade attack damage 1220% x 4
- Explosive attack damage 1620% x 7
- PvP blade attack damage -43.3%
- Explosive attack damage -47% in PvP

Vacuum Slash
- Forward Guard while 1, 2, or 3 attack
- Slash Damage 1100% x 4
- Forward Guard
- Slash attack damage 1100% x 6
- Added Down Attack
- Adjust attack range
- Press F to perform Vacuum Slash after attack 2 with Sudden Decapitation/Corrupt Sword Dance

Drastic Measure
- Super Armor while charging
- Bound on hits
- Super Armor after learning Bon
- Super Armor
- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- Bound after learning Core

- - Increase activation speed

Serpent Ascension
- Hit Damage 653/766/1161% x 7
- Blade Hit Damage 959/1038/1344% x 6
- Hit Damage -37.1/36.9/52.2% in PvP
- Blade Hit Damage -34.4/34.4/45.3% in PvP

- Changed to a motion where you only strike once

- Attack damage 853/966/1361% x 7
- Blade attack damage 1159/1238/1544% x 6
- Normal attack damage -51.8/50/59,2% in PvP
- Blade attack damage -45.7/45/52.4% in PvP

Flow: Execution
- - Adjusted attack range
- Applied to all attacks regardless of range

Sudden Decapitation
- 2 Hits, Transition Stance, Double Sword Stance 2 Bound on hits
Floating on third sword hit(s)
- Attack 2, Transition Stance, Bound on 2nd attack hits while in Double Sword Stance (PvE only)
- Floating on attack 3 hits while in Double Sword Stance (PvE only)
- Bound/Floating effect applies to players as well after learning Core
- Increased attack range
- Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec
- Forward Guard during skill

Flash Bondage

- Cooldown for 18 sec - 20 sec cooldown

Sura ChaoSpree
- Cooldown for 25 sec - 15 sec cooldown
- Down Attack
Guard with sura katana - - Maintain stance while guarding
- Cannot activate when Guard Gauge is 0

● Flashing Light - Improved to activate Flow: Mach Explosion by holding RMB after the skill.
● Serpent Ascension - Fixed the issue where character would be slowed when using the skill.

Wizard, Witch

Main Weapon, Succession

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Teleport (I to III), Ultimate: Teleport

– Required MP: 30/40/50, 50 – Required Stamina: 200

Mana Absorption

- Required Stamina 150
- Max 3 targets
- Absorbs 40% of MP of target
- Stun on last hit
- No required Stamina
- Max 4 targets
- Absorbs 30% of MP of target
- Attacks designated spot
- Forward Guard

Swift Earthquake

- 30 sec cooldown - 20 sec cooldown

 Trembling Thunder

- 30 sec cooldown - 20 sec cooldown
- Down Smash

Spellbound Heart

- 60 sec cooldown - 30 sec cooldown

 Dagger Stab

- 18 sec cooldown - 10 sec cooldown

Magic Lighthouse

- 30/25/20 sec cooldown
- 20 sec duration
- 25/20/15 sec cooldown
- 15 sec duration


- Resurrect by interacting with a dead ally - Resurrect dead ally nearby

 Prime: Multiple Magic Arrows (Wizard)

- - Increased attack range

Prime: Bolide of Destruction

- Hit damage 1170% x6
- Damage -37.5% in PvP
- Attacks designated spot
- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- Attack damage 1273% x8
- Damage -50% in PvP
- Attacks targeted area
- Bound on hits

Prime: Earthquake: Destruction

- Hit damage 1156% x8
- Extra hit damage 1156% x10
- Cooldown 20 sec
- Attack damage 1271% x8
- Extra attack damage 1271% x10
- 15 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit +50% (PvE only)

Prime: Earth Arrow

- - Increased attack range
- Increased arrow speed

Prime: Residual Lightning

- 10 sec cooldown
- Damage -27/37/37% in PvP
- 9 sec cooldown
- Damage -44/43.5/43.5% in PvP
- Improved effect (Prime: Residual Lightning: Combo)
- Increased Casting Speed (Prime: Residual Lightning: Combo)

Prime: Lightning Storm

- 10 sec cooldown
- Hit damage 1208% x8 (Prime: Lightning Storm: High Voltage)
- Damage -40% in PvP (Prime: Lightning Storm: High Voltage)
- 9 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1380% x8 (Prime: Lightning Storm: High Voltage)
- Damage -45% in PvP (Prime: Lightning Storm: High Voltage)

Prime: Voltaic Pulse

- Hit damage 1058% x7
- All Evasion Rate - 15% for 10 sec
- Damage -26.9% in PvP
- Attack damage 1258% x7
- All Evasion Rate - 6% for 10 sec
- Damage -36% in PvP
- Super Armor
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)

Prime: Aqua Jail Explosion

- Hit damage 591% x13
- All Evasion Rate - 15% for 10 sec
- Attack damage 709% x13
- All Evasion Rate - 6% for 10 sec

Prime: Frigid Fog: Disrupt

- Attacks designated spot
- Hit damage 723/868/1102% x5
- Super Armor
- Movement Speed -50% for 5 sec on hits
- Attacks a targeted area
- Attack damage 867/1041/1322% x5
- Forward Guard
- Movement Speed -15% for 5 sec on hits
- Character rotates in the direction of the camera angle

Prime: Frigid Fog: Control

- Super Armor - Removed Super Armor

 Prime: Equilibrium Break

- Hit damage 936% x9
- Damage -42.5% in PvP
- Attack damage 1263% x9
- Damage -57.4% in PvP
- Magical Evasion available after using skill

Prime: Fireball Explosion: Focus

 - - Increased attack range

● Prime: Elemental Flow - Changed to be activated without the casting motion when using command keys after Magical Evasion.
● Prime: Aqua Jail Explosion - Improved to be able to be used after using the skills Teleport and Magical Evasion without a casting motion.
● Prime: Bolide of Destruction - Increased the casting speed when comboing with other skills.
● Prime: Blizzard: Domain - Improved to activate more quickly when using the skill consecutively.
● Prime: Earth Arrow - Improved the extra attack of the skill to activate with attack 1.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Wizard as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.


● Added Barrage of Water, Flame's Calling, Elementalization.
- When the skill Barrage of Water hits more than 2 targets, the damage will be reduced by 5% per additional target. If it hits more than 7 targets, then the only 70% of the damage will be applied.

Skill Description Preview

Barrage of Water

Flame's Calling


● Summon: Keeper Marg, Summon: Keeper Arne - Made the following changes:
- "Marg's Rage" and "Arne's Touch" buffs can be obtained when Marg, Arne are summoned.
- The following skills are enhanced when "Marg's Rage" and "Arne's Touch" buffs are applied.

Effect Skill Skill Enhancement
Marg's Rage Cataclysm - Added attack 2 to the Marg effect.
Marg's Rage Bolide of Destruction - Added attack 3 to the Marg effect.
- Burn damage 50 every 3 sec for 9 sec on hits
Arne's Touch Aqua Jail Explosion - Changed attack range.
- Gain DP +20 for 5 sec.
- Changed "Movement Speed -20% for 10 sec on hit" to "Movement Speed -40% for 10 sec on hits."
Arne's Touch Chilling Wave - Change Arne effect attack range.
- Added attack 4 to the Arne effect

● Flow: Arne's Stream - Combined with Aqua Jail Explosion.
- Removed the "Damage Reduction Rate +12.8% in PvP" effect to not be applied in PvP.
● Flow: Fire Fist Marg - Added as a basic effect of Hellfire.
- Changed the "Damage Reduction Rate +12.7% in PvP" effect to not be applied in PvP.
● Flow: Fire Breath Marg - Added as a basic effect of Cataclysm.
- Changed the "Damage Reduction Rate +12.7% in PvP" to not be applied in PvP.
● Changed Marg and Arne to prioritize following the summoner.
● Commune: Calling - Changed your summon to prioritize following the summoner.
● Commune: Attack - Changed your summon to attack enemies that are far away.

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Mind Training (Main Weapon)

- Casting Speed +12% - Casting Speed +10%
- All AP +12

 Flow: Magical Evasion

- 5 sec cooldown - 4 sec cooldown
- Changed skill motions
- Visual effects differ depending on your summon


- [Marg Effect] Hit damage 1045% x4
- [Marg Effect] Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- [Marg Effect] Critical Hit Rate +40% (PvP only)
- [Marg Effect] Attack damage 775% x4
- Casting Speed +10% for 10 sec

 Bolide of Destruction

- Bound on hits for Core level of the skill
- Casting Speed +10% for 10 sec
- Knockdown on hits for Core level of the skill

 Flame Knot

- 10 sec cooldown - 15 sec cooldown

 Chilling Wave

- Knockback on hits (PvP only) - Forward Guard during skill use
- Improved to combo more naturally into another skill
- Knockback on hits for Core level of the skill (PvP only)

 Aqua Jail Explosion

- Hit damage 448/515/583/748%  x13
- [Arne Effect] Hit damage 942% x4
- [Arne Effect] Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- [Arne Effect] Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvP only)
- Damage  -45.1/45/44.9/45.1% in PvP
- Attack damage 537/618/699/897%  x13
- [Arne Effect] Attack damage 763% x4

- Damage -45.1/45/45.1/45% in PvP

Magma Bomb

- Hit damage 1422 % x1, Max10 hits - Attack damage 1422% x8
* Damage in PvP adjusted
- All hits applied regardless of distance

Lava Field

- Hit damage 1500% x23
- Damage -51.9% in PvP
- Attack damage 1000% x23
- Damage -27% in PvP

Hellfire [Marg Effect]

- Hit damage 1040% x5
- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvE only)
- Attack damage 775% x5

 Flow: Arne's Guidance

- Hit damage 1090% x12
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Damage - 22.8% in PvP
- Attack damage 763% x12
- Damage not decreased in PvP

 Flow: Aqua Bomb

- 8 sec cooldown - 5 sec cooldown

● Magma Bomb - Changed your character to rotate in the direction of the camera angle when used after Hellfire and Aqua Bomb.
● Flame's calling - Improved the summon to attack more quickly when casting the skill.
● Magma Bomb - Improved to combo more smoothly into Barrage of Water when holding RMB.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Witch as follows: 
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Prime: Multiple Magic Arrows - Made the following changes:
- Changed to be able to be used during cooldown.
* However, the Critical Hit Rate effect on the skill is nullified during cooldown.

Skill Description

Prime: Multiple Magic Arrows

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

 Mind Training

- Casting Speed +12% - Casting Speed +10%
- All AP +12

 Lightning Arrows

- - Increased attack range
- Improved to activate extra hits more quickly

● Lightning Arrows - Changed to combo with Residual Lightning by holding RMB.
● Prime Elemental Flow - Changed so that you can use the skill without the casting motion after Teleport by using the command keys.



● Added Barrage of Lightning, Earth's Calling, and Elementalization.

Skill Description Preview

Barrage of Lightning

Earth's Calling


● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

 Flow: Magical Evasion

- 5 sec cooldown - 4 sec cooldown
- Changed skill's motions
- Visual effect differ depending on your summon

Protection of Crevice

- Ends after a certain period of time - Maintained when using the skill
- Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0

Equilibrium Break

- Hit damage 641/713/785/1236% x9
- Damage -37.3/37.3/37.3/56.5% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- [Gorr Effect] Hit damage 962% x4
- [Gorr Effect] Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- [Gorr Effect] Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvP only)
- Attack damage 961/1069/1177/1322% x9
- Damage -53% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- [Gorr Effect] attack damage 765% x4

Fissure Wave

- Hit damage 710/792/875/1226% x10
- Stun on hits with
- Floating on hits (PvE only)
- Knockback on earthquake hits (PvP only)
- Pushed the target on hits (PvE only)
- Air Attack on earthquake hits
- Attack damage 923/1029/1137/1287% x10

- Knockdown on hits

- Down Attack
- Forward Guard during Core level of the skill

Flow: Gorr Roll

- Hit damage 1090% x12
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Damage -8.5% in PvP 
- Attack damage 763% x12

- Damage not decreased in PvP

Thunder Storm

- Hit damage 620/820/1222% x6
- [Tett Effect] Hit damage 1012% x4
- [Tett Effect] Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- [Tett Effect] Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvP only)
- Damage -34.2/34.1/45.2% in PvP
- Attack damage 868/1148/1405% x6
- [Tett Effect] attack damage 792% x4

- Damage -50/50/45.8% in PvP

Flow: Voltaic Tett

- Hit damage 1008% x5
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvP only)
- Damage -12.7% in PvP
- Attack damage 792% x5
- Damage not decreased in PvP

Voltaic Pulse

- Hit damage 795/915/1035/1400% x7
- Damage -33.5/33.6/33.5/44.6% in PvP
- Attack damage 954/1098/1242/1456% x7
- Damage -33.5/33.5/33.5/44.6% in PvP

Yoke of Ordeal

- Hit damage 570/758/1116% x12
- Damage -42.8/47.6/59.6% in PvP
- Attack damage 826/1099/1339% x12
- Damage -62% in PvP

Toxic Flood

- Hit damage 1500% x23
- Damage -51.9% in PvP
- Attack damage 1000% x23
- Damage -27% in PvP

● Summon: Keeper Gorr and Summon: Keeper Tett - Made the following changes:
- The "Gorr's Blessing" and "Tett's Ascent" buffs will be applied when Gorr and Tett are summoned.
- The following skills will be enhanced when the "Gorr's Blessing" and "Tett's Ascent" buffs are applied.

