BDO Nexus. Black Deset Online News


Heidel Ball 2022, Together with Adventurers. 


Weā€™re headed to Gamescom 2022!



Greetings Adventurers,


Heading to Gamescom this year? We might run into each other! Weā€™re pleased to be partnering with Samsung Display to showcase Black Desert on their all-new display line-up! Come see the future of gaming displays with the game we all know and love!


If you are heading to Gamescom between August 24 to August 28, make sure to come find us at the Samsung Display

Hall 8 C-010 Booth, and if you take part in the experience, you can get some great rewards! There'll be your favourite European GMs, CMs and cosplayers at the booth to help, so if you want to swing by and say hi to the crew, make sure to do so!


See you there!


Interviews with the Owners of Masterpieces


After the auctions of the Thousand Years Masterpieces at Terrmian Beach came to a close, we reached out to the winning bidders to interview them about purchasing the masterpieces created by Kakuo, theOtter artist, and Parapura, thePapu sculptor.

ā–² Kakuoā€™s Otter-ific Drawings

ā–² Parapuraā€™s Purr-fect Sculptures


šŸ’¬ Take a good look at your masterpiece and then interpret it for us. (For those of you who are art enthusiasts, we'd like to hear your expert critique!)


[Adventurer Jirym]
It's like a cloud of color that catches the eye before falling on an animal that takes shape there. It's always wonderful to see because it gives the impression of having a second painting hidden in the blur of the first.


[Adventurer  Baumschlaeger]
First I thought, one of the GMs, possibly GM Erethea took her children to work, they see some otter and papu stuffed animals at work and got some color-pens to draw something. But then I realized, that the lines were too ... placed, well placed. As if someone decided exactly to put them in that order. The colors also matched if you see some scenes ingame. Some of my guildies said, they see fish in the picture, some say otters cuddling. I think one of the best things about art is when a picture lets you imagine what YOU want to see in it.


[Adventurer Arvuu]

What I liked about all of the statue art pieces, was that they were all references to real life art. The statue I got "Birth of Aphrodite" was a reference to the Birth of Venus painting. The statue itself, while being very simple in design, still conveyed those same emotions of innocence with its posture and facial expressions as the original did. The design with its small inconsistencies and ruggedness in the details adds a feel of playfulness and comedic parody, yet the pedestal it stands on is gold plated and marble. Those together give it this contrary atmosphere that is interesting and thoughtful. As Venus is a goddess of prosperity and victory among other things, maybe the statue will give me the much needed luck in game as well.


[Adventurer Zoda]

It looks like a delicious shellfish.


šŸ’¬ Let us in on your decorating plans. Where will you put your new masterpiece and why? What are some good companion pieces that will go well with it?
(Please submit a screenshot of your masterpiece and where you installed it! We'd also appreciate any explanations you have about your screenshot as well.)


[Adventurer Jirym]
I decided to put this painting in the entrance of my main residence. The most appropriate room is necessarily the one where I spend the most time. I placed it at the level of the kitchen in front of the tea room. It lets me see him when I'm cooking for guild quests, and in RP he's at the entrance to the residence and in front of visitors when they sit down for tea.


[Adventurer Cheekybun]

I knew I wanted the masterpiece to have its own spot, one that stood out but also wasnā€™t so out of place that it made no sense so I went to the mansion and moved some things around, placed a proper table for it and decorated around the statue. Couple of candles and tulips on a winter table make the whole thing look rather unique yet fitting in the manor I decorated thus far.

A small papu of liberty, surrounded by light and coziness and of course the little flames that the other statue of liberty would be holding. Adding tulips, the best flower to it and it makes for the perfect spot.


[Adventurer Arvuu]

The statue will be placed inside my manor. I always welcome visitors as I have put a lot of effort into it. My plans are to make a spa-ish area on the smaller wing and that statue will become one of the decorations there. The plan of making that spa has been on my mind for a while now, and when I saw that statue, I immediately knew I needed it there as it would fit very well with the theme. I'm still working out the details on how I want to decorate it overall and testing different items and whether it's even plausible to do with the items available currently ingame. But even if it ends up not being possible at the moment, I have hopes that we will receive more Manor items in the future that would make it all doable.


[Adventurer Zoda]

For now I've been holding on to it in my character's inventory because friends keep asking me to link the item, but I plan on putting it in my Halloween themed house, which is why I bid on the orange and black painting called "Papu".


