Pavino Greko’s Collection: Adventure Log Bookshelf (600 HP Reward)

Pavino Greko’s Collection: Adventure Log Bookshelf (600 HP Reward)

BDO Pavino Greko |


  • Complete the quest “Adventure Log: Reading Season” (Black Spirit)
  • Reach 60 lvl
  • Book 3 requirements: Bartali Adventure Log (Book 6), All of Rubin’s Journal (12 timed quests) completed



  • DUO: Rainbow Coral Ring, DUO: Tree Spirit Belt, DUO: Necklace of Shultz, TRI: Blue Coral Earring, DUO: Orkinrad’s Belt, DUO: Ring of Cadry
  • Total silver required: around 1.5 billion



  • Book 1: +200 Max HP
  • Book 2: +100 Max HP
  • Book 3: +200 Max HP
  • Book 4: +100 Max HP

TOTAL: +600 Max HP


Pavino Greko’s Collection: Book 1


1. Defeat Red Nose from the Dark Rift.

Reward +30 HP


2. Defeat Muskan from the Dark Rift

Reward +30 HP


3. Defeat Bree Tree Ruins Guard Tower from the Dark Rift

Reward +30 HP


4. Defeat Dim Tree Spirit from the Dark Rift

Reward +30 HP


5. Defeat Ferrid from the Dark Rift

Reward +40 HP


6. Defeat Ronin from the Dark Rift

Reward +40 HP


Pavino Greko’s Collection: Book 2


You must enter the answer into general chat.


1. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


SE part of Calpheon City. Up steps to the very top of library bell tower, go through southern arches and drop down from the southern ledge.

Chat Answer: 122131417191

BDO Pavino Geko's Log: Calpheon Tower


Reward: +5 HP


2. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


Balenos Mountains. NW of Karanda boss spawn. NE of Florin. Look for a valley pathway up the mountains, which is located at the NE corner of Florin town.

Chat Answer: 6

BDO Pavino's Log: Book 2-1


Reward: +5 HP

3. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


SE of Calpheon City. Marie Cave node, East of Behr. Inside cave, on the wall.

Chat Answer:  .+. 

BDO Marie Cave Node Map


Reward: +5 HP


4. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


An island SE of Splashing Point node in SE Mediah.

Chat Answer: 11

BDO Splashing Point Map Pavino Greko Splashing Point


Reward: +5 HP


5. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


Inside Mediah Castle throne room. NE Mediah territory.

Chat Answer: 45

BDO Mediah Castle Map BDO Pavino Greko Book 2-5


Reward: +10 HP


6. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


Interact with Trace on top of the cliff north of Barhan Gateway. West Valencia territory. West of Sand Grain Bazaar. The cliff is very steep, so you will need to enter through a pathway further east.

Chat Answer: 4198

BDO Pavino Greko Book 2-6


Reward: +10 HP


7. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


NW section of Ibellab Oasis, Great Desert Valencia.

Chat Answer: 11

Ibellab Oasis Map BDO Pavino Adventure Log: Book 2-7


Reward: +10 HP


8. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


Just SW of lake in Gavinya Great Crater. NE Great Desert Valencia.

Chat Answer: 67

BDO Gavinya Great Crater Map BDO Pavino Greko's Log: Book 2-8


Reward: +10 HP


9. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


Inside the tower at Rakshan Observatory. NW of Valencia city, Great Desert.

Chat Answer: 68

BDO Pavino Greko Log: Book 2-9 BDO Rakshan Observatory Map


Reward: +10 HP


10. Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh


Inside the tower at Rakshan Observatory. NW of Valencia city, Great Desert.

Chat Answer: 68

BDO Arehaza Town Map BDO Pavino Greko Log: Book 2-10


Reward: +30 HP


Pavino Greko’s Collection: Book 3


  • After completing Book 1 and Book 2, press Chat to talk with Pavino Greko.
  • You have to finish Bartali Adventure Log (Book 6) and all of Rubin’s Journal first.


1. Go to the place tainted by memory


Up steps of library tower in SE Calpheon city. Then, climb ladder on the east corner on the outside wall. Then another ladder. Climb roof tops to the very top.

BDO Pavino Greko Log: Book 3-1


Reward: +10 HP


2. Go to her second love


Talk with Artist in western Calpheon city.

BDO Pavino Log: Book 3-2


Reward: +20 HP


3. Obtain all Knowledge in the Exploration category.


Press H key > Academics > Exploration I. See details below:


Reward: +20 HP


4. Run from Florin to Calpheon in 2 minutes


Talk to Rubin <Herald> in Calpheon city. Complete [Timed Quest] His Desperate Heart then [Timed Quest] Great, I’m Ready.


Reward: +50 HP


5. Find the main character of the book


Chat with Norma Leight <Northern Wheat Plantation Owner>, in Northern Wheat Plantation (NE of Calpheon city)


Reward: +100 HP


Pavino Greko’s Collection: Book 4


1. Hand over DUO: Rainbow Coral Ring to Dora Fonti


Current MP Price: 200 million silver

Dora Fonti is the <Jeweler> in Heidel


Reward: +10 HP


2. Hand over DUO: Tree Spirit Belt to Dora Fonti


Current MP Price: 150 million silver


Reward: +10 HP


3. Hand over DUO: Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator to Dora Fonti


Current MP Price: 140 million silver


Reward: +10 HP


4. Hand over TRI: Blue Coral Earring to Dora Fonti


Current MP Price: 477 million silver


Reward: +20 HP


5. Hand over DUO: Orkinrad’s Belt and DUO: Ring of Cadry to Dora Fonti


Current MP Price: 150 and 65 million silver


Reward: +50 HP