Effect Skill Skill Enhancement
Gorr's Blessing Equilibrium Break - Increased attack range
- Casting Speed
- Added 2 hits to the Gorr effect
Gorr's Blessing Fissure Wave - Increased attack range of Perfect Sign
- Added attack 3 to Perfect Sign
Tett's Ascent Thunder Storm - Added attack 3 to the Tett effect.
- Added "Shock on hits" effect
Tett's Ascent Voltaic Pulse - Added Voltaic Pulse (I to III) damage x3

● Flow: Perfect Sign - Added as a basic effect to Fissure Wave.
● Flow: Gorr Launch - Added as a basic effect of Equilibrium Break.
- Changed to no longer apply the "Damage Reduction Rate +12.8%" effect in PvP.
● Flow: Rage Tett - Added as a basic effect of Thunder Storm.
- Changed to no longer apply the "Damage Reduction Rate +12.7%" effect in PvP.
● Changed Tett or Gorr to prioritize following the summoner.
● Commune: Calling - Changed your summon to prioritize following the summoner.
● Commune: Attack - Changed your summon to attack distant targets.
● Fissure Wave - Changed to activate the Perfect Sign effect when holding ↓ + LMB + RMB.
● Earth's Calling - Improved the summon to attack more quickly.
● Lightning Blast - Improved to combo into Barrage of Lightning by holding RMB after the skill.


Dark Knight

● Improved the appearance (customization) of Dark Knight as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Added Flow: Vedir Strike.

Skill Description Preview


Flow: Vedir Strike

● Changed Luscious Snare to Hallucination Snare.

  Before Reboot

Luscious Snare

Hallucination Snare


- Hallucination Snare combos with Chain: Dusk when pressing ←/→ + F and activates to the right and left. Activates while in place when used through Quick Slot.
- When activated to the right and left, snares will be created on opposite ends of your character, and when activated in place, a snare will be created where your character is standing.

● Repeated Annihilation - Changed to Flow: Dark Execution, a flow skill of Nocturne.

  Before Reboot

 Repeated Annihilation

 Flow: Dark Execution


 - Move behind the enemy during Nocturne by pressing ←/→ to slash/upward strike.

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Chain: Dusk
- - Can be activated other than as a combo movement for Dust I, II

Obsidian Ashes, Prime: Obsidian Ashes
- - Increased speed of skill's motions
- Can be comboed with Smoky Haze
- Improved to combo more quickly into another skill

Smoky Haze
- No character collision while using skill -  No character collision while using skill

Dark Shadow
- DP buff nullified when comboing into another skill
- Quick Slot available
- DP buff applied before comboing into another skill
- Quick Slot unavailable
- Cannot be activated when your Guard Gauge is at 0

Spirit Combustion
- All Accuracy Rate +12%
- Magic AP +10
- All Accuracy Rate +5%,
- Critical Hit Damage +10%

Corrupt Ground
- - Increased speed of skill motions
- Changed attack range of certain hits to match the actual description

Absolute: Corrupt Ground
- Hit damage 1550% x6 - Attack damage 1550% x7

Pervasive Darkness
- - Combos with Enforcement after hits are applied

Combo with Flow: Termination during Enforcement
- Hold ↓ + RMB after Enforcement   -Hold RMB after Enforcement

Prime: Wheel of Fortune
- Critical Hit Rate +50% - Critical Hit Rate +0%
- Increased attack range

Prime: Ravage Rake
- 1 Hit damage 714/867/1020/1173% x2
- 2, 3 Hit damage 714/867/1020/1173% x3
- Attack 1 damage 714/867/1020/1173% x3
- Attacks 2 and 3 damage 714/867/1020/1173% x4
- Slightly increased attack range
- Improved to activate attacks 2 and 3 more quickly

Prime: Nocturne
- - Increase max range approx. +23%

Prime: Air Strike
- Hit damage 997% x3
- Extra hit damage 997% x4
- Damage -30.5% in PvP
- Attack damage 1156% x3
- Extra attack damage 1156% x4
- Damage -35% in PvP
* Includes comboing with Flow: Vedir Strike
- Slightly increased speed before attack
(max distance traveled remains the same)
- Guard extra damage on attack 1

Prime: Kamasylvia Slash
- - Improved to combo more quickly with Dusk while charging
- Can activate combo attacks with Smoky Haze

Prime: Lunacy of Vedir
- 12 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +100%
- 9 sec cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvP only)
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Improved to combo more quickly into another skill
- Improved to combo more quickly into Dusk
- Can be activated with SHIFT + RMB
- Increased attack range

Prime: Spirit Legacy III
- 11 sec cooldown
- Hit damage 1128% x8
- 8 sec cooldown
- Attack damage 1297% x8

Prime: Twilight Dash
- Hit damage 1056% x6
- Extra hit damage 840% x6
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Attack damage 1173% x6
- Extra attack damage 1056% x6
- Critical Hit Rate +50%(PvP only)
- Activated in the direction of the camera angle

Prime: Slanted Balance
- - Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only) 
- Slightly increased range where Floating is applied

Prime: Slanted Balance, Slanted Balance
- - Slightly increased speed when comboing into Pervasive Darkness 

Prime: Enforcement
- - Slightly increased speed of comboing into Flow: Termination

Shadow Strike
- - Changed to activate combo with another skill only after attack
- Changed the point when attack is applied to match the actual motions of your character
Air Strike, Twilight Dash, Trap of Vedir, Spirit Hunt, Flow: Darkness Outpouring, Balanced Strike - - Continues your character's motions more naturally when used in the air

● Prime: Lunacy of Vedir - Increased the speed of attack motions slightly when using the command keys after the following skills:
- Prime: Wheel of Fortune, Prime: Enforcement, Flow: Termination, Prime: Kamasylvia Slash
● Spirit Legacy - Fixed the issue where the motion appeared abnormal when attacking or getting struck during the skill.
● Prime: Nocturne - Fixed the issue where the skill would activate first after learning when comboing with the following skills while using a certain skill.
* Ravage Rake, Enforcement, Prime: Lunacy of Vedir, and Shadow Bullet
● Flow: Termination - Fixed the issue where the Floating effect would stack.
● Smoky Haze - Fixed the where the damage was not being applied properly when comboed after Obsidian Ashes (I to Absolute).
● Nocturne - Improved your character to disappear more naturally to match skill motions.
● Flow: Dark Execution - Improved to combo more quickly into other skills during Nocturne.
● Hallucination Snare - Improved to combo more quickly into other skills.


● Added Flow: Darkness Outpouring.
- You can move forward/backward to attack by holding LMB/RMB after Flow: Bombardment.

Skill Description Preview

Flow: Darkness Outpouring

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Twilight Dash
- - Activated in the direction of the camera angle

Touch of Exploitation (I to IV)
- Hit damage 423/607/760/923% x3, Max 4 hits
- Bound on last hit
- "Forward Guard while using skill" after learning the Core level of the skill
- Attack damage 423/607/760/923% x4, max 3 hits
- Last attack damage 423/607/760/923% x5
- Forward Guard during the skill
- "Bound on last attack hits" upon learning Core level of the skill
- Changed speed of motions
- Changed attack range
- Improved to combo more quickly into another skill

Flow: Root of Catastrophe
- 11 sec cooldown - 8.5 sec cooldown
- Super Armor during attack

Seed of Catastrophe IV
- 9 sec cooldown - 8 sec cooldown

Grip of Grudge
- Hit damage 988% x1, Max 8 hits - Attack damage 1251% x9
- Increased attack range

Shadow Bullet (I to II), Absolute: Shadow Bullet
- Cannot be activated in Awakening - Can be activated in Awakening

Spirit Legacy
- - Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill

Spirit Hunt I~III
- Hit damage 932/1047/1338% x4 - Attack damage 932/1047/1338% x5

Dark Nebula
- 1st hit damage 1341% x6
- 2nd hit damage 1341% x4
- Attack 1 damage 1341% x5
- Attack 2 damage 1341% x5

Flow: Bombardment
- - Changed motions to be more natural when comboing with another skill after using it forward

Dusk: Hallucination
- Can be learned in Awakening - Changed to a basic passive effect of Dusk I,II 

● Cluster of Despair - Made the following improvements:
- Increased attack range.
- Can be comboed with certain skills by pressing RMB.
- Improved to combo with certain skills more quickly.

Skill Before Reboot

Cluster of Despair

● Smoky Haze - Fixed the issue where your character would collide with other characters while moving when using in Awakening.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Striker as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Increase Grip - Added the skill.
- Hell Break - Removed the "Increased Grapple Success Rate" effect.

Skill Description

Increase Grip

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

 Flow: Savage Fang

- Air Smash -

 Bloody Fang

- Automatically activates when using Crimson Fang
- Critical Hit Rate +5% for 10 sec
- Automatically activates when using Martial Spirit  consuming skills
- Critical Hit Rate +30% for 10 sec when using Martial Spirit consuming skills that increase damage

 Wolf's Fang

- Charging available - Removed charging
- Increased activation speed

 Rising Wolf Fang

- Twisted Collision Hit damage 1213% x5 applied to all upstrike damage
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- Damage -48.2% in PvP
- Attack 1 damage 1320% x4, attack 2 damage 1320% x5
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Damage -50% in PvP
- Increased attack 1 activation speed

 Wolf's Explosive Fangs

- 16 sec cooldown
- 1st and 2nd Hit damage 782% x6
- Damage -60.1% in PvP
- Cooldown 8 sec
- Attacks 1 and 2 damage 1082% x6
- Damage -69% in PvP
- Increased attack range
- Increased activation speed
- Hidden Claw or backward evasion unavailable after attack 1

 Explosive Jolt

- - Increased attack 2's attack range
- Changed camera effect

 Massive Suppression

- 7 sec cooldown - 15 sec cooldown
- ↓ for backward evasion after failing grapple

 Taeback Kick

- Damage -38/-38/-20% in PvP
- Absolute: 3rd hit damage -30% in PvP
- Damage -30% in PvP
- Removed attacks 1 and 2
* Adjusted damage
- Changed visual effects
- Stiffness on hits
- Down Smash

 Sweeping Kick

- - Can be used separately for attacks 1 and 2

 Stalking Wolf

- - Increased activation speed of attack 1
- Changed to gradually increase damage when casting consecutively
* Adjusted damage
- Air Attack

Flow: Nimbus Strike, Flow: Landslide
- - Super Armor maintained until end of attack

Crouching Wolf
- Attack Speed +20% for 10 sec when consuming 30 Martial Spirit Shards - Attack Speed +20% for 20 sec when consuming 30 Martial Spirit Shards

Mountain Aura

- All DP +10 - All DP +20,
- Critical Hit Rate +20%

 Flow: Rock Smash

- Bound on hits - Bound on hits (PvE only)

Succession: Ankle Hook

- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 2 in PvP - Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 3 in PvP
- Forward Guard during skill use