šŸ’¬  You can only choose one... regardless of which masterpiece you acquired, are you Team Otter or Team Papu? Let us know the reason behind your alliance.


[Adventurer Nickerl]
Yoooo Team Otter straight, Otters are bussin' fr, Papus can take this L.


[Adventurer Jirym]
 I'm Team Papu, I've discovered them several times all over the Kamasylvia region and find them adorable every time. I meet my papu workers when they go to work, I always do the papu quests first on Papua Loutrena, and I meet barter agents papu more often on the beaches. Their presence in the game marked me much more than the otters.


[Adventurer Arvuu]

I chose Team Papu because I love the Kamasylvian aesthetic. The design and style are more to my liking over the otters.


[Adventurer Zoda]

Papu is my alliance because I like beating people with sticks. I am a greatsword Warrior main for a reason.


šŸ’¬  Would you like to leave any comments for the artist of your masterpiece? (i.e. to either Kakuo or Parapura)


[Adventurer Graypolar]
Good work from Parapura, one can only imagine the mastermind behind this fantastic artwork. It's out of this world, brilliant work. Silver well spent!
If I may add another comment regarding this type of "auction" event:
I really like this kind of stuff, I would love to see more auctions held ingame selling maybe super rare exciting stuff, or also more common things. It could be a fun type of content provided by the game šŸ˜„ I'm kind of sad I missed those old auctions held for the black pegasus that was sold (and maybe other auctions? I had a longer bdo break at that time). Since I'm back, I dont think I've seen a single auction in bdo. I can see it being hard making special unique items - but maybe one every year or so shouldnt be to hard, no? šŸ˜„ Well, thats just my kind of liking in bdo.


[Adventurer Rosinake]
To Parapura: Not many can become famous for their art during their own lifetime. I think Parapuras talent speaks for itself, anyone would be lucky to own or even be able to witness one of their works!


A big thank you to everyone who enjoyed the event, and special thanks to the Adventurers who joined us for interviews!


Although the first auction has come to an end, the remaining two auctions are still to come. If you want to be an owner of such magnificent masterpieces, make sure to check out the auctions in the Black Desert world!


And before we go, hereā€™s a list of all the Adventurers worldwide who won auctions in their own region!



Lot. 1

Supper of the 13th Moon


Region Winning Bidder Price
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau ęˆ°č»Šé†¬ 25,000,000,000
Japan 悈悋ćæ 15,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions Kurosaki28 14,000,000,000
South Korea ķ† ė ˆķƒ€ź°€ėعź³ ģ‹¶ģ€ 13,570,000,000
North America ShowMeUrLootBox  13,013,013,013
South America LordsdeCintra  9,900,000,000
Europe Baumschlaeger 8,100,000,000
Thailand Maximas 7,070,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 6,000,000,000
Southeast Asia VeGGiE 5,969,696,969

Lot. 2

Thinking Portrait

Region Winning Bidder Price
Russian-language Regions Tornasuku 24,000,000,000
Europe Jirym 22,500,000,000
South Korea Acupler 22,000,000,000
Thailand FireRoseTH 19,610,000,000
Japan ę–°ä¹‹ 19,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau ē”°é‡Ž 15,111,111,111
North America SriLanky 13,570,305,531
South America Flawless 9,200,000,000
Southeast Asia Adol 5,100,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 3,000,000,000
Lot. 3
Touched by the Root Nymph
Region Winning Bidder Price
Russian-language Regions F1amme 15,000,000,000
Japan ćƒ–ćƒ«ćƒ¼ćƒ©ć‚¤ćƒ€ćƒ¼ 14,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau YAMYME 13,200,000,000
North America Tia 13,000,000,000
South Korea ģž„ėÆø 12,300,000,000
South America Odore 12,000,000,000
Europe Nickerl 9,550,000,000
Southeast Asia LeonClan 6,000,000,000
Thailand Korz 5,300,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 4,500,000,000
Lot. 4

Region Winning Bidder Price
Japan ć®ć‚Šć‚ˆć— 89,835,481,052
North America Zoda 29,552,948,827
South Korea Nunu 19,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions ŠŸŠ°Ń€Š°Š³Š¾Š½ŠŠ²Ń€ŠµŠ»ŠøŠ°Š½ 14,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau Orisinal 13,333,333,333
South America Yokura 9,500,000,000
Europe THD 7,600,000,000
Southeast Asia VeGGiE 5,696,969,696
Thailand Valeriano 5,000,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 4,000,000,000
Lot. 5
Blue-eyed Invaders

