Make your choice! Awakening or Succession?
16 September 2020
Awakening and Succession become available at the same time for Hashashin, unlike any class before. Which choice will you make?
Event 1: Find the Relic
Period: September 16 (after maintenance)–September 29 (before maintenance)
Defeating monsters, gathering, and fishing during the event period will give you a chance to receive the following item:
Gathering via scooping water (e.g. with an Empty Bottle) or shoveling sand (e.g. with a Shabby Shovel) will not give you the event item.
Item Name |
[Event] Artifact of the Dark Unknown |
Take [Event] Artifact of the Dark Unknown to NPC Martha Kiyen in Northern Wheat Plantation to have it restored.
You can have it appraised even after the event period ends.
Hand over [Event] Artifact of the Dark Unknown and have it restored to obtain 1 of the following items randomly |
Tungrad Belt |
Tungrad Necklace |
Tungrad Ring |
Tungrad Earring |
Advice of Valks (+50) |
Black Magic Crystal - Harphia |
Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus |
Black Magic Crystal - Viper |
Black Magic Crystal - Hystria |
Black Magic Crystal - Carmae |
Black Magic Crystal - Addis |
Black Spirit's Claw Piece |
Sharp Black Crystal Shard Bundle: 3 |
Blessed Message Scroll (100 min) |
Hard Black Crystal Shard Bundle: 3 |
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1–2 |
Memory Fragment x2–3 |
Hard Black Crystal Shard x2–3 |
Ancient Spirit Dust x10–15 |
Black Gem Fragment x5–10 |
Event 2: Awakening or Succession?
Period: September 16 (after maintenance)–October 7 (before maintenance)
During the event period, special quests will be given for Hashashin characters. Complete these special quests for cool rewards.
You can complete both quest "[Event] Qabal's Dual Glaives - Enhanced" and quest "[Event] Qabal's Shamshir - Enhanced," but you cannot accept both of them at the same time.
You must have learned the skill Awakening: Qabal's Dual Glaives to complete the quest "[Event] Qabal's Dual Glaives - Enhanced."
These special quests can only be accepted and completed with a Hashashin character.
These special quests can only be completed once per in-game family during the entire event period.
Quest Name |
NPC-to-Accept |
Completion Reward |
[Event] A Strong Attraction |
Black Spirit |
Contribution EXP 100 |
[Event] Qabal's Dual Glaives - Enhanced (You must have learned the skill Awakening: Qabal's Dual Glaives to complete this quest.) |
Book of Vigilance |
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (1 Day) x1 |
[Event] Qabal's Shamshir - Enhanced |
Book of Vigilance |
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (1 Day) x1 |
[Event] Utilizing Stronger Power |
Black Spirit |
[Event] Enhancement Help Kit II x1 Kydict's Crystal - Adventure x1 |
Event 3: Special Challenges
Period: September 16 (after maintenance)–October 14 (before maintenance)
During the event period, special challenges for Hashashin Awakening and Succession will be added.
After having completed the challenges, please go out to the character selection window and come back into the game to see it refreshed to claim your rewards.
These special challenges can only be accepted and completed with a Hashashin character.
These special challenges can only be completed once per in-game family during the entire event period.
You can complete the Succession and Awakening quests for Hashashin with a Hashashin character of Lv.56 or above by accepting the quests from the Black Spirit.
If you go through both Awakening and Succession for your Hashashin within the event period, you will be able to claim the challenge completion rewards twice, claim once for completing Awakening, then also claim once more for completing Succession quest.
Challenge |
Completion Reward |
Complete either Hashashin Succession quest or Awakening quest:
Hard Black Crystal Shard x3, Sharp Black Crystal Shard x3, Cron Stone x10, Memory Fragment x10, Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x2 |
Event Notice:
Reward items given out during events can be bound or not depending on the items and some cannot be moved or restored.
Please refer to the individual item descriptions for more detailed information.
Any exploit or abnormal ways of entering in-game events may result in the restriction of your account.
Event period and specs may change with future notice.