Succession: Martial Deva

- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 2 in PvP
- Bound on hits
- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 3 in PvP
- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- Forward Guard during skill use

Succession: Flow: Savage Fang

- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 1 in PvP
- Air Smash
- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 2 in PvP

Succession: Flow: Bombardment

- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 1 in PvP - Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 2 in PvP

Succession: Combo: Final Blow

- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 1 in PvP - Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 2 in PvP

Prime: Wolf's Hunger

- Stun on 1st hit - Stun on Attack 1 (PvE only)
- Increased distance traveled for attacks 2 and 3
- Super Armor during attacks

Prime: Rampaging Predator

- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- Damage -13.5% in PvP
- Damage -48% in PvP

Prime: Wolf's Fang

- "Attack range increases during Energy Explosion"
- "Reduced number of hits when used instead of Discharge Energy."
- Stamina consumed while charging
- Largest attack area applied in all situations
- Increased attack range
- Increased attack range after charging
- Increased activation speed
- Stun always applied even without Flow: Prey Hunt or completing charging

Prime: Rage Hammer

- Discharge Energy 4 hits
- Bound on hits (PvE only)
- Attack range differs for every hit
- Number of hit increased during Energy Explosion
- Damage -28% in PvP
- Discharge Energy number of hits is 6
- Bound on hits
- Largest attack area applied for all attacks
- Attack range increased during Energy Explosion
- Damage -41% in PvP
- Prime: Discharge Energy's effects applied
* Prime: Wolf's Fang can be activated instantly after Discharge Energy
- Movement Speed -20% for 10 sec on hits

Prime: Somersault

- II: Hit damage 1047% x4,
Discharge Energy damage 1047% x1, Max  2 hits
- III: Hit damage 1266% x4,
Discharge Energy damage 1266% x1, Max2 hits
- II: attack damage 1154% x4,
Discharge Energy damage 1154% x1, max 2 hits
- III: attack damage 1400% x4,
Discharge Energy damage 1400% x1, max 2 hits
* Damage adjusted in PvP

Prime: Crimson Fang

- IV: Hit damage 1311% x3, Discharge Energy damage 1311% x2
- Damage -40.7% in PvP
- IV: attack damage 1415% x3, discharge energy damage 1415% x2
- Damage -45% in PvP

Prime: Skull Crusher

- Hit damage 821% x7
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvP only)
- Damage -31.9% in PvP
- Attack damage 1105% x7
* Adjusted damage reduction rate in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +100%
- Damage -49% in PvP

Prime: Knee Hammer

- - All AP +8/12/20 for 10 sec

Prime: Somersault III, Prime: Hidden Claw III

- All DP -15 for 10 sec - All DP -20 for 10 sec

 Prime: Hidden Claw

- Damage -54.7% in PvP - Increased duration of Invincible by 0.3 sec
- Damage -65% in PvP

Prime: Roaring Tiger

- Reduce the number of Discharge Energy hits by 2 in PvP - Reduce the number of discharge energy hits by 3 in PvP

● Crouching Wolf, Massive Suppression, Hell Break, Wolf's Hunger, Prime: Wolf's Hunger - Decreased the Stamina consumed during the backward evasion motion that can be activated during the skills.
● Wolf's Explosive Fangs - Improved to activate Prime: Wolf's Fang instantly after using the skill.
● Succession: Flash Step - Changed to consume Stamina only twice when activating the skill consecutively.
● Twisted Collision - Changed to display the falling motion when used in an area of higher elevation than before.
● Flash Step, Silent Step - Changed to not display the falling motion at the start of the skill.
● Prime: Skull Crusher - Fixed the issue where attacks would be activated in the air when used in an area of high elevation.
● Prime: Skull Crusher - Changed to display the falling motion when used in an area of higher elevation than before.
● Prime: Adamantine - Improved Flow: Deathstrike to not be activated when pressing ←/→.
● Wolf's Explosive Fangs - Improved to combo more naturally into Rampaging Predator and Prime: Rampaging Predator.
● Taeback Kick - Changed to apply the effect where damage increases by consuming Martial Spirits even when activated with Dash Kick.
● Taeback Kick - Improved to combo into Martial Deva, Flow: Explosive Blow, and Skull Crusher.
● Flow: Stalking Wolf - Made the following changes:
- Changed to activate from attack 2 when comboing with Hidden Claw.
- Improved to combo into Flow: Savage Fang and Roaring Tiger.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill.
- Improved to combo with Taeback Kick.
● Flow: Deathstrike, Combo: Final Blow - Improved to combo more smoothly into enhanced skills.
● Silent Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into Flow: Mass Destruction.
● Silent Step - Improved to combo into Rampaging Predator with your main weapon.
● Rising Wolf Fang - Improved to combo more smoothly into Prime: Skull Crusher.
● Iron Fist Fury - Improved to combo more smoothly into Crimson Fang, Adamantine, Twisted Collision, Rampaging Predator, and Prime: Rampaging Predator.
● Perfect Blow - Improved to combo more smoothly into Rage Hammer, Autumn Blaze, Prime: Skull Crusher, and Skull Crusher.
● Adamantine - Improved to combo into Flow: Deathstrike when holding RMB.
● Martial Deva - Improved to combo into Flow: Bombardment when holding RMB.
● Improved to now combo into Flow: Nimbus Strike after 1st hit of Flow: Landslide and Flow: Fatal Smash.
● Flow: Tornado Kick - Improved to combo more smoothly into Flow: Stalking Wolf and Hidden Claw.
● Wolf's Fang, Prime: Wolf's Fang - Improved to combo into Wolf's Explosive Fangs when holding LMB.
● Flash Step, Silent Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into Prime: Rampaging Predator.
● Prime: Somersault - Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill.
● Prime: Somersault - Improved to combo into Combo: Hurricane when pressing F.
● Prime: Hidden Claw - Improved to combo more smoothly into Flash Step.
● Flow: Mass Destruction - Improved to now combo into Succession: Ankle Hook.
● Flow: Mass Destruction - Improved to combo into Flow: Explosive Blow when pressing LMB.
● Flow: Mass Destruction - Improved to combo more smoothly into Prime: Somersault and Prime: Rage Hammer.
● Prime: Wolf's Hunger - Changed to move during attacks when activating Prime: Rage Hammer.
● Prime: Wolf's Hunger - Improved to now combo into Flow: Explosive Blow and Taeback Kick.
● Prime: Skull Crusher - Improved to combo more smoothly into Somersault, Wolf's Hunger, Knee Hammer, and Hidden Claw.
● Iron Fist Fury, Perfect Blow - Alleviated the issue where your character would become slow when hitting your enemies.
● Wolf's Hunger - Fixed the issue where Stamina wouldn't be consumed on backward evasion.
● Prime: Wolf's Fang - Fixed the issue where Forward Guard would be applied even on cooldown when activated instantly.
● Prime: Rampaging Predator - Improved on the issue where your character would get stuck in certain locations when changing the way of approaching enemies.



● Added a visual effect that lets you know that Martial Spirit Shards are consumed when activating the following skills by consuming Martial Spirit Shards in Awakening.
● Changed skill from Land Buster to Battle Cry.

  Before Reboot

Land Buster

 Battle Cry



- Changed the motion.
- Added Super Armor effect.
- Changed to 7 sec cooldown.
- Added Recover 50 HP effect on hits
- Added Stun effect against monsters.

● Changed skill from Flow: Skull Hammer to Savage Somersault.

  Before Reboot

Flow: Skull Hammer

Savage Somersault


- Changed the motion.
- Separated as individual skill and changed control keys. Adjusted damage with this change.
- Added the "Increases damage by consuming Martial Spirit Shards" effect.
- Changed the debuff applied in PvE from Knockdown to Floating.
- Changed special attack from Down Attack to Air Attack.

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

- Hit damage 1183% x6
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Decreases number of hits by 3 in PvP
- Damage -29.8% in PvP
- Attack damage 1542%  x6
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP
- Damage -45% in PvP
- Increased attack range
- Increase damage by consuming Martial Spirit Shards

 Endless Fight

- Stun on hit.
- 1st Hit damage 1066% x3
- 2nd Hit damage 959% x3
-1st Hit damage -37.1% in PvP
- 2nd Hit damage -47.5% in PvP
- Stiffness on hits.
- Attack damage 1066% x4
- Down Smash
- Damage -40% in PvP

 Spiral Cannon

- All DP -15 for 10 sec on successful hits for III skills.  - III: All DP -20 for 10 sec on successful hits.
- Extra attacks activated when holding LMB
- Increased duration of Super Armor for Core: Spiral Cannon 

 Echo Spirit

- Hit damage 617% x16 - Attack damage 1228% x16
- Changed skill's visual effect

Hell Break

- 10 sec cooldown - 25 sec cooldown

 Endless Explosion

- 1, 2, 3 Hit damage 868/967/1041% x3
- 4th Hit damage 868/967/1041% 4
- Critical Hit Rate +30/50/70%(PvE only)
- Air Attack on last hit
- Floating on last hit
- HP Recovery +20/25/30 per hit
- Attacks 1, 2. and 3 damage 916/1032/1201% x3
- Attack 4 damage 916/1032/1201% x4
* Decreased damage applied on cooldown
- Critical Hit Rate +10/15/20%
- Air Attack
- Floating on attack 1
- Recover 30 HP per hit

 Infernal Destruction

- Down Smash
- IV: 1st Hit damage 1248% x6
- IV: Last Hit damage 1248% x2
- Down Smash on last attack
- IV: attack 1 damage 1355% x6, max 2 hits
- IV: last attack damage 1355% x2
* Adjusted damage in PvP

 Skull Crusher

- III, IV: hit damage 877/1282% x7
- III, IV: Extra hit damage 877/1282% x5
- Damage -44.5/44.5/44.6/53% in PvP
- III, IV: attack damage 990/1372% x7
- III, IV:  extra attack damage 990/1372% x5
- Damage -50/50/58.5/65.9% in PvP

 Ultimate Crush

- Consumes 200/150/100/100 Stamina
- WP Recovery +10/12/15/15 on hits
- All DP -10/12/15/15 for 10 sec on 1st hit
- (II to IV) 1st, 2nd Hit damage 799/955/1111% x3
- (II to IV) 3rd Hit damage 799/955/1111% x1, Max4 hits
- II to IV: Damage -59.7/60.6/61.3% in PvP
- Consumes 150/100/50/50 Stamina
- Recover WP +15 on hits
- All DP -10/12/15/20 for 10 sec on hits
- II to IV: attacks 1 and 2 damage 821/1032/1321% x3
- I to IV: attack 3 damage 821/1032/1321% x1, max 4 hits
- II to IV: Damage -60.8/63.6/67.4% in PvP
- Recover 2 times the Martial Spirit Shards on hits

 Double Flash

- Active skill
- Cooldown
- Consumes Stamina
- Passive skill
- Consume Stamina only twice when activating Flash Step consecutively
* Activate Flash Step after Silent Step in Awakening

 Rampaging Predator

- Attack range differs for every hit
- Number of hits decreased by 2 in PvP
- Largest attack area applied for all attacks
- Number of hits not decreased in PvP

 Silent Step

- - Invincible/Super Armor +0.2 sec in Awakening

 Flow: Prey Hunt

- Echo Spirit uses Stiffness when consuming shards with your gauntlet  - Echo Spirit uses Stiffness when consuming shards with your gauntlet
 (PvE only)

 Flow: Bite Off

- Rampaging Predator damage applied in PvP
- Damage -72.1% in PvP
- Added damage applied when Striker attacks
* Changed Echo Spirit damage to Echo Spirit effect
- Changed skill's motions
- Can be activated when Rampaging Predator is on cooldown
- Damage -55% in PvP

 Ferocious Assault

- - Can recover Stamina when Super Armor is no longer in effect

 Ferocious Assault, Flow: Crosswind, Endless Fight

- Increase damage by consuming 10 Martial Spirit Shards when you have 30 - Increase damage by consuming 10 Martial Spirit Shards when you have 20 or more

Flow: Crosswind

- Damage -14.2% in PvP when consuming Martial Spirit - Damage -30% in PvP when consuming Martial Spirit

Echo Spirit damage for skills excluding Rampaging Predator, Flow: Bite Off, Echo Spirit

- Hit damage 501% - Attack damage 932%
* Damage decreased in PvP

● Added Enhanced: Mass Destruction.
- The skill will be activated with your gardbrace when using Flow: Mass Destruction with your gardbrace after learning the skill.