Region Winning Bidder Price
Russian-language Regions ŠœŠøшŠŗŠ°22 42,000,000,000
Japan ęƒē¬¹å­ 34,000,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau å¢Øé›Ø靈Ꙟ 20,000,000,000
North America Divios 17,777,777,778
South Korea ėŖØķ•“ģš” 17,000,000,000
Europe Chuttbeeks 16,000,000,000
Thailand Forbbindelive 11,111,111,111
Southeast Asia VeGGiE 9,696,969,696
South America Odore 9,100,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 3,000,000,000
Lot. 6
Sea of Sun and Moon

Region Winning Bidder Price
South Korea ģž„ėÆø 15,200,000,000
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau ę“’å¤ 15,000,000,000
Japan 惈ćƒŖćƒ‹ćƒ†ć‚£ćƒŠć‚¤ćƒ„ 14,200,000,000
North America Wednesdae 13,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions Š§ŃƒŠ“ŠµŃŠ½Š°Ń 12,222,222,222
Europe Anders 9,000,000,000
South America Offin 6,000,000,000
Southeast Asia VeGGiE 5,696,969,696
Thailand Royalprincess 5,555,555,555
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 4,000,000,000
Lot. 7
Region Winning Bidder Price
North America Momekito 40,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions Tornasuku 20,000,000,000
South Korea ģ•ˆė‹¤ė¦¬ģ—˜ 17,564,565,311
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau lemondream 14,444,442,421
Japan čŠø悉äø» 12,345,678,900
Europe Adzy 11,111,111,112
Thailand Xerfina 9,555,555,555
Southeast Asia Qalli 8,226,446,027
South America Cavaludos 6,000,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 4,000,000,000
Lot. 8
Papu Thinker

Region Winning Bidder Price
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau 張君雅小妹妹 41,000,000,000
North America Sir_Potter 20,500,000,000
South Korea ģŗė¦­ėŖ… 20,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions Tempname00030854 15,641,238,916
Europe Graypolar 8,888,888,888
Japan GABBANA 7,777,777,777
Thailand Crystalsong 5,600,000,000
South America McFly 4,500,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 4,000,000,000
Southeast Asia Vangolia 3,959,917,731
Lot. 9

Region Winning Bidder Price
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau 雷德ēˆ¾ 35,000,000,000
North America SilverKaze 20,000,000,000
South Korea ė³“ė¦„ 14,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions Kurosaki28 11,111,111,111
Europe IcedKnight 10,400,000,000
Japan ć‚‚ć³ć‚“ 7,777,777,777
South America Brunz 5,000,000,000
Thailand ąø›ą¹‰ąø²ą¹†ąøąø°ą¹€ąøžąø£ąø²ąøˆąø²ąø™ 4,799,578,563
Southeast Asia Meomi 4,500,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 3,000,000,000
Lot. 10
Papu of Liberty

Region Winning Bidder Price
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau 雷德ēˆ¾ 35,000,000,000
North America Appix 21,000,000,000
South Korea ė³“ė¦„ 16,000,100,000
Russian-language Regions Kurosaki28 10,000,000,000
Japan 惛惭惗惭 8,888,888,888
Europe Cheekybun 8,000,000,000
South America Enemy 7,100,000,000
Thailand FBERNZ 6,666,666,666
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 5,000,000,000
Southeast Asia Vangolia 4,000,000,000
Lot. 11
The Birth of Paphrodite
Region Winning Bidder Price
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau 雷德ēˆ¾ 60,000,000,000
North America Arvuu 20,000,000,000
Japan MrBananaJ 14,000,000,000
South Korea ģž„ėÆø 13,500,000,000
Russian-language Regions CLEKKTOR 11,042,661,000
Europe Rosinake 9,200,000,000
South America Kingsglaive 8,600,000,000
Southeast Asia Polum 6,200,000,000
Thailand Zodiarts 5,800,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 3,000,000,000

Lot. 12

The Creation of Papu

Region Winning Bidder Price
Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau 張君雅小妹妹 51,000,000,000
Russian-language Regions Tornasuku 25,000,000,000
North America MobilWhiskey 21,500,000,000
South Korea ė§ė€Øė¦¬ 16,000,000,000
South America TaForgus 15,000,000,000
Thailand FleursDevil 11,000,000,000
Japan ć¦ćƒ¼ćØ 10,616,939,128
Europe Gorfaroth 9,999,999,999
Southeast Asia Benzene 5,000,000,000
Turkey & MENA Tempeşt 3,000,000,000



Dev Commentary: Upcoming Updates


Late Night Talk Summary 

Check out what updates are in store!

