Upcoming Changes to Fairy

Greetings, Adventurers.
We want to give you advance notice about the upcoming changes to certain Pearl Items during the August 17 update.
Upcoming Changes
● With the addition of new skills that can be acquired by ‘Radiant’ fairies, the probability of acquiring skills when using Theiah’s Orb has been adjusted.
- The probability of obtaining Fairy Skills while using Theiah’s Orbs has only changed for Radiant fairies.
Faint, Glimmering, and Brilliant Fairies have the same probability as before.
Faint, Glimmering, and Brilliant Fairies have the same probability as before.
- The probability of learning skills through the “Theiah’s Orbs” item varies depending on the current skills your fairy has, and the full probability of learning a skill can be found in the ‘Change Skill’ menu.
Please refer to the “Dev Commentary: Upcoming Updates” notice for more news about what is coming to Black Desert, including the new Fairy Skills.
Thank You
Please refer to the “Dev Commentary: Upcoming Updates” notice for more news about what is coming to Black Desert, including the new Fairy Skills.
Thank You