Skill Description Preview

Enhanced: Mass Destruction

● Echo Spirit - Reduced the damage reduction rate from 60% to 78.5% in PvP for all that appear in the following Awakening skills.
- Ultimate Crush, Infernal Destruction, Endless Explosion, and Skull Crusher
● Land Buster - Changed the effects of the skill to apply as a standard effect after learning the skills Infernal Destruction III, IV.
● Flow: Skull Hammer - Changed the effects of the skill to apply to the skills Skull Crusher III, IV as extra attacks.
- Therefore. The attack area of Flow: Skull Hammer was made the same as the attack area of Skull Crusher.
● Changed to move backward with Super Armor applied in case of guard break when moving backward while Descent of Fury is in effect.
● Flow: Mass Destruction - Improved to now combo into Crimson Fang in Awakening.
● Taeback Kick - Changed to not be activated when holding SHIFT with your gardbrace.
● Flash Step, Silent Step - Changed to activate Skull Crusher before Taeback Kick when pressing command keys for Skull Crusher.
● Hell Break - Improved to activate the backward evasion motion activated when pressing ↓ to activate more quickly when Grapple fails.
● Flow: Crosswind - Changed to activate the falling motion at an area of higher elevation.
● Ferocious Assault - Improved to now combo into Endless Fight when holding LMB.
● Flow: Crosswind - Improved to combo more smoothly into Skull Crusher.
● Ultimate Crush - Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill.
● Endless Explosion - Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill.
● Ferocious Assault - Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill.
● Improved to combo into other skills and movements after the backward evasion motion in Awakening.
● Silent Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into another skill when consuming Martial Spirit Shards in Awakening.
● Flash Step, Silent Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into Rampaging Predator in Awakening.
● Silent Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into Flash Step, Flow: Mass Destruction, Echo Spirit, Rampaging Predator in Awakening.
● Endless Fight - Improved to combo more smoothly into Autumn Blaze, Tornado Kick, Ultimate Crush, Endless Explosion, and Fallout.
● Ferocious Assault - Changed the motion where your character falls from a place of high elevation to be more natural when used consecutively or comboed with Spiral Cannon.
● Fixed the issue where comboing with Spiral Cannon - Ferocious Assault at a high elevation would activate the falling motion instantly.
● Spiral Cannon - Fixed the issue where Fist of True Strength would be activated first while sprinting even when pressing the command keys for Spiral Cannon.
● Skull Crusher, Core: Skull Crusher, Black Spirit: Skull Crusher - Improved on the issue where the attack would activate in midair.
● Skull Crusher - Fixed the issue where your character would display its falling animation when used from a certain height.
● Rampaging Predator - Improved on the issue where he would get stuck in certain locations by changing the way he approaches enemies.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Mystic as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Changed to Martial Spirits consumed on the description of skills that uses Martial Spirit Shards consumption.
* 10 Martial Spirit Shards make up 1 Martial Spirit.
● Added the skill Increase Grip.

Skill Description

Increase Grip

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

 Roaring Tiger

- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvE only)
- 7 sec cooldown
- Air Smash
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- 5 sec cooldown
- Increased attack range

 Flow: Prey Hunt

- Stiffness on hits (PvE only) - Stiffness on hits

 Rage Hammer

- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only) - Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
- Increased attack range

 Thunder Pound

- - Increased attack range
- Prime Skill Critical Hit Rate +10/15/20/25% (PvE only)


- Stiffness on hits - Stiffness on hits (PvE only)

 Twisted Collision

- - Forward Guard during skill use

Elbow Edge

- - Attack range increased for attack 2


- 7 sec cooldown - 15 sec cooldown

Scissor Kick

- Super Armor - Super Armor during skill
- Recover Stamina at the end of the skill motion.

Mountain Aura

- All DP +10 - All DP +20
- Critical Hit Rate +20%

Prime: Tornado Kick

- III Hit damage 1156% x6
- Reduced evasion rate when used on cooldown
- III: attack damage 1288% x6
- No reduced Evasion Rate when used on cooldown

 Prime: Soul Basher III

- Hit damage 880% x3
- Consecutive Hit damage 880% x6
- Last Hit damage 880% x6
- Damage -58.3% in PvP
- Attack damage 1010% x3
- Continued attack damage 1010% x6
- Last attack damage 1010% x6
- Damage -63.7% in PvP

 Prime: Scissor Kick

- Floating on 1st hit with Prime skills - Increased distance traveled
- Floating on last hit with Prime skills

 Prime: Hidden Claw

- III, IV Hit damage 516/632% x3
- III, IV Consecutive Hit damage 516/632% x4, Max 2 hits
- III, IV Last Hit damage 516/632% x3
- Damage -29.9% in PvP
- III, IV: attack damage 682/868% x3
- III, IV: continued attack damage 682/868% x4, max 2 hits
- III, IV: last attack damage 682/868% x3
- Damage -43.1% in PvP

 Prime: Fist Fury

- - Critical Hit Rate +10% (PvE only)

 Prime: Sea Burial

- Press ↑ + RMB to use Flow: Strikethrough after using the skill - Cannot activate Flow: Strikethrough by pressing ↑ + RMB after using the skill
- Press RMB to use Flow: Fatal Smash after using the skill
- Increase activation speed
- Increase distance traveled

 Prime: Wave Orb

- Hit damage 968% x7
- Hit damage 1439% x9 when using Martial Spirit
- Normal Hit damage -30% in PvP
- Hit damage -36% in PvP when using Martial Spirit
- Attack damage 1602% x7
- Attack damage 1602% x10 when using Martial Spirit
- Normal attack damage -56% in PvP
- Attack damage -46% in PvP when using Martial Spirit
- Recovers 200 HP when it activates while using Martial Spirit

 Prime: Sweeping Kick

- 1st Hit damage 413/620/930% x4
- 2nd Hit damage 413/620/930% x5
- Damage -46% in PvP
- Attack 1 damage 623/935/1203% x4
- Attack 2 damage 623/935/1203% x5
- Damage -55.1% in PvP
- All AP +8/12/20 for 10 sec when using Prime skills

● Silent Step - Increased the duration of the defensive effect on the skill by 0.2 sec.
● Increased the duration of the Block effect by 0.2 sec during the Backward Evasion motion after using certain skills.
● Improved the increased amount of Martial Spirit is applied when you combo into Absolute skills in Succession state.
● Changed the Prime: Wave Orb to automatically activate after evading backward when you combo into Prime: Hidden Claw while charging Prime: Wave Orb.
● Double Flash - Improved the skill to be available with the main weapon. However, she will change to her awakening weapon when the skill is used.
● Crouching Wolf, Flow: Prey Hunt, Wolf's Frenzy - Reduced the Stamina consumed when pressing ↓ after the skills to evade backward.
● Flash Step - Improved her movements to appear less awkward when comboing into Elbow Edge.
● Elbow Edge - Changed to now move the same distance when used in place as when comboing into Flash Step.
● Improved to immediately land when performing a jump attack from a high place.
● Flash Step - Improved to combo more smoothly into Crouching Wolf after using the skill.
● Tornado Kick - Improved to be activated after Prime: Scissor Kick when holding ↑ + F.
● Prime: Hidden Claw - Improved to combo more naturally into Flash Step and Silent Step.
● Prime: Wave Orb - Improved to combo more smoothly into Prime: Wave Orb after the 1st hit of Prime: Sweeping Kick and Prime: Tornado Kick.
● Prime: Tornado Kick - Improved to combo more smoothly into Roaring Tiger after using the skill.
● Succession: Crouching Wolf - Removed the description regarding that and unified it to match the normal Crouching Wolf.
● Flow: Prey Hunt will automatically activate when you have 30 Martial Spirit Shards, and similar to when using Cestus it does not use any Martial Spirit when it's activated.
● Flow: Prey Hunt - Fixed the issue where using Flash Step with your main weapon then comboing into the skill consumed Martial Spirit.
● Flash Step - Fixed the issue where skills like Prime: Sea Burial, Prime: Wave Orb did not activate when the skill was used after Flow: Prey Hunt with your main weapon.



● Added the skills Raging Wind and Earth Splitter.

Skill Description Preview
Raging Wind
Earth Splitter

● Changed the skill Dragon Shatter to Dragon Strike.

  Before Reboot

 Dragon Shatter

 Dragon Strike



- Changed the motion to perform a single powerful strike.
- Changed the cooldown from 3 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Adjusted damage of skill.
- Decreased attack 1 damage -54.1% and decreased the last attack damage from -47.4% to 50% in PvP.

● Wolf's Frenzy - Changed effect of the skill due to removal of Enhance: Wolf's Frenzy.
- Wolf's Frenzy can be used in Awakening
- Increased number of attacks by 1
- Maximum of 10 hits
- Accuracy Rate +12%
- Invincible during skill
- Applies stiffness on hits (PvE only)
- Stun on last attack hits (PvE only)
- Changed reduced damage from -13.6% to -75.1% in PvP.

Skill Before Reboot

Wolf's Frenzy

● Removed the following skill and added its base effect to certain skills.

Removed Skill with the Added Effect
Enhance: Wolf's Frenzy Wolf's Frenzy
Flow: Wave Orb Wave Orb
* Changed Dragonize attack damage to Wave Orb damage 

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Dragon's Rip

- Movement speed by -30% - Removed "Movement Speed by -30%"

Rising Dragon IV
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
- Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvP only)
- I to IV: Damage -55/55/55/27.1% in PvP
- I to IV: Damage -40.1% in PvP
- Critical Hit Rate +50%
- Damage -55% in PvP

Double Flash
- Active skill
- Consumes Stamina
- Passive skill
- Consumes Stamina only 2 times if Flash Step activates consecutively
 * Flash Step activates after Silent Step in Awakened

 Tidal Burst, Rapid Stream

- Reduced damage when used on cooldown - No reduced damage when used on cooldown

 Rapid Stream

- All DP -20 for 20 seconds on 1st and last hit
 * Nullified when used on cooldown
- All DP -20 for 20 seconds on attack 1 and last attack hits

Wave Orb
- Cooldown: 15/14/13 sec
- II, III: Hit damage 1103/1202% x7
- Damage -46.9% in PvP
- 13/12/11 sec cooldown
- II, III: attack damage 1213/1422% x7
- Damage -73% in PvP

Flow: Sea Burial

- Required Stamina 200
- Hold RMB after Sea Burial
- Does not require Stamina
- Auto-activated after Sea Burial
● Tidal Burst - Improved the last attack to combo faster into Wave Orb.
● Dragonize - Changed so if your guard is broken while moving backward in this state, you will now gain Super Armor.
● Flow: Sea Burial - Changed to now auto-activate when using Sea Burial.
- Changed the reduced damage value from 35/35/55.4% to 62.6/67.9/74.7% in PvP.
- Changed the Dragonize effect and reduced damage value from 29.9/30/29.9% to 62.2/67.9/74.7% in PvP
● Hurricane Sweep - Improved to combo more smoothly from attacks 2 and 3.
● Gushing Waters - Alleviated the issue where you would slow down when the skill hits.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Lahn as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Stately Dignity
- No WP required
- Cannot be used while on cooldown
- Recovers WP +100/150/200 when used
- Requires 150 WP
- Can be used on cooldown
- Recovers 150/200/250 HP on use
- Only applies the "draws the attention of surrounding foes" effect when used on cooldown

Nimbus Stride
- Collides with characters and monsters - No collision when using the skill

Flow: Nimbus Stride
- 35 sec cooldown - 30 sec cooldown

Flow: Sacred Dance
- Knockdown on upward strike, upward slash hit - Knockdown on upward strike and upward slash attack hits (PvE only)


- Increase Attack Speed +3.5%
- Increase Movement Speed +2.5%
 * Nirvana Step
- Increase Attack Speed +10%
- Increase All Accuracy Rate 5%,
 * Removed Nirvana Step

Prime: Bleeding Hearts
- 12 sec cooldown
- Damage -40% in PvP 
- 10 sec cooldown
- Damage -51.8% in PvP

Prime: Cymbidium
- Able to combo into Prime: Phantom Dance after attack 1
- Able to combo into Prime: Phantom Dance, Prime: Furious Chase, Prime: Salp'uri Purge smoothly

Prime: Primrose Sprint
- Able to combo with Prime: Salp'uri Purge

Prime: Spring Breeze
- Able to use Prime: Primrose Sprint while gliding - Able to use Prime: Primrose Sprint, Succession: Nimbus Stride, Succession: Flow: Nimbus Stride while gliding
- Able to combo into Prime: Salp'uri Purge while gliding
- Able to keep gliding during Nimbus Stride after learning Lv. III

Prime: Pendulum Kick
- Able to combo into Prime: Phantom Dance, Prime: Primrose Sprint, Prime: Furious Chase smoothly
- Increase activation speed
- Increased attack range
- Improved to hit the same area
- Critical Hit Rate + 25%

Prime: Blooming Nether Flower IV
- Hit Damage 1124% x1, Max 31 Hit
- IV: Damage -62% in PvP
- Attack damage 1236% x1, max 31 hits
- IV: damage -65.5% in PvP

Prime: Crescent Barrage
- - Reduced the jump height of attack 4

Prime: Salp'uri Purge
- - Super Armor during skill
- Able to combo into Prime: Furious Chase, Prime: Blooming Nether Flower smoothly

Prime: Phantom Dance
- - Able to combo into Prime: Furious Chase smoothly

Prime: Blade Dance
- - Added +10% damage against enemies on Guard to attack 1

● Prime: Pendulum Kick - Improved to be able to combo into Prime: Cymbidium after the attack 1 of the skill.
● Prime: Salp'uri Purge - Changed the commands for the skill.