Class Balance Updates
Starts August 5 (Fri) on the Black Desert Global Lab

Arena of Solare Regular Season
Starts August 17, 2022 (Wed)

Quality-of-Life Changes
New Zones for Marniā€™s Realm, Automatic Food & Elixir Activation, and Node/Conquest War Improvements

Changes to Release Format & New Background Story

Battlefield of the Elves


Class Balance Updates

Coming to the August 5 (Fri) update in Black Desert Global Lab.
Weā€™ll start with adjustments to overly powerful PvP classes, then focus on updates to classes
that are overwhelmingly efficient in PvE and those that show low efficiency in PvE. 
Our goal is to reduce the gaps and variances between classes.
After that, we will be taking additional feedback and then making more fine-tuned adjustments. 



Arena of Solare Regular Season ā€“ Starting August 17 (Wed) 

Ā· Improvements to Info System Ā·

Improvements to the info system will allow you to see in more detail how well you did in a match
and how other top-ranked Adventurers are playing.
You will be able to see top-ranked Adventurersā€™ crystal set-up, Skill Add-ons, and more.
Additionally, class-based rankings will also be viewable.

Top rankers will be rewarded special benefits such as outfits.

Ā· Practice Mode Ā·

Before jumping into rank mode, Adventurers will soon be able to practice with Practice Mode.
Practice Mode will allow you to party up with friends and guildmates before heading into a match.
When ranked mode isnā€™t available, practice mode will be available to play!


Quality of Life Improvements

Ā· Marniā€™s Realm - Hystria & Aakman Ā·

After a server optimization update, Hystria and Aakman will be added to Marniā€™s Realm.
Our goal is to add them as soon as possible!

Ā· Automatic Food & Elixir Skill - Coming Soon Ā·


Fairies will be able to automatically use foods and elixirs with the new skill: ā€œContinuous Care.ā€
Three presets will be available so that you can have different settings for varying situations.
Fairy tiers will be maintained. Max levels will be increased to level 50 and an additional skill can be learned.
Miraculous Cheer V and Feathery Steps V can be learned with similar probability.


Ā· Conquest War & Node War Improvements Ā·

You will be able to directly select your guild and your opponentā€™s guildā€™s colors,
allowing for easier identification of opponents.


Conditions for building forts and command posts will be made less restrictive,
allowing you to build on more rougher terrain.
Additionally, the default building preparation time required for forts and annexes will be decreased to
1 second before Node/Conquest War begins.
And lastly, remote installation will also be added to Conquest War.

Ā· Inventory QoL Improvements Ā·

Items obtained while adventuring will be better grouped together, so that they are easier to identify,
which means that novice Adventurers can manage their inventories with more ease. 

Ā· Improvements to Maids Ā·

Maids will get a new ability that will allow you to easily move items between characters located within the same region.


Adding More Content to Outfits

Ā· Outfits and Their Stories Ā·

To give outfits more context, background stories explaining the outfitā€™s origin and concept will be added.

Ā· Changes to Outift Release Schedule Ā·

Our development direction for outfits will change, so that the same outfit will be released for multiple classes
and come with a story.
More classes will be able to wear the new outfits and there will be less waiting.


Battlefield of the Elves

New Conquest War will be expanded to match the growing world of Black Desert

* Tentative name.


Don't miss any of our future videos or streams
Follow our official channels!

Upcoming Changes to Fairy

Greetings, Adventurers.  
We want to give you advance notice about the upcoming changes to certain Pearl Items during the August 17 update.

