Noteworthy Items from the Login Rewards
[Event] Shining
Shakatu's Seal x15
All you have to do is log in to get them!
August 25, 2022 (Thu) 00:00 (UTC) – September 28, 2022 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC)
Day 1
Item Collection
Increase Scroll x3
Day 2
Secret Book of Florin x3
Day 3
Blessed Message
Scroll (120 min)
Day 4
Ancient Spirit Dust x50
Day 5
Mystical Spirit Powder x50
Day 6
[Event] Advice of Immortality x2
Day 7
Advice of Valks (+40)
Day 8
Unbridled Celerity Draught
Day 9
Premium Elixir Box x2
Day 10
Mysterious Blue Conch x4
Day 11
Old Moon
Alchemy Catalyst x10
Day 12
Mass of Pure Magic x3
Day 13
[Event] Advice of Memory x2
Day 14
[Event] Shining
Shakatu's Seal x5
Day 16
Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon) x2
Day 17
Fruit of Yianaros x4
Day 18
[Event] Brady's Nutritious Supplement x5
Day 21
Advice of Valks (+50)
Day 23
Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) x2
Day 24
Brilliant Crimson
Fire Flower x4
Day 25
Ancient Spirit Dust x50
Day 26
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x20
Day 27
[Event] Stonetail
Wind's Meal
Day 28
[Event] Shining
Shakatu's Seal x5
Day 29
[Event] Enhancement
Help Kit II
Day 30
[Event] Shining
Shakatu's Seal x5
Learn more about the [Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice (Day 26)
▲ Granverre Horse Gear!
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x1

Swaying Wind Shard

Rumbling Earth Shard
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x45

[Event] Horse Emblem Box x1
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x50
Selectable Reward (Choose 1) ▼
Granverre Feather Champron
Granverre Leather Barding
Granverre Leather Stirrups
Granverre Metal Horseshoe
[Event] Imperial Training Delivery Invoice x360
[Event] Tier-8 Horse Emblem Box