Terrmian Quests start with one quest per family after the maintenance on August 3.
Completing these once per family quests will allow you to proceed with the weekly quests after 00:00 UTC August 11 (Thursday).
- [Event] Campfire for Tonight
- [Event] Grilled Fish for the Campfire
- [Event] Sand Castle Sightseeing
- [Event] Sand Castle Repairs I, II
- [Event] Beautiful Festival View
- [Event] Sunset/Purple Butterfly Fish
- [Event] Steps to victory
- [Event][Crossroad] Papus are pu-rrfect
- [Event][Crossroad] No Otters Like Otters
Event 1. Red Battlefield: Sand Castle Shore-down
Event Details
- August 3, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance – August 24, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance
Event Details
① At certain times during the event, you will be able to join the Red Battlefield by going to the ESC Menu → War (F7) → Red Battlefield.
* However, you cannot enter while under the effect of a debuff.
Sand Castle Shore-down Times
North America
Weekdays 15:00 - 00:00 PDT 18:00 - 03:00 EDT
14:00 - 02:00 PDT 17:00 – 05:00 EDT
15:00 - 00:00 UTC 17:00 – 02:00 CEST Weekends
12:00 - 00:00 UTC 14:00 – 02:00 CEST
② When you enter the Sand Castle Shore-down, you will automatically be assigned to either the Papu or Otter teams, and you will be randomly assigned one of 3 roles.
* The Sand Castle Shore-down is open for up to 60 Adventurers and is a 30 vs 30 death match.
Team Papu
Brave Pine Blader (Warrior) |
Dreamy Bubble Shaman (Caster) |
Holy Date Priest (Healer) |
Team Otter
Gallant Conch Blader (Warrior) |
Ruinous Puffer Shaman (Caster) |
Holy Sea Cucumber Priest (Healer) |
How to Play
Input |
Skill Description |
Skill Preview |
Basic Attack |
Consume 1 Rage to use a strong attack.
* The skill will also use a certain amount of Stamina
F |
Consume 2 Anger to unleash a special attack. * The skill will also use a certain amount of Stamina. |
How to Use Rage!
① At the starting points of the Sand Castle Shore-down, a Shore-down Stoneback Crab will appear. Hitting the crab will grant you with Rage.
② Hitting opponents will also gain you Rage.
* You will not be able to re-enter the starting area of the Papu/Otter camp once you have left.
③ Score points by striking down members of the opposite team. The number of points earned depends on the number of points the other character had.
④ The team with the highest total accumulated score at the end of the time will win.
Result |
Reward |
Win |
Battlefield Token x5
Combat/Skill EXP
10,000,000 Silver
Loss |
Battlefield Token x2
Combat/Skill EXP
6,000,000 Silver
Sand Castle Shore-down Weekly Quest
Target NPC |
Quest Name |
Quest Conditions |
Quest Rewards |
Daz |
[Event] [Weekly] Steps to Victory
Obtain Battlefield Token x10 |
[Event] Terrmian Special Coin x15
 [Event] Terrmian Gift Box x1
* This quest can be completed once a week per Family and resets Thursday at midnight (server time).
* The quest can be picked up for the first time from August 4, 2022 at 00:00 (UTC).
* The NPC Daz appears in the Sand Castle Shore-down battlefield.
Find Out What’s Inside the [Event]Terrmian Gift Box
 Open the [Event] Terrmian Gift Box to obtain one of the following |
Cron Stone x5
Hard Black Crystal Shard x6
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x3
Ancient Spirit Dust x20
Memory Fragment x3
Gold Bar 1,000G x1
How to Exchange the [Event] Terrmian Special Coin
Required Items |
Exchangeable Items |
[Event] Terrmian Special Coin x5
 [Event] Terrmian Gift Box 1 |
Quest Name |
Objective |
Reward |