Upcoming Changes

ā— With the addition of new skills that can be acquired by ā€˜Radiantā€™ fairies, the probability of acquiring skills when using Theiahā€™s Orb has been adjusted.  
- The probability of obtaining Fairy Skills while using Theiahā€™s Orbs has only changed for Radiant fairies.  
Faint, Glimmering, and Brilliant Fairies have the same probability as before.  
- The probability of learning skills through the ā€œTheiahā€™s Orbsā€ item varies depending on the current skills your fairy has, and the full probability of learning a skill can be found in the ā€˜Change Skillā€™ menu.  
Please refer to the ā€œDev Commentary: Upcoming Updatesā€ notice for more news about what is coming to Black Desert, including the new Fairy Skills.  
Thank You  

Get Ready for Season: Dawn of Dragons

Season: Dawn of Dragons Coming July 27
Get yourself ready with this weekā€™s new dragon-themed events!
Defeat the Dragons of Black Desert 
Face Garmoth, Nouver & Black Shadow during the event. 
Defeat Garmoth for 
Dragon Roar Keepsake
Chance to Obtain
Lost Dragon Keepsake
Lost Dragon Seal 
100% Guaranteed from 
Nouver & Black Shadow
Exchange Seals for 
Dragon's Blessing
Lost Dragon Keepsake & Newborn Crimson Dragon
100% Guaranteed from Login Rewards
Claim Special Outfit Items: 
Blood-eyed Visor & Earrings 
1 More Week of Hot Time & Treasure Hunting 
Enjoy the following events for a week longer until July 27! 

1000% Hot Time 


Treasure Hunting 

2022 Summer Eventā€™s New Outfit 
Summer fun is coming to the Black Desert world in August!

Drakania Awakening, Destruction Takes Flight





Ashen wings that can incinerate fear itself. 

Destruction takes flight, igniting the frozen sky.



"The Ynix. 

A flame that can consume even the gods... 

How much of its overflowing power can a mere mortal bear? 

O daughter of mine. 

greed is the source of wrath... 

And that flame which fuels it must be extinguished. 

Only then will the long-lost paradise of dragons return."



A place so unattainable, it may as well not have existed. 

Heeding the deep and somber voice, 

I walked, and I walked, along an endless cliffside path,  

gathering bones upon bones of my fallen kin. 


On this path bereft of color and life, I often wished to hurl myself off its edge, 

soaring triumphantly into the sky, a reminder I yet lived, however... 


"Unfurling your wings means death. 

For that brutal tyrant still reigns the skies." 


Whenever such thoughts came to me, they echoed in a voice not my own,  

an unsought and unchecked edict. 


Fettered wings are nothing more than a blight upon oneā€™s back. 






For so long, Dragons were pinned beneath the tyrantā€™s claw,

until a voice, steeped in malevolence, called out from that bitter pathā€™s end: 


"Build your paradise upon my body. 

With my death, I will usher in the ruination of the golden mountain." 


A shriek rang out, and a brilliant ray of light, puncturing a small hole, 

like the pupil of an eye, in the barrier that marked this bitter pathā€™s end. 


The aperture dilated, growing brighter as the barrier crumbled away. 

Someone was waiting there, with arms outstretched. 

Was she the one who led us here? 

My heart pounded with excitement... 


"Come, frail Dragon offspring." 


The air was thick with the stench of blood that flowed from her jaws, torn to the ear. 

It was the blood of my dead kin, interwoven with their resentment, their hatred, their tears; 

The same kin I had tirelessly comforted. 

Etched in this torrent of blood were the final memories of my kind. 

Things Iā€™ve never seen, heard, or experienced, but somehow, I was present in them all. 


"I am the seventh witch of Eternal Winter, Erethea." 

"Tell me, how many dragon hearts have been pierced by the power of erasure, 

which could wash away even the fear of the one you claim a tyrant?" 


Her body in tatters, 

and through coughing fits of blood, 

her hoarse voice pealed mirthfully at some unknown joy. 


"Come, tear out my heart and consume it. 

Itā€™s been sweetened with the hatred of countless, fallen Dragons." 


The witchā€™s laughter reignited the hunger within them. 

No one asked why she chose this death. 

Everyone sought to sate their thirst for vengeance. 


The feast was a blur of teeth and sinew,  

but when I came to my senses, I saw us reflected in her empty eyes. 

In my mouth, I held her still-beating heart. 


"It is done, child. My vengeance... will live on eternally."  


Not a single scream had left her lips, 

as the witch lay lifeless, seemingly mocking us with her grin. 

Was it her defiance that only added to our anger? 

My heart began to race uncontrollably. 


ā€œTake to the skies, by my heart's might. 

Through your eyes shall I witness the golden mount's ruin.ā€


Now, with my wings no longer bound, 

they slowly unfurl, as I gaze readily toward the edge. 

The winds whirl against my skin, beckoning me beneath the blinding light. 