Before Reboot
SHIFT + Q during Succession: Nimbus Stride, or while flying during Spring Breeze to perform Forward Attack Q during Succession: Nimbus Stride, or while flying during Spring Breeze to perform forward attack

● Succession: Nimbus Stride, flying during Spring Breeze - Changed to not be able to combo into Prime: Salp'uri Purge when used in too high of a location.
● Blade of Souls - Fixed the issue where Stiffen did not apply when used on cooldown.


● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Deadly Dance
- - Improved to move in the direction the camera is facing

Flow: Mangler
- Hit damage 1279% x10 - Attack damage 1151% x10
- Adjusted attack range
- Able to combo into Bleeding Hearts

Soul Raid
- 11 sec cooldown - 17 sec cooldown
- Super Armor on grab

Bleeding Hearts
- 12 sec cooldown
- Throw Hit Damage 1119% x1 Max 8 Hits
- Pull Hit Damage 1119% x1, Max 5 Hits
- 7 sec cooldown
- Throw attack damage 1008% x8
- Pull attack damage 1008% x1, max 5 hits
- Adjusted to attack the same area
- Able to combo into Taunting Death smoothly

- 10/9.5/9 sec cooldown
- Knockdown on 1st Hit hit
- 1st Hit Damage 885/1187/1418% x4
- 2nd Hit Damage 885/1187/1418% x4
-  9/8/7 sec cooldown
- Floating on attack 2 hits
- Attack 1 damage 885/1187/1418% x2
- Attack 2 damage 885/1187/1418% x6
- Activates attack 2 if used after Mangler, Eradication attack 1, Deadly Dance, Bloody Stride, Bridled Despair, Earthly Pain attack 1

- - Adjusted attack range of attack 1 and 2
- Increased attack range of attack 1

Flow: Dancing with Death
- All damage applies Furor damage x6 - All damage applies Furor damage x8

Taunting Death
- Required Stamina: 400
- Stiffen on hit
- Hit Damage 703/854/1005/1156% x6
- Required Stamina: 200
- Stiffen on hits (PvE only)
- Attack damage 844/1024/1206/1387% x6
- Increased attack range
- Activation speed increased while attacking
- Super Armor
- Stiffen when Core: Taunting Death is learned
- Improved on the issue where the character stopped on hits

Earthly Pain
- Able to learn levels I to IV
- Able to learn Core: Earthly Pain
- Changed to have only 1 level
- Removed Core: Earthly Pain and replaced it with Core: Bridled Despair

Bridled Despair
- Only 1 level - Changed to be able to learn levels I to IV (damage is the same as before)
- Adjusted attack range to hit farther away
- Holding RMB will combo into Flow: Mangler after the skill
(Does not combo when holding ↓ + RMB)
- Stun when Core: Bridled Despair is learned

Flailing Blades
- Able to learn levels I to IV
- Increase Attack Speed +15% for 10 sec
- Changed to have only 1 level
- Increase Attack Speed +15% for 15 sec
- Removed Core: Flailing Blades, Replaced with Core: Eradication

● Eradication - Made the following changes:

Skill Before Reboot


● Added the skill Core: Eradication.

Skill Description Preview

Core: Eradication

● Blood Moon Twist - Made the following changes:

Skill Before Reboot

Blood Moon Twist

● Black Spirit: Bleeding Hearts - Fixed the issue where less targets were being hit than the number shown in the skill description.
● Flow: Dancing with Death - Fixed the issue where the Knockdown effect was being applied multiple times.
● Deadly Dance - Fixed the issue where the Floating effect was being applied multiple times on certain targets.
● Deadly Dance - Fixed the issue where the Air Smash effect was being applied multiple times on certain targets.
● Deadly Dance - Fixed the issue where the Air Smash effect was not being applied occasionally.




● Improved the appearance (customization) of Archer as follows:
- Added a new face type and hair style.
- Changed the default outfit and portrait on the character creation window.
- The new customization features will be applied to the default appearance when creating a new character. For existing characters, you can apply the changed customization features via the Beauty Album (F4) UI.
* You can continue to select the existing face types and hair styles.
● Improved to apply Back Attack damage when hitting an enemy from the back.

Main Weapon

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

- - Added All AP +20 for 30 sec
- Added All Accuracy Rate +12% for 30 sec

Storm of Light (I to Absolute)
- Movement Speed -10%/15%/20% for 10 sec
- Stiffen on 1st, 2nd Hit hit (PvE Only)
- Knockdown on Last Hit hit
- All DP -15 for 10 sec on hit
- Super Armor until attack motion
- 8 sec cooldown
- Increase motion speed of the motion before the attack and consecutive skill activation
- Able to combo into Glide during consecutive skill activation

Absolute: Storm of Light
- Hit Damage 997% x2, Max 8 Hits - Attack damage 1260% x2, max 8 hits

Wrath of Nature
- Hit Damage 101/178/334/494/788/1047% x5
- Ranged AP +2/4/6/8/10/12 for 10 sec upon using the skill
- Down Smash
- Down Attack
- Added charge effect
- Slightly increased the motion speed before the attack
- Able to attack after Glide when charged
- Attack damage before charging
101/178/334/494/788/1047% x5
- Attack damage after charging
101/178/334/494/788/1047% x10
- Super Armor while charging

Earth Shatter
- Attack twice
- Hit Damage 88/167/314/569/712/942% x4/5/6/7/8/8, Max 2 Hit
- Push on hits (PvE Only)
- One attack
- Attack damage 88/167/314/569/712/1158% x12
- Increased motion speed before the attack to activate the skill faster
- Improved the range where max hits are being applied
- Pain damage 65 every 3 sec for 18 sec on hits

Grace of Sylvia
- Critical Hit Rate +12%
- Ranged AP +10
- Increase All Accuracy Rate +5%
- All AP +12

Arrow Explosion (VI, Absolute)
- - Adjusted attack range to hit enemies nearby

Absolute: Arrow Explosion
- - Changed PvP number of hits to match PvE number of hits

Gaping Darkness
-   - Changed the motion to be shorter
- Slightly increased the traveled distance
- Increased combo speed with Flow: Shadow Hack

Volant Kick, Ascending Spirit
 -   - Changed to be the Flow skills of Earth Kick

Mountain Breeze, Uproot
 -  - Able to be used with your crossbow

Earth's Judgment
- Hit damage 1031% x2, Max 5 Hits - Attack damage 1031% x6
- Improved the range where max hits are being applied

Covering Fire (I to Absolute)
- Hit Damage x84/132/257/382/522/758% x1, Max 4/5/6/7/8/8 Hits - Attack damage 84/132/389/573/842/1156% x2, max 4/5/6/7/8/8 hits

● Changed the effects of Breath skills to the following:

Before Reboot Skills Applied Breath Effects

Breath: Deceleration

Breath: Deceleration
Meteor Dive Movement Speed -30% for 10 sec on Meteor Dive hits
(Nullified during cooldown)

Breath: Recover

Breath: Recover
Wrath of Nature Recover 300 HP when Wrath of Nature charging is complete

Breath: Stun

Breath: Stigma
Arrow Explosion Activates Light's Mark effect for 3 sec on Arrow Explosion hits

* Combined the additional effects applied to skills upon learning the previous Breath skills to Breath of the Spirit.

● Changed Ra'ghon's Spirit to Wind Razor.

  Before Reboot
Ra'ghon's Spirit

Wind Razor


● Breath: Recover - Fixed the issue where the additional damage was being applied less than the numbers in the Breath of the Spirit skill description.


● Added the skill Flow: Grand Bloom.
- Changed the number of targets hit and attack range of Full Bloom III when Flow: Grand Bloom is learned.

Skill Description

Flow: Grand Bloom

● Added the skill Marked Bloom.
- Marked Bloom applies the arrow attack damage of the skill Full Bloom (I to III). Added the following effects on top of the Full Bloom skill effects to apply on hits.

Skill Description Preview

Marked Bloom

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Reboot

Light's Path
- - Able to adjust the intensity of the skill visual effect by adjusting the Camera Effects in game settings

Piercing Light (I to III)
- Charges twice
- Stiffen upon charging once
- Knockdown upon charging twice
- Changed to charge once
- Knockdown on charged hits
- Hold E to perform standing attack

Piercing Light (II to III)
- 25/23 sec cooldown - 20/15 sec cooldown

Righteous Smite
- Hit damage 1756% x7
- Damage -25% in PvP
- Attack damage 1756% x10
- Damage -36.25% in PvP
- Super Armor during the skill

- 1st hit damage 688% x2
- 2nd hit damage 688% x2
- 3rd hit damage 1032% x2
- Attack 1 damage 688% x2
- Attack 2 damage 1032% x2
- Attack 3 damage 1032% x4
- Ranged AP +12 for 10 sec

Tactical Strike
- 3 hit motions
- 1st Hit Damage 872% x2
- 2nd Hit Damage 872% x2
- 3rd Hit Damage 872% x3
- 1 attack motion
- Attack damage 872% x5

Radiant Explosion IV
- Hit Damage 1260% x6
- Damage reduced by -40% in PvP
- Attack damage 1430% x8
- Damage -46% in PvP

Ravenous Talon
- Extra Hit Damage 722% x4, Max 1 Hit - Extra attack damage 722% x6
- Adjusted attack motion speed

Nature Shattering Arrow
- 24 sec cooldown - 20 sec cooldown

● Full Bloom (I to III) - Changed the damage applied when using the skill on cooldown to match the skill description.
● Righteous Smite - Fixed the issue where you would change to main weapon stance when comboed with Glide, Ultimate: Zephyr Leap.
● Mountain Breeze - Changed the character motion to appear more natural when used while airborne.
● Glissade, Glide - Improved your character to move more naturally in the air in an area with difference in elevation.




● Increased the damage that the Shai class deals to the Ninja class by 34.09%.
● Added the skill Yippee!.
- You can use boost and jump by pressing F or SPACE.

Skill Description Preview


● Added the skill Try This!.

Skill Description Preview

Try This!

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skill Before Improvements & Changes
All attack skills - - Damage +20%
All skills where you throw your florang - - Increased attack range

Hop, Tuck-and-Roll
- Cannot be used during Come Out, Come Out - Can be used during Come Out, Come Out

- Quick Slot available - Cannot be used with Quick Slot

- - Switches from Talent to florang

Gather Around!
- - Increase Gathering (R) speed after using skill

● Increased the buff duration for self and allies of the following skills:

Increased Buff Duration on Self (60 sec)
Increased Buff Duration on Allies (30 sec)

Sun, Moon, Stars

Shout to the Sky

Time to Shine!

