
17 Dec 2019 Updates - Succession for Musa and Maehwa, new Item Collection Scrolls, Blue Whale and Khalk rewards changes, Buff for Junk Loot


  • Added the "Succession" content.

    • After Awakening the Musa, accept the quest "[Musa Succession] Understanding Haeam" from the Black Spirit to start the Succession quest series.

    • You will learn the skill "Succession: Musa's Resolve" which will allow you to learn more powerful Blade and Horn Bow skills.

    • You will no longer be able to use your Crescent Blade skills.

    • Added the "Succession" tab to the Skill window. The skills in this tab are affected by the AP of both Main and Awakening Weapons.

    • You will be able to learn and use skills in both the "Main" and "Succession" tabs. However, if there is both an "Absolute" and "Succession" versions of the same skill, you must choose as you cannot use both versions of the skill.

    • To learn certain Succession skills, you will first need to learn the preceding skills from the "Main" tab first.

    • After completing the Succession quests and learning the skill "Succession: Musa's Resolve," you can go back and forth between Succession and Awakening skills by resetting your skills.

    • To go from using Succession to Awakening skills, you need to reset your skills to unlearn "Succession: Musa's Resolve."

    • To go from using Awakening to Succession skills, you need to reset your skills and relearn "Succession: Musa's Resolve."


  • Added the "Succession" content.

    • After Awakening the Maehwa, accept the quest "[Maehwa Succession] Know Oneself" from the Black Spirit to start the Succession quest series.

    • You will learn the skill "Succession: Maehwa's Conviction" which will allow you to learn more powerful Blade and Horn Bow skills.

    • You will no longer be able to use your Kerispear skills.

    • Added the "Succession" tab to the Skill window. The skills in this tab are affected by the AP of both Main and Awakening Weapons.

    • You will be able to learn and use skills in both the "Main" and "Succession" tabs. However, if there is both an "Absolute" and "Succession" versions of the same skill, you must choose as you cannot use both versions of the skill.

    • To learn certain Succession skills, you will first need to learn the preceding skills from the "Main" tab first.

    • After completing the Succession quests and learning the skill "Succession: Maehwa's Conviction," you can go back and forth between Succession and Awakening skills by resetting your skills.

    • To go from using Succession to Awakening skills, you need to reset your skills to unlearn "Succession: Maehwa's Conviction."

    • To go from using Awakening to Succession skills, you need to reset your skills and relearn "Succession: Maehwa's Conviction."


Junk Items you can obtain from certain Monster Zones will now be sold at higher prices at the shops.

Monster Zone

Junk Item

Price (Increase Rate)

Desert Naga Temple

Desert Naga's Webfoot

1,000 → 1,750 (75%)

Bashim Base

Bashim Mane

1,100 → 1,925 (75%)

Titium Valley

Desert Fogan's Helmet Shard

1,040 → 1,820 (75%)

Crescent Shrine

Token of Crescent

1,080 → 1,890 (75%)

Tshira Ruins

Swamp Leaves

1,160 → 2,030 (75%)

Gahaz Bandit's Lair

Gahaz Seal

1,600 → 2,400 (50%)

Cadry Ruins

Cadry's Token

1,200 → 2,100 (75%)

Fadus Habitat

Fadus Armor Fragment

1,200 → 2,100 (75%)

Polly's Forest

Mushroom Hypha

1,700 → 1,955 (15%)

Waragon Nest

Stone Waragon Hide

1,800 → 3,150 (75%)

Blood Wolf Settlement

Blood Wolf Mane

1,430 → 2,120 (48%)

Basilisk Den

Basilisk Scale

2,000 → 3,000 (50%)

Centaurus Herd

Centaurus Mane

2,160 → 3,240 (50%)

Pila Ku Jail

Warder's Token Piece

2,400 → 3,600 (50%)

Roud Sulfur Mine

Sulfur Fragment

2,000 → 3,000 (50%)

Sherekhan Necropolis

Bravery Token

2,650 → 3,445 (30%)

Sherekhan Necropolis (at night)

Medal of Bravery

50,000 → 65,000 (30%)

Forest Ronaros

Hoof of Forest Ronaros

3,600 → 4,320 (20%)

Manshaum Forest

Narc Magic Mark

8,000 → 8,800 (10%)

※  Silver based on the number and price of the Junk Items (e.g. in your Inventory, Mount Inventory, Town Storage, Campsite) you had previously obtained has been sent to your in-game mailbox.


Added Item Collection Increase Scroll: Advanced (60 min)

    • Item Drop Rate +100%

    • Item Drop Amount +100%

  • You can use Heating in the Processing window (L) on Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x2 to get Item Collection Increase Scroll: Advanced (60 min) x1.

    • The same Processing can be applied on [Event] Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min), and using Heating on Item Collection Increase Scroll: Advanced (60 min) will result in Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x2.

Full Patchnotes


New Items in Pearl Shop! 

Crayodel Soldier Outfit Set


New Events

Grandpa Cron's Surprise

Succession of Events, Part 3