Frustration, despair, and the faint allure of paradise tickle my nose. 


"Proclaim defiantly, to the incarnation of Labreska, that a new era has dawned. 

With the power of erasure, usher in the ruination of the golden mountain." 


With the whispers of the being, black-winged like us, less one eye, still echoing in my head, 

I stood at the cliffā€™s precipice with wings spread wide. 


The moment of flight that had flashed countless times in my mind. 

A burning thirst, ignited by the winds of freedom in the dazzling sky. 


"Come. Start your flight of destruction. The lost paradise of the dragons awaits." 

Drakania Awakening Weapon: Trion

Meaning spear in the tongue of dragons, Trion is Drakaniaā€™s exclusive weapon, and it takes the form of two spears.  

At first glance, it looks like a normal weapon, but it transforms into a completely different state when wielded by Drakania. 
Thanks to Eretheaā€™s power, Drakania can uniquely switch between ā€œHexebloodā€ and ā€œDragonbloodā€ states.  
Her ā€œHexebloodā€ state can be seen as her human form, in which she expertly wields both trion spears to stab and slash her enemies. While in her ā€œdragonbloodā€ state, her combat style is based on a ā€œdragon form.ā€ In this state, the trion in her left hand takes the shape of a dragonā€™s horn, allowing her to crush enemies or brace herself with its heft.   

You can say that only Drakania can wield the trion. 

šŸ’¬ Our combat direction for Awakening Drakania was developed around her wielding two spears. We chose this type of weapon as we felt that it would be the best match for her concept and story, giving Adventurerā€™s feeling of wielding a ā€œdragonā€™s might.ā€ Her combat style is largely divided into two styles, Hexeblood and Dragonblood. She can switch back and forth between both, and her combat style will differ depending on her state.

In her Hexeblood state, she wields two smaller spears to unleash a barrage of quick and agile attacks. When Drakania was released, we saw some feedback that while her concept was good, her slower speed was disappointing. Thatā€™s why we wanted to provide a more agile combat style with her Awakening in sharp contrast with her Succession.  
On the other hand, her Dragonblood state emphasizes her draconic nature in the form of destructive power unlike the speed of her Hexeblood state. In this form, Drakaniaā€™s left-hand spear is transformed into a dragonā€™s massive horn, and her dragon aspect can be seen in her skills.

Differing from our existing classes, we started developing Awakening Drakania after the release of her Succession. As this was a new direction for us and with so many people eagerly waiting for its release, weā€™re thrilled to be able to present you with this announcement. We hope you enjoy it.

Thank you.  
Drakania Awakening ā€“ Primary Skills

Aerial Burst 

Unleash the might of Dragons upon enemies nearby. 

Then drive your trion into their hearts



Channel the winds into your trionā€™s left spear, 

ascend, then come crashing down to the ground.


Tectonic Slam 

Hexeblood ā€“ Combine both spears to channel the winds then charge toward the enemy. 


Tectonic Slam 

Dragonblood ā€“ Combine both spears, then unleash the winds forward to push back the enemy. 


Sundering Roar 

Hexeblood ā€“ Channel the winds into your trionā€™s left spear, then unleash them forward. 

Set your right spear aflame, then leave a burning claw mark on the ground.


Sundering Roar 

Dragonblood ā€“ Channel the winds into your trionā€™s left spear, 

then call upon the might of Dragons to unleash an earthshattering roar forward. 

Your destructive Dragon breath decimates all enemies ahead. 



Drakania Awakening will be released on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. 

We will do our best to present you with something amazing.

Thank you for your patience.  


Share How to Get the Most of Hot Time


Not only is there an unprecedented Combat EXP +1,000% & Skill EXP +300% Hot Time, but thereā€™s even a Life EXP +100% * Item Drop Rate +100% Hot Time!
So how do you plan on getting the most of this unprecedented Hot Time event? Share your goals and plans to receive rewards!

How to Get the Most of Hot Time

Event Period
- July 13, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance - July 20, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance
Event Details
ā‘  Leave a comment on how you plan on enjoying this Hot Time or what goals you want to accomplish during the event. 
- E.g. [GM] Erethea: I want to use this Life EXP +100% buff to level up my Alchemy!
- E.g. [GM] Nox: Iā€™m trying to get the potion materials!
- E.g. [CM] Endlaive: I will get all the Merchant Ring Pieces!
ā‘” Adventurers who leave a comment will receive the following rewards.
Who is Eligible Rewards
Adventurers who leave a comment on how they plan on enjoying this Hot Time or what goals they want to accomplish
- Item Collection Increase Scroll x3
- Secret Book of Florin x3
- Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll x3
* The event rewards will be sent during the maintenance on July 20, 2022 (Wed).

