25.08.2021 — 01.09.2021

Special Package Sale!


Adventurers, this is your chance to get Black Desert’s Game Pass at 70% off!


Check out the amazing deal below!


Special Package Sale!

■ Official Website Package Discount Period

- August 25, 2021 (Wed) after maintenance – September 1, 2021 (Wed) before maintenance

Package Discount
Novice Edition 70%


■ Steam Package Discount Period

- August 25, 2021 (Wed) after maintenance – September 1, 2021 (Wed) before maintenance

Package Discount
Black Desert 70%


Go to the Steam Page


* Additional Notices

- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.

- As stated in the Terms of Service, purchased Acoin and in-game items cannot be refunded.

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in a cancellation/retrieval of your reward(s) and/or restriction from the game.

- Unless otherwise stipulated by the relevant law/regulation and/or explicitly in the service articles, purchased web packages and the items included in these packages are not eligible for a refund once finalized.

- If your account is restricted from the game for violating the Terms of Service even before the date you purchased a package during the event period, your reward items may be withdrawn.

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