[Event] Inventory +4 Expansion Coupon x1 |
Hand over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x5
Inventory +4 Expansion Coupon x1
[Event] Golden Blessing of Agris x2 |
Hand over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x10
[Event] Golden Blessing of Agris x2
[Event] Supreme Old Moon Box x1 |
Hand over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x10
Supreme Old Moon Box x1
[Event] Mystical Artisan’s Memory Bundle x1 |
Hand Over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x15
Mystical Artisan’s Memory Bundle x1
[Crasher][EXC] Noble Sea Urchin Shaman Transformation Scroll
※ This item is only visible if you select the “[Event] [Crossroad] Papus are Pu-rrfect" quest.
[Crasher] [EXC] Holy Date Priest Transformation Scroll
※ This item is only visible if you select the “[Event] [Crossroad] Papus are Pu-rrfect" quest.
[Crasher][EXC] Dreaded Scales Shaman Transformation Scroll
※ This item is only visible if you select the “[Event] [Crossroad] No Otters like Otters" quest.
[Crasher][EXC] Aloof Sea Cucumber Priest Transformation Scroll
※ This item is only visible if you select the “[Event] [Crossroad] No Otters like Otters" quest.
Hand Over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x25
[Crasher] Noble Sea Urchin Shaman Transformation Scroll x1
※ This item is a permanent transformation scroll.
[Crasher] Holy Date Priest Transformation Scroll x1
※ This item is a permanent transformation scroll.
[Crasher] Dreaded Scales Shaman Transformation Scroll x1
※ This item is a permanent transformation scroll.
[Crasher] Aloof Sea Cucumber Priest Transformation Scroll x1
※ This item is a permanent transformation scroll.
[Event] Coco & El Pento Sets x1 |
Hand over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x30
 Coco & El Pento Summer Box x1 * Does not include the Bikini or Swimsuits. |
* These quests can only be completed once per family.
Quest Name |
Objective |
Reward |
[Event] Giovan Grolin’s Support Scroll x1 |
Hand over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x3
 [Event] Giovan Grolin’s Support Scroll x1 |
[Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality x1
 [Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality x1 |
[Event] Rare Courser Training Box x1 |
[Event] Rare Courser Training Box x1
[Event] Artisan's Memory x4 |
 [Event] Artisan's Memory x4 |
[Event] Mystical Feather x2 |
Hand over [Event] Terrmian Special Coin x5
 Mystical Feather x2 |
* These quests can only be completed 3 times per family.
* [Event] Terrmian Special Coin, [Event] Blue Terrmian Coin can be exchanged until before the start of the maintenance on Sep. 7, 2022 (Wed). Last edit 2022-08-22 22:06:53 (UTC)
Tip! Helpful Tips!
(1) The Sand Castle Shore-down lasts for 10 minutes, and you cannot join a battlefield after 5 minutes have passed.
(2) Killing the opposing team rewards you with points, have your team score more points than the other to win.
(3) Red Battlefield Weekly and Daily quests can be completed in the Sand Castle Shore-down.
Event 2. Who’s the King of the (Sand) Castle?
Event Period
- August 3, 2022 (Wed) after the update – August 24, 2022 (Wed) Maintenance
Event Details
① Once you complete the main quest, “Clash of the Furr-some Papus and Otters,” you will see a crossroad selection quest where you can choose to aid the Papu’s or the Otters.
* You can change select your side again every Thursday until the event is completed.
Quest NPC
Crossroad Quests
Crossroad Quest Rewards
[Sweet n’ Sour Cheer Captain] Panipani Villager
[Event][Weekly]Operation Papu