Summer Rain

Outta My Way!

Rage Absorption (Innate)

Time to Shine!

Summer Rain

● Summer Rain, Time to Shine! - Improved to use the skills by pressing the following commands with your Tute in Talent.

Commands Plays
→ + F

← + F

● Added a forward evade motion.
● Evasion - Added commands ↑+↑/→+→/←+←/↓+↓ to perform the skill (rolls).
● Go Away - Improved to be able to apply skill add-ons.
● Twirl-Three - Improved to be activated instead of One-Two-Three when pressing SHIFT + RMB during a certain skill with your florang.
● Hop - Improved to move more naturally when used consecutively while moving forward or backward.
● Fixed the issue where you wouldn't recover Stamina when your character stops moving.



New and Improvements

● Improved the following skills to process hits better on uneven heights.
- Scornful Slash, Dragon's Maw, Pulverization, Mutilation, Black Blood Slaughter


Main Weapon, Succession

● Made changes to the following skills:

Skills Before After
Prime: Claw Reveal - Hit Damage 816% x 3 - Attack damage 1216% x 5
Absolute: Omua's Objurgation - Hit Damage 705% x 8 - Attack damage 1131% x 8
Absolute: Black Blood's Descent - Hit Damage 801% x 5 - Attack damage 1447% x 5
Flow: Black Blood Eruption - All damage applies Black Blood Circle damage x4 - All damage applies Black Blood Circle damage x6
Bone Freezing Wind - Critical Hit Damage +11.5% - Critical Attack damage +10%
- All AP +12
Chokeslam (I to Absolute) - 8/8/7 sec cooldown - 16/16/15 sec cooldown
Prime: Black Blood Circle - Hit Damage 519/667/815/1107% x 10
- I to III: Damage -35% in PvP
- IV: Damage -43.5% in PvP
- Attack damage 667/815/1107/1456% x 10
- I to III: Damage -44.75% in PvP
- IV: Damage -52% in PvP
Prime: Savage Hack - 1st, 2nd Hit Damage 741/906/1071% x3
- 3rd Hit Damage 741/906/1071% x4
- 4th Hit Damage 741/906/1071% x5
- Attack 1, 2, and 3 damage 906/1071/1256% x5
- Last attack damage 906/1071/1256% x7
Prime: Boulder Crush - 1,2 Hit Damage 813/1045/1277/1509% x 1, Max 3 Hits
- 3,4 Hit Damage 813/1045/1277/1509% x 1, Max 4 Hits
- Damage -30% in PvP
- Attack 1 and 2 damage 813/1045/1277/1509% x4
- Attack 3 and 4 damage 813/1045/1277/1509% x6
- Damage -37% in PvP
Prime: Mountain Slam - Hit Damage 508/653/798/1086% x 9 - Attack damage 653/798/1086/1332% x9
Prime: Avalanche Strike - Hit Damage 748/914/1080% x 7 - Attack damage 914/1080/1236% x9
Omua's Objurgation - Damage -35% in PVP - Damage -45% in PVP

● Prime: Mutilation, Prime: Black Blood Slaughter - Changed to apply their max hits within the entire area of effect.
● Fierce Disdain - Improved to combo smoother into other skills when Fierce Disdain is used laterally.
● Mutilation, Black Blood Slaughter - Fixed the issue where comboing into Savage Hack after using these skills would activate Avalanche Strike first.
● Omua's Objurgation - Improved to combo into other skills more moothly after using this skill.
● Omua's Objurgation - Changed the falling speed to appear more natural when the skill is used on a slope.
● Juggernaut, Sturdy Step, Guard - Fixed the issue where trying to combo into Avalanche Strike, Boulder Crush, Savage Hack during the skills would activate Juggernaut: Smite.
● Sturdy Step - Improved to combo into other skills more smoothly after using it.



● Made changes to the following skills:

Skills Before After
Scornful Slash - 1,2 Hit Damage 564/682/793/910% x 3
- Trail of fire Hit Damage 451/546/634/728% x 2, Max 4 Hits
- Air Attack
- Removed attack 1 and 2 damage
- Trail of fire attack damage 851/1013/1215/1431% x 5, max 2 hits
- Changed so max hits apply for all attack ranges
Searing Fang - 1st Hit Burn Damage 415/549/682% x2, Max 5 Hits
- Trail of fire damage -30% in PvP
- Attack 1 trail of fire damage 518/686/852% x8
- Trail of fire damage -65% in PvP
Neck Impaler - Cooldown 7 sec - 15 sec cooldown
God Incinerator - Hit Damage 593/751/909% x 14 - Attack damage 751/909/1056% x 14

● Guard - Changed to be unavailable when the Guard Guage is 0.
● Searing Fang - Changed to apply its max hits in its entire area of effect.
● Searing Fang - Fixed the issue where comboing into Fierce Disdain during the skill activated Flow: Suppress.
● Searing Fang - Improved to combo into certain skills more smoothly after its attack 1 and 2.
● Flow: To Ashes - Improved to combo more smoothly into Glorious Advance after using it.



Hashashin Awakening’s movements appeared much heavier compared to his Succession. However, compared to how much slower he was, his skills didn’t feel that much more powerful. Therefore, we improved his Awakening by distinguishing its features to show a different kind strength from his Succession. We improved Constriction, which is only available in Awakening, increased the power of the slower skills like Ensnaring Sands and Serpent's Coil to keep his Awakening’s uniqueness but maintain the characteristics of Hashashin.
● Pilgrim of the Sands - Changed the effects gained at all levels of the skill.
- The other passive skill (Savior of the Sands) and the effects that can be obtained by leveling the skill were folded into Pilgrim of the Sands.
Before After
Increase All Accuracy Rate +10%
All Evasion Rate +5%
All AP +12
All Evasion Rate +10%

● Aal's Protection - Changed to be unavailable when Guard Guage is 0.
● Aal's Mirage - Changed to not display the guard break motion when the Guard Gauge is depleted during the skill.
● Aal's Mirage - Made the following changes:
- Improved to activate the skill immediately as a combo after using another skill, regardless of the hand that is holding the weapon.
* However, this excludes skills that it could not be comboed with previously like Aal's Grace, Ensnaring Sands, Flow: Condemnation, and Flow: Voracity.
- Increased the skill cooldown from 13 sec to 18 sec.
● Dune Slash - Changed the damage and cooldown of the skill to the following:

Skills Before After
Dune Slash I Hit damage 695% x 4
Last hit damage 835% x 3
9 sec cooldown
Attack damage 928% x 4
Last attack damage 928% x 3
8 sec cooldown
Dune Slash II Hit damage 695% x 4
Last hit damage 1075% x 3
8 sec cooldown
Attack damage 1194% x 4
Last attack damage 1194% x 3
7 sec cooldown
Dune Slash III Hit damage 695% x 4
Last hit damage 1346% x 3
7 sec cooldown
Attack damage 1496% x 4
Last attack damage 1496% x 3
6 sec cooldown

● Flow: Dune Strike - Improved to combo moire smoothly into Collapse.
● Flow: Dune Strike - Made the following changes:
- Added the Down Smash effect.
- Added the Air Attack effect.
- Removed the cooldown.
- Removed the All Evasion Rate reduction effect.
- Adjusted the damge reduction in PvP from -50% to -40%.
● Collapse III - Adjusted the damage reduction in PvP from -54% to -45%.
● Collapse - Added the All Evasion Rate reduction effect.
● Collapse - Changed to apply to all targets regardless of the attack 1 range.
● Ensnaring Sands - Made the following changes:
- Increase the skill activation speed.
- Changed the pulling hits to apply damage. Therefore, the skill description was changed.
- Changed the Movement Speed reductions from -40% to -30% at level IV. Now, it will reduce Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Casting Speed.
● Flow: Sand Warp - Changed to activate all the attacks of Retribution when comboing into it after using Flow: Sand Warp backward.
● Flow: Hourglass of Recall - Changed to apply "Invincibility → Super Armor" during the skill.
● Flow: Condemnation - Changed the damage reduced in PvP from -45% to -40%.
● Silent Breach - Made the following changes:
- Changed the command for the skill from "↑+Q during certain skills" to "SPACE during other skills".
* Therefore, Silent Breach will take priority in activating during all Awakening skills over Aal's Dominion.
- Increased the attack range.
- Changed the damage to the following:

Before After
Hit damage 802% x 4
Damage -40% in PvP
Attack damage 1239% x 5
Damage -50% in PvP

- Changed the "Floating on hits" effect to "Bound on hits (PvE Only)" effect.
- Added Forward Guard to apply during the skill.
- Added the Down Attack effect.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills during the skill.
● Serpent's Coil - Made the following changes:
- Removed the "reduce All Accuracy Rate on hits" effect.
- Changed to not consume Stamina while holding the skill.
- Changed to no longer be able to use repeatedly and adjusted the damage accordingly.
- Added the increase All Evade for 5 sec effect.
- Increased the area of effect.
● Flow: Voracity - Made the following changes:
- Improved to be able to activate quicker at the start of Serpenet's Coil.
- Increased the area of effect.
- Change the damage to the following:

Before After
Hit damage 1477% x 8
Damage -55% in PvP
Attack damage 1625% x 8
Damage -60% in PvP

● Crown Kick - Made the following changes:
- Removed the "Bound on spin hits" effect.
- Added "increase Attack Speed when using skill" effect.
- Improved to recover MP per hit.
- Improved to attack while turning towards the direction of the camera.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into Crown Kick after using Flow: Sand Warp, Constriction, and Piercing Fang.
- Improved to combo more smoothly into other skills after using Crown Kick.
- Adjusted the damage, Critical Hit Rate, and PvP damage reduction to the following:

Before After
Spin hit damage  770% x 5
Last hit damage 770% x 2
Damage not reduced in PvP
Critical Hit Rate +0%
Spin attack damage 1078% x 5
Last attack damage 1078% x 2
Damage -35% in PvP
Critical Hit Rate +50%

● Retribution - Adjusted the damage and damage reduction in PvP to the following:

Before After
Hit damage 811% x 7
Last hit damage 1201% x 1, Max 4 Hits
Damage -20% in PvP
Attack damage 1014% x 7
Last attack damage 1441% x 1, max 4 hits
Damage -37% in PvP

● Aal's Grace - Added All AP +20 for 30 sec, Critical Hit Damage +15% for 30 sec.
● Prime: Blade's Pact - Added Critical Hit Rate +30% for 30 sec.
● Aal's Breath, Prime: Aal's Breath - Fixed the issue where all the damage dealt by the summon were being applied to double the hits.



● Quoratum's Aura - Changed the effects gained at all levels of the skill.
- The other passive skill (Quoratum's Adjuvant) and the effects that can be obtained by leveling the skill were folded into Quoratum's Aura.

Before After
All DP +12
Max HP +200
All DP +20
Max HP +300

● Absolute: Quoratum's Protection - Changed to consume guard gauge faster.
- However, Succession: Quoratum's Protection was not changed.
● Punishing Trap (I and Absolute) - Changed each of their cooldown from 20/15 sec to 25/20 sec.
● Quoratum's Protection - Changed to be unavailable when guard gauge is 0.
● Removed the Critical Hit Rate of summons from the following skills in PvE as the Critical Hit Rate of the summoner will now apply to summons:
- Guards and Axian summoned from Passed Pawn, Prime: Passed Pawn, Prime: King of the Dead
● Passed Pawn, Prime: Passed Pawn, Prime: King of the Dead - Changed the damage reduced in PvP to the following:

Skills Before After
Passed Pawn
(I to Absolute)
Damage -48% in PvP Damage -70% in PvP
Prime: Passed Pawn
(I to III)
Damage -55% in PvP Damage -65% in PvP
Prime: King of the Dead Damage -60% in PvP Damage -70% in PvP



● Accel: Royal Fencing: Fleche - Improved to be able to combo into Royal Fencing: Lunge during the skill.
● Changed the following skills:

Skills Before After
Frozen Ring (I to IV) Critical Hit Rate +25% (PvE Only)
IV: Hit damage 876% x 2, Max 12 Hits
* Damage -55% in PvP
Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE Only)
IV: attack damage 1051% x 2, max 12 hits
* Therefore, adjusted damage -63.9% in PvP
All DP -10 for 10 sec
Brutal Ring Hit damage 1031% x 6
* Damage -60% in PvP
Critical Hit Rate +50%
9 sec cooldown
Attack damage 1340% x 10
* Therefore, adjusted damage -80% in PvP
Critical Hit Rate +100%
6 sec cooldown
Combust Life Recover +50% Star's Breath when using skill
Consume 1000 HP when using skill
Recover +25% Star's Breath when using skill
Consume 500 HP when using skill

● Quoratum's Guard - Changed to be unavailable when Combust Life is learned.
● Combust Life - Added the Super Armor for 10 sec effect that used to be applied by using En Garde.