Additional Notices
- Posting comments unrelated to the event or using an inappropriate character/Family name to post may result in the comment being deleted and disqualification from the event.  
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.  
- Event items may have restrictions (sale/trade) and/or different binding settings/expiration dates. Due to this reason, these items cannot be transferred or restored.  
- For details such as whether the item is bound, please refer to the in-game item description.  
- Items and/or rewards that were used or collected normally cannot be recovered.  
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in a cancellation/retrieval of your reward(s) and/or restriction from the game.  

[Breaking News] Black Desert+ Launches in NAEU!



Adventurers, [GM] Daisy has just gotten news that the Black Desert Onlineā€™s official companion app, Black Desert+, is launching in NAEU!

With Pearl Abyss now directly servicing Black Desert Online in NAEU, the Black Desert+ app is ready to be officially released in NAEU as well.


We know youā€™ve all been waiting!


As long as you have Black Desert+, you can always stay up-to-date and connected with Black Desert Online!




Logging In

Before you can start using Black Desert+, youā€™ll first need to set it up for the PC version!



First, select PC as your platform, and then NA or EU as your region.


Now, just log in and youā€™re all done!




On Black Desert Onlineā€™s official website, thereā€™s a forum where you can chat and discuss various topics with other Adventurers, and now you can access this forum from the Black Desert+ app as well!  


FAQ & Support

Have any questions about Black Desert Online, or maybe an item has vanished from your inventory...


When you need help, check out our FAQ first, and if it doesnā€™t have an answer, send an inquiry to our Support!



Coupon Redemption

Letā€™s say a coupon code is revealed during a live broadcast.


Now you donā€™t have to log in to the official website, but instead, you can quickly redeem coupons through the Black Desert+ app before the code expires!




Stay updated with the latest Black Desert announcements, including patch notes, events, and notices! Just set up Push Alerts, and youā€™ll be notified with a Ring-Ringā™¬ whenever a new announcement is uploaded to the official website.


Do you only want to get alerts for patch notes? Donā€™t worry, you can set up alerts for the announcements you want!



Guild Chat

Want to keep chatting with your guildmates even when youā€™re not logged in to Black Desert Online? Maybe thereā€™s an urgent message from the guild master? Or you have a promise and canā€™t attend the Node War, but still want to know whatā€™s happening...


Just turn on Black Desert+ and chat with your guild!



Not only can you chat with guild members, but you can also see whoā€™s currently logged into Black Desert Online as well.

So, are there any key features for guild chat in Black Desert+?

Yes! Itā€™s the keyword notification, which allows you to designate up to ten keywords. And if any of the keywords are mentioned in your guild chat, you will receive a notification letting you know!


World Boss Alerts

Let's say you have to step outside for a little bit, but you want to make sure you donā€™t miss Kzarka!


Donā€™t worry! Just open Black Desert+!



All you have to do is set up alerts from Black Desert+. You can receive alerts 5, 15, 30, or 60 minutes before the World Boss spawns. Donā€™t miss a single World Boss with Black Desert+ today!


Central Market

Adventurers whoā€™ve enjoyed the convenience of the Web Central Market to sell and buy items can now use the Central Market more conveniently than ever with Black Desert+.


Set up an alert for whenever an item is sold! Or an alert when youā€™ve bought an item you pre-ordered! Youā€™ll now be able to find out right away!




Now you can say goodbye to always having to log in to the website to redeem coupons or access the web Central Market!


Just log in once to Black Desert+ and enjoy all these features in one place!


Upcoming Changes to Blessing of Kamasylve


Greetings, Adventurers.

We want to give you advance notice about the upcoming changes to Blessing of Kamasylve during the update on Wednesday, July 6.


Please refer below for the exact details.


Upcoming Changes

ā— Blessing of Kamasylveā€™s ā€œCentral Market Warehouse Capacityā€ effect will be changed from +2,000 VT to +4,000 VT.

- All Blessing of Kamasylve items and active effects will apply the same changed buff after the July 6 maintenance.



We hope you continue to enjoy your adventures in Black Desert.

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