Contribution EXP 100
[Sweet n’ Savory Cheer Captain] Queekity Thumpity Moon Villager
[Event][Weekly]Operation Otters

Contribution EXP 100
② By choosing the side you want to support, you can obtain the transformation scrolls shown below through conversation with the Panipani Villagers for Papu, or the Queekity Thumpity Moon Villagers. These villagers are scattered around the Sand Castle site.
▲ Fierce Pine Blader
 ▲ Solitary Conch Blader
* The used transformation scrolls do not disappear and can be used again within the expiration date.
* Papu and Otters can only be attacked by turning into the opposite camp.
The yellow-grade permanent transformation scrolls exchanged with Benns Lamute can't be used to in the Sand Castle Shore-Down Event.
The following Thousand Year War - Sand Castle Shore-down Transformation Scrolls cannot do damage.
- [Crasher] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll
- [Crasher] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll
- [Crasher] Noble Sea Urchin Shaman Transformation Scroll
- [Crasher] Holy Date Priest Transformation Scroll
- [Crasher] Dreaded Scales Shaman Transformation Scroll
- [Crasher] Aloof Sea Cucumber Priest Transformation Scroll
③ Every 15 minutes, the “Clash of the Furr-some Papu’s and Otters” runs at the Sand Castle Shore-down site. There are 5 territories to fight over and driving out the other side from a territory will allow you to occupy it.

▲ Icon for Papu Controlled Area

▲ Icon for Otter Controlled Area
④ After 15 minutes of fighting, the side that has held onto territories longer wins.
- The defeated Papus or Otters of the camp will remain in place for 5 minutes, to reflect on their team’s defeat.
Tip! Good Things to know
(1) The Papu and the Otters will fight for 15 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes, then pick back up where they left off.
(2) You will find battles easier if you participate using the Immortal Persimmon Knight, Resolute Crab Knight, Chilled Chestnut Slinger, or the Vehement Conch Boxer Transformation scrolls.
(3) By taking down opponents in battle, you can obtain the “[Event] Golden Shellfish”, “[Event] Golden Leaf” or “[Event] Blue Terrmian Coins” at a certain chance.
- “[Event] Golden Shellfish” and “[Event] Golden Leaf” can be sold for 70,000 Silver.
(4) During combat, you can obtain the “[Event] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll” or the “[Event] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll” at a low drop rate, and the transformation lasts 10 minutes.
- Using these scrolls will allow you to show the whole beach what you are made of.
[Sand Castle Crasher] Daily Quest

▲ Papu near the Campfire

▲ Otter near the Campfire
Quest NPC
Quest Name
Papu near the Campfire
[Event][Daily] Clean out the Stinkin’ Otters
Clean out 10 Otters

[Event] Blue Terrmian Coin x75
Otter Near the Campfire
[Event][Daily] Sock It to the Mouthy Papus
Clear out 10 papus
* This quest can be completed once per day per family. (Resets each day at 00:00 UTC)
* You can find the NPCs by going to the Quest Menu (O) → New → and selecting the quest names above.
Where to Use the [Event] Blue Terrmian Coin
Exchange NPC
Required Items
Exchangeable Items
Benns Morio

Hand over [Event] Blue Terrmian Coin x25

[Event] Immortal Persimmon Knight Transformation Scroll

[Event] Resolute Crab Knight Transformation Scroll

Hand over [Event] Blue Terrmian Coin x125

[Event] Chilled Chestnut Slinger Transformation Scroll

[Event] Vehement Conch Boxer Transformation Scroll
Quest NPC
Quest Name
Benns Lamute
[Crasher][EXC] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll

Hand over [Event] Blue Terrmian Coin x250

[Crasher] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll
Benns Lamute
[Crasher][EXC] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll

[Crasher] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll
* The “[Event] Immortal Persimmon Knight Transformation Scroll,” “[Event] Resolute Crab Knight Transformation Scroll,” “[Event] Chilled Chestnut Slinger Transformation Scroll,” and the “[Event] Vehement Conch Boxer Transformation Scroll” will be deleted during the August 24 (Wed) maintenance.
- The “[Event] Fierce Pine Blader Transformation Scroll” and the “[Event] Solitary Conch Blader Transformation Scroll’ will not be deleted.
* These quests can only be completed once per Family.
* [Event] Terrmian Special Coin, [Event] Blue Terrmian Coin can be exchanged until before the start of the maintenance on Sep. 7, 2022 (Wed). Last edit 2022-08-22 22:06:53 (UTC)