Sage Succession received a nerf on his PvE efficiency. We did increase the PvE efficiency of other classes through the reboot, however, Sage Succession still showed a much higher efficiency compared to the other classes. Therefore, we were forced to lower his PvE efficiency to match it to the rest of the classes. We hope you understand our decision. We will continue to monitor the data after the nerf and supplement certain details that may be required.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Ancients' Wisdom - Changed the effects gained in all levels of the skill.
Before After
All Accuracy Rate +10%
Casting Speed +5%
All Special Attack damage +2%
All Accuracy Rate +5%
Casting Speed +10%

● Illusion Barrier - Change to be unavailable when Guard Gauge is 0.
● Realm of Anguish - Removed the Critical Hit Rate of summons from the skill in PvE as the Critical Hit Rate of the summoner will now apply to summons.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills, however, their PvP damage remains the same as before.

Skills Before After
Form Shift
(I to Absolute)
Hit damage 240% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 454% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 668% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 882% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 1176% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Attack damage 209% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 395% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 581% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 767% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 1023% x 2, max 7 hits
Prime: Form Shift
(I to IV)
Hit damage 843% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 1013% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 1182% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Hit damage 1352% x 2, Max 7 Hits
Attack damage 717% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 861% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 1005% x 2, max 7 hits
Attack damage 1149% x 2, max 7 hits
Ator's Fist
(I to Absolute)
Hit damage 374% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Hit damage 495% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Hit damage 547% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Hit damage 656% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Hit damage 758% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Attack damage 318% x 3, max 4 hits
Attack damage 421% x 3, max 4 hits
Attack damage 465% x 3, max 4 hits
Attack damage 558% x 3, max 4 hits
Attack damage 664% x 3, max 4 hits

Prime: Ator's Fist

(I to III)

Hit damage 803% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Hit damage 963% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Hit damage 1156% x 4, Max 4 Hits
Attack damage 683% x 3, max 4 hits
Attack damage 819% x 3, max 4 hits
Attack damage 983% x 3, max 4 hits
Prime: Rift Storm Hit damage 1221% x 3, 1221% x 8 Attack damage 1099% x 3, 1099% x 8
Illusion Expansion
(I to Absolute)
Hit damage 335% x 4, Max 2 Hits
Hit damage 426% x 4, Max 2 Hits
Hit damage 527% x 4, Max 2 Hits
Hit damage 651% x 4, Max 2 Hits
Hit damage 768% x 4, Max 2 Hits
Hit damage 1145% x 4, Max 2 Hits
Attack damage 302% x 4, max 2 hits
Attack damage 383% x 4, max 2 hits
Attack damage 474% x 4, max 2 hits
Attack damage 586% x 4, max 2 hits
Attack damage 691% x 4, max 2 hits
Attack damage 1031% x 4, max 2 hits
Prime: Illusion Expansion Hit damage 1291% x 4, Max 2 Hits Attack damage 1162% x 4, max 2 hits

● Prime: Overdrive - Made the following change:
- Reduce the cooldown of Reset by 5 sec instead of Prime: Optimization when Overdrive is stacked 10 times.
● Illusion Expansion, Prime: Illusion Expansion - Fixed the issue where the number of hits in the skill description did not match the actual number of hits of the skill.



● Seize - Increased the cooldown from 13 sec to 20 sec.
● Enlightening Bolt III - Fixed the issue where casting the skill in a normal state would cause the Arkanon to apply the damage of Lv. II.
● Removed the Critical Hit Rate of summons from the following skills in PvE as the Critical Hit Rate of the summoner will now apply to summons:
- Enlightening Bolt, Flow: Aftershock, Radiant Annihilation
● Flow: Aftershock - Changed the damage reduction of Arkanon in PvP from -40% to -62%.
● Radiant Annihilation - Changed the damage reduction of Arkanon in PvP from -30% to -58%.



Succession Corsair could remain protected with Invincibility effects by continually comboing her mermaid transforming mareca skills and deal tons of damage at the same time. Thanks to this combination of protection and damage, which gave her a rather huge advantage over other classes, we decided to adjust her accordingly. While she retains her powerful damage, her Invincibility window has been shortened so that Corsair will need to be more strategic with her skills.

Main Weapon, Succession

● Sword Song - Changed the effects gained in all levels of the skill.
- The other passive skill (Cap'n on Deck) and the effects that can be obtained by leveling the skill were combined to Sword Song.
Before After
All AP +10
Critical Hit Damage +2%
All Evasion Rate +4%
All AP +12
All Evasion Rate +10%

● Changed the defensive effects when using the following Mareca skills so that Invincible is applied only when Corsair is underwater and Super Armor is applied in all of the other situations.
- Mareca: Jet Stream, Mareca: Whale Song, Mareca: Spiral Soak, Mareca: Spiral of Dreams, and Mareca: Sea of Dreams
● Mareca: Sea of Dreams - Changed the cooldown from 60 sec to 45 sec.
● Mareca: Spiral of Dreams - Changed the cooldown from 45 sec to 30 sec.
● Prime: Mareca: Spiral Soak - Changed the cooldown for the "No Guard Gauge recovery on hits" from 15 sec to 8 sec.
● Increased the damage in PvE and number of hits in PvE for the following skills. However, the damage and number of hits remain the same in PvP.

Skill Before After
Prime: Mareca: Jet Stream 1st Hit Damage 1239% x 8 (PvE Only)
2nd Hit Damage 1304% x 6
Last Hit Damage 1304% x 5
Attack 1 damage 1239% x 13 (PvE only)
Attack 2 damage 1568% x 6
Last attack damage 1568% x 5
Prime: Mareca: Whale Song 1st Hit Damage 1308% x 6
2nd HIt Damage 1308% x 10
Attack 1 damage 1528% x 6
Attack 2 damage 1528% x 10
Prime: Mareca: Spiral Soak 1st Hit Damage 1402% x 1, Max 6 Hits
2nd Hit Damage 1402% x 10
Attack 1 damage 1652% x 1, max 6 hits
Attack 2 damage 1652% x 16
-6 last attack hits in PvP

● Prime: Ocean's Allure - Changed the first attack motion to where your character draws in her rope and leaps, and added a "Forward Guard before attack" effect.
● Prime: Ocean's Allure - Improved to perform attacks in the direction of the camera angle when it rotates before moving to perform slash attacks.



● Heart-catcher Patraca - Changed the cooldown from 15 sec to 17 sec.
● Removed the Critical Hit Rate applied in PvE to the summon of the following skill, due to the summoner's Critical Hit Rate stats being applied to the summon.
- The Slippery Scallywags effect applied when casting an Awakening skill.
● Changed the Damage Reduction Rate in PvP from -40% to -60% for all the Slippery Scallywags that appear when casting an Awakening skill.



● Separated [Tamer] Daru Gloves from [Tamer] Daru Armor.
- Therefore, you'll also get [Tamer] Daru Gloves when you open the outfit box containing the [Tamer] Daru Armor.
* Adventurers in possession of the [Tamer] Daru Armor will find [Tamer] Daru Gloves in their storage in Heidel.
● Changed the names of the following boxes containing items that you can register on the Central Market.
- Changed the names of [Event] High-Quality Draught Box and [Event] High-Quality Food Box to High-Quality Draught Box and High-Quality Food Box.
* Due to the change in names, the description on the items obtainable from the aforementioned items and text displayed upon use were changed.



● Added Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure: Christmas in time for winter.
- Go to (New) Menu(ESC) -> Reward (F3) -> Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure.


- Only two dice are used for the Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure, as this is a separate content from the Black Spirit's Adventure.
- You can obtain the dice used for this content from Challenges (Y) and through event participation.
* Right-click the [Event] Black Spirit's Small/Large Snowflake Die that you obtained from your Inventory (I) to use for the Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure.



- You can obtain the reward from the space that the Black Spirit lands on when you roll your die.
* Your rewards will triple when landing on snowflake spaces when you use the [Event] Black Spirit's Small Snowflake Die that only has 1-3 pips.
* Your rewards will double when landing on snowflake spaces when you use the [Event] Black Spirit's Large Snowflake Die that only has 4-6 pips.
- The rewards for each of the number of rounds you complete are as follows:

Reward for Each Completion
[Event] Black Spirit's Gift Bundle x1
Rewards for Rounds Completed
1 Round [Event] Black Spirit's Small Snowflake Die x5
2 Rounds [Event] Black Spirit's Big Snowflake Die x 5
3 Rounds Fine Accessory Box II x1
4 Rounds [Event] Shakatu's Luxury Box x1

- Check out the details on the Ancient Black Spirit's Adventure from the "[Event] Winter Holiday Black Spirit's Adventure" page.


● Item Copy for tagged characters will only cost Marni's Unstable Fuel x1 until maintenance on January 12, 2022 (Wed).
Go to ["Marni's One Fuel Experiment"]
● Igor Bartali, the chief of Velia, is looking for Adventurers to play "Yar!" with him.
- However, Islin Bartali, Igor's wife, apparently took all of the good cards, which left him with all the low number cards. This makes him a great "Yar!" opponent for Adventurers that are not familiar with the game yet.



● Alleviated the issue where your horse's location wouldn't sync properly.


Conquest War, Node War

● Made the following improvements on the Remote Installation mode for Node War Forts and annexes.
- Added a key guide for moving camera angles.
- Improved so that you can hover your mouse over an annex item in Remote Installation mode to check information.
- Changed so that you can place and cancel placement of installments via hotkeys in Remote Installation mode.
- Changed so that you can check the message window for cancelling placement when selecting another annex from the list.
- Fixed the issue where certain texts would appear abnormal in Remote Installation mode.
● Changed to end Remote Installation mode when you're banned from a guild during remote installation.
● Changed the region names and backgrounds to be displayed normally when reconnecting during remote installation.
● Fixed the issue where the mount icon would appear empty when you're in possession of the Celestial Horse Calling Horn when remote installation ends.
● Fixed the issue where the appearances of your garden and residence would appear abnormal when ending Remote Installation mode.
● Fixed the issue where the scroll would appear unnatural on the Remote Installation UI depending on the resolution or interface size.
● Fixed the issue where the game crashed while installing forts and annexes through the remote installation mode.
● Fixed the issue where the number in War Installation Info appeared abnormal when removing annexes through re-installing.



Background, NPC, Effects, Cutscene

● The following NPCs of Velia and Valencia were moved to near Alustin and Nassr respectively due to the winter festival.
- War Vendor (Tier 1), Ray Poilet
- War Vendor (Tier 2), Torex Bekin
- War Vendor (Tier 3), Eulicas
- War Vendor (Tier 4), Baghulas Portia
- War Vendor (Guild Master), Faimal Arhan



● Added a UI so that you can check the probability for the obtainable skills when exchanging pets.


● Changed the End Game UI from the ESC(New) Menu -> Settings(F10) -> End Game to display the new appearances of classes.


● Changed so that you can always press the Copy button when using the Item Copy UI.
- However, when you are not able to use the Item Copy function, you will get a notification on when you can use it.
* To use the Item Copy function, you must complete [Marni's Suspicious Device] consecutive quests from the Black Spirit's (,) Suggested quests with a Lv. 56 or higher character and the character you want to copy items from and the character you want to copy items to should be linked via the Tag Character function.
● Improved so that you can easily check the location of objectives with the addition of a Navigate button for certain Season Pass objectives.
● Changed the color of the completion reward icons for incomplete objectives from black-and-white to color.




● Optimized unnecessary data relevant to starting the game and game logs.
● Optimized performance for the Party UI.
● Optimized memory for accepting and completing quests.



● Fixed the issue where you would still receive spam mails even when you check "Disagree" to receiving spam mails on My Page of your Steam and Open ID accounts.
● Changed the text on the bottom of the page where you enter the launcher OTP backup code to now align to the left instead of the center.
● Added a banner for Random Chance Items & Probabilities List to the bottom left of the Overview - Adventurer's Guide page on our official website.
● Improved the design for the Accept Cookies banner displayed on the bottom of our official website.
- The update will be applied on Dec 23, 2021, and we will notify you via a notice when the update is complete.


Modified or Changed

● Fixed the issue where certain parts of the [Guardian] Conquistadora Armor would move unnaturally.
● Fixed the issue where the dye on certain parts of the [Tamer] Celestial Tides Armor would appear unnatural.
● Changed to display special actions when wearing the [Sage] Noel outfit.
● Fixed the issue where the "View Mount Inventory" button would not work when using your guild storage.
● Changed the text for the Conquest Score Status key guide on the Conquest Status UI in Gamepad UI mode.
● Fixed the issue where certain texts would be cut off on the Conquest Status UI in Gamepad UI mode.
● Fixed the issue where certain parts of the background in Trent would appear unnatural.
● Fixed the issue where Shai wouldn't play music properly when summoned with certain game settings were deactivated.
● Fixed the issue where the objective of "Finding Traces of Agris, God of Abundance," a Season Pass entry, would be different.
● Fixed the issue where the description on the cooldown for deleting a normal or premium character Lv. 45 or below would differ from the actual cooldown.
● Fixed the issue where the text on the Exchange button and key guide would overlap on the Pet UI in Gamepad UI mode.



Happy adventuring!

Patch Notes - September 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update September 7, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - September 7, 2022 - Archer
Pearl Shop Update - August 31, 2022
Patch Notes - August 31, 2022
Pearl Shop Update August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 23, 2022
Patch Notes - August 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 17, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 24, 2022 - Wizard
Patch Notes - August 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - August 10, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 17, 2022 - Ranger
Pearl Shop Update August 3, 2022
2022 Summer Outfit Catalog
Patch Notes - August 3, 2022
Update Details - July 28, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 27, 2022 - Drakania
Patch Notes - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 27, 2022
Update Details - July 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 20
Patch Notes - July 20, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - August 10, 2022 - Musa
Update Details - July 15, 2022
Update Details - July 14, 2022
Patch Notes - July 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 13
[Black Desert+] Update Details - July 7, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - July 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 20, 2022 - Dark Knight
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 13, 2022 - Guardian
Patch Notes - June 29, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - July 6, 2022 - Striker
Update Details - June 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 22, 2022
Patch Notes - June 22, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 29, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Special Offers - June 17, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 15, 2022
Patch Notes - June 15, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 22, 2022 - Mystic
June 10 (Fri) Marni Server Update Details
Update Details - June 9, 2022
June 9 (Thu) Marni Server Update Details
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 15, 2022 - Nova
Patch Notes - June 8, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - June 8, 2022 - Warrior
Pearl Shop Update - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 31, 2022
Patch Notes - May 25, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 25, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 31, 2022 - Sorceress
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2022
Patch Notes - May 18, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 25, 2022 - Sage
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 18, 2022 - Berserker
Patch Notes - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 11, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - May 4, 2022
Patch Notes - April 27, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 27, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - May 4, 2022 - Hashashin
Pearl Shop Update - April 20, 2022
Patch Notes - April 20, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 13, 2022
Patch Notes - April 13, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - April 6, 2022
Patch Notes - April 6, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 6, 2022 - All Classes
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - April 13, 2022 - Shai
Patch Notes - March 30, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 30, 2022
Preview of Upcoming New Outfits - March 30, 2022 - Valkyrie
Pearl Shop Update - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 23, 2022
Patch Notes - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2022
Patch Notes - March 10, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - March 2, 2022
Patch Notes - March 2, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 23, 2022
Patch Notes - February 23, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 16, 2022
Patch Notes - February 16, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 9, 2022
Update Details - February 09, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - February 3, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 26, 2022
Patch Notes - January 19, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 19, 2022
Patch Notes - January 12, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 12, 2022
Patch Notes - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - January 5, 2022
Pearl Shop Update - December 29
Patch Notes - December 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 22
Patch Notes - December 22, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 15, 2021
Patch Notes - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - December 1, 2021
Patch Notes - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 17, 2021
Patch Notes - November 10, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 10, 2021
Update Details - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - November 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 27, 2021
Patch Notes - October 27, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 20, 2021
Patch Notes - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - October 6, 2021
Patch Notes - October 6, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 29, 2021
Patch Notes - September 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 23, 2021
Patch Notes - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 15, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 8, 2021
Patch Notes - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - September 1, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 25, 2021
Patch Notes - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 11, 2021
Patch Notes - August 11, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - August 4, 2021
Patch Notes - August 4, 2021
5 Weeks of Pearl’s Blessings
Patch Notes - July 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 28, 2021
Patch Notes - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 21, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 14, 2021
Patch Notes - July 7, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - July 7, 2021
Patch Notes - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 29, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 23, 2021
Patch Notes - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 8, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 08, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 16, 2021
Patch Notes - June 2, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - June 02, 2021
Patch Notes - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 26, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 18, 2021
Patch Notes - May 18, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 12, 2021
Patch Notes - May 4, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - May 4, 2021
Patch Notes - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 28, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 21, 2021
Patch Notes - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 14, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - April 7, 2021
Patch Notes - March 31, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 31, 2021
Patch Notes - March 24, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 24, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - March 17, 2021
Patch Notes - March 17, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 10, 2021
Patch Note - March 10, 2021
Update Details - March 3, 2021
Pearl Shop Update - March 3, 2021
[Pearl Shop] Pearl Shop Update - February 25, 2021
[Updates] Update Details - February 25, 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Succession Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Tier 3 Pets 2+1
Patch notes - 9th February 2021
Patch notes - 3rd February 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Azure Knight Pack
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfits
Patch notes - 27th January 2021
Patch notes - 20th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Classic Outfit Selection Pack
Patch notes - 13th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Selection
Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack
Patch notes - 6th January 2021
Pearl Shop Update: Limited Pets 10% Off
Patch notes - 30th December 2020
Patch notes - 22nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Season Pass
Patch notes - 16th December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jolly Winter Dream
Pearl Shop Update: Winter Editions
Patch notes - 9th December 2020
Patch notes - 2nd December 2020
Pearl Shop Update: December Enhancement Pack
Patch notes - 25th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday On Now!
Patch notes - 18th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Early Black Friday
Patch notes - 11th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 30% Off BEST 11
Patch Notes - 4th November 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Arctic Combat Pack
Patch notes - 28th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Jojo and Tick-Tock
Patch notes - 21st October 2020
Pearl Shop Update 21/10/2020
Patch notes - 14th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Spooktober Begins!
Pearl Shop Update: Venture into O'dyllita
Patch notes - 7th October 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Outfit Box 4+2
Pearl Shop Update: Autumn Breeze Pack
Patch notes - 23rd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Succession and Awakening Pack
Patch notes - 16th September 2020
Patch notes - 9th September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: What does the Fox Say
Pearl Shop Update: Black Spirit Pass
Patch Notes - 2nd September 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Glorious Shudad Ultimate Package
Patch Notes - 26 August 2020
Patch Notes - 19th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper
Patch Notes - 12th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Want One More?
Pearl Shop Update: Enhancement Pack
Patch Notes - 5th August 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Box
Patch Notes - 29th July 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Memories of Summer
Patch Notes - 15th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Summer Sale!
Patch Notes - 8th July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: 180 Days Benefits
Patch Notes - 1st July 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Triple Premium Outfit Pack
Patch Notes - 24th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Weight Limit +300LT
Patch Notes - 17th June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Ready for a Fresh Start?
Pearl Shop Update: Increase Your Limit
Patch Notes - 10th June 2020
Patch Notes - 3rd June 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Dream Pack
Patch Notes - 27th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Renewed Game Packages
Pearl Shop Update: Mid-Season Sale
Patch Notes - 20th May 2020
Patch Notes - 13th May 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Extend Your Adventure
Pearl Shop Update: New Arrivals
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Endeavour
Patch Notes - 29th April 2020
Patch Notes - 22nd April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: April's Package
Patch Notes - 15th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Premium Artisan's Blessing
Patch Notes - 8th April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Blooming Spring Pack
Pearl Shop Update: April Fools' Surprise
Patch Notes - 25th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Master's Package
Patch Notes - 18th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Your Golden Collection
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 11th March 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Fourth Anniversary Celebration
Patch Notes - 3rd March 2020
Patch Notes - 26th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Pre-Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 19th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Time for Succession
Patch Notes - 12th February 2020
Pearl Shop Update: The Dragon Is Back!
Pearl Shop Update: Check Out New Items
Patch Notes - 5th February 2020
Patch Notes - 1st April 2020
Pearl Shop Update: A Hundred Memories
Patch Notes - 22nd January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: New Guardian Package
Patch Notes - 15th January 2020
Pearl Shop Update: Get Better Value!
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Item, 20% Sale, and More!
Patch Notes - 8th January 2020
Holiday Sale Continues
Patch Notes - 24th December 2019
Holiday Sale Up to 70% off!
Patch Notes - 17th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: New Christmas Bundle 40% Off
Patch Notes - 11th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: 50% Off!
Patch Notes - 4th December 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Succession Outfits 30% Off
Patch Notes - 27th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Your Value
Pearl Shop Update: Black Friday Sale
Patch Notes - 20th November 2019
Patch Notes - 13th November 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Transfer Combat & Skill EXP
Pearl Shop Update: Golden Package 30% OFF
Patch Notes - 6th November 2019
Patch Notes - 30th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Make Your Choices!
Patch Notes - 23rd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Brand New Items!
Patch Notes - 16th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: UP TO 50% OFF
Patch Notes - 8th October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Halloween Items Are Back
Patch Notes - 2nd October 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Gather More!
Patch Notes - 25th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Get Pearls Back
Pearl Shop Update: 45% Off!
Patch Notes - 10th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: +300 LT Back for Limited Time!
Patch Notes - 4th September 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Ultimate Adventurer's Pack
Life Skill Mastery Patch notes
Patch Notes - 28th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Weapon Exchange
Pearl Shop Update: New Season Sale
Patch Notes - 21st August 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Artisan's Surprise
Patch Notes - 14th August 2019
Patch Notes - 7th August 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 31st 2019
Patch Notes - 31st July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 24th 2019
Patch Notes - 24th July 2019
Patch Notes - 17th July 2019
Pearl Shop - 17th July 2019
Patch Notes - 10th July 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 10th 2019
Pearl Shop Update: Double Inventory Expansion
Patch Notes - July 3rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - July 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - June 26th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 26th 2019
Patch Notes - 19th June 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 19th 2019
Patch Notes - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 12th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - June 5th 2019
Patch Notes - June 5th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 29th 2019
Patch Notes - 29h May 2019
Patch Notes - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 22nd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 15th 2019
Patch Notes - 15th May 2019
Patch Notes - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - May 8th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 30th 2019
Patch Notes - April 24th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 24th 2019
Patch Notes - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 17th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 10th April 2019
Patch Notes - 3rd April 2019
Pearl Shop Update - April 3rd 2019
Patch Notes - 27th March 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 27th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - March 20th 2019
Patch Notes - 20th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 3)
Patch Notes - 13th March 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale (Part 2)
Patch Notes - 6th March 2019
Patch Notes - 27th February 2019
Pearl Shop Update - February 20th 2019
3rd Anniversary Sale
Patch Notes - 20th February 2019
Central Market
Defeat the Bosses from the Dark Rift!
Pearl Shop Update - February 6th 2019
Patch Notes - January 30th 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 30th 2019
Patch Notes - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop Update - January 23rd 2019
Pearl Shop - January 16th 2019
Patch Notes - 16th January 2019
Patch Notes - 9th January 2019
2nd January 2019